Chapter 5. Using the docker command and service
5.1. Overview
The Docker project was responsible for popularizing container development in Linux systems. The original project defined a command and service (both named docker) and a format in which containers are structured. This chapter provides a hands-on approach to using the docker command and service to begin working with containers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and RHEL Atomic Host by getting and using container images and working with running containers.
Keep in mind that the preferred tools for working with containers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems are podman, skopeo, buildah and related commands. In particular, podman supports many of the same command-line options available with the docker command. The docker command and service are not supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
If you are interested in more details on how the docker command works, refer to the following:
- Docker Project Site: From the Docker site, you can learn about Docker from the What is Docker? page and the Getting Started page. There is also a Docker Documentation page you can refer to.
Docker man pages: Again, with docker installed (RHEL only, not Atomic), type
man docker
to learn about the docker command. Then refer to separate man pages for each docker option (for example, typeman docker-image
to read about thedocker image
Currently, to run the docker command in RHEL 7 and RHEL Atomic Host you must have root privilege. In the procedure, this is indicated by the command prompt appearing as a hash sign (#). Configuring sudo will work, if you prefer not to log in directly to the root user account.
5.2. Getting Docker in RHEL 7
To get an environment where you can develop Docker containers, you can install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system to act as a development system as well as a container host. The docker package itself is stored in a RHEL Extras repository (see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extras Life Cycle article for a description of support policies and life cycle information for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extras channel).
Using the RHEL 7 subscription model, if you want to create container images, you must properly register and entitle the host computer on which you build them. When you use yum install within a container to add packages, the container automatically has access to entitlements available from the RHEL 7 host, so it can get RPM packages from any repository enabled on that host.
- Install RHEL Server edition: If you are ready to begin, you can start by installing a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system (Server edition) as described in the following: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Installation Guide
Register RHEL: Once RHEL 7 is installed, register the system. You will be prompted to enter your user name and password. Note that the user name and password are the same as your login credentials for Red Hat Customer Portal.
# subscription-manager register Registering to: subscription.rhsm.redhat.com:443/subscription Username: ******** Password: **********
Choose pool ID: Determine the pool ID of a subscription that includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. Type the following at a shell prompt to display a list of all subscriptions that are available for your system, then attach the pool ID of one that meets that requirement:
# subscription-manager list --available Find valid RHEL pool ID # subscription-manager attach --pool=pool_id
Enable repositories: Enable the following repositories, which will allow you to install the docker package and related software:
NOTE: The repos shown here are for X86_64 architectures. See Supported Architectures for Containers on RHEL to learn the names of repositories for other architectures.
# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
It is possible that some Red Hat subscriptions include enabled repositories that can conflict with eachother. If you believe that has happened, before enabling the repos shown above, you can disable all repos. See the How are repositories enabled solution for information on how to disable unwanted repositories.
NOTE: For information on the channel names required to get docker packages for Red Hat Satellite 5, refer to Satellite 5 repo to install Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
Install Docker: Some releases of RHEL and RHEL Atomic Host include two different versions of Docker:
- docker: This package includes the version of Docker that is the default for the current release of RHEL. Install this package if you want a more stable version of Docker that is compatible with the current versions of Kubernetes and OpenShift available with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
docker-latest: This package traditionally included a later version of Docker that you could use if you wanted to work with newer features of Docker.
NOTE: As of RHEL 7.5, the docker-latest package is deprecated and should not be used. It also no longer supports a later version of Docker. For more information on the docker-latest package, see Introducing docker-latest for RHEL 7 and RHEL Atomic Host.
To install and use the default docker package (along with a couple of dependent packages if they are not yet installed), type the following:
# yum install docker device-mapper-libs device-mapper-event-libs
Start docker:
# systemctl start docker.service
Enable docker:
# systemctl enable docker.service
Check docker status:
# systemctl status docker.service docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Drop-in: /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.d |-flannel.conf Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-05-09 22:398:47 EDT; 14s ago Docs: http://docs.docker.com Main PID: 13495 (sh) CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service └─13495 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/docker-current daemon $OPTIONS ...
With the docker service running, you can obtain some Docker images and use the docker command to begin working with Docker images in RHEL 7.
5.3. Getting Docker in RHEL Atomic Host
RHEL Atomic Host is a light-weight Linux operating system distribution that was designed specifically for running containers. It contains two different versions of the docker service, as well as some services that can be used to orchestrate and manage Docker containers, such as Kubernetes. Only one version of the docker service can be running at a time.
Because RHEL Atomic Host is more like an appliance than a full-featured Linux system, it is not made for you to install RPM packages or other software on. Software is added to Atomic Host systems by running container images.
RHEL Atomic Host has a mechanism for updating existing packages, but not for allowing users to add new packages. Therefore, you should consider using a standard RHEL 7 server system to develop your applications (so you can add a full compliment of development and debugging tools), then use RHEL Atomic Host to deploy your containers into a variety of virtualization and cloud environment.
That said, you can install a RHEL Atomic Host system and use it to run, build, stop, start, and otherwise work with containers using the examples shown in this topic. To do that, use the following procedure to get and install RHEL Atomic Host.
Get RHEL Atomic Host: RHEL Atomic Host is available from the Red Hat Customer Portal. You have the option of running RHEL Atomic Host as a live image (in
format) or installing RHEL Atomic Host from an installation medium (in .iso format). You can get RHEL Atomic in those (and other formats) from here:Then follow the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host Installation and Configuration Guide instructions for setting up Atomic to run in one of several different physical or virtual environments.
Register RHEL Atomic Host: Once RHEL Atomic Host is installed, register the system using Subscription Management tools. (This will allow you to run atomic upgrade to upgrade Atomic software, but it won’t let you install additional packages using the yum command.) For example:
# subscription-manager register --username=rhnuser \ --password=rhnpasswd --auto-attach
IMPORTANT: Running containers with the docker command, as described in this topic, does not specifically require you to register the RHEL Atomic Host system and attach a subscription. However, if you want to run yum install commands within a container, the container must get valid subscription information from the RHEL Atomic Host or it will fail. If you need to enable repositories other than those enabled by default with the RHEL version the host is using, you should edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file. You can do that manually within the container and set enabled=1 for the repository you want to use. You can also use yum-config-manager, a command-line tool for managing Yum repo files. You can use the following command to enable repos:
# yum-config-manager --enable REPOSITORY
You can also use yum-config-manager to display Yum global options, add repositories and others. yum-config-manager is documented in detail in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 System Administrator’s Guide. Since redhat.repo is a big file and editing it manually can be error prone, it is recommended to use yum-config-manager.
Start using Docker: RHEL Atomic Host comes with the docker package already installed and enabled. So, once you have logged in and subscribed your Atomic system, here is the status of docker and related software:
- You can immediately begin running the docker command to work with docker images and containers.
- The docker-distribution package is not installed. If you want to be able to pull and push images between your Atomic system and a private registry, you can install the docker-distribution package on a RHEL 7 system (as described next) and access that registry to store your own container images.
- A set of kubernetes packages, used to orchestrate Docker containers, are installed on RHEL Atomic Host, but Kubernetes services are not enabled by default. You need to enable and start several Kubernetes-related services to be able to orchestrate containers in RHEL Atomic Host with Kubernetes.
5.4. Changing the docker service
Whether you are using the docker service in RHEL Atomic Host or on a RHEL Server, you can change the behavior of the docker service. Ways of changing the behavior of the docker service include:
- docker-latest: Some releases of RHEL and RHEL Atomic Host include a stable version of docker, docker and a later version, docker-latest. At any time you can run either one of them. For more information on docker and docker-latest, their differences, and switching between them, see Introducing docker-latest for RHEL 7 and RHEL Atomic Host.
- docker daemon settings: Another way to change how the docker service behaves is to changes settings that are passed to the docker daemon in the /etc/sysconfig/docker file. To see a list of options available with docker daemon, type docker daemon --help. The next section shows examples of docker daemon features you might want to change.
5.5. Modifying the docker daemon options (/etc/sysconfig/docker)
When the docker daemon starts in RHEL or RHEL Atomic Host, it reads the settings in the /etc/sysconfig/docker file and adds them to the docker daemon command line. See available options by typing the following command:
$ docker daemon --help
The following are a few options you may want to consider adding to your /etc/sysonfig/docker file so that they are picked up when your docker daemon runs.
5.5.1. Default options
The OPTIONS value in /etc/sysconfig/docker sets the options that are sent by default to the docker daemon. These include --selinux-enabled (which enables the SELinux feature for the daemon) and --log-driver (which tells docker to pass log messages to the systemd journal). Any other options can be added (space-separated) to that line:
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald'
5.5.2. Access port options
By default, the docker daemon only listens for API requests through a unix domain socket, which is only exposed to the local host and requires root user permissions or docker group permissions to access the daemon.
The Docker project does not provide an authentication method with the docker daemon because it expects you to do remote authentication through Docker Swarm. With Red Hat, you can gain outside access to container services using the oc
command, which requires OpenShift authentication before accessing container services.
However, you can configure the docker daemon to listen on an external TCP port as well. Red Hat recommends against doing this, because the docker daemon does no authentication, so any external process with access to the TCP port would have root access to the daemon. Exposing the docker daemon through a TCP port
If you accept the risks, you can configure the docker daemon to listen on an external TCP port by adding the -H
option to the daemon at run time. For example, to make docker always start with this configuration, open the /etc/sysconfig/docker file and modify the OPTIONS line:
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false -H tcp://'
This configuration exposes the docker daemon to any requests on the encrypted TCP port 2376 for all external interfaces. Port 2375 can be used for unencrypted communication with the daemon.
5.5.3. Registry options
When asked to search for or pull images, the docker service is configured to use the Docker registry (docker.io) and the Red Hat registry (registry.access.redhat.com) to complete those activities. In RHEL and RHEL Atomic Host, registry options previously set in the the /etc/sysconfig/docker file are now set in the /etc/containers/registries.conf file.
The registries.conf file lets you set which registries to search, which insecure (non-authenticated) registries to allow, and which secure registries (TLS enabled) to allow. Setting in the registries.conf file not only apply to registries used by the docker service, but also to those used by other container tools (such as podman) and engines (such as CRI-O).
Here are some examples of settings in the registries.conf file:
[registries.search] registries = ["reg1.example.com", "reg2.example.com"] [registries.insecure] registries = ["reg3.example.com"] [registries.block] registries = ['docker.io']
In the example, reg1 and reg2 are searched when you run docker search
or podman search
commands. The reg3 registry is set as an insecure registry, which means that images can be retrieved from that registry with standard web protocols, instead of TLS.
To prevent access to a registry (docker service only), you can set a system in the registries.insecure block. In this example, the docker services is prevented from pulling images from the docker.io registry.
5.5.4. User namespaces options
Enabling the user namespaces mapping option for the docker daemon allows you to run applications with root privilege inside a container, but have them run as a different, typically non-privileged, user on the host. To set up user namespaces mappings, you need to:
- Enable a few user namespaces kernel options
- Tell the docker daemon to remap user namespaces
- Set up the user namespace mapping, based on user/group names or IDs
Assigning default to the --userns-remap option creates a user and group named dockremap. The associated UID and GID numbers are mapped into that account in the /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid files, respectively. Currently, only a single UID and GID can be mapped per daemon. See Daemon user namespace options for details on how user namespaces work.
The user namespaces kernel feature is fully supported (generally available) in RHEL 7.4. However, the specific implementation of user namespaces related to the docker service is identified as a technology preview while Red Hat locks down a few security issues associated with non-root user mounts.
Follow these instructions to enable user namespaces:
Add the namespace.unpriv_enable=1 option to the kernel (vmlinuz*) command line. To do this, use the grubby command as follows (replacing the exact version of vmlinuz with the one on your system):
# grubby --args="namespace.unpriv_enable=1" \ --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64
Add a value to the user.max_user_namespaces kernel tuneable so it is set permanently as follows:
# echo "user.max_user_namespaces=15076" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Assign users and groups to be mapped by user namespaces. To not conflict with any existing UIDs and GIDs in this example, the new UID and GID are mapped into 808080.
# echo dockremap:808080:1000 >> /etc/subuid # echo dockremap:808080:1000 >> /etc/subgid
Edit the /etc/sysconfig/docker file and add --userns-remap to the OPTIONS value, so it is picked up when the docker service runs. Here’s how that line would look with other values on the OPTIONS line:
OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false --userns-remap=default'
Reboot the system. After the system comes up, check that the kernel options were properly assigned and that the docker service is running with user namespaces enabled.
$ cat /proc/cmdline BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 ... quiet LANG=en_US.UTF-8 namespace.unpriv_enable=1 $ sysctl -a | grep user.max_user_namespaces user.max_user_namespaces = 15076 $ systemctl status docker | grep userns ├─1044 /usr/bin/dockerd-current --add-runtime docker-runc=/usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current --default-runtime=docker-runc --authorization-plugin=rhel-push-plugin --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=systemd --userland-proxy-path=/usr/libexec/docker/docker-proxy-current --selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false --userns-remap=default --add-registry registry.access.redhat.com
Try running a container to make sure the docker service is working:
$ sudo docker run --rm -it rhel7 /bin/bash [root@8b351bc1599f /]#
Open a separate shell (outside the container) to check that the assigned user ID (in this case, 808080) is used to run the containerized bash shell in the example:
$ ps -ef | grep /bin/bash root 9234 3888 0 13:32 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/bin/docker-current run --rm -it rhel7 /bin/bash 808080 9300 9286 0 13:32 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash
5.6. Working with Docker registries
A Docker registry provides a place to store and share docker containers that are saved as images that can be shared with other people. While you can build and store container images on your local system without installing a registry, or use the Docker Hub Registry to share your images with the world, installing a private registry lets you share your images with a private group of developers or users.
With the registry software available with RHEL and RHEL Atomic Host, you can pull images from the Red Hat Customer Portal and push or pull images to and from your own private registry. You see what images are available to pull from the Red Hat Customer Portal (using docker pull) by searching the Red Hat Container Images Search Page.
This section describes how to start up a local registry, load Docker images to your local registry, and use those images to start up docker containers. The version of the Docker Registry that is currently available with Red Hat Enterprise Linux is Docker Registry 2.0.
5.6.1. Creating a private Docker registry (optional)
To create a private Docker registry you can use the docker-distribution service. You can install the docker-distribution package in RHEL 7 (it’s not available in Atomic) and enable and start the service as follows:
RHEL Atomic Host does not support the yum
command for installing packages. To get around this issue, you could use the yumdownloader docker-distribution
command to download the package to a RHEL system, copy it to the Atomic system, install it on the Atomic system using rpm-ostree install ./docker-distribution*rpm
and reboot. You could then set up the docker-distribution service as described below.
Install docker-distribution: To install the docker-distribution package you must have enabled the
repository (as described earlier). They you can install the package as follows:# yum install -y docker-distribution
Enable and start the docker-distribution service: Type the following to enable, start and check the status of the docker-distribution service:
# systemctl enable docker-distribution # systemctl start docker-distribution # systemctl status docker-distribution ● docker-distribution.service - v2 Registry server for Docker Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker-distribution.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-05-10 06:30:26 EDT; 1min 10s ago Main PID: 8923 (registry) CGroup: /system.slice/docker-distribution.service └─8923 /usr/bin/registry /etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml ...
Registry firewall issues: The docker-distribution service listens on TCP port 5000, so access to that port must be open to allow clients outside of the local system to be able to use the registry. This applies regardless of whether you are running docker-distribution and docker on the same system or on different systems. The firewalld service is available, but disabled by default in Atomic Host. You can enable and start firewalld, then open TCP port 5000 follows:
# systemctl enable firewalld # systemctl start firewalld # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5000/tcp # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5000/tcp --permanent # firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports 5000/tcp
or if have enabled the legacy firewall service, you could add the following command to the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file to open access to that port each time the service starts:
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT
5.6.2. Getting images from remote Docker registries
To get Docker images from a remote registry (such as Red Hat’s own Docker registry) and add them to your local system, use the docker pull command:
# docker pull <registry>[:<port>]/[<namespace>/]<name>:<tag>
The <registry> is a host that provides the docker-distribution service on TCP <port> (default: 5000). Together, <namespace> and <name> identify a particular image controlled by <namespace> at that registry. Some registries also support raw <name>; for those, <namespace> is optional. When it is included, however, the additional level of hierarchy that <namespace> provides is useful to distinguish between images with the same <name>. For example:
Namespace | Examples (<namespace>/<name>) |
organization |
login (user name) |
role |
The only Docker registry that Red Hat supports at the moment is the one at registry.access.redhat.com. If you have access to a Docker image that is stored as a tarball, you can load that image into your Docker registry from your local file system.
docker pull: Use the pull option to pull an image from a remote registry. To pull the rhel base image from the Red Hat registry, type docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel. To make sure that the image originates from the Red Hat registry, type the hostname of the registry, a slash, and the image name. The following command demonstrates this and pulls the rhel image for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 release from the Red Hat registry:
# docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel
An image is identified by a repository name (registry.access.redhat.com), a namespace name (rhel7) and the image name (rhel). You could also add a tag (which defaults to :latest if not entered). The repository name rhel, when passed to the docker pull command without the name of a registry preceding it, is ambiguous and could result in the retrieval of an image that originates from an untrusted registry. If there are multiple versions of the same image, adding a tag, such as latest to form a name such as rhel:latest, lets you choose the image more explicitly.
To see the images that resulted from the above docker pull command, along with any other images on your system, type docker images:
# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel latest 95612a3264fc 6 weeks ago 203.3 MB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel-tools latest 3b7bd2d69242 6 weeks ago 1.219 GB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/cockpit-ws latest 3bf463e43334 6 weeks ago 220.1 MB registry.access.redhat.com/aep3_beta/aep-docker-registry latest 3c272743b20a 6 weeks ago 478.5 MB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/etcd latest c0a7c32e9eb9 9 weeks ago 241.7 MB
docker load: If you have a container image stored as a tarball on your local file system, you can load that image tarball so you can run it with the docker command on your local system. Here is how:
With the Docker image tarball in your current directory, you can load that tarball to the local system as follows:
# docker load -i rhel-server-docker-7.2.x86_64.tar.gz
To push that same image to the registry running on your localhost, tag the image with your hostname (or "localhost") plus the port number of the docker-distribution service (TCP port 5000). docker push uses that tag information to push the image to the proper registry:
# docker tag bef54b8f8a2f localhost:5000/myrhel7 docker push localhost:5000/myrhel7 The push refers to a repository [localhost:5000/myrhel7] (len: 1) Sending image list Pushing repository localhost:5000/myrhel7 (1 tags) bef54b8f8a2f: Image successfully pushed latest: digest: sha256:7296465ccce190e08a71e6b2cfba56aa8279a1b329827c0f1016b80044c20cb9 size: 5458 ...
5.7. Investigating Docker images
If images have been pulled or loaded into your local registry, you can use the docker command docker images to view those images. Here’s how to list the images on your local system:
# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel-tools latest 3b7bd2d69242 6 weeks ago 1.219 GB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/cockpit-ws latest 3bf463e43334 6 weeks ago 220.1 MB registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rhel latest 95612a3264fc 6 weeks ago 203.3 MB
The default option to push an image or repository to the upstream Docker.io registry (docker push) is disabled in the Red Hat version of the docker command. To push an image to a specific registry, identify the registry, its port number, and a tag that you designate in order to identify the image.
5.8. Investigating the Docker environment
Now that you have the docker and docker-distribution services running, with a few containers available, you can start investigating the Docker environment and looking into what makes up a container. Run docker with the version and info options to get a feel for your Docker environment.
docker version: The version option shows which versions of different Docker components are installed.
# docker version Client: Version: 1.10.3 API version: 1.22 Package version: docker-common-1.10.3-44.el7.x86_64 Go version: go1.4.2 Git commit: 7ffc8ee-unsupported Built: Fri Jun 17 15:27:21 2016 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Server: Version: 1.10.3 API version: 1.22 Package version: docker-common-1.10.3-44.el7.x86_64 Go version: go1.4.2 Git commit: 7ffc8ee-unsupported Built: Fri Jun 17 15:27:21 2016 OS/Arch: linux/amd64
docker info: The info option lets you see the locations of different components, such as how many local containers and images there are, as well as information on the size and location of Docker storage areas.
# docker info Containers: 9 Images: 25 Server Version: 1.10.3 Storage Driver: devicemapper Pool Name: docker-253:0-21214-pool Pool Blocksize: 65.54 kB Base Device Size: 107.4 GB Backing Filesystem: Data file: /dev/loop0 Metadata file: /dev/loop1 Data Space Used: 5.367 GB Data Space Total: 107.4 GB Data Space Available: 5.791 GB Metadata Space Used: 4.706 MB Metadata Space Total: 2.147 GB Metadata Space Available: 2.143 GB Udev Sync Supported: true Deferred Removal Enabled: false Deferred Deletion Enabled: false Deferred Deleted Device Count: 0 Data loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data Metadata loop file: /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/metadata Library Version: 1.02.107-RHEL7 (2015-12-01) Execution Driver: native-0.2 Logging Driver: json-file Kernel Version: 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64 Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.2 CPUs: 1 Total Memory: 1.907 GiB Name: atomic-7.2-12 ID: JSDA:MGJV:ALYX:N6RC:YXER:M4OJ:GYR2:GYQK:BPZX:GQOA:F476:WLQY
5.9. Working with Docker formatted containers
Docker images that are now on your system (whether they have been run or not) can be managed in several ways. The docker run command lets you say which command to run in a container. Once a container is running, you can stop, start, and restart it. You can remove containers you no longer need (in fact you probably want to). Before you run an image, it is a good idea to investigate its contents.
Investigate a container image After you pull an image to your local system and before you run it, it is a good idea to investigate that image. Reasons for investigating an image before you run it include:
- Understanding what the image does
- Checking that the image has the latest security patches
- Seeing if the image opens any special privileges to the host system
Tools (such as openscap) are being integrated with container tools to allow them to scan a container image before you run it. In the mean time, however, you can use docker inspect to get some basic information about what an image does. You also have the option of mounting the image to your host system and using tools from the host to investigate what’s in the image. Here is an example of investigating what a container image does before you run it:
Inspect an image: Run docker inspect to see what command is executed when you run the container image, as well as other information. Here are examples of examining the rhel7/rhel and rhel7/rsyslog container images (with only snippets of information shown here):
# docker inspect rhel7/rhel ... "Cmd": [ "/usr/bin/bash" ], "Image": "", "Volumes": null, "Entrypoint": null, ...
# docker inspect rhel7/rsyslog "INSTALL": "docker run --rm --privileged -v /:/host -e HOST=/host -e IMAGE=IMAGE -e NAME=NAME IMAGE /bin/install.sh", "Name": "rhel7/rsyslog", "RUN": "docker run -d --privileged --name NAME --net=host --pid=host -v /etc/pki/rsyslog:/etc/pki/rsyslog -v /etc/rsyslog.conf:/etc/rsyslog.conf -v /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog:/etc/sysconfig/rsyslog -v /etc/rsyslog.d:/etc/rsyslog.d -v /var/log:/var/log -v /var/lib/rsyslog:/var/lib/rsyslog -v /run:/run -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -e IMAGE=IMAGE -e NAME=NAME --restart=always IMAGE /bin/rsyslog.sh", "Release": "21", "UNINSTALL": "docker run --rm --privileged -v /:/host -e HOST=/host -e IMAGE=IMAGE -e NAME=NAME IMAGE /bin/uninstall.sh", "Vendor": "Red Hat, Inc.", "Version": "7.2", ...
The rhel7/rhel container will execute the bash shell, if no other argument is given when you start it with docker run. If an Entrypoint were set, its value would be used instead of the Cmd value (and the value of Cmd would be used as an argument to the Entrypoint command).
In the second example, the rhel7/rsyslog container image is meant to be run with the atomic command. The INSTALL, RUN, and UNINSTALL labels show that special privileges are open to the host system and selected volumes are mounted from the host when you do atomic install, atomic run, or atomic uninstall commands.
Mount an image: Using the atomic command, mount the image to the host system to further investigate its contents. For example, to mount the rhel7/rhel container image to the /mnt directory locally, type the following:
# atomic mount rhel7/rhel /mnt # ls /mnt bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var boot etc lib media opt root sbin sys usr
After the atomic mount, the contents of the rhel7/rhel container are accessible from the /mnt directory on the host. Use ls or other commands to explore the contents of the image.
Check the image’s package list: To check the packages installed in the container, you can tell the rpm command to examine the packages installed on the file system you just made available to the /mnt directory:
# rpm -qa --root /mnt | less
You can step through the packages in the container or search for particular versions that may require updating. When you are done with that, you can browse the image’s file system for other software of interest.
Unmount the image: When you are done investigating the image, you can unmount it as follows:
# atomic umount /mnt
In the near future, look for software scanning features, such as Openscap or Black Duck, to be available for scanning your container images. When they are, you will be able to use the atomic scan command to scan your images.
Running Docker containers
When you execute a docker run command, you essentially spin up and create a new container from a Docker image. That container consists of the contents of the image, plus features based on any additional options you pass on the docker run command line.
The command you pass on the docker run command line sees the inside the container as its running environment so, by default, very little can be seen of the host system. For example, by default, the running applications sees:
- The file system provided by the Docker image.
- A new process table from inside the container (no processes from the host can be seen).
- New network interfaces (by default, a separate docker network interface provides a private IP address to each container via DHCP).
If you want to make a directory from the host available to the container, map network ports from the container to the host, limit the amount of memory the container can use, or expand the CPU shares available to the container, you can do those things from the docker run command line. Here are some examples of docker run command lines that enable different features.
EXAMPLE #1 (Run a quick command): This docker command runs the ip addr show eth0 command to see address information for the eth0 network interface within a container that is generated from the RHEL image. Because this is a bare-bones container, we mount the /usr/sbin directory from the RHEL 7 host system for this demonstration (mounting is done by the -v option), because it contains the ip command we want to run. After the container runs the command, which shows the IP address ( and other information about eth0, the container stops and is deleted (--rm).
# docker run -v /usr/sbin:/usr/sbin \ --rm rhel /usr/sbin/ip addr show eth0 20: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 4e:90:00:27:a2:5d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::4c90:ff:fe27:a25d/64 scope link tentative valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
If you feel that this is a container you wanted to keep around and use again, consider assigning a name to it, so you can start it again later by name. For example, I named this container myipaddr:
# docker run -v /usr/sbin:/usr/sbin \ --name=myipaddr rhel /usr/sbin/ip addr show eth0 20: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 4e:90:00:27:a2:5d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::4c90:ff:fe27:a25d/64 scope link tentative valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
# docker start -i myipaddr 22: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 4e:90:00:27:a2:5d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::4c90:ff:fe27:a25d/64 scope link tentative valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
EXAMPLE #2 (View the Dockerfile in the container): This is another example of running a quick command to inspect the content of a container from the host. All layered images that Red Hat provides include the Dockerfile from which they are built in /root/buildinfo. In this case you do not need to mount any volumes from the host.
# docker run --rm registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rsyslog ls /root/buildinfo Dockerfile-rhel7-rsyslog-7.2-21
Now you know what the Dockerfile is called, you can list its contents:
# docker run --rm registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/rsyslog \ cat /root/buildinfo/Dockerfile-rhel7-rsyslog-7.2-21 FROM 6c3a84d798dc449313787502060b6d5b4694d7527d64a7c99ba199e3b2df834e MAINTAINER Red Hat, Inc. ENV container docker RUN yum -y update; yum -y install rsyslog; yum clean all LABEL BZComponent="rsyslog-docker" LABEL Name="rhel7/rsyslog" LABEL Version="7.2" LABEL Release="21" LABEL Architecture="x86_64" ...
EXAMPLE #3 (Run a shell inside the container): Using a container to launch a bash shell lets you look inside the container and change the contents. Here, I set the name of the container to mybash. The -i creates an interactive session and -t opens a terminal session. Without -i, the shell would open and then exit. Without -t, the shell would stay open, but you wouldn’t be able to type anything to the shell.
Once you run the command, you are presented with a shell prompt and you can start running commands from inside the container:
# docker run --name=mybash -it rhel /bin/bash [root@49830c4f9cc4/]#
Although there are very few applications available inside the base RHEL image, you can add more software using the yum command. With the shell open inside the container, run the following commands:
[root@49830c4f9cc4/]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo) [root@49830c4f9cc4/]# nmap bash: nmap: command not found [root@49830c4f9cc4/]# yum install -y nmap [root@49830c4f9cc4/]# # nmap Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-05-10 08:55 EDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00042s latency). Not shown: 996 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 53/tcp open domain 5000/tcp open upnp ... [root@49830c4f9cc4/]# exit
Notice that the container is a RHEL 7.2 container. The nmap command is not included in the RHEL base image. However, you can install it with yum as shown above, then run it within that container. To leave the container, type exit.
Although the container is no longer running once you exit, the container still exists with the new software package still installed. Use docker ps -a to list the container:
# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 49830c4f9cc4 rhel "/bin/bash" 2 minutes ago Exited (0) 2 seconds ago mybash ...
You could start that container again using docker start with the -ai options. For example:
# docker start -ai mybash [root@a0aee493a605/]#
EXAMPLE #4 (Bind mounting log files): One way to make log messages from inside a container available to the host system is to bind mount the host’s /dev/log device inside the container. This example illustrates how to run an application in a RHEL container that is named log_test that generates log messages (just the logger command in this case) and directs those messages to the /dev/log device that is mounted in the container from the host. The --rm option removes the container after it runs.
# docker run --name="log_test" -v /dev/log:/dev/log --rm rhel logger "Testing logging to the host" # journalctl -b | grep Testing May 10 09:00:32 atomic-7.2-12 logger[15377]: Testing logging to the host
Investigating from outside of a Docker container
Let’s say you have one or more Docker containers running on your host. To work with containers from the host system, you can open a shell and try some of the following commands.
docker ps: The ps option shows all containers that are currently running:
# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 0d8b2ded3af0 rhel:latest "/bin/bash" 10 minutes ago Up 3 minutes mybash
If there are containers that are not running, but were not removed (--rm option), the containers are still hanging around and can be restarted. The docker ps -a command shows all containers, running or stopped.
# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 92b7ed0c039b rhel:latest /bin/bash 2 days ago Exited (0) 2 days ago agitated_hopper eaa96236afa6 rhel:latest /bin/bash 2 days ago Exited (0) 2 days ago prickly_newton
See the section "Working with Docker containers" for information on starting, stopping, and removing containers that exist on your system.
docker inspect: To inspect the metadata of an existing container, use the docker inspect command. You can show all metadata or just selected metadata for the container. For example, to show all metadata for a selected container, type:
# docker inspect mybash [{ "Labels": { "Architecture": "x86_64", "Authoritative_Registry": "registry.access.redhat.com", "BZComponent": "rhel-server-docker", "Build_Host": "rcm-img03.build.eng.bos.redhat.com", "Name": "rhel7/rhel", "Release": "56", "Vendor": "Red Hat, Inc.", "Version": "7.2" ...
docker inspect --format: You can also use inspect to pull out particular pieces of information from a container. The information is stored in a hierarchy. So to see the container’s IP address (IPAddress under NetworkSettings), use the --format option and the identity of the container. For example:
# docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' mybash
Examples of other pieces of information you might want to inspect include .Path (to see the command run with the container), .Args (arguments to the command), .Config.ExposedPorts (TCP or UDP ports exposed from the container), .State.Pid (to see the process id of the container) and .HostConfig.PortBindings (port mapping from container to host). Here’s an example of .State.Pid and .HostConfig.PortBindings:
# docker inspect --format='{{.State.Pid}}' mybash 5007 # docker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.PortBindings}}' mybash map[8000/tcp:[map[HostIp: HostPort:8000]]]
Investigating within a running Docker container
To investigate within a running Docker container, you can use the docker exec command. With docker exec, you can run a command (such as /bin/bash
) to enter a running Docker container process to investigate that container.
The reason for using docker exec, instead of just launching the container into a bash shell, is that you can investigate the container as it is running its intended application. By attaching to the container as it is performing its intended task, you get a better view of what the container actually does, without necessarily interrupting the container’s activity.
Here is an example using docker exec to look into a running container named myrhel_httpd, then look around inside that container.
Launch a container: Launch a container such as the myrhel_httpd container described in Building an image from a Dockerfile or some other Docker container that you want to investigate. Type docker ps to make sure it is running:
# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1cd6aabf33d9 rhel_httpd:latest "/usr/sbin/httpd -DF 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes>80/tcp myrhel_httpd
Enter the container with docker exec: Use the container ID or name to open a bash shell to access the running container. Then you can investigate the attributes of the container as follows:
# docker exec -it myrhel_httpd /bin/bash [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo) [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# ps -ef UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 08:41 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 7 1 0 08:41 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND ... root 12 0 0 08:54 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash root 35 12 0 08:57 ? 00:00:00 ps -ef [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/docker-253:0-540464... 99G 414M 93G 1% / tmpfs 977M 0 977M 0% /dev tmpfs 977M 0 977M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 977M 320K 977M 1% /run/secrets /dev/mapper/rhelah-root 14G 8.5G 5.2G 63% /etc/hosts shm 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# uname -r 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64 [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# rpm -qa | more redhat-release-server-7.2-9.el7.x86_64 filesystem-3.2-20.el7.x86_64 basesystem-10.0-7.el7.noarch ... bash-4.2# free -m total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 1953 134 354 0 1464 1655 Swap: 1055 0 1055 [root@1cd6aabf33d9 /]# exit
The commands just run from the bash shell (running inside the container) show you several things. The container holds a RHEL Server release 7.1 system. The process table (ps -ef) shows that the httpd command is process ID 1 (followed by five other httpd processes), /bin/bash is PID 12 and ps -ef is PID 35. Processes running in the host’s process table cannot be seen from within the container. The container’s file system consumes 414M of the 9.8G available root file system space.
There is no separate kernel running in the container (uname -r shows the host system’s kernel: 3.10.0-229.1.2.el7.x86_64). The rpm -qa command lets you see the RPM packages that are included inside the container. In other words, there is an RPM database inside of the container. Viewing memory (free -m) shows the available memory on the host (although what the container can actually use can be limited using cgroups).
Starting and stopping containers
If you ran a container, but didn’t remove it (--rm), that container is stored on your local system and ready to run again. To start a previously run container that wasn’t removed, use the start option. To stop a running container, use the stop option.
Starting containers: A docker container that doesn’t need to run interactively can start with only the start option and the container ID or name:
# docker start myrhel_httpd myrhel_httpd
To start a container so you can work with it from the local shell, use the -a (attach) and -i (interactive) options. Once the bash shell starts, run the commands you want inside the container and type exit to kill the shell and stop the container.
# docker start -a -i agitated_hopper bash-4.2# exit
Stopping containers: To stop a running container that is not attached to a terminal session, use the stop option and the container ID or number. For example:
# docker stop myrhel_httpd myrhel_httpd
The stop option sends a SIGTERM signal to terminate a running container. If the container doesn’t stop after a grace period (10 seconds by default), docker sends a SIGKILL signal. You could also use the docker kill command to kill a container (SIGKILL) or send a different signal to a container. Here’s an example of sending a SIGHUP signal to a container (if supported by the application, a SIGHUP causes the application to re-read its configuration files):
# docker kill --signal="SIGHUP" myrhel_httpd
Removing containers
To see a list of containers that are still hanging around your system, run the docker ps -a command. To remove containers you no longer need, use the docker rm command, with the container ID or name as an option. Here is an example:
# docker rm goofy_wozniak
You can remove multiple containers on the same command line:
# docker rm clever_yonath furious_shockley drunk_newton
If you want to clear out all your containers, you could use a command like the following to remove all containers (not images) from your local system (make sure you mean it before you do this!):
# docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
5.10. Creating Docker images
So far we have grabbed some existing docker container images and worked with them in various ways. To make the process of running the exact container you want less manual, you can create a Docker image from scratch or from a container you ran that combines an existing image with some other content or settings.
5.10.1. Building an image from a Dockerfile
Once you understand how images and containers can be created from the command line, you can try building containers in a more permanent way. Building container images from Dockerfile files is by far the preferred way to create Docker formatted containers, as compared to modifying running containers and committing them to images.
The procedure here involves creating a Dockerfile file that includes many of the features illustrated earlier:
- Choosing a base image
- Installing the packages needed for an Apache Web server (httpd)
- Mapping the server’s port (TCP port 80) to a different port on the host (TCP port 8080)
- Launching the Web server
While many features for setting up a Docker development environment for RHEL 7 are in the works, there are some issues you should be aware of as you build your own docker containers:
Entitlements: Here are a few issues associated with Red Hat entitlements as they relate to containers:
- If you subscribe your Docker host system using Red Hat subscription manager, when you build a Docker image on that host, the build environment automatically has access to the same Red Hat software repositories you enabled on the host.
- To make more repositories available when you build a container, you can enable those repositories on the host or within the container.
- Because the subscription-manager command is not supported within a container, enabling a repo inside the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file is one way to enable or disable repositories. Installing the yum-utils package in the container and running the yum-config-manager command is another.
- If you build a RHEL 6 container on a RHEL 7 host, it will automatically pick up RHEL 6 versions of the repositories enabled on your host.
- For more information on Red Hat entitlements within containers, refer to the Docker Entitlements solution.
- Updates: Docker containers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux do not automatically include updated software packages. It is your responsibility to rebuild your Docker images on occasion to keep packages up to date or rebuild them immediately when critical updates are needed.
Images: By default, docker build will use the most recent version of the base image you identify from your local cache. You may want to pull (docker pull command) the most recent version of an image from the remote Docker registry before you build your new image. If you want a specific instance of an image, make sure you identify the tag. For example, just asking for the image "centos" will pull the centos:latest image. If you wanted the image for CentOS 6, you should specifically pull the centos:centos6 image.
Create project directories: On the host system where you have the docker and docker-distribution services running, create a directory for the project:
# mkdir -p httpd-project # cd httpd-project
Create the Dockerfile file: Open a file named Dockerfile using any text editor (such as vim Dockerfile). Assuming you have registered and subscribed your host RHEL 7 system, here’s an example of what the Dockerfile file might look like to build a Docker container for an httpd server:
# My cool Docker image # Version 1 # If you loaded redhat-rhel-server-7.0-x86_64 to your local registry, uncomment this FROM line instead: # FROM registry.access.redhat.com/rhel # Pull the rhel image from the local registry FROM registry.access.redhat.com/rhel MAINTAINER Chris Negus USER root # Update image RUN yum repolist --disablerepo=* && \ yum-config-manager --disable \* > /dev/null && \ yum-config-manager --enable rhel-7-server-rpms > /dev/null # Add httpd package. procps and iproute are only added to investigate the image later. RUN yum install httpd procps iproute -y RUN echo container.example.com > /etc/hostname # Create an index.html file RUN bash -c 'echo "Your Web server test is successful." >> /var/www/html/index.html'
- Checking the Dockerfile syntax (optional): Red Hat offers a tool for checking a Dockerfile file on the Red Hat Customer Portal. If you like, you can go to the Linter for Dockerfile page and check your Dockerfile file before you build it.
Build the image: To build the image from the Dockerfile file, you need to use the build option and identify the location of the Dockerfile file (in this case just a "." for the current directory):
NOTE: Consider using the --no-cache option with docker build. Using --no-cache prevents the caching of each build layer, which can cause you to consume excessive disk space.
# docker build -t rhel_httpd . Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB Step 1 : FROM registry.access.redhat.com/rhel ---> a2d9f633eaab Step 2 : MAINTAINER Chris Negus ---> Using cache ---> f6e85edac116 Step 3 : USER root ---> Using cache ---> 6347eb069a0b ... Complete! ---> 07dff0b4fe81 Removing intermediate container cba7a631d183 Step 7 : RUN echo container.example.com > /etc/hostname ---> Running in 543c6724fbb0 ---> 25742b5830dc Removing intermediate container 543c6724fbb0 Step 8 : RUN bash -c 'echo "Your Web server test is successful." >> /var/www/html/index.html' ---> Running in d0e6461338f1 ---> 6f6a6cf60208 Removing intermediate container d0e6461338f1 Successfully built 6f6a6cf60208
Run the httpd server in the image: Use the following command to run the httpd server from the image you just build (named rhel_httpd in this example):
# docker run -d -t --name=myrhel_httpd \ -p 80:80 -i rhel_httpd:latest \ /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
Check that the server is running: From another terminal on the host, type the following to check that you can get access the httpd server:
# netstat -tupln | grep 80 tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 26137/docker-proxy # curl localhost:80 Your Web server test is successful.
5.10.2. Creating an image from a container
The following procedure describes how to create a new image from an existing image (rhel:latest) and a set of packages you choose (in this case an Apache Web server, httpd).
NOTE: For the current release, the default RHEL 7 container image you pull from Red Hat will be able to draw on RHEL 7 entitlements available from the RHEL or RHEL Atomic Host system. So, as long as your Docker host is properly subscribed and the repositories are enabled that you need to get the software you want in your container (and have Internet access from your Docker host), you should be able to install packages from RHEL 7 software repositories.
Install httpd on a new container: Assuming you have loaded the rhel image from the Red Hat Customer Portal into your local system, and properly subscribed your host using Red Hat subscription management, the following command will:
- Use that image as a base image
- Get the latest versions of the currently installed packages (update)
- Install the httpd package (along with any dependent packages)
Clean out all yum temporary cache files
# docker run -i rhel:latest /bin/bash -c "yum clean all; \ yum install -y httpd; yum clean all"
Commit the new image: Get the new container’s ID or name (docker ps -l), then commit that container to your local repository. When you commit the container to a new image, you can add a comment (-m) and the author name (-a), along with a new name for the image (rhel_httpd). Then type docker images to see the new image in your list of images.
# docker ps -l CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f6832df8da0a redhat/rhel7:0 /bin/bash -c 'yum cl About a minute ago Exited (0) 13 seconds ago backstabbing_ptolemy4
# docker commit -m "RHEL with httpd" -a "Chris Negus" f6832df8da0a rhel_httpd 630bd3ff318b8a5a63f1830e9902fec9a4ab9eade7238835fa6b7338edc988ac
# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE rhel_httpd latest 630bd3ff318b 27 seconds ago 170.8 MB redhat/rhel latest e1f5733f050b 4 weeks ago 140.2 MB
Run a container from new image: Using the image you just created, run the following docker run command to start the Web server (httpd) you just installed. For example:
# docker run -d -p 8080:80 rhel_httpd:latest \ /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
In the example just shown, the Apache Web server (httpd) is listening on port 80 on the container, which is mapped to port 8080 on the host.
Check that container is working: To make sure the httpd server you just launched is available, you can try to get a file from that server. Either open a Web browser from the host to address http://localhost:8080 or use a command-line utility, such as curl, to access the httpd server:
# curl http://localhost:8080
5.11. Tagging Images
You can add names to images to make it more intuitive to understand what they contain. Using the docker tag command, you essentially add an alias to the image, that can consist of several parts. Those parts can include:
You can add just NAME if you like. For example:
# docker tag 474ff279782b myrhel7
In the previous example, the rhel7 image had a image ID of 474ff279782b. Using docker tag, the name myrhel7 now also is attached to the image ID. So you could run this container by name (rhel7 or myrhel7) or by image ID. Notice that without adding a :tag to the name, it was assigned :latest as the tag. You could have set the tag to 7.2 as follows:
# docker tag 474ff279782b myrhel7:7.2
To the beginning of the name, you can optionally add a user name and/or a registry name. The user name is actually the repository on Docker.io that relates to the user account that owns the repository. Tagging an image with a registry name was shown in the "Tagging Images" section earlier in this document. Here’s an example of adding a user name:
# docker tag 474ff279782b cnegus/myrhel7 # docker images | grep 474ff279782b rhel7 latest 474ff279782b 7 months ago 139.6 MB myrhel7 latest 474ff279782b 7 months ago 139.6 MB myrhel7 7.1 474ff279782b 7 months ago 139.6 MB cnegus/myrhel7 latest 474ff279782b 7 months ago 139.6 MB
Above, you can see all the image names assigned to the single image ID.
5.12. Saving and Importing Images
If you want to save a Docker image you created, you can use docker save to save the image to a tarball. After that, you can store it or send it to someone else, then reload the image later to reuse it. Here is an example of saving an image as a tarball:
# docker save -o myrhel7.tar myrhel7:latest
The myrhel7.tar file should now be stored in your current directory. Later, when you ready to reuse the tarball as a container image, you can import it to another docker environment as follows:
# cat myrhel7.tar | docker import - cnegus/myrhel7
5.13. Removing Images
To see a list of images that are on your system, run the docker images command. To remove images you no longer need, use the docker rmi command, with the image ID or name as an option. (You must stop any containers using an image before you can remove the image.) Here is an example:
# docker rmi rhel
You can remove multiple images on the same command line:
# docker rmi rhel fedora
If you want to clear out all your images, you could use a command like the following to remove all images from your local registry (make sure you mean it before you do this!):
# docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
5.14. Summary
At this point, you should be able to get Red Hat Docker installed with the docker and docker-distribution services working. You should also have one or more Docker images to work with, as well as know how to run containers and build your own images.