
Chapter 3. Installing AMQ Broker

AMQ Broker is distributed as a platform-independent archive file. To install AMQ Broker on your system, you must download the archive and extract the contents. You should also understand the directories included in the archive.


3.1. Downloading the AMQ Broker archive

AMQ Broker is distributed as a platform-independent archive file. You can download it from the Red Hat Customer Portal.



  1. In a web browser, navigate to https://access.redhat.com/downloads/ and log in.

    The Product Downloads page is displayed.

  2. In the JBoss Integration and Automation section, click the Red Hat AMQ Broker link.

    The Software Downloads page is displayed.

  3. Select the desired AMQ Broker version from the Version drop-down menu.
  4. On the Releases tab, click the Download link for the specific AMQ Broker file you want to download.

3.2. Extracting the AMQ Broker archive on Linux

If you are installing AMQ Broker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, create a new user account for AMQ Broker, and then extract the contents from the installation archive.


  1. Create a new user named amq-broker and provide it a password.

    $ sudo useradd amq-broker
    $ sudo passwd amq-broker
  2. Create the directory /opt/redhat/amq-broker and make the new amq-broker user and group the owners of it.

    $ sudo mkdir /opt/redhat
    $ sudo mkdir /opt/redhat/amq-broker
    $ sudo chown -R amq-broker:amq-broker /opt/redhat/amq-broker
  3. Change the owner of the archive to the new user.

    $ sudo chown amq-broker:amq-broker amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip
  4. Move the installation archive to the directory you just created.

    $ sudo mv amq-broker-7.x.x-bin.zip /opt/redhat/amq-broker
  5. As the new amq-broker user, extract the contents by using the unzip command.

    $ su - amq-broker
    $ cd /opt/redhat/amq-broker
    $ unzip <archive-name>.zip
    $ exit

    A directory named something similar to amq-broker-7.5 is created. In the documentation, this location is referred to as <install-dir>.

3.3. Extracting the AMQ Broker archive on Windows systems

If you are installing AMQ Broker on a Windows system, create a new directory folder for AMQ Broker, and then extract the contents there.


  1. Use Windows Explorer to create the directory folder \redhat\amq-broker on the desired drive letter.

    For example: C:\redhat\amq-broker

  2. Use Windows Explorer to move the installation archive to the directory you just created.
  3. In the \redhat\amq-broker directory, right-click the installation archive zip file and select Extract All.

    A directory named something similar to amq-broker-7.5 is created. In the documentation, this location is referred to as <install-dir>.

3.4. Understanding the AMQ Broker installation archive contents

The directory created by extracting the archive is the top-level directory for the AMQ Broker installation. This directory is referred to as <install-dir>, and includes the following contents:

This directory…​Contains…​


API documentation.


Binaries and scripts needed to run AMQ Broker.


Configuration files.


JMS and Java EE examples.


JARs and libraries needed to run AMQ Broker.


XML schemas used to validate AMQ Broker configuration.


The web context loaded when AMQ Broker runs.

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