

16. Supportability and Maintenance

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16.1. firstaidkit System Recovery Tool

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 includes the new firstaidkit system recovery tool. By automating common recovery processes, firstaidkit provides an interactive environment to assists in the troubleshooting and recovery of a system that boots incorrectly. Additionally, system administrators are able to create custom automated recovery processes using the firstaidkit plugin infrastructure.


firstaidkit is considered a Technology Preview in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

16.2. Bug Reporting

16.2.1. Installation Crash Reporting

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 features enhanced installation crash reporting in the installer. Refer to Section 2.4, “Installation Crash Reporting”

16.3. Automated Bug Reporting Tool

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 features the new Automated Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT). ABRT logs details of software crashes on a local system, and provides interfaces (both graphical and command line based) to instantly open a ticket in the Red Hat Bugzilla bug tracking website.
Automated Bug Reporting Tool

Figure 12. Automated Bug Reporting Tool

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