

Appendix A. Reference Material

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A.1. JAX-RS/RESTEasy Annotations

Table A.1. JAX-RS/RESTEasy Annotations


Set response Cache-Control header automatically.


Identifies an interceptor as a client-side interceptor.


Meta annotation that specifies a Content-Encoding to be applied via the annotated annotation.


Allows you to specify instances of javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders, javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo, javax.ws.rs.core.Request, javax.servlet.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.HttpServletResponse, and javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext objects.


Allows you to specify the value of a cookie or object representation of an HTTP request cookie into the method invocation.


Must be placed on a DecoratorProcessor class to specify the supported types.


Meta-annotation to be placed on another annotation that triggers decoration.


Can be combined with the other @*Param annotations to define a default value when the HTTP request item does not exist.


An annotation that signifies that the method responds to HTTP DELETE requests.


Put this on a class or parameter when you do not want the JAXB MessageBodyReader/Writer used but instead have a more specific provider you want to use to marshal the type.


Can be used on a class, method, or param. By default, inject @PathParam and @QueryParams are decoded. By adding the @Encoded annotation, the value of these params are provided in encoded form.


This can be used as a value object for incoming/outgoing request/responses.


Format XML output with indentations and newlines. This is a JAXB Decorator.


An annotation that signifies that the method responds to HTTP GET requests.


Placed on a type, method, parameter, or field to tell JAXRS not to use JAXB provider for a certain media type


An annotation that a resource class can use to pass parameters to the IIOImageProvider.


A JSONConfig.


This can be used as a value object for incoming/outgoing request/responses of the multipart/form-data MIME type.


Set Cache-Control response header of nocache.


Placed on class, parameter, field or method when you do not want the Jackson provider to be triggered.


Must be used in conjunction with Multipart providers when writing out a List or Map as a multipart/* type.


This must exist either in the class or resource method. If it exists in both, the relative path to the resource method is a concatenation of the class and method.


Allows you to map variable URI path fragments into a method call.


An annotation that signifies that the method responds to HTTP POST requests.


An annotation to indicate what order a class should be used. Uses an integer parameter with a lower value signifying a higher priority.


Marks a class to be discoverable as a provider by JAX-RS runtime during a provider scanning phase.


An annotation that signifies that the method responds to HTTP PUT requests.


Allows you to map URI query string parameter or URL form encoded parameter to the method invocation.


Identifies an interceptor as a server-side interceptor.


Meta-annotation to be placed on another annotation that triggers a StringParameterUnmarshaller to be applied to a string-based annotation injector.


Specifies an XML stylesheet header.


Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a collection or array of JAXB objects.


Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a map of JAXB objects.


Sets an XML header for the returned document.




This annotation can be used to process/produce incoming/outgoing XOP messages (packaged as multipart/related) to/from JAXB annotated objects.

A.2. RESTEasy Configuration Parameters

Table A.2. Elements
Option NameDefault ValueDescription


No default

If the URL-pattern for the Resteasy servlet-mapping is not /*.



Automatically scan WEB-INF/lib JARs and WEB-INF/classes directory for both @Provider and JAX-RS resource classes (@Path, @GET, @POST, etc..) and register them.



Scan for @Provider classes and register them.



Scan for JAX-RS resource classes.


no default

A comma delimited list of fully qualified @Provider class names you want to register.



Whether or not to register default, built-in @Provider classes.


No default

A comma delimited list of fully qualified JAX-RS resource class names you want to register.


No default

A comma delimited list of JNDI names which reference objects you want to register as JAX-RS resources.


No default

Fully qualified name of Application class to bootstrap in a spec portable way.


No default

Replaces the need for an Accept header by mapping file name extensions (like .xml or .txt) to a media type. Used when the client is unable to use a Accept header to choose a representation (i.e. a browser). You configure this in the WEB-INF/web.xml file using the resteasy.media.type.mappings and resteasy.language.mappings.


No default

Replaces the need for an Accept-Language header by mapping file name extensions (like .en or .fr) to a language. Used when the client is unable to use a Accept-Language header to choose a language (i.e. a browser).



Whether to expand external entities or replace them with an empty string. In JBoss EAP, this parameter defaults to false, so it replaces them with an empty string.



Impose security constraints in processing org.w3c.dom.Document documents and JAXB object representations.



Prohibit DTDs in org.w3c.dom.Document documents and JAXB object representations.



Turn off class-level expression filtering as defined in the JAX-RS specification and instead match based on the full expression of each JAX-RS method.



Use the HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap() method to obtain form parameters. Use this switch if you are calling this method within a servlet filter or consuming the input stream within the filter.


These parameters are configured in the WEB-INF/web.xml file.


In a Servlet 3.0 container, the resteasy.scan.* configurations in the web.xml file are ignored, and all JAX-RS annotated components will be automatically scanned.

For example, javax.ws.rs.Application parameter is configured within init-param of the servlet configuration:


For example, resteasy.document.expand.entity.references is configured within context-param:


Changing the default values of the following RESTEasy parameters may cause RESTEasy applications to be potentially vulnerable against XXE attacks:

  • resteasy.document.expand.entity.references
  • resteasy.document.secure.processing.feature
  • resteasy.document.secure.disableDTDs

A.3. RESTEasy JavaScript API Parameters

Table A.3. Parameter Properties
PropertyDefault ValueDescription



The entity to send as a PUT, POST request.



The MIME type of the body entity sent as the Content-Type header. Determined by the @Consumes annotation.



The accepted MIME types sent as the Accept header. Determined by the @Provides annotation.



Set to a function (httpCode, xmlHttpRequest, value) for an asynchronous call. If not present, the call will be synchronous and return the value.



Set to the base URI of the JAX-RS endpoint, not including the last slash.



If username and password are set, they will be used for credentials for the request.



If username and password are set, they will be used for credentials for the request.

A.4. REST.Request Class Members

Table A.4. REST.Request Class


Executes the request with all the information set in the current object. The value is passed to the optional argument callback, not returned.


Sets the Accept request header. Defaults to */*.

setCredentials(username, password)

Sets the request credentials.


Sets the request entity.


Sets the Content-Type request header.


Sets the request URI. This should be an absolute URI.


Sets the request method. Defaults to GET.


Controls whether the request should be asynchronous. Defaults to true.

addCookie(name, value)

Sets the given cookie in the current document when executing the request. This will be persistent in the browser.

addQueryParameter(name, value)

Adds a query parameter to the URI query part.

addMatrixParameter(name, value)

Adds a matrix parameter (path parameter) to the last path segment of the request URI.

addHeader(name, value)

Adds a request header.

addForm(name, value)

Adds a form.

addFormParameter(name, value)

Adds a form parameter.

A.5. RESTEasy Asynchronous Job Service

The table below details the configurable context-params for the Asynchronous Job Service. These parameters can be configured in the web.xml file.

Table A.5. Configuration Parameters


Number of job results that can be held in the memory at any one time. Default value is 100.


Maximum wait time on a job when a client is querying for it. Default value is 300000.


Thread pool size of the background threads that run the job. Default value is 100.


Sets the base path for the job URIs. Default value is /asynch/jobs.







A.6. JAX-WS Tools


wsconsume is a command-line tool provided with JBoss EAP that consumes a WSDL and produces portable JAX-WS service and client artifacts.


The wsconsume tool is located in the EAP_HOME/bin directory and uses the following syntax.

EAP_HOME/bin/wsconsume.sh [options] <wsdl-url>

Use the wsconsume.bat script for Windows.

Example usage:

  • Generate Java class files from the Example.wsdl WSDL file

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsconsume.sh Example.wsdl
  • Generate Java source and class files from the Example.wsdl WSDL file

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsconsume.sh -k Example.wsdl
  • Generate Java source and class files in the my.org package from the Example.wsdl WSDL file

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsconsume.sh -k -p my.org Example.wsdl
  • Generate Java source and class files using multiple binding files

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsconsume.sh -k -b schema-binding1.xsd -b schema-binding2.xsd Example.wsdl

Use the --help argument or see the below table for a listing of all available wsconsume options.

Table A.6. wsconsume Options

-a, --additionalHeaders

Enable processing of implicit SOAP headers

-b, --binding=<file>

One or more JAX-WS or JAXB binding files

-c --catalog=<file>

Oasis XML Catalog file for entity resolution

-d --encoding=<charset>

The charset encoding to use for generated sources

-e, --extension

Enable SOAP 1.2 binding extension

-h, --help

Show this help message

-j --clientjar=<name>

Create a jar file of the generated artifacts for calling the web service

-k, --keep

Keep/Generate Java source

-l, --load-consumer

Load the consumer and exit (debug utility)

-n, --nocompile

Do not compile generated sources

-o, --output=<directory>

The directory to put generated artifacts

-p --package=<name>

The target package for generated source

-q, --quiet

Be somewhat more quiet

-s, --source=<directory>

The directory to put Java source

-t, --target=<2.1|2.2>

The JAX-WS specification target

-v, --verbose

Show full exception stack traces

-w --wsdlLocation=<loc>

Value to use for @WebService.wsdlLocation


wsprovide is a command-line tool provided with JBoss EAP that generates portable JAX-WS artifacts for a service endpoint implementation. It also has the option to generate a WSDL file.


The wsprovide tool is located in the EAP_HOME/bin directory and uses the following syntax.

EAP_HOME/bin/wsprovide.sh [options] <endpoint class name>

Use the wsprovide.bat script for Windows.

Example usage:

  • Generate wrapper classes for portable artifacts in the output directory.

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsprovide.sh -o output my.package.MyEndpoint
  • Generate wrapper classes and WSDL in the output directory.

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsprovide.sh -o output -w my.package.MyEndpoint
  • Generate wrapper classes in the output directory for an endpoint that references other JARs.

    EAP_HOME/bin/wsprovide.sh -o output -c myapplication1.jar:myapplication2.jar my.org.MyEndpoint

Use the --help argument or see the below table for a listing of all available wsprovide options.

Table A.7. wsprovide Options

-a, --address=<address>

The generated port soap:address in WSDL

-c, --classpath=<path>

The classpath that contains the endpoint

-e, --extension

Enable SOAP 1.2 binding extension

-h, --help

Show this help message

-k, --keep

Keep/Generate Java source

-l, --load-provider

Load the provider and exit (debug utility)

-o, --output=<directory>

The directory to put generated artifacts

-q, --quiet

Be somewhat more quiet

-r, --resource=<directory>

The directory to put resource artifacts

-s, --source=<directory>

The directory to put Java source

-t, --show-traces

Show full exception stack traces

-w, --wsdl

Enable WSDL file generation

A.7. JAX-WS Common API Reference

Several JAX-WS development concepts are shared between web service endpoints and clients. These include the handler framework, message context, and fault handling.

Handler Framework

The handler framework is implemented by a JAX-WS protocol binding in the runtime of the client and the endpoint, which is the server component. Proxies and Dispatch instances, known collectively as binding providers, each use protocol bindings to bind their abstract functionality to specific protocols.

Client and server-side handlers are organized into an ordered list known as a handler chain. The handlers within a handler chain are invoked each time a message is sent or received. Inbound messages are processed by handlers before the binding provider processes them. Outbound messages are processed by handlers after the binding provider processes them.

Handlers are invoked with a message context which provides methods to access and modify inbound and outbound messages and to manage a set of properties. Message context properties facilitate communication between individual handlers, as well as between handlers and client and service implementations. Different types of handlers are invoked with different types of message contexts.

Logical Handler
Logical handlers only operate on message context properties and message payloads. Logical handlers are protocol-independent and cannot affect protocol-specific parts of a message. Logical handlers implement interface javax.xml.ws.handler.LogicalHandler.
Protocol Handler
Protocol handlers operate on message context properties and protocol-specific messages. Protocol handlers are specific to a particular protocol and may access and change protocol-specific aspects of a message. Protocol handlers implement any interface derived from javax.xml.ws.handler.Handler, except javax.xml.ws.handler.LogicalHandler.
Service Endpoint Handler

On a service endpoint, handlers are defined using the @HandlerChain annotation. The location of the handler chain file can be either an absolute java.net.URL in externalForm or a relative path from the source file or class file.

@HandlerChain(file = "jaxws-server-source-handlers.xml")
public class SOAPEndpointSourceImpl {
Service Client Handler

On a JAX-WS client, handlers are defined either by using the @HandlerChain annotation, as in service endpoints, or dynamically, using the JAX-WS API.

Service service = Service.create(wsdlURL, serviceName);
Endpoint port = (Endpoint)service.getPort(Endpoint.class);

BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider)port;
List<Handler> handlerChain = new ArrayList<Handler>();
handlerChain.add(new LogHandler());
handlerChain.add(new AuthorizationHandler());
handlerChain.add(new RoutingHandler());

The call to the setHandlerChain method is required.

Message Context

The MessageContext interface is the super interface for all JAX-WS message contexts. It extends Map<String,Object> with additional methods and constants to manage a set of properties that enable handlers in a handler chain to share processing related state. For example, a handler may use the put method to insert a property into the message context. One or more other handlers in the handler chain may subsequently obtain the message via the get method.

Properties are scoped as either APPLICATION or HANDLER. All properties are available to all handlers for an instance of a message exchange pattern (MEP) of a particular endpoint. For instance, if a logical handler puts a property into the message context, that property is also available to any protocol handlers in the chain during the execution of an MEP instance.


An asynchronous Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) allows for sending and receiving messages asynchronously at the HTTP connection level. You can enable it by setting additional properties in the request context.

Properties scoped at the APPLICATION level are also made available to client applications and service endpoint implementations. The defaultscope for a property is HANDLER.

Logical and SOAP messages use different contexts.

Logical Message Context
When logical handlers are invoked, they receive a message context of type LogicalMessageContext. LogicalMessageContext extends MessageContext with methods which obtain and modify the message payload. It does not provide access to the protocol-specific aspects of a message. A protocol binding defines which components of a message are available via a logical message context. A logical handler deployed in a SOAP binding can access the contents of the SOAP body but not the SOAP headers. On the other hand, the XML/HTTP binding defines that a logical handler can access the entire XML payload of a message.
SOAP Message Context
When SOAP handlers are invoked, they receive a SOAPMessageContext. SOAPMessageContext extends MessageContext with methods which obtain and modify the SOAP message payload.

Fault Handling

An application may throw a SOAPFaultException or an application-specific user exception. In the case of the latter, the required fault wrapper beans are generated at runtime if they are not already part of the deployment.

public void throwSoapFaultException() {
   SOAPFactory factory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
   SOAPFault fault = factory.createFault("this is a fault string!", new QName("http://foo", "FooCode"));
   throw new SOAPFaultException(fault);
public void throwApplicationException() throws UserException {
   throw new UserException("validation", 123, "Some validation error");

JAX-WS Annotations

The annotations available by the JAX-WS API are defined in JSR-224. These annotations are in the javax.xml.ws package.

The annotations available by the JWS API are defined in JSR-181. These annotations are in the javax.jws package.

Revised on 2018-02-08 10:18:36 EST

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