

Chapter 2. Package List

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For information about package designation, see https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/production/scope_moredetail.
Table 2.1. Package List
Package Name License
ansible-config_template ASL 2.0
ansible-pacemaker ASL 2.0
ansible-role-atos-hsm ASL 2.0
ansible-role-chrony ASL 2.0
ansible-role-container-registry ASL 2.0
ansible-role-openstack-operations ASL 2.0
ansible-role-redhat-subscription ASL 2.0
ansible-role-thales-hsm ASL 2.0
ansible-role-tripleo-modify-image ASL 2.0
ansible-tripleo-ipsec GPLv3+
blosc MIT
collectd-python MIT and GPLv2
collectd-sysevent MIT and GPLv2
collectd-amqp1 MIT and GPLv2
collectd MIT and GPLv2
collectd-hugepages MIT and GPLv2
collectd-ovs-events MIT and GPLv2
collectd-ping MIT and GPLv2
collectd-ovs-stats MIT and GPLv2
collectd-turbostat MIT and GPLv2
collectd-dbi MIT and GPLv2
collectd-procevent MIT and GPLv2
collectd-rdt MIT and GPLv2
collectd-connectivity MIT and GPLv2
collectd-snmp-agent MIT and GPLv2
python3-collectd-rabbitmq-monitoring ASL 2.0
collectd-sensubility ASL 2.0
cpp-hocon ASL 2.0
crudini GPLv2
python3-Cython Python
dibbler-relay GPLv2
dibbler-server GPLv2
dibbler-client GPLv2
dibbler-requestor GPLv2
dib-utils ASL 2.0
diskimage-builder ASL 2.0
dumb-init MIT
elixir ASL 2.0
erlang-tools ASL 2.0
erlang-eldap ASL 2.0
erlang-xmerl ASL 2.0
erlang-parsetools ASL 2.0
erlang-syntax_tools ASL 2.0
erlang-inets ASL 2.0
erlang-kernel ASL 2.0
erlang-snmp ASL 2.0
erlang-ssl ASL 2.0
erlang-erts ASL 2.0
erlang-compiler ASL 2.0
erlang-mnesia ASL 2.0
erlang-asn1 ASL 2.0
erlang-otp_mibs ASL 2.0
erlang-os_mon ASL 2.0
erlang-crypto ASL 2.0
erlang-hipe ASL 2.0
erlang-stdlib ASL 2.0
erlang-runtime_tools ASL 2.0
erlang-public_key ASL 2.0
erlang-sasl ASL 2.0
erlang-sd_notify MIT
etcd ASL 2.0
ruby-facter ASL 2.0
facter ASL 2.0
fontawesome-fonts OFL and MIT
fontawesome-fonts-web OFL and MIT
python3-future MIT
python3-GitPython BSD
gnocchi-statsd ASL 2.0
gnocchi-metricd ASL 2.0
gnocchi-common ASL 2.0
gnocchi-api ASL 2.0
python3-gnocchi ASL 2.0
golang-github-BurntSushi-toml-devel BSD
golang-github-davecgh-go-spew-devel ISC
golang-github-golang-sys-devel BSD
golang-github-pmezard-go-difflib-devel BSD
golang-github-Sirupsen-logrus-devel MIT
golang-github-stretchr-objx-devel MIT
golang-github-stretchr-testify-devel MIT
golang-github-urfave-cli-devel MIT
golang-github-vbatts-tar-split BSD
golang-golangorg-crypto-devel BSD
golang-gopkg-check-devel BSD
golang-gopkg-yaml-devel LGPLv3 with exceptions
golang-gopkg-yaml-devel-v2 LGPLv3 with exceptions
hdf5 BSD
heat-cfntools ASL 2.0
hiera ASL 2.0
leatherman ASL 2.0 and MIT
libdbi LGPLv2+
liberasurecode BSD and CRC32
liboping GPLv2
libsodium ISC
libwebsockets LGPLv2 and Public Domain and BSD and MIT and zlib
ndisc6 GPLv2 or GPLv3
novnc GPLv3
python3-numpy-f2py BSD and Python
python3-numpy BSD and Python
openstack-aodh-expirer ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-listener ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-notifier ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-evaluator ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-api ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-common ASL 2.0
python3-aodh ASL 2.0
openstack-aodh-compat ASL 2.0
openstack-barbican-keystone-listener ASL 2.0
openstack-barbican-api ASL 2.0
openstack-barbican-worker ASL 2.0
openstack-barbican ASL 2.0
openstack-barbican-common ASL 2.0
python3-barbican ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-central ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-polling ASL 2.0
python3-ceilometer ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-common ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-ipmi ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-compute ASL 2.0
openstack-ceilometer-notification ASL 2.0
python3-cinder ASL 2.0
openstack-cinder ASL 2.0
openstack-dashboard-theme ASL 2.0
python3-ec2-api ASL 2.0
openstack-ec2-api ASL 2.0
python3-glance ASL 2.0
openstack-glance ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-monolith ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-api-cfn ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-api ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-engine ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-common ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-apply-config ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-docker-cmd ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-json-file ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-ansible ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-puppet ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent-hiera ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-agents ASL 2.0
python3-heat-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-heat-ui ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-conductor ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-api ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-common ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-inspector ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-python-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-python-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-python-agent-builder ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-staging-drivers ASL 2.0
openstack-ironic-ui ASL 2.0
openstack-keystone ASL 2.0
python3-keystone ASL 2.0
openstack-manila ASL 2.0
openstack-manila-share ASL 2.0
python3-manila ASL 2.0
openstack-manila-ui ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-executor ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-all ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-engine ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-event-engine ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-api ASL 2.0
python3-mistral ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-common ASL 2.0
openstack-mistral-notifier ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-sriov-nic-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-rpc-server ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-metering-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-openvswitch ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-ml2 ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-macvtap-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-linuxbridge ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-common ASL 2.0
python3-neutron ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron ASL 2.0
python3-neutron-dynamic-routing ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-dynamic-routing-common ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-bgp-dragent ASL 2.0
python3-nova ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-migration ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-serialproxy ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-novncproxy ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-console ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-conductor ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-api ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-scheduler ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-compute ASL 2.0
openstack-nova-common ASL 2.0
openstack-nova ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-api ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-common ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-housekeeping ASL 2.0
python3-octavia ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-amphora-agent ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-diskimage-create ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-health-manager ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-worker ASL 2.0
openstack-octavia-ui ASL 2.0
openstack-panko-api ASL 2.0
python3-panko ASL 2.0
openstack-panko-common ASL 2.0
python3-placement ASL 2.0
openstack-placement-api ASL 2.0
openstack-placement-common ASL 2.0
openstack-selinux GPLv2
python3-swift ASL 2.0
openstack-swift-proxy ASL 2.0
openstack-swift-account ASL 2.0
openstack-swift-object ASL 2.0
openstack-swift-container ASL 2.0
python3-tempest-tests ASL 2.0
openstack-tempest ASL 2.0
openstack-tempest-all ASL 2.0
python3-tempest ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-common-devtools ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-common-container-base ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-common-containers ASL 2.0
python3-tripleo-common ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-common ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-heat-templates ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-compat ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-image-elements ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-puppet-elements ASL 2.0
openstack-tripleo-validations ASL 2.0
openstack-zaqar ASL 2.0
os-apply-config ASL 2.0
os-collect-config ASL 2.0
os-net-config ASL 2.0
os-refresh-config ASL 2.0
plotnetcfg GPLv2+
jevents GPLv2 and BSD
pmu-tools GPLv2 and BSD
puppet-headless ASL 2.0
puppet-server ASL 2.0
puppet ASL 2.0
puppet-aodh ASL 2.0
puppet-apache ASL 2.0
puppet-archive ASL 2.0
puppet-auditd BSD
puppet-barbican ASL 2.0
puppet-cassandra ASL 2.0
puppet-ceilometer ASL 2.0
puppet-ceph ASL 2.0
puppet-certmonger ASL 2.0
puppet-cinder ASL 2.0
puppet-collectd ASL 2.0
puppet-concat ASL 2.0
puppet-contrail ASL 2.0
puppet-corosync ASL 2.0
puppet-datacat ASL 2.0
puppet-designate ASL 2.0
puppet-dns ASL 2.0
puppet-ec2api ASL 2.0
puppet-elasticsearch ASL 2.0
puppet-etcd ASL 2.0
puppet-fdio ASL 2.0
puppet-firewall ASL 2.0
puppet-fluentd ASL 2.0
puppet-git ASL 2.0
puppet-glance ASL 2.0
puppet-gnocchi ASL 2.0
puppet-haproxy ASL 2.0
puppet-heat ASL 2.0
puppet-horizon ASL 2.0
puppet-inifile ASL 2.0
puppet-ipaclient MIT
puppet-ironic ASL 2.0
puppet-java ASL 2.0
puppet-kafka ASL 2.0
puppet-keepalived ASL 2.0
puppet-keystone ASL 2.0
puppet-kibana3 ASL 2.0
puppet-kmod ASL 2.0
puppet-manila ASL 2.0
puppet-memcached ASL 2.0
puppet-midonet ASL 2.0
puppet-mistral ASL 2.0
puppet-module-data ASL 2.0
puppet-mysql ASL 2.0
puppet-n1k-vsm ASL 2.0
puppet-neutron ASL 2.0
puppet-nova ASL 2.0
puppet-nssdb ASL 2.0
puppet-octavia ASL 2.0
puppet-opendaylight BSD-2-Clause
puppet-openstack_extras ASL 2.0
puppet-openstacklib ASL 2.0
puppet-oslo ASL 2.0
puppet-ovn ASL 2.0
puppet-pacemaker ASL 2.0
puppet-panko ASL 2.0
puppet-placement ASL 2.0
puppet-qdr ASL 2.0
puppet-rabbitmq ASL 2.0
puppet-redis ASL 2.0
puppet-remote ASL 2.0
puppet-rsync ASL 2.0
puppet-rsyslog ASL 2.0
puppet-sahara ASL 2.0
puppet-sensu MIT
puppet-snmp ASL 2.0
puppet-ssh ASL 2.0
puppet-staging ASL 2.0
puppet-stdlib ASL 2.0
puppet-swift ASL 2.0
puppet-sysctl GPL-2.0
puppet-systemd ASL 2.0
puppet-timezone ASL 2.0
puppet-tomcat ASL 2.0
puppet-tripleo ASL 2.0
puppet-trove ASL 2.0
puppet-uchiwa ASL 2.0
puppet-vcsrepo GPLv2
puppet-veritas_hyperscale ASL 2.0
puppet-vswitch ASL 2.0
puppet-xinetd ASL 2.0
puppet-zaqar ASL 2.0
puppet-zookeeper ASL 2.0
python3-pyflakes MIT
python3-pyparsing MIT
python3-pysendfile MIT
python3-pysnmp BSD
python3-pystache MIT
python3-pytest MIT
python3-adal MIT
python3-alembic MIT
python3-amqp BSD
python3-aniso8601 GPLv3+
python3-ansible-runner ASL 2.0
python3-anyjson BSD
python3-aodhclient ASL 2.0
python3-appdirs MIT
python3-autobahn MIT
python3-automaton ASL 2.0
python3-barbicanclient ASL 2.0
python3-barbican-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-bcrypt ASL 2.0 and Public Domain and BSD
python3-beautifulsoup4 MIT
python3-boto MIT
python3-boto3 ASL 2.0
python3-botoCore ASL 2.0
python3-Bottleneck BSD
python3-cachetools MIT
python3-castellan ASL 2.0
python3-ceilometermiddleware ASL 2.0
python3-certifi MPLv2.0
python3-cinderclient ASL 2.0
python3-cinderlib-tests-functional ASL 2.0
python3-cinderlib ASL 2.0
python3-cinder-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-cliff ASL 2.0
python3-cmd2 MIT
python3-collectd-gnocchi ASL 2.0
python3-colorama BSD
python3-construct MIT
python3-contextlib2 Python
python3-cotyledon ASL 2.0
python3-cradox LGPLv2
python3-croniter MIT
python3-crypto Public Domain and Python
python3-cursive ASL 2.0
python3-cycler BSD
python3-daemon ASL2.0
python3-daiquiri ASL 2.0
python3-dateutil BSD
python3-ddt MIT
python3-debtcollector ASL 2.0
python3-defusedxml Python
python3-designateclient ASL 2.0
python3-designate-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-dictdiffer MIT
python-django-bash-completion BSD
python3-django BSD
python3-django-appconf BSD
python3-django-compressor MIT
python3-django-debreach BSD
python3-django-horizon ASL 2.0 and BSD
openstack-dashboard ASL 2.0 and BSD
python3-django-pyscss BSD
python3-dogpile-cache BSD
python3-dracclient ASL 2.0
python3-editor ASL 2.0
python3-etcd3gw ASL 2.0
python3-eventlet MIT
python3-extras MIT
python3-falcon ASL 2.0
python3-fasteners ASL 2.0
python3-fixtures ASL 2.0 or BSD
python3-flake8 MIT
python3-flask BSD
python3-flask-restful BSD
python3-funcsigs ASL 2.0
python3-futurist ASL 2.0
python3-gabbi ASL 2.0
python3-gitdb BSD
python3-glanceclient ASL 2.0
python3-glance-store ASL 2.0
python3-gnocchiclient ASL 2.0
python3-google-auth ASL 2.0
python3-greenlet MIT
python3-gunicorn MIT
python3-hardware ASL 2.0
python3-hardware-detect ASL 2.0
python3-heatclient ASL 2.0
python3-heat-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-horizon-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-ImcSdk ASL 2.0
python3-ironicclient ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-inspector-client ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-lib ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-prometheus-exporter ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-iso8601 MIT
python3-json-logger BSD
python3-jsonpath-rw ASL 2.0
python3-jsonpath-rw-ext ASL 2.0
python3-kazoo ASL 2.0
python3-kerberos ASL 2.0
python3-keyring MIT and Python
python3-keystoneauth1 ASL 2.0
python3-keystoneclient ASL 2.0
python3-keystonemiddleware ASL 2.0
python3-keystone-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-kiwisolver BSD
python3-kombu BSD and Python
python3-kubernetes ASL 2.0
kuryr-binding-scripts ASL 2.0
python3-kuryr-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-ldap3 LGPLv2+
python3-ldappool MPLv1.1 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
python3-lesscpy MIT
python3-linecache2 Python
python3-lockfile MIT
python3-logutils BSD
python3-lz4 BSD
python3-magnumclient ASL 2.0
python3-manilaclient ASL 2.0
python3-manila-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-markupsafe BSD
python3-matplotlib Python and MIT
python3-matplotlib-data Python and MIT
python3-matplotlib-data-fonts Python and MIT
python3-mccabe MIT
python3-memcached Python
python3-metalsmith ASL 2.0
python3-microversion-parse ASL 2.0
python3-migrate MIT
python3-mimeparse MIT
python3-mistralclient ASL 2.0
python3-mistral-lib ASL 2.0
python3-mistral-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-mock BSD
python3-monotonic ASL 2.0
python3-more-itertools MIT
python3-mox3 ASL 2.0
python3-msgpack ASL 2.0
python3-munch MIT
python3-netifaces MIT
ansible-role-openstack-ml2 ASL 2.0
python3-networking-ansible ASL 2.0
python3-ironic-neutron-agent ASL 2.0
python3-networking-baremetal ASL 2.0
python3-networking-bgpvpn-heat ASL 2.0
python3-networking-bgpvpn ASL 2.0
python3-networking-bgpvpn-dashboard ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-bigswitch-agent ASL 2.0
python3-networking-bigswitch ASL 2.0
python3-networking-fujitsu ASL 2.0
python3-networking-l2gw ASL 2.0
openstack-neutron-l2gw-agent ASL 2.0
python3-networking-l2gw-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-networking-ovn ASL 2.0
python3-networking-ovn-migration-tool ASL 2.0
python3-networking-ovn-metadata-agent ASL 2.0
python3-networking-sfc ASL 2.0
python3-networking-vmware-nsx ASL 2.0
ansible-role-network-runner ASL 2.0
python3-network-runner ASL 2.0
python3-networkx BSD
python3-networkx-Core BSD
python3-neutronclient ASL 2.0
python3-neutron-lib ASL 2.0
python3-neutron-lib-tests ASL 2.0
python3-neutron-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-novaclient ASL 2.0
python3-novajoin ASL 2.0
python3-novajoin-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-numexpr MIT
python3-octaviaclient ASL 2.0
python3-octavia-lib ASL 2.0
python3-octavia-tests-tempest-golang ASL 2.0
python3-octavia-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-openshift MIT
python3-openstackclient ASL 2.0
python-openstackclient-lang ASL 2.0
python3-openstacksdk ASL 2.0
python3-os-brick ASL 2.0
python3-osc-lib ASL 2.0
python3-os-client-config ASL 2.0
python3-osc-placement ASL 2.0
python3-os-ken ASL 2.0
python-oslo-cache-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-cache ASL 2.0
python-oslo-concurrency-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-concurrency ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-config ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-context ASL 2.0
python-oslo-db-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-db ASL 2.0
python-oslo-i18n-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-i18n ASL 2.0
python-oslo-log-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-log ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-messaging ASL 2.0
python-oslo-middleware-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-middleware ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-policy ASL 2.0
python-oslo-policy-lang ASL 2.0
python-oslo-privsep-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-privsep ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-reports ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-rootwrap ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-serialization ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-service ASL 2.0
python3-oslotest ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-upgradecheck ASL 2.0
python-oslo-utils-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-utils ASL 2.0
python-oslo-versionedobjects-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-versionedobjects ASL 2.0
python-oslo-vmware-lang ASL 2.0
python3-oslo-vmware ASL 2.0
python3-osprofiler ASL 2.0
python3-os-resource-classes ASL 2.0
python3-os-service-types ASL 2.0
python3-os-testr ASL 2.0
python3-os-traits ASL 2.0
python3-os-vif ASL 2.0
python3-os-win ASL 2.0
python3-os-xenapi ASL 2.0
python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4 ASL 2.0
python3-ovsdbapp ASL 2.0
python3-pandas BSD
python3-pankoclient ASL 2.0
python3-paramiko LGPLv2+
python3-passlib BSD and Beerware and Copyright only
python3-paste MIT and ZPLv2.0 and Python and (AFL or MIT) and (MIT or ASL 2.0)
python3-paste-deploy MIT
python3-patrole-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
paunch-services ASL 2.0
python3-paunch ASL 2.0
python3-pbr ASL 2.0
python3-pecan BSD
python3-pexpect MIT
python3-pint BSD
python3-pluggy MIT
python3-posix_ipc BSD
python3-proliantutils ASL 2.0
python3-prometheus_client ASL 2.0
python-pycadf-common ASL 2.0
python3-pycadf ASL 2.0
python3-pycodestyle MIT
python3-pyeclib BSD
python3-pyghmi ASL 2.0
python3-pynacl ASL 2.0
python3-pyngus ASL 2.0
python3-pyrabbit2 MIT
python3-pyroute2 GPLv2+
python3-pysaml2 Apache 2.0
python3-pytimeparse MIT
python3-rcssmin ASL 2.0
python3-redis MIT
python3-repoze-lru BSD
python3-requestsexceptions ASL 2.0
python3-requests-kerberos MIT
python3-retrying ASL 2.0
python3-rfc3986 ASL 2.0
python3-rjsmin ASL 2.0
python3-routes BSD
python3-rsa ASL 2.0
python3-rsdclient ASL 2.0
python3-rsd-lib ASL 2.0
python3-ruamel-yaml MIT
python3-s3transfer ASL 2.0
python3-saharaclient ASL 2.0
python3-scciclient ASL 2.0
python3-scrypt BSD
python3-scss MIT
python3-SecretStorage BSD
python3-setproctitle BSD
python3-shade ASL 2.0
python3-simplegeneric Python or ZPLv2.1
python3-simplejson (MIT or AFL) and (MIT or GPLv2)
python3-six MIT
python3-smmap BSD
python3-snappy BSD
python3-sqlalchemy-collectd MIT
python3-sqlalchemy-utils BSD
python3-sqlparse BSD
python3-statsd MIT
python3-stestr ASL 2.0
python3-stevedore ASL 2.0
python3-string_utils MIT
python3-sushy ASL 2.0
python3-sushy-oem-idrac ASL 2.0
python3-swiftclient ASL 2.0
python3-sysv_ipc GPLv3+
python3-tables BSD
python3-tap-as-a-service ASL 2.0
python3-taskflow ASL 2.0
python3-telemetry-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-tempestconf ASL 2.0
python3-tempita MIT
python3-tenacity ASL 2.0
python3-testrepository ASL 2.0
python3-testscenarios ASL 2.0 and BSD
python3-testtools MIT
python3-tinyrpc MIT
python3-tooz ASL 2.0
python3-traceback2 Python
python3-tripleoclient ASL 2.0
python3-tripleoclient-heat-installer ASL 2.0
python3-tripleo-common-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-trollius ASL 2.0
python3-troveclient ASL 2.0
python3-twisted MIT
python3-txaio MIT
python3-ujson BSD
python3-unittest2 BSD
python3-versiontools LGPLv3
python3-vine BSD
python3-vmware-nsxlib ASL 2.0
python3-voluptuous BSD
python3-waitress ZPLv2.1
python3-warlock ASL 2.0
python3-webob MIT
python3-websocket-client BSD
python3-websockify LGPLv3
python3-webtest MIT
python3-werkzeug BSD
python3-wrapt BSD
python3-wsaccel ASL 2.0
python3-wsgi_intercept MIT
python3-wsme MIT
python3-XStatic MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular MIT
XStatic-Angular-common MIT
xstatic-angular-bootstrap-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap MIT
xstatic-angular-fileupload-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-Gettext MIT
xstatic-angular-gettext-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop MIT
xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop-common MIT
xstatic-angular-schema-form-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-UUID MIT
xstatic-angular-uuid-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Angular-Vis MIT
xstatic-angular-vis-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker ASL 2.0
xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker-common ASL 2.0
xstatic-bootstrap-scss-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS MIT
python3-XStatic-bootswatch MIT
bootswatch-fonts MIT
bootswatch-common MIT
xstatic-d3-common BSD
python3-XStatic-D3 BSD
python3-XStatic-FileSaver MIT
xstatic-filesaver-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Font-Awesome OFL and MIT
xstatic-hogan-common ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-Hogan ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-Jasmine MIT
xstatic-jasmine-common MIT
python3-XStatic-jQuery MIT
xstatic-jquery-migrate-common MIT
python3-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate MIT
python3-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch MIT
xstatic-jquery-quicksearch-common MIT
python3-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter MIT
xstatic-jquery-tablesorter-common MIT
python3-XStatic-jquery-ui CC0
xstatic-jquery-ui-common CC0
xstatic-jsencrypt-common MIT
python3-XStatic-JSEncrypt MIT
xstatic-json2yaml-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Json2yaml MIT
python3-XStatic-JS-Yaml MIT
xstatic-js-yaml-common MIT
XStatic-Magic-Search-common ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-Magic-Search ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-mdi OFL
mdi-fonts OFL
mdi-common OFL
xstatic-objectpath-common MIT
python3-XStatic-objectpath MIT
xstatic-rickshaw-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Rickshaw MIT
roboto-fontface-common ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-roboto-fontface ASL 2.0
roboto-fontface-fonts ASL 2.0
python3-XStatic-smart-table MIT
xstatic-smart-table-common MIT
xstatic-spin-common MIT
python3-XStatic-Spin MIT
xstatic-termjs-common MIT
python3-XStatic-termjs MIT
xstatic-tv4-common Public Domain
python3-XStatic-tv4 Public Domain
python3-yappi MIT
python3-yaql ASL 2.0
python3-zake ASL 2.0
python3-zaqarclient ASL 2.0
python3-zaqar-tests-tempest ASL 2.0
python3-zeroconf LGPLv2
python3-zope-event ZPLv2.1
python3-zope-interface ZPLv2.1
python3-pyxattr LGPLv2+
libqhull Qhull
qpid-dispatch-router ASL 2.0
qpid-dispatch-tools ASL 2.0
qpid-proton-c ASL 2.0
python3-qpid-proton ASL 2.0
rabbitmq-server MPLv1.1
rhosp-director-images-all AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-director-images AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-director-images-ipa-x86_64 AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-director-images-minimal AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-director-images-x86_64 AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-director-images-ipa AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
octavia-amphora-image-x86_64 AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable
rhosp-openvswitch-ovn-vtep Public Domain
rhosp-openvswitch-ovn-common Public Domain
rhosp-openvswitch-ovn-central Public Domain
python3-rhosp-openvswitch Public Domain
rhosp-openvswitch-ovn-host Public Domain
rhosp-openvswitch Public Domain
rhosp-release GPLv2
ruby-augeas LGPLv2+
rubygem-pathspec ASL 2.0
rubygem-rgen MIT
ruby-shadow Public Domain
python3-subunit ASL 2.0 or BSD
sysbench GPLv2+
tripleo-ansible ASL 2.0
web-assets-filesystem MIT
web-assets-httpd MIT
yaml-cpp MIT
libzstd BSD and GPLv2
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