

Chapter 3. Launching a Non-clustered JBoss EAP Instance

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This chapter lists the steps to launch a non-clustered instance of JBoss EAP on a Red Hat Amazon Machine Image (AMI).


  • A suitable Red Hat AMI. See Supported Red Hat AMIs for more information.
  • A pre-configured Security Group that allows incoming requests on at least ports 22, 8080, and 9990.

Launch a Non-Clustered JBoss EAP Instance


You can connect to an EC2 instance through ssh as the ec2-user user. If you need administrative privileges, you can change to root user later. For example,

$ ssh -l ec2-user ${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP}
$ sudo su -
  • Launch the Red Hat AMI instance.

    A non-clustered instance of JBoss EAP has been configured and launched on a Red Hat AMI.

  • To configure JBoss EAP, you can pass arguments to the service directly. Some arguments may not be handled in this way. The location of the service configuration files is:

    • RHEL 6: /etc/sysconfig/eap7-standalone
    • RHEL 7: /etc/opt/rh/eap7/wildfly/eap7-standalone.conf

    See System Paths for more details about system paths.

  • For complex configuration, you can either use the standalone.conf file in the JBoss EAP bin directory: /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/bin/, or you can start the JBoss EAP service and configure the server using CLI. The script can be found in the bin directory. Then, reload the configuration.
  • You must regularly run the yum -y update to apply security fixes and enhancements.
  • To start JBoss EAP on RHEL 6, run the following command:

    $ service eap7-standalone start

    To start JBoss EAP on RHEL 7, run the following command:

    $ systemctl start eap7-standalone
  • To stop JBoss EAP on RHEL 6, run the following command:

    $ service eap7-standalone stop

    To stop JBoss EAP on RHEL 7, run the following command:

    $ systemctl stop eap7-standalone

    The systemctl command is relevant to only RHEL 7.


If you want to bind JBoss EAP to a different IP address, add the following line in the /etc/opt/rh/eap7/wildfly/eap7-standalone.conf file on RHEL 7. The internal IP address is translated into a public IP address by EC2.

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