4.3.2. Python を使用したクエリーの実行
Python スクリプトを作成、実行して、「curl を使用した API の例」 に記載のものと同じ結果を獲得することができます。まず、
#!/usr/bin/python import json import sys try: import requests except ImportError: print "Please install the python-requests module." sys.exit(-1) SAT_API = 'https://satellite6.example.com/api/v2/' USERNAME = "admin" PASSWORD = "password" SSL_VERIFY = False # Ignore SSL for now def get_json(url): # Performs a GET using the passed URL location r = requests.get(url, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), verify=SSL_VERIFY) return r.json() def get_results(url): jsn = get_json(url) if jsn.get('error'): print "Error: " + jsn['error']['message'] else: if jsn.get('results'): return jsn['results'] elif 'results' not in jsn: return jsn else: print "No results found" return None def display_all_results(url): results = get_results(url) if results: print json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def display_info_for_hosts(url): hosts = get_results(url) if hosts: for host in hosts: print "ID: %-10d Name: %-30s IP: %-20s OS: %-30s" % (host['id'], host['name'], host['ip'], host['operatingsystem_name']) def main(): host = 'satellite6.example.com' print "Displaying all info for host %s ..." % host display_all_results(SAT_API + 'hosts/' + host) print "Displaying all facts for host %s ..." % host display_all_results(SAT_API + 'hosts/%s/facts' % host) host_pattern = 'example' print "Displaying basic info for hosts matching pattern '%s'..." % host_pattern display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=' + host_pattern) environment = 'production' print "Displaying basic info for hosts in environment %s..." % environment display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=environment=' + environment) model = 'RHEV Hypervisor' print "Displaying basic info for hosts with model name %s..." % model display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=model="' + model + '"') if __name__ == "__main__": main()