

7.120. mailman

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Updated mailman packages that fix two security issues and several bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having Moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section.
Mailman is a program used to help manage e-mail discussion lists.

Security Fixes

It was found that mailman did not sanitize the list name before passing it to certain MTAs. A local attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code as the user running mailman.
It was found that mailman stored private email messages in a world-readable directory. A local user could use this flaw to read private mailing list archives.

Bug Fixes

Previously, it was impossible to configure Mailman in a way that Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) would recognize Sender alignment for Domain Key Identified Mail (DKIM) signatures. Consequently, Mailman list subscribers that belonged to a mail server with a "reject" policy for DMARC, such as yahoo.com or AOL.com, were unable to receive Mailman forwarded messages from senders residing in any domain that provided DKIM signatures. With this update, domains with a "reject" DMARC policy are recognized correctly, and Mailman list administrators are able to configure the way these messages are handled. As a result, after a proper configuration, subscribers now correctly receive Mailman forwarded messages in this scenario.
Mailman used a console encoding when generating a subject for a "welcome email" when new mailing lists were created by the "newlist" command. Consequently, when the console encoding did not match the encoding used by Mailman for that particular language, characters in the "welcome email" could be displayed incorrectly. Mailman has been fixed to use the correct encoding, and characters in the "welcome email" are now displayed properly.
The "rmlist" command used a hardcoded path to list data based on the VAR_PREFIX configuration variable. As a consequence, when the list was created outside of VAR_PREFIX, it was impossible to remove it using the "rmlist" command. With this update, the "rmlist" command uses the correct LIST_DATA_DIR value instead of VAR_PREFIX, and it is now possible to remove the list in described situation.
Due to an incompatibility between Python and Mailman in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, when moderators were approving a moderated message to a mailing list and checked the "Preserve messages for the site administrator" checkbox, Mailman failed to approve the message and returned an error. This incompatibility has been fixed, and Mailman now approves messages as expected in this scenario.
When Mailman was set to not archive a list but the archive was not set to private, attachments sent to that list were placed in a public archive. Consequently, users of Mailman web interface could list private attachments because httpd configuration of public archive directory allows listing all files in the archive directory. The httpd configuration of Mailman has been fixed to not allow listing of private archive directory, and users of Mailman web interface are no longer able to list private attachments.
Users of mailman are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.
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