
Chapter 17. Patching

17.1. Patching a Fabric Container with a Rollup Patch


Follow the procedures described in this section to patch a Fabric container with a rollup patch.


A rollup patch updates bundle JARs, other Maven artifacts, libraries, and static files in a Fabric. The following aspects of the fabric are affected:
  • Distribution of patched artifacts
  • Profiles
  • Configuration of the underlying container
The instructions in this section apply only to JBoss Fuse versions 6.2.1 and later, which support the new patching mechanism.

Distribution of patch artifacts

When patching an entire fabric of containers, you need to consider how the patch artifacts are distributed to the containers in the fabric. You can adopt one of the following approaches:
  • Through the Maven proxy (default approach)—when you add a rollup patch to your root container (using the patch:add command), the patch artifacts are installed into the root container's system/ directory, whose directory structure is laid out like a Maven repository. The root container can then serve up these patch artifacts to remote containers by behaving as a Maven proxy, enabling remote containers to download the required Maven artifacts (this process is managed by the Fabric agent running on each Fabric container). Alternatively, if you have installed the rollup patch to a container that is not hosting the Maven proxy, you can ensure that the patch artifacts are uploaded to the Maven proxy by invoking the patch:fabric-install command with the --upload option.
    The Maven proxy approach sufferes from a potential drawback, however. If the Fabric ensemble consists of multiple containers, it can happen that the Maven proxy fails over to a different ensemble container (not the original root container). This can result in the patch artifacts suddenly becoming unavailable to other containers in the fabric. If this occurs during the patching procedure, it will cause problems.
    For more details, see Chapter 14, Fabric Maven Proxies.
  • Through a local repository (recommended approach)—to overcome the limitations of the Maven proxy approach, we recommend that you make the patch artifacts available directly to all of the containers in the Fabric by setting up a local repository on the file system. Assuming that you have a networked file system, all containers will be able to access the patch artifacts directly.
    For example, you might set up a local repository of patch artifacts, as follows:
    1. Given a rollup patch file, extract the contents of the system/ directory from the rollup patch file into the repositories/ subdirectory of a local Maven repository (which could be ~/.m2/repositories or any other location).
    2. Configure the Fabric agent and the Maven proxy to pick up artifacts from the local repository by editing the current version of the default profile, as follows:
      profile-edit --append --pid io.fabric8.agent/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.defaultRepositories file:///PathToRepository default
      Replace PathToRepository by the actual location of the local repository on your file system.
      Make sure that you make the edits to the default profile for all relevant profile versions. If some of your containers are using a non-default profile version, repeat the profile-edit commands while specifying the profile version explicitly as the last parameter.


The rollup patching process updates all of the standard profiles, so that they reference the patched dependencies. Any custom profiles that you created yourself remain unaffected by these updates. However, in cases where you have already made some changes directly to the standard profiles (such as default, fabric, karaf, and so on), the patching mechanism attempts to merge your changes with the changes introduced by the patch.
In the case where you have modified standard profiles, it is recommended that you verify your custom changes are preserved after patching. This is particularly important with respect to any changes made to the location of Maven repositories (which are usually configured in the default profile).

Configuration of the underlying container

If required, the rollup patching mechanism is capable of patching the underlying container (that is, files located under etc/, lib/, and so on). When a Fabric container is upgraded to a patched version (for example, using the fabric:container-upgrade command), the container's Fabric agent checks whether the underlying container must be patched. If yes, the Fabric agent triggers the patching mechanism to update the underlying container. Moreover, if certain critical files are updated (for example, lib/karaf.jar), the container status changes to requires full restart after the container is upgraded. This status indicates that a full manual restart is required (an automatic restart is not possible in this case).

io.fabric.version in the default profile

The io.fabric.version resource in the default profile plays a key role in the patching mechanism. This resource defines the version and build of JBoss Fuse and of all of its main components. When upgrading (or rolling back) a Fabric container to a new version, the Fabric agent checks the version and build of JBoss Fuse as defined in the io.fabric.version resource. If the JBoss Fuse version changes between the original profile version and the upgraded profile version, the Fabric agent knows that an upgrade of the underlying container is required when upgrading to this profile version.

Patching the patch mechanism

Before upgrading JBoss Fuse with a rollup patch, you must patch the patch mechanism to a higher level. Since the original GA version of JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 was released, significant improvements have been made to the patch mechanism. If you were to upgrade straight to the latest rollup patch version of JBoss Fuse, the improved patch mechanism would become available after you completed the upgrade. But at that stage, it would be too late to benefit from the improvements in the patch mechanism.
To circumvent this bootstrap problem, the improved patch mechanism is made available as a separate download, so that you can patch the patch mechanism itself, before you upgrade to the new patch level. To patch the patch mechanism, proceed as follows:
  1. Download the appropriate patch management package. From the JBoss Fuse 6.2.0 Software Downloads page, select a package named Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 Rollup N on Karaf Update Installer, where N is the number of the particular rollup patch you are about to install.
    The rollup number, N, of the downloaded patch management package must match the rollup number of the rollup patch you are about to install.
    The 6.2.1 patch management packages are made available from the 6.2.0 Software Downloads page. This is because the 6.2.1 patch management packages can also be used when upgrading from version 6.2.0.
  2. Install the patch management package, patch-management-for-fuse-620-TargetVersion.zip, on top of every Karaf container installation (root container, SSH containers, and so on). Use an archive utility to extract the contents on top of the existing container installation (installing files under the system/ and patches/ subdirectories).
    It does not matter whether the container is running or not when you extract these files.
  3. Start the root container, if it is not already running.
  4. Create a new version, using the fabric:version-create command (where we assume that the current profile version is 1.0):
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:version-create --parent 1.0 1.0.1
    Created version: 1.0.1 as copy of: 1.0
    Version names are important! The tooling sorts version names based on the numeric version string, according to major.minor numbering, to determine the version on which to base a new one. You can safely add a text description to a version name as long as you append it to the end of the generated default name like this: 1.3 [.description]. If you abandon the default naming convention and use a textual name instead (for example, Patch051312), the next version you create will be based, not on the last version (Patch051312), but on the highest-numbered version determined by dot syntax.
  5. Update the patch property in the io.fabric8.version PID in the version 1.0.1 of the default profile, by entering the following Karaf console command:
    profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.version/patch=1.2.0.redhat-621xxx default 1.0.1
    Where you must replace 1.2.0.redhat-621xxx with the actual build version of the patch commands you are installing (for example, the build version xxx can be taken from the last three digits of the TargetVersion in the downloaded patch management package file name).
  6. Reconfigure the Fabric agent so that the version of the patch mechanism it uses is determined by the patch version property (set in the previous step). Enter the following console command:
    profile-edit --pid 'io.fabric8.agent/repository.fabric8-patch=mvn:io.fabric8.patch/patch-features/${version:patch}/xml/features' default 1.0.1
  7. Upgrade the root container to use the new patching mechanism, as follows:
    container-upgrade 1.0.1 root
  8. Likewise, for all other containers in your fabric that need to be patched (SSH, child, and so on), provision them with the new patching mechanism by upgrading them to profile version 1.0.1. For example:
    container-upgrade 1.0.1 container1 container2 container3

Applying a rollup patch

To apply a rollup patch to a Fabric container:
  1. Before applying the rollup patch to your fabric, you must patch the patch mechanism, as described in the section called “Patching the patch mechanism”.
  2. For every top-level container (that is, any container that is not a child container), perform these steps, one container at a time:
    1. In the Karaf installation, remove the lib/endorsed/org.apache.karaf.exception-2.4.0.redhat-621xxx.jar file (where the build number, xxx, depends on the build being patched).
    2. Restart the container.
  3. Add the patch to the root container's environment using the patch:add command. For example, to add the patch.zip patch file:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> patch:add file://patch.zip
    [name]            [installed] [description]                   
    PatchID         false       Description
    If you have decided to use a local repository to distribute the patch artifacts (recommended), set up the local repository now—see the section called “Distribution of patch artifacts”.
  4. Create a new version, using the fabric:version-create command:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:version-create 1.1
    Created version: 1.1 as copy of: 1.0.1
    Version names are important! The tooling sorts version names based on the numeric version string, according to major.minor numbering, to determine the version on which to base a new one. You can safely add a text description to a version name as long as you append it to the end of the generated default name like this: 1.3 [.description]. If you abandon the default naming convention and use a textual name instead (for example, Patch051312), the next version you create will be based, not on the last version (Patch051312), but on the highest-numbered version determined by dot syntax.
  5. Apply the patch to the new version, using the patch:fabric-install command. Note that in order to run this command you must provide the credentials, Username and Password, of a user with Administrator privileges. For example, to apply the PatchID patch to version 1.1:
    patch:fabric-install --username Username --password Password --upload --version 1.1 PatchID
    When you invoke the patch:fabric-install command with the --upload option, Fabric looks up the ZooKeeper registry to discover the URL of the currently active Maven proxy, and uploads all of the patch artifacts to this URL. Using this approach it is possible to make the patch artifacts available through the Maven proxy, even if the container you are currently logged into is not hosting the Maven proxy.
  6. Synchronize the patch information across the fabric, to ensure that the profile changes in version 1.1 are propagated to all containers in the fabric (particularly remote SSH containers). Enter the following console command:
  7. Upgrade each existing container in the fabric using the fabric:container-upgrade command (but leaving the root container, where you installed the patch, until last). For example, to upgrade a container named remote, enter the following command:
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:container-upgrade 1.1 remote
    Upgraded container remote from version 1.0.1 to 1.1
    At this point, not only does the Fabric agent download and install the patched bundles into the specified container, but the agent also applies the patch to the underlying container (updating any static files in the container, if necessary). If necessary, the agent will then restart the target container automatically or set the container status to requires full restart (if an automatic restart is not possible), so that any changes made to the static files are applied to the running container.
    It is recommended that you upgrade only one or two containers to the patched profile version, to ensure that the patch does not introduce any new issues.
  8. If the current status of the upgraded container is requires full restart, you must now use one of the standard mechanisms to stop and restart the container manually. In some cases, it will be possible to do this using Fabric commands from the console of the root container.
    For example, you could stop the remote container as follows:
    fabric:container-stop remote
    And restart the remote container as follows:
    fabric:container-start remote
  9. Upgrade the root container last (that is, the container that you originally installed the patch on):
    fabric:container-upgrade 1.1 root
  10. (Windows only) If the root container status has changed to requires full restart and it is running on a Windows operating system, you must first shut down all of the root container's child containers (if any) before manually restarting the root container.
    For example, if the root container has three child containers, child1, child2, and child3, you would first shut them down, as follows:
    fabric:container-stop child1 child2 child3
    You can then shut down the root container with the shutdown command:

Rolling back a rollup patch

To roll back a rollup patch on a Fabric container, use the fabric:container-rollback command. For example, assuming that 1.0 is an unpatched profile version, you can roll the remote container back to the unpatched version 1.0 as follows:
fabric:container-rollback 1.0 remote
At this point, not only does the Fabric agent roll back the installed profiles to an earlier version, but the agent also rolls back the patch on the underlying container (restoring any static files to the state they were in before the patch was applied, if necessary). If necessary, the agent will then restart the target container automatically or set the container status to requires full restart (if an automatic restart is not possible), so that any changes made to the static files are applied to the running container.
Rolling back the patch level from version 6.2.1 to 6.2.0 is not supported in JBoss Fuse Fabric. This is a special case, because the version 6.2.0 Fabric agent does not support the new patching mechanism.
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