

4.75. gnome-screensaver

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An updated gnome-screensaver package that fixes various bugs and adds one enhancement is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The gnome-screensaver package contains the GNOME project's official screen saver program. It is designed for improved integration with the GNOME desktop, including themeability, language support, and Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) compliance. It also provides screen-locking and fast user-switching from a locked screen.

Bug Fixes

When the user locked the screen and the X Window System did not support the X Resize, Rotate (XRandR) or XF86VM gamma fade extensions, then the gnome-screensaver utility terminated with a segmentation fault. With this update, additional checks are made before calling the fade_setup() function, and gnome-screensaver no longer terminates.
Prior to this update, the Unlock dialog box arbitrarily changed between the monitors in dual head setups, based on the position of the mouse pointer. The Unlock dialog box is now placed on a consistent monitor instead of where the mouse is located.
Previously, when docking a laptop and using an external monitor, parts of the background got cut off due to incorrect logic for determining monitor dimensions. With this update, the source code is modified and the login screen is now displayed correctly.
Previously, in rare cases, the screen saver entered a deadlock if monitors were removed during the fade up. The screen was locked as a consequence. This update modifies gnome-screensaver so that the screen saver responds as expected.


Previously, there was no indicator of the keyboard layout when the screen was locked. Users who used more than one layout did not know which layout was active. Consequently, users could be forced to type the password several times. This update adds the missing keyboard layout indicator.
All users of gnome-screensaver are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which fixes these bugs and adds this enhancement.
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