

Chapter 6. Known Issues

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6.1. Installation

anaconda component
To automatically create an appropriate partition table on disks that are uninitialized or contain unrecognized formatting, use the zerombr kickstart command. The --initlabel option of the clearpart command is not intended to serve this purpose.
anaconda component
On s390x systems, you cannot use automatic partitioning and encryption. If you want to use storage encryption, you must perform custom partitioning. Do not place the /boot volume on an encrypted volume.
anaconda component
The order of device names assigned to USB attached storage devices is not guaranteed. Certain USB attached storage devices may take longer to initialize than others, which can result in the device receiving a different name than you expect (for example, sdc instead of sda).
During installation, verify the storage device size, name, and type when configuring partitions and file systems.
anaconda component
The kdump default on feature currently depends on Anaconda to insert the crashkernel= parameter to the kernel parameter list in the boot loader's configuration file.
anaconda component, BZ#623261
In some circumstances, disks that contain a whole disk format (for example, an LVM Physical Volume populating a whole disk) are not cleared correctly using the clearpart --initlabel kickstart command. Adding the --all switch—as in clearpart --initlabel --all—ensures disks are cleared correctly.
anaconda component
When installing on the IBM System z architecture, if the installation is being performed over SSH, avoid resizing the terminal window containing the SSH session. If the terminal window is resized during the installation, the installer will exit and the installation will terminate.
yaboot component, BZ#613929
The kernel image provided on the CD/DVD is too large for Open Firmware. Consequently, on the POWER architecture, directly booting the kernel image over a network from the CD/DVD is not possible. Instead, use yaboot to boot from a network.
anaconda component
The Anaconda partition editing interface includes a button labeled Resize. This feature is intended for users wishing to shrink an existing file system and an underlying volume to make room for an installation of a new system. Users performing manual partitioning cannot use the Resize button to change sizes of partitions as they create them. If you determine a partition needs to be larger than you initially created it, you must delete the first one in the partitioning editor and create a new one with the larger size.
system-config-kickstart component
Channel IDs (read, write, data) for network devices are required for defining and configuring network devices on IBM S/390 systems. However, system-config-kickstart—the graphical user interface for generating a kickstart configuration—cannot define channel IDs for a network device. To work around this issue, manually edit the kickstart configuration that system-config-kickstart generates to include the desired network devices.
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