

2.9. Commonly Used Path Redefinitions

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This section lists environment variables commonly used to redefine paths in the enable scriptlet to set up the Software Collection environment. They are also used to specify the location of the Software Collection components in the Software Collection file system hierarchy.
Whether you need to specify a path redefinition in the enable scriptlet depends on the packages you choose to include in your Software Collection. The environment variables normally follow this pattern:

2.9.1. Language-specific Path Redefinitions

The GEM_PATH environment variable specifies the location of Ruby gems. As such, it is also used in those Software Collections that extend the rh-ruby23 Software Collection. For more information, see Section 4.3, “Extending the rh-ruby23 Software Collection”.
Include the following in the enable scriptlet to redefine the environment variable:
export GEM_PATH="\${GEM_PATH:=%{gem_dir}:\`scl enable %{scl_ruby} -- ruby -e "print Gem.path.join(':')"\`}"
The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of Go source and binary files. Include the following in the enable scriptlet to redefine the environment variable:
export GOPATH="%{gopath}\${GOPATH:+:\${GOPATH}}"
The JAVACONFDIRS environment variable is used to specify the location of the java.conf configuration file. Include the following in the enable scriptlet to redefine the environment variable:
export JAVACONFDIRS="%{_sysconfdir}/java\${JAVACONFDIRS:+:}\${JAVACONFDIRS:-}"
The PERL5LIB environment variable is used to specify the location of custom Perl modules so that they can be installed with the %{?_scl_root} prefix. Include the following in the enable scriptlet to redefine the environment variable:
export PERL5LIB="%{_scl_root}%{perl_vendorlib}\${PERL5LIB:+:\${PERL5LIB}}"
The PYTHONPATH environment variable specifies the location of custom Python libraries. Include the following in the enable scriptlet to redefine the environment variable:
export PYTHONPATH="%{_scl_root}%{python_sitearch}:%{_scl_root}%{python_sitelib}\${PYTHONPATH:+:}\${PYTHONPATH:-}"
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