
第34章 Tuning JMS

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If you use the JMS API, review the following information for tips on how to improve performance.

  • Disable the message ID.

    If you do not need message IDs, disable them by using the setDisableMessageID() method on the MessageProducer class. Setting the value to true eliminates the overhead of creating a unique ID and decreases the size of the message.

  • Disable the message timestamp.

    If you do not need message timestamps, disable them by using the setDisableMessageTimeStamp() method on the MessageProducer class. Setting the value to true eliminates the overhead of creating the timestamp and decreases the size of the message.

  • Avoid using ObjectMessage.

    ObjectMessage is used to send a message that contains a serialized object, meaning the body of the message, or payload, is sent over the wire as a stream of bytes. The Java serialized form of even small objects is quite large and takes up a lot of space on the wire. It is also slow when compared to custom marshalling techniques. Use ObjectMessage only if you cannot use one of the other message types, for example, if you do not know the type of the payload until runtime.


    The choice of acknowledgement mode in a consumer impacts performance because of the additional overhead and traffic incurred by sending the acknowledgment message sent over the network. AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE incurs this overhead because it requires an acknowledgement to be sent from the server for each message received on the client. If you can, use DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, which acknowledges messages in a lazy manner, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, meaning the client code will call a method to acknowledge the message, or batch up many acknowledgements with one acknowledge or commit in a transacted session.

  • Avoid durable messages.

    By default, JMS messages are durable. If you do not need durable messages, set them to be non-durable. Durable messages incur a lot of overhead because they are persisted to storage.

  • Use TRANSACTED_SESSION mode to send and receive messages in a single transaction.

    By batching messages in a single transaction, the ActiveMQ Artemis server integrated in JBoss EAP requires only one network round trip on the commit, not on every send or receive.

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