
Chapter 2. To Create a New Route


This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a new Fuse project, adding a route to it, and adding two endpoints to the route. It assumes that you have already set up your workspace and that Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling is running inside Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.


In this tutorial you will:
  • create a Fuse project
  • create a new routing context
  • create a route
    • add endpoints to the route
    • connect the endpoints
    • configure the endpoints
  • create a folder in your project to store test messages that you create for your route
  • create the test messages


You can use Fuse Integration perspective to work through all of the tutorials in this guide. However, because JBoss perspective provides more room for the route editor's canvas to expand as you build the routing context, this and other tutorials use JBoss perspective.
As you proceed through the remaining tutorials, you may find that you prefer using Fuse Integration perspective exclusively.
When you first start up JBoss Developer Studio, it opens in JBoss perspective, as shown in Figure 2.1, “JBoss View on initial startup”.

Figure 2.1. JBoss View on initial startup

JBoss View on JBDS startup
To provide more space for the canvas to expand as you build your projects:
  1. Close the JBoss Central tab.
    You can reopen a view whenever you need it. You can also drag the border of a view or panel to increase or decrease the space it occupies in the workspace.
  2. Close the JMX Navigator view at bottom, left of the workspace.
  3. Drag Outline view from top, right of the workspace, and drop it in the spot previously occupied by the JMX Navigator view.
Your JBoss perspective should now look like that shown in Figure 2.2, “JBoss View rearranged ”:

Figure 2.2. JBoss View rearranged

JBoss view with rearranged layout
You can restore an open perspective to its original, default layout at any time by right-clicking the perspective's icon on the menubar to open its context menu, and then clicking Reset.

Creating the Fuse project

To create a Fuse project, in JBoss perspective:
  1. On the Toolbar, select File New Fuse Project to open the New Fuse project wizard, as shown in Figure 2.3.

    Figure 2.3. New Fuse project location page

    select workspace
  2. Enter CBRroute in the Project Name field.
  3. Click Next> to open the New Fuse Project details page, as shown in Figure 2.4.

    Figure 2.4. New Fuse project details page

    details of the project
  4. Select camel-archetype-blueprint.
  5. Enter tutorial in the Group Id: field.
  6. Enter cbr-route in the Artifact Id: field.
  7. The Version: field defaults to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. To change it, enter a different version identifier.
  8. The Package: field defaults to tutorial.cbr.route, the name of the package that contains camel-archetype-blueprint. To include the route in a different package, enter the name of that package.
  9. Click Finish.
    Click No when the Open Associated Perspective? dialog asks whether you want to open the Fuse Integration perspective now.
    This procedure creates a Fuse project, CBRroute, in Project Explorer that contains everything needed to create and run routes. As shown in Figure 2.5, the files generated for CBRroute include:
    • CBRroute/pom.xml (Maven project file)
    • CBRroute/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml (Blueprint XML file containing the routing rules)

      Figure 2.5. Generated project files

      generated blueprint.xml and pom.xml files
When you create a new project, the Fuse Tooling downloads from the Maven repository all of the files it needs to build the project. This operation can take several minutes.

Creating the new routing context

To create the new routing context:
  1. In Project Explorer, locate CBRroute/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml.
  2. Right-click it to open the context menu, then select Delete.
    You're going to replace the old blueprint.xml file with your own to create a new route.
  3. In the Delete dialog, click OK to confirm the operation.
  4. In Project Explorer, select CBRroute/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint.
  5. Right-click it to open the context menu.
  6. Select New Camel XML File to open the Camel XML File wizard, as shown in Figure 2.6.

    Figure 2.6. Camel XML File wizard

    New route file wizard
  7. Check that /CBRroute/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint appears in the Container: field. Otherwise enter it manually, or select it using the browse button button.
    The browse button button opens a dialog that displays the folders of all active projects, which you can browse to find and select the files you need.
  8. Check that camelContext.xml appears in the File Name: field. Otherwise enter it manually.
  9. Check that OSGI Blueprint appears in the Framework field, or select it from the field's drop-down list.
  10. Click Finish.
    The camelContext.xml file opens in the route editor's Design view, displayed as an empty canvas, as shown in Figure 2.7.

    Figure 2.7. New camelContext .xml file in Design view

    New Camel route displayed in route editor's design view
  11. Click the Source tab at the bottom, left of the canvas to open the new camelContext.xml file in the route editor's Source view, as shown in Figure 2.8, “New camelContext file in source view”.

    Figure 2.8. New camelContext file in source view

    New Camel route displayed in route editor's source view

Creating the route

To create the route:
  1. Click the Design tab at the bottom, left of the canvas to return to the route editor's Design view.
  2. Drag a File component ( endpoint icon ) from the Palette's Components drawer to the canvas.
    The File component changes to a file:directoryNam... node on the canvas.
  3. Drag another File component from the Palette's Components drawer to the canvas.
  4. Select the first file:directoryName node you dragged onto the canvas.
    The Properties editor, located below the canvas, displays the node's property fields for editing.
  5. In the Properties editor, select the Advanced tab:
    You need to create a folder for the project's source data and enter that folder's name in the Directory Name field.
  6. In Project Explorer, right-click CBRroute/src to open the context menu.
  7. Select New Folder to open the New Folder wizard:
  8. Check that CBRroute/src appears in the Enter or select the parent folder: field. Otherwise enter it manually, or select it from the graphical representation of the project's hierarchy.
  9. In the Folder name: field, enter data, and then click Finish.
    The new data folder appears in Project Explorer, under the src folder:
  10. Return to the Advanced tab, in the Properties editor.
  11. On the Path tab, click the browse icon button next to the Directory Name field, to browse to the src/data folder you just created in your CBRRoute project.
  12. Click Open.
    The full path appears in the Directory Name field.
  13. Delete everything in the path string, except src/data:
  14. Click the Consumer tab, and enable the Noop option by clicking its check box.
    The Noop option prevents the message#.xml files being deleted from the src/data folder, and it enables idempotency to ensure that each message#.xml file is consumed only once.
  15. Click the Generic tab to open the file node's Details page

    Figure 2.9. File Details page

    File Details page
    The tooling automatically populates the Uri field with the Directory name and Noop properties you configured on the Advanced tab.
  16. Select the second file:directoryName node you dragged onto the canvas.
  17. In the Generic tab's Uri field, replace directoryName with target/messages/others. Leave the other fields blank.

    Figure 2.10. File destination property editor

    File destination property editor
    The target/messages/others folder will be created at runtime.
  18. On the canvas, select the first file: node (file:src/data?noop=true), and drag it's connector arrow ( connector arrow icon ) to the second file node (file:target/messages/others), then release it.
    A segmented line connects the two endpoints, as shown in Figure 2.11.

    Figure 2.11. Completed route, diagram view

    connected file nodes displayed in the route editor's Diagram view
    You can drag the line's bendpoint (orange dot) to change the angle of the line's segments. Doing so creates two new bendpoints, one on either side of the original. This behavior enables you to easily adjust your diagram to accommodate increasingly complex routes.
  19. To quickly align the connected endpoints, right-click the canvas to open the context menu, and then select Layout Diagram.
  20. Select File Save to save the route.
  21. Click the Source tab at bottom, left of the canvas.
    Source view displays the XML for the route. The camelContext element will look like Example 2.1.

    Example 2.1. XML for CBRroute

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
       <camelContext trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
            <from uri="file:src/data?noop=true"/>
            <to uri="file:target/messages/others"/>

Creating test messages

Before you can run your route, you need to create test messages to send through it.
  1. In Project Explorer, right-click CBRroute to open the context menu.
  2. Click New Fuse Message to open the Fuse Message File wizard:
  3. Check that CBRroute/src/data appears in the Enter or select the parent folder field. Otherwise enter it manually, or select it from the graphical representation of the project's hierarchy.
  4. In File Name:, enter message1.xml.
  5. Click Finish to open the test message, message1.xml, in Design View:
  6. Click the Source tab at the bottom, right of the canvas to switch to Source view:
  7. In Source view, enter this text:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name>Brooklyn Zoo</name>
  8. Save the file.
  9. Click Messages.zip to download the five remaining preconstructed test message files (message2.xml through message6.xml), and then unpack them into the CBRroute/src/data folder. You will use all six test messages in the remaining Fuse Tooling tutorials.
    Table 2.1 shows the contents of each preconstructed message file.
    Table 2.1. Preconstructed test messages
    2San Diego ZooSan DiegoUSAgiraffe32
    3London ZooLondonGreat Britainpenguin1220
    4Bristol ZooBristolGreat Britainemu54
    5Paris ZooParisFrancegiraffe22
    6Hellabrunn GardensMunichGermanypenguin1820

Next steps

After you have created and designed your route, you can run it by deploying it into your local Apache Camel runtime, as described in Chapter 3, To Run a Route.

Further reading

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