
6.2. Pacemaker コマンド

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6.2.1. クラスターの起動と停止


# pcs cluster start -all


# pcs cluster status


# pcs cluster enable --all


  • クラスターを停止する
  • ノードをスタンバイ状態にする
  • クラスターを maintenance-mode にする

詳細は、pcs cluster のヘルプを参照してください。

# pcs cluster stop --all
# pcs cluster help

6.2.2. クラスターを maintenance-mode にする

変更を加えるときに Pacemaker クラスターによる干渉を避けるには、クラスターを maintenance-mode にすることで、クラスターを "フリーズ" できます。

# pcs property set maintenance-mode=true

maintenance-mode を確認する簡単な方法は、リソースが unmanaged かどうかを確認することです。

# pcs resource
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged):
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02    (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):         Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02    (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):         Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged):
    * SAPHana_RH2_02    (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):         Unpromoted clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHana_RH2_02    (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):         Promoted clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER   (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):         Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)

maintenance-mode のクラスターは、リソースステータスの変更を更新しません。その間に、クラスターリソースを更新してリソース状態を検出します。

# pcs resource refresh

これにより、何か問題がある場合にその問題が示され、maintenance-mode が終了するとすぐに、クラスターによる修復アクションが実行されます。

次のコマンドを実行して maintenance-mode を解除します。

# pcs property set maintenance-mode=false


6.2.3. クラスターのステータスの確認


  • クラスターが実行中かどうかを確認します。

    # pcs cluster status
  • クラスターとすべてのリソースを確認します。

    # pcs status
  • クラスター、すべてのリソース、およびすべてのノード属性を確認します。

    # pcs status --full
  • リソースのみを確認します。

    # pcs resource status --full
  • Stonith の履歴を確認します。

    # pcs stonith history
  • 場所の制約を確認します。

    # pcs constraint location



# pcs status --full
Cluster name: cluster1
Status of pacemakerd: 'Pacemaker is running' (last updated 2023-06-22 17:56:01 +02:00)
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: clusternode2 (2) (version 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Thu Jun 22 17:56:01 2023
  * Last change:  Thu Jun 22 17:53:34 2023 by root via crm_attribute on clusternode1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 6 resource instances configured
Node List:
  * Node clusternode1 (1): online, feature set 3.16.2
  * Node clusternode2 (2): online, feature set 3.16.2
Full List of Resources:
  * h7fence	(stonith:fence_rhevm):	 Started clusternode2
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]:
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode1
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode2
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable):
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Promoted clusternode1
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Unpromoted clusternode2
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER	(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started clusternode1
Node Attributes:
  * Node: clusternode1 (1):
    * hana_rh2_clone_state            	: PROMOTED
    * hana_rh2_op_mode                	: logreplay
    * hana_rh2_remoteHost             	: clusternode2
    * hana_rh2_roles                  	: 4:P:master1:master:worker:master
    * hana_rh2_site                   	: DC1
    * hana_rh2_sra                    	: -
    * hana_rh2_srah                   	: -
    * hana_rh2_srmode                 	: syncmem
    * hana_rh2_sync_state             	: PRIM
    * hana_rh2_version                	:
    * hana_rh2_vhost                  	: clusternode1
    * lpa_rh2_lpt                     	: 1687449214
    * master-SAPHana_RH2_02           	: 150
  * Node: clusternode2 (2):
    * hana_rh2_clone_state            	: DEMOTED
    * hana_rh2_op_mode                	: logreplay
    * hana_rh2_remoteHost             	: clusternode1
    * hana_rh2_roles                  	: 4:S:master1:master:worker:master
    * hana_rh2_site                   	: DC2
    * hana_rh2_sra                    	: -
    * hana_rh2_srah                   	: -
    * hana_rh2_srmode                 	: syncmem
    * hana_rh2_sync_state             	: SOK
    * hana_rh2_version                	:
    * hana_rh2_vhost                  	: clusternode2
    * lpa_rh2_lpt                     	: 30
    * master-SAPHana_RH2_02           	: 100
Migration Summary:
PCSD Status:
  clusternode1: Online
  clusternode2: Online
Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

6.2.4. リソースの状態の確認

pcs resource を使用して、すべてのリソースのステータスを確認します。これにより、リソースのリストと現在のステータスが出力されます。


# pcs resource
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]:
    * Started: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ]
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable):
    * Promoted: [ clusternode1 ]
    * Unpromoted: [ clusternode2 ]
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER	(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started clusternode1

6.2.5. リソース設定の確認


# pcs resource config
Resource: vip_RH2_02_MASTER (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
  Attributes: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-instance_attributes
    monitor: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-monitor-interval-10s
    start: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-start-interval-0s
    stop: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-stop-interval-0s
Clone: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone
  Meta Attributes: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone-meta_attributes
  Resource: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHanaTopology)
    Attributes: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-instance_attributes
      methods: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-methods-interval-0s
      monitor: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-monitor-interval-10
      reload: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-reload-interval-0s
      start: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-start-interval-0s
      stop: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-stop-interval-0s
Clone: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
  Meta Attributes: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-meta_attributes
  Resource: SAPHana_RH2_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHana)
    Attributes: SAPHana_RH2_02-instance_attributes
      demote: SAPHana_RH2_02-demote-interval-0s
      methods: SAPHana_RH2_02-methods-interval-0s
      monitor: SAPHana_RH2_02-monitor-interval-251
      monitor: SAPHana_RH2_02-monitor-interval-249
      promote: SAPHana_RH2_02-promote-interval-0s
      reload: SAPHana_RH2_02-reload-interval-0s
      start: SAPHana_RH2_02-start-interval-0s
      stop: SAPHana_RH2_02-stop-interval-0s


6.2.6. SAPHana リソースオプションの AUTOMATED_REGISTER=true

このオプションを SAPHana リソースで使用すると、Pacemaker はセカンダリーデータベースを自動的に再登録します。

最初のテストではこのオプションを使用することを推奨します。AUTOMATED_REGISTER=false を使用した場合、管理者はセカンダリーノードを手動で再登録する必要があります。

6.2.7. リソースの処理


# pcs resource help


# pcs resource config | grep "type=" | awk -F"type=" '{ print $2 }' | sed -e "s/)//g"




# pcs resource describe <resource agent>

例 (出力なし):

# pcs resource describe IPaddr2

リソースエージェント IPaddr2 の例 (出力付き):

Assumed agent name 'ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2' (deduced from 'IPaddr2')
ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 - Manages virtual IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (Linux specific version)

This Linux-specific resource manages IP alias IP addresses. It can add an IP alias, or remove one. In
addition, it can implement Cluster Alias IP functionality if invoked as a clone resource.  If used as a
clone, "shared address with a trivial, stateless (autonomous) load-balancing/mutual exclusion on
ingress" mode gets applied (as opposed to "assume resource uniqueness" mode otherwise). For that, Linux
firewall (kernel and userspace) is assumed, and since recent distributions are ambivalent in plain
"iptables" command to particular back-end resolution, "iptables-legacy" (when present) gets prioritized
so as to avoid incompatibilities (note that respective ipt_CLUSTERIP firewall extension in use here is,
at the same time, marked deprecated, yet said "legacy" layer can make it workable, literally, to this
day) with "netfilter" one (as in "iptables-nft"). In that case, you should explicitly set clone-node-max
>= 2, and/or clone-max < number of nodes. In case of node failure, clone instances need to be re-
allocated on surviving nodes. This would not be possible if there is already an instance on those nodes,
and clone-node-max=1 (which is the default).  When the specified IP address gets assigned to a
respective interface, the resource agent sends unsolicited ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, IPv4) or NA
(Neighbor Advertisement, IPv6) packets to inform neighboring machines about the change. This
functionality is controlled for both IPv4 and IPv6 by shared 'arp_*' parameters.

Resource options:
  ip (required) (unique): The IPv4 (dotted quad notation) or IPv6 address (colon hexadecimal notation)
      example IPv4 "". example IPv6 "2001:db8:DC28:0:0:FC57:D4C8:1FFF".
  nic: The base network interface on which the IP address will be brought online.  If left empty, the
      script will try and determine this from the routing table.  Do NOT specify an alias interface in
      the form eth0:1 or anything here; rather, specify the base interface only. If you want a label,
      see the iflabel parameter.  Prerequisite:  There must be at least one static IP address, which is
      not managed by the cluster, assigned to the network interface. If you can not assign any static IP
      address on the interface, modify this kernel parameter:  sysctl -w
      net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1 # (or per device)
  cidr_netmask: The netmask for the interface in CIDR format (e.g., 24 and not  If
      unspecified, the script will also try to determine this from the routing table.
  broadcast: Broadcast address associated with the IP. It is possible to use the special symbols '+' and
      '-' instead of the broadcast address. In this case, the broadcast address is derived by
      setting/resetting the host bits of the interface prefix.
  iflabel: You can specify an additional label for your IP address here. This label is appended to your
      interface name.  The kernel allows alphanumeric labels up to a maximum length of 15 characters
      including the interface name and colon (e.g. eth0:foobar1234)  A label can be specified in nic
      parameter but it is deprecated. If a label is specified in nic name, this parameter has no effect.
  lvs_support: Enable support for LVS Direct Routing configurations. In case a IP address is stopped,
      only move it to the loopback device to allow the local node to continue to service requests, but
      no longer advertise it on the network.  Notes for IPv6: It is not necessary to enable this option
      on IPv6. Instead, enable 'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel' option for LVS-DR usage on IPv6.
  lvs_ipv6_addrlabel: Enable adding IPv6 address label so IPv6 traffic originating from the address's
      interface does not use this address as the source. This is necessary for LVS-DR health checks to
      realservers to work. Without it, the most recently added IPv6 address (probably the address added
      by IPaddr2) will be used as the source address for IPv6 traffic from that interface and since that
      address exists on loopback on the realservers, the realserver response to pings/connections will
      never leave its loopback. See RFC3484 for the detail of the source address selection.  See also
      'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel_value' parameter.
  lvs_ipv6_addrlabel_value: Specify IPv6 address label value used when 'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel' is enabled.
      The value should be an unused label in the policy table which is shown by 'ip addrlabel list'
      command. You would rarely need to change this parameter.
  mac: Set the interface MAC address explicitly. Currently only used in case of the Cluster IP Alias.
      Leave empty to chose automatically.
  clusterip_hash: Specify the hashing algorithm used for the Cluster IP functionality.
  unique_clone_address: If true, add the clone ID to the supplied value of IP to create a unique address
      to manage
  arp_interval: Specify the interval between unsolicited ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets in
      milliseconds.  This parameter is deprecated and used for the backward compatibility only. It is
      effective only for the send_arp binary which is built with libnet, and send_ua for IPv6. It has no
      effect for other arp_sender.
  arp_count: Number of unsolicited ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets to send at resource initialization.
  arp_count_refresh: For IPv4, number of unsolicited ARP packets to send during resource monitoring.
      Doing so helps mitigate issues of stuck ARP caches resulting from split-brain situations.
  arp_bg: Whether or not to send the ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets in the background. The default is
      true for IPv4 and false for IPv6.
  arp_sender: For IPv4, the program to send ARP packets with on start. Available options are:  -
      send_arp: default  - ipoibarping: default for infiniband interfaces if ipoibarping is available  -
      iputils_arping: use arping in iputils package  - libnet_arping: use another variant of arping
      based on libnet
  send_arp_opts: For IPv4, extra options to pass to the arp_sender program. Available options are vary
      depending on which arp_sender is used.  A typical use case is specifying '-A' for iputils_arping
      to use ARP REPLY instead of ARP REQUEST as Gratuitous ARPs.
  flush_routes: Flush the routing table on stop. This is for applications which use the cluster IP
      address and which run on the same physical host that the IP address lives on. The Linux kernel may
      force that application to take a shortcut to the local loopback interface, instead of the
      interface the address is really bound to. Under those circumstances, an application may, somewhat
      unexpectedly, continue to use connections for some time even after the IP address is deconfigured.
      Set this parameter in order to immediately disable said shortcut when the IP address goes away.
  run_arping: For IPv4, whether or not to run arping for collision detection check.
  nodad: For IPv6, do not perform Duplicate Address Detection when adding the address.
  noprefixroute: Use noprefixroute flag (see 'man ip-address').
  preferred_lft: For IPv6, set the preferred lifetime of the IP address. This can be used to ensure that
      the created IP address will not be used as a source address for routing. Expects a value as
      specified in section 5.5.4 of RFC 4862.
  network_namespace: Specifies the network namespace to operate within. The namespace must already
      exist, and the interface to be used must be within the namespace.

Default operations:

クラスターが停止すると、すべてのリソースも停止します。クラスターが maintenance-mode になると、すべてのリソースは現在のステータスのままになりますが、監視または管理されなくなります。

6.2.8. maintenance mode のクラスタープロパティーの処理


[root@clusternode1] pcs property
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: cluster1
 concurrent-fencing: true
 dc-version: 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94
 hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1: PRIM
 hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC2: SFAIL
 have-watchdog: false
 last-lrm-refresh: 1688548036
 maintenance-mode: true
 priority-fencing-delay: 10s
 stonith-enabled: true
 stonith-timeout: 900

データベースを再設定するには、設定が完了するまで変更を無視するようにクラスターに指示する必要があります。以下を使用してクラスターを maintenance-mode にできます。

# pcs property set maintenance-mode=true

maintenance-mode を確認します。

# pcs resource
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged):
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged):
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Promoted clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Unpromoted clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER	(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)

すべてのリソースが "unmanaged" であることを確認します。

[root@clusternode1]# pcs status
Cluster name: cluster1
Status of pacemakerd: 'Pacemaker is running' (last updated 2023-06-27 16:02:15 +02:00)
Cluster Summary:
  * Stack: corosync
  * Current DC: clusternode2 (version 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94) - partition with quorum
  * Last updated: Tue Jun 27 16:02:16 2023
  * Last change:  Tue Jun 27 16:02:14 2023 by root via cibadmin on clusternode1
  * 2 nodes configured
  * 6 resource instances configured

              *** Resource management is DISABLED ***
  The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services

Node List:
  * Online: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ]

Full List of Resources:
  * h7fence	(stonith:fence_rhevm):	 Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged):
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology):	 Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged):
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Promoted clusternode1 (unmanaged)
    * SAPHana_RH2_02	(ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana):	 Unpromoted clusternode2 (unmanaged)
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER	(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

maintenance-mode の設定を解除すると、リソースは managed に戻ります。

# pcs property set maintenance-mode=false

6.2.9. move を使用した SAPHana リソースのフェイルオーバー

SAP HANA データベースをフェイルオーバーする簡単な例は、pcs resource move コマンドを使用することです。以下に示すように、クローンリソース名を使用してリソースを移動する必要があります。

# pcs resource move <SAPHana-clone-resource>

この例では、クローンリソースは SAPHana_RH2_02-clone です。

[root@clusternode1]# pcs resource
  * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]:
    * Started: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ]
  * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable):
    * Promoted: [ clusternode1 ]
    * Unpromoted: [ clusternode2 ]
  * vip_RH2_02_MASTER	(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):	 Started clusternode1


# pcs resource move SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
Location constraint to move resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' has been created
Waiting for the cluster to apply configuration changes...
Location constraint created to move resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' has been removed
Waiting for the cluster to apply configuration changes...
resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' is promoted on node 'clusternode2'; unpromoted on node 'clusternode1'


# pcs constraint location


[root@clusternode1]# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone

"Migration Summary" に警告やエントリーが残っているかどうかを確認します。

# pcs status --full

stonith の履歴を確認します。

# pcs stonith history

必要に応じて、stonith の履歴をクリアします。

# pcs stonith history cleanup

Pacemaker バージョン 2.1.5 より前のバージョンを使用している場合は、Is there a way to manage constraints when running pcs resource move? を参照し、残っている制約を確認してください。

6.2.10. フェイルオーバーと同期状態の監視

すべての Pacemaker のアクティビティーは、クラスターノードの /var/log/messages ファイルに記録されます。他にも多くのメッセージがあるため、SAP リソースエージェントに関連するメッセージを確認するのが難しい場合があります。SAP リソースエージェントに関連するメッセージのみをフィルターするコマンドエイリアスを設定できます。

エイリアスの例 tmsl:

# alias tmsl='tail -1000f /var/log/messages | egrep -s "Setting master-rsc_SAPHana_${SAPSYSTEMNAME}_HDB${TINSTANCE}|sr_register|WAITING4LPA|PROMOTED|DEMOTED|UNDEFINED|master_walk|SWAIT|WaitforStopped|FAILED|LPT"'

tsml の出力例:

[root@clusternode1]# tmsl
Jun 22 13:59:54 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK)
Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK)
Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK)
Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK)
Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK)
Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK)
Jun 22 14:12:35 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:12:35 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:36 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node
Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK)
Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK)
Jun 22 14:14:01 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: PROMOTED -> DEMOTED
Jun 22 14:14:02 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: DEMOTED -> UNDEFINED
Jun 22 14:14:19 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode1]: DEMOTED -> PROMOTED
Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK
Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK
Jun 22 14:15:14 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT
Jun 22 14:15:22 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode1]: SOK -> PRIM
Jun 22 14:15:23 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: PRIM -> SOK
Jun 22 14:15:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[934810]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:15:25 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: UNDEFINED -> DEMOTED
Jun 22 14:15:32 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: SOK -> SFAIL
Jun 22 14:19:36 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: SFAIL -> SOK
Jun 22 14:19:36 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[942693]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:23:49 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[950623]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:28:02 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[958633]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:32:15 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[966683]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:36:27 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[974736]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
Jun 22 14:40:40 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[982934]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)



6.2.11. クラスターの整合性の確認

インストール中、設定が最終的に完了する前にリソースが起動することがあります。これにより、Cluster Information Base (CIB) のエントリーが発生し、誤った動作が発生する可能性があります。これは簡単に確認でき、設定の完了後に手動で修正することもできます。

SAPHana リソースを起動すると、欠落しているエントリーが再作成されます。間違ったエントリーには pcs コマンドでは対処できないため、手動で削除する必要があります。

CIB エントリーを確認します。

# cibadmin --query

クラスターメンバーが DC1 と DC2 であり、ノード間の同期状態が SOK と報告される場合、DC3 と SFAIL のエントリーはクラスター情報ベースに存在しないはずです。


# cibadmin --query |grep '"DC3"'
# cibadmin --query |grep '"SFAIL"'

このコマンドは、クラスター内の任意のノードで root ユーザーとして実行できます。通常、コマンドの出力は空です。設定にまだエラーがある場合、出力は次のようになります。

        <nvpair id="SAPHanaSR-hana_rh1_glob_sec" name="hana_rh1_glob_sec" value="DC3"/>


# cibadmin --delete --xml-text '<...>'


# cibadmin --delete --xml-text '        <nvpair id="SAPHanaSR-hana_rh1_glob_sec" name="hana_rh1_glob_sec" value="DC3"/>'

削除された CIB エントリーがないことを確認します。返される出力は空である必要があります。

# cibadmin --query |grep 'DC3"'

6.2.12. クラスターのクリーンアップ



# pcs status --full

"Migration Summary" にクラスターの警告またはエントリーが表示された場合は、リソースをクリアしてクリーンアップする必要があります。

# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
# pcs resource cleanup SAPHana_RH2_02-clone


Cleaned up SAPHana_RH2_02:0 on clusternode1
Cleaned up SAPHana_RH2_02:1 on clusternode2


# pcs constraint location


# pcs constraint --full


      Node: hana08 (score:-INFINITY) (role:Started) (id:cli-ban-SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-on-hana08)


# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone

制約が制約リストから消えていることを確認します。まだ残っている場合は、制約 ID を使用して明示的に削除します。

# pcs constraint delete cli-ban-SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-on-hana08

フェンシングを使用して複数のテストを実行する場合は、stonith の履歴をクリアすることもできます。

# pcs stonith history cleanup

pcs コマンドはすべて root ユーザーとして実行します。残留物の検出 も参照してください。

6.2.13. その他のクラスターコマンド


# pcs status --full
# crm_mon -1Arf # Provides an overview
# pcs resource # Lists all resources and shows if they are running
# pcs constraint --full # Lists all constraint ids which should be removed
# pcs cluster start --all # This will start the cluster on all nodes
# pcs cluster stop --all # This will stop the cluster on all nodes
# pcs node attribute # Lists node attributes
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