
Chapter 13. Cache Managers

13.1. Cache Managers

A Cache Manager is the primary mechanism to retrieve a cache instance in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, and is a starting point for using the cache.

In JBoss Data Grid, a cache manager is useful because:

  • it creates cache instances on demand.
  • it retrieves existing cache instances (i.e. caches that have already been created).

13.2. Types of Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers the following Cache Managers:

  • EmbeddedCacheManager is a cache manager that runs within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by the client. Currently, JBoss Data Grid offers only the DefaultCacheManager implementation of the EmbeddedCacheManager interface.
  • RemoteCacheManager is used to access remote caches. When started, the RemoteCacheManager instantiates connections to the Hot Rod server (or multiple Hot Rod servers). It then manages the persistent TCP connections while it runs. As a result, RemoteCacheManager is resource-intensive. The recommended approach is to have a single RemoteCacheManager instance for each Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

13.3. Creating CacheManagers

13.3.1. Create a New RemoteCacheManager

Configure a New RemoteCacheManager

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCache;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCacheManager;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;

Configuration conf = new
RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(conf);
RemoteCache defaultCache = manager.getCache();

  1. Use the ConfigurationBuilder() constructor to create a new configuration builder. The .addServer() method adds a remote server, configured via the .host(<hostname|ip>) and .port(<port>) properties.
  2. Create a new RemoteCacheManager using the supplied configuration.
  3. Retrieve the default cache from the remote server.

13.3.2. Create a New Embedded Cache Manager

Use the following instructions to create a new EmbeddedCacheManager without using CDI:

Create a New Embedded Cache Manager

  1. Create a configuration XML file. For example, create the my-config-file.xml file on the classpath (in the resources/ folder) and add the configuration information in this file.
  2. Use the following programmatic configuration to create a cache manager using the configuration file:

    EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("my-config-file.xml");
    Cache defaultCache = manager.getCache();

The outlined procedure creates a new EmbeddedCacheManager using the configuration specified in my-config-file.xml .

13.3.3. Create a New Embedded Cache Manager Using CDI

Use the following steps to create a new EmbeddedCacheManager instance using CDI:

Use CDI to Create a New EmbeddedCacheManager

  1. Specify a default configuration:

    public class Config
       public EmbeddedCacheManager defaultCacheManager() {
          ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
          Configuration configuration = builder.eviction().strategy(EvictionStrategy.LRU).maxEntries(100).build();
          return new DefaultCacheManager(configuration);
  2. Inject the default cache manager.

    <!-- Additional configuration information here -->
    EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager;
    <!-- Additional configuration information here -->

13.4. Multiple Cache Managers

13.4.1. Multiple Cache Managers

Cache managers are an entry point to the cache and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows users to create multiple cache managers. Each cache manager is configured with a different global configuration, which includes settings for things like JMX, executors and clustering.

13.4.2. Create Multiple Caches with a Single Cache Manager

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows using the same cache manager to create multiple caches, each with a different cache mode (synchronous and asynchronous cache modes).

13.4.3. Using Multiple Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows multiple cache managers to be used. In most cases, such as with replication and networking components, cache instances share internal components and a single cache manager is sufficient.

However, if multiple caches are required to have different network characteristics, for example if one cache uses the TCP protocol and the other uses the UDP protocol, multiple cache managers must be used.

13.4.4. Create Multiple Cache Managers

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows users to create multiple cache managers of various types by repeating the procedure used to create the first cache manager (and adjusting the contents of the configuration file, if required).

To use the declarative API to create multiple new cache managers, copy the contents of the infinispan.xml file to a new configuration file. Edit the new file for the desired configuration and then use the new file for a new cache manager.

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