
Chapter 3. Migrating to JBoss Data Grid 7.0

3.1. Product Changes

3.1.1. Library Mode Configuration Update

The XML schema for Library mode configurations has been changed to be more consistent with the remote client-server schema. This results in several changes that must be made to the configuration file.

To assist in these configurations a tool is provided in the library distribution. The following steps discuss using this tool to automatically convert existing infinispan configuration files to the latest supported schema.

Procedure: Windows Instructions for Using the Library Mode Configuration Converter

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the bin\ directory of the library distribution:

    cd C:\path\to\jboss-datagrid-${jdg-version}-library\bin\
  3. If any custom classes were referenced in the original configuration then the .jar files containing these classes must be placed in the C:\path\to\jboss-datagrid-${jdg-version}-library\ directory. If no custom classes were referenced then this step may be skipped.
  4. Execute the config-converter.bat utility, passing in the name of the existing infinispan_6.0.xml configuration file and the destination as arguments:

    config-converter C:\path\to\infinispan_6.0.xml C:\path\to\infinispan-new.xml
  5. Ensure that infinispan-new.xml has been created with the new Library mode configurations. This file may now be used in Library mode applications with JBoss Data Grid 7.0.

Procedure: Linux Instructions for Using the Library Mode Configuration Converter.

  1. Open a console to execute the following commands.
  2. Navigate to the bin/ directory of the library distribution:

    cd /path/to/jboss-datagrid-${jdg-version}-library/bin/
  3. If any custom classes were referenced in the original configuration then the .jar files containing these classes must be placed in the /path/to/jboss-datagrid-${jdg-version}-library/ directory. If no custom classes were referenced then this step may be skipped.
  4. Execute the config-converter.sh utility, passing in the name of the existing infinispan_6.0.xml configuration file and the destination as arguments:

    ./config-converter.sh /path/to/infinispan_6.0.xml /path/to/infinispan-new.xml
  5. Ensure that infinispan-new.xml has been created with the new Library mode configurations. This file may now be used in Library mode applications with JBoss Data Grid 7.0.

If no destination file is specified, such as infinispan-new.xml in the above examples, the utility will instead display the converted xml to the console.

3.1.2. CLI Commands

The following CLI commands have been changed for JBoss Data Grid 7.0:

  • clear - This command has been replaced by clearcache.
  • help $COMMAND - Instead of executing help per command, each command now has a built in --help flag that is used instead.

3.1.3. Server Managment

The default JBoss Data Grid server management port has been changed to 9990.

3.1.4. JGroups ENCRYPT Protocol Deprecated

The JGroups ENCRYPT protocol has been deprecated, and should be replaced with either the SYM_ENCRYPT or ASYM_ENCRYPT protocols. Both of these protocols must be placed directly under NAKACK2. Configuration details are provided in the Administration and Configuration Guide ; however, example configurations for each protocol are shown below:

SYM_ENCRYPT Configuration Example

<SYM_ENCRYPT sym_algorithm="AES"

ASYM_ENCRYPT Configuration Example

<ASYM_ENCRYPT encrypt_entire_message="true"

3.2. Application Changes

3.2.1. NotifyingFuture replaced by CompletableFuture

The NotifyingFuture interface has been removed in JBoss Data Grid 7.0 and replaced with CompletableFuture. This class was replaced due to CompletableFuture being included as a standard class in Java 8, allowing for additional features such as chaining, implementing constructs such as conditionals, and timeouts to be utilized without introducing additional custom code.

Due to this change any applications utilizing NotifyingFuture will need to be replaced with CompletableFuture to function correctly with JBoss Data Grid 7.0.

3.2.2. JBoss Modules CDI Dependency

JBoss Modules CDI Dependencies

The package containing the CDI classes has changed. All of these classes have moved from org.infinispan.cdi to org.infinispan.cdi.embedded, and any applications utilizing CDI should have their imports updated to use the new packages.

Configuration of CDI/JCache

CDI Extensions have been split into two separate types of classes:

  1. CDI Classes that begin with Injected before the classname, such as org.infinispan.jcache.annotation.InjectedCacheResultInterceptor. These classes are intended for use in managed environments, such as JBoss EAP.
  2. CDI classes without Injected before the classname, such as org.infinispan.jcache.annotation.CacheResultInterceptor - This class should be used in standalone environments.

3.2.3. Spring 3 support removed

Spring 3 support has been removed in JBoss Data Grid 7.0. Any applications will need to be rewritten to use Spring 4.

3.2.4. RemoteCache Deprecated Methods

The following methods have been deprecated in JBoss Data Grid 7.0:

  • remoteCache.getVersioned - This method has been replaced by remoteCache.getWithMetadata(Object).
  • remoteCache.getBulk, getBulk(size) - Both of these methods have proven expensive for large data sets. The remoteCache.retrieveEntries* methods offer a lazy, pull-style, approach which retrieves bulk data more efficiently.

3.2.5. Interceptors Deprecated

Support for custom interceptors is being deprecated in JBoss Data Grid 7.0. A new method of executing custom interceptors is expected to be introduced in JBoss Data Grid 7.1. In addition, the interceptor stack is part of JBoss Data Grid’s internal API, and is subject to change from release to release. Due to this it is not recommended to use custom interceptors directly from your application.

3.2.6. Map/Reduce replaced by Distributed Streams

Map/Reduce has been removed in JBoss Data Grid 7.0.0. This feature has been replaced by Distributed Streams, which were shown to have better performance.

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