11.10. Hot Rod C ++ Client
The Hot Rod C ++ client is a new addition to the Hot Rod client family which includes Java Hot Rod client. It enables C++ runtime applications to connect and interact with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid remote servers.
The Hot Rod C++ client allows applications developed in C++ to connect and query or store data in JBoss Hot Rod remote caches. The Hot Rod C++ client supports all three levels of client intelligence. The Hot Rod C ++ client can be compiled for Linux, Unix, and Windows operating systems.
11.10.1. Hot Rod C ++ Client Formats
The Hot Rod C++ client is available in the following two library formats:
- Static library
- Shared/Dynamic library
Static Library
The static library is statically linked to an application. This increases the size of the final executable. The application is self-contained and it does not need to ship a separate library.
Shared/Dynamic Library
Shared/Dynamic libraries are dynamically linked to an application at runtime. The library is stored in a separate file and can be upgraded separately from the application, without recompiling the application.
This can only happen if the library's major version is equal to the one against which the application was linked at compile time, indicating that it is binary compatible.