
2.64. hammer repository

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    hammer repository [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

 SUBCOMMAND                    Subcommand
 [ARG] ...                     Subcommand arguments

 create                        Create a custom repository
 delete, destroy               Destroy a custom repository
 info, show                    Show a repository
 list, index                   List of enabled repositories
 reclaim-space                 Reclaim space from an On Demand repository
 remove-content                Remove content from a repository
 synchronize                   Sync a repository
 update                        Update a repository
 upload-content                Upload content into the repository

 -h, --help                    Print help

2.64.1. hammer repository create


    hammer repository create [OPTIONS]

 --ansible-collection-auth-token VALUE        The token key to use for authentication.
 --ansible-collection-auth-url VALUE          The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.
 --ansible-collection-requirements VALUE      Contents of requirement yaml file to sync from URL
 --ansible-collection-requirements-file VALUE Location of the ansible collections requirements.yml file.
 --arch VALUE                                 Architecture of content in the repository
 --checksum-type VALUE                        Checksum of the repository, currently 'sha1' & 'sha256' are supported
 --content-type ENUM                          Type of repo
                                              Possible value(s): 'ansible_collection', 'deb', 'docker', 'file', 'ostree',
                                              'python', 'yum'
 --deb-architectures VALUE                    Whitespace-separated list of architectures to be synced from deb-archive
 --deb-components VALUE                       Whitespace-separated list of repo components to be synced from deb-archive
 --deb-releases VALUE                         Whitespace-separated list of releases to be synced from deb-archive
 --description VALUE                          Description of the repository
 --docker-tags-whitelist LIST                 Comma-separated list of tags to sync for Container Image repository (Deprecated)
 --docker-upstream-name VALUE                 Name of the upstream docker repository
 --download-concurrency NUMBER                Used to determine download concurrency of the repository in pulp3. Use value
                                              less than 20. Defaults to 10
 --download-policy ENUM                       Download policy for yum repos (either 'immediate' or 'on_demand')
                                              Possible value(s): 'immediate', 'on_demand'
 --exclude-tags LIST                          Comma-separated list of tags to exclude when syncing a container image
                                              repository. Default: any tag ending in “-source”
 --excludes LIST                              Python packages to exclude from the upstream URL, names separated by newline.
                                              You may also specify versions, for example: django~=2.0.
 --gpg-key-id NUMBER                          Id of the gpg key that will be assigned to the new repository
 --http-proxy VALUE                           Name to search by
 --http-proxy-id NUMBER                       ID of a HTTP Proxy
 --http-proxy-policy ENUM                     Policies for HTTP Proxy for content sync
                                              Possible value(s): 'global_default_http_proxy', 'none',
 --ignorable-content LIST                     List of content units to ignore while syncing a yum repository. Must be subset
                                              of srpm
 --include-tags LIST                          Comma-separated list of tags to sync for a container image repository
 --includes LIST                              Python packages to include from the upstream URL, names separated by newline.
                                              You may also specify versions, for example: django~=2.0. Leave empty to include
                                              every package.
 --label VALUE
 --mirror-on-sync BOOLEAN                     True if this repository when synced has to be mirrored from the source and stale
                                              rpms removed (Deprecated)
 --mirroring-policy ENUM                      Policy to set for mirroring content.  Must be one of additive.
                                              Possible value(s): 'additive', 'mirror_complete', 'mirror_content_only'
 --name VALUE                                 Name of the repository
 --organization VALUE                         Organization name to search by
 --organization-id NUMBER
 --organization-label VALUE                   Organization label to search by
 --organization-title VALUE                   Organization title
 --os-versions LIST                           Identifies whether the repository should be disabled on a client with a
                                              non-matching OS version. Pass [] to enable regardless of OS version. Maximum
                                              length 1; allowed tags are: rhel-6, rhel-7, rhel-8, rhel-9
 --package-types LIST                         Package types to sync for Python content, separated by comma. Leave empty to get
                                              every package type. Package types are: bdist_dmg, bdist_dumb, bdist_egg,
                                              bdist_msi, bdist_rpm, bdist_wheel, bdist_wininst, sdist.
 --product VALUE                              Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER                          Product the repository belongs to
 --publish-via-http BOOLEAN                   Publish Via HTTP
 --retain-package-versions-count NUMBER       The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.
 --ssl-ca-cert-id NUMBER                      Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL CA Cert
 --ssl-client-cert-id NUMBER                  Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Cert
 --ssl-client-key-id NUMBER                   Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Key
 --upstream-authentication-token VALUE        Password of the upstream authentication token.
 --upstream-password VALUE                    Password of the upstream repository user used for authentication
 --upstream-username VALUE                    Username of the upstream repository user used for authentication
 --url VALUE                                  Repository source url
 --verify-ssl-on-sync BOOLEAN                 If true, Katello will verify the upstream url's SSL certifcates are signed by a
                                              trusted CA
 -h, --help                                   Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.2. hammer repository delete


    hammer repository <delete|destroy> [OPTIONS]

 --id NUMBER
 --name VALUE                                Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE                        Organization name to search by
 --organization-id VALUE                     Organization ID to search by
 --organization-label VALUE                  Organization label to search by
 --product VALUE                             Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER                         Product numeric identifier
 --remove-from-content-view-versions BOOLEAN Force delete the repository by removing it from all content view versions
 -h, --help                                  Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.3. hammer repository info


    hammer repository <info|show> [OPTIONS]

 --fields LIST                 Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
 --id NUMBER                   Repository ID
 --name VALUE                  Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE          Organization name to search by
 --organization-id NUMBER      Organization ID
 --organization-label VALUE    Organization label to search by
 --organization-title VALUE    Organization title
 --product VALUE               Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER           Product numeric identifier
 -h, --help                    Print help

Predefined field sets:
  FIELDS                                        | ALL | DEFAULT | THIN
  Id                                            | x   | x       | x
  Name                                          | x   | x       | x
  Label                                         | x   | x       |
  Description                                   | x   | x       |
  Organization                                  | x   | x       |
  Red hat repository                            | x   | x       |
  Content type                                  | x   | x       |
  Checksum type                                 | x   | x       |
  Mirroring policy                              | x   | x       |
  Url                                           | x   | x       |
  Publish via http                              | x   | x       |
  Published at                                  | x   | x       |
  Relative path                                 | x   | x       |
  Download policy                               | x   | x       |
  Upstream repository name                      | x   | x       |
  Container image tags filter                   | x   | x       |
  Container repository name                     | x   | x       |
  Ignorable content units                       | x   | x       |
  Http proxy/id                                 | x   | x       |
  Http proxy/name                               | x   | x       |
  Http proxy/http proxy policy                  | x   | x       |
  Product/id                                    | x   | x       |
  Product/name                                  | x   | x       |
  Gpg key/id                                    | x   | x       |
  Gpg key/name                                  | x   | x       |
  Sync/status                                   | x   | x       |
  Sync/last sync date                           | x   | x       |
  Created                                       | x   | x       |
  Updated                                       | x   | x       |
  Content counts/packages                       | x   | x       |
  Content counts/source rpms                    | x   | x       |
  Content counts/package groups                 | x   | x       |
  Content counts/errata                         | x   | x       |
  Content counts/container image manifest lists | x   | x       |
  Content counts/container image manifests      | x   | x       |
  Content counts/container image tags           | x   | x       |
  Content counts/files                          | x   | x       |
  Content counts/module streams                 | x   | x       |

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.4. hammer repository list


    hammer repository <list|index> [OPTIONS]

 --ansible-collection VALUE        Name to search by
 --ansible-collection-id VALUE     Id of an ansible collection to find repositories that contain the ansible
 --archived BOOLEAN                Show archived repositories
 --available-for VALUE             Interpret specified object to return only Repositories that can be associated
                                   with specified object.  Only 'content_view' & 'content_view_version' are
 --content-type ENUM               Limit to only repositories of this type
                                   Possible value(s): 'ansible_collection', 'deb', 'docker', 'file', 'ostree',
                                   'python', 'yum'
 --content-view VALUE              Content view name to search by
 --content-view-id NUMBER          ID of a content view to show repositories in
 --content-view-version VALUE      Content view version number
 --content-view-version-id NUMBER  ID of a content view version to show repositories in
 --deb VALUE                       Name to search by
 --deb-id VALUE                    Id of a deb package to find repositories that contain the deb
 --description VALUE               Description of the repository
 --download-policy ENUM            Limit to only repositories with this download policy
                                   Possible value(s): 'immediate', 'on_demand'
 --environment VALUE               Lifecycle environment name to search by (--environment is deprecated: Use
                                   --lifecycle-environment instead)
 --environment-id NUMBER           (--environment-id is deprecated: Use --lifecycle-environment-id instead)
 --erratum-id VALUE                Id of an erratum to find repositories that contain the erratum
 --fields LIST                     Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
 --file-id VALUE                   Id of a file to find repositories that contain the file
 --full-result BOOLEAN             Whether or not to show all results
 --label VALUE                     Label of the repository
 --library BOOLEAN                 Show repositories in Library and the default content view
 --lifecycle-environment VALUE     Lifecycle environment name to search by
 --lifecycle-environment-id NUMBER ID of an environment to show repositories in
 --name VALUE                      Name of the repository
 --order VALUE                     Sort field and order, eg. 'id DESC'
 --organization VALUE              Organization name to search by
 --organization-id NUMBER          ID of an organization to show repositories in
 --organization-label VALUE        Organization label to search by
 --organization-title VALUE        Organization title
 --page NUMBER                     Page number, starting at 1
 --per-page NUMBER                 Number of results per page to return
 --product VALUE                   Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER               ID of a product to show repositories of
 --rpm-id VALUE                    Id of a rpm package to find repositories that contain the rpm
 --search VALUE                    Search string
 --username VALUE                  Only show the repositories readable by this user with this username
 --with-content ENUM               Only repositories having at least one of the specified content type ex: rpm ,
                                   Possible value(s): 'ansible_collection', 'deb', 'docker_manifest',
                                   'docker_manifest_list', 'docker_tag', 'docker_blob', 'file', 'ostree_ref',
                                   'python_package', 'rpm', 'modulemd', 'erratum', 'distribution',
                                   'package_category', 'package_group', 'yum_repo_metadata_file', 'srpm'
 -h, --help                        Print help

Predefined field sets:
  Id           | x   | x       | x
  Name         | x   | x       | x
  Product      | x   | x       |
  Content type | x   | x       |
  Url          | x   | x       |

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

Search / Order fields:
  container_repository_name  string
  content_label              string
  content_type               string
  content_view_id            integer
  description                text
  distribution_arch          string
  distribution_bootable      boolean
  distribution_family        string
  distribution_variant       string
  distribution_version       string
  download_policy            string
  label                      string
  name                       string
  product                    string
  product_id                 integer
  product_name               string
  redhat                     Values: true, false

2.64.5. hammer リポジトリーの再利用スペース


    hammer repository reclaim-space [OPTIONS]

 --async                       Do not wait for the task
 --id NUMBER                   Repository ID
 --name VALUE                  Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE          Organization name to search by
 --organization-id VALUE       Organization ID to search by
 --organization-label VALUE    Organization label to search by
 --product VALUE               Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER           Product numeric identifier
 -h, --help                    Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.6. hammer repository remove-content


    hammer repository remove-content [OPTIONS]

 --content-type ENUM           Content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree', 'rpm', 'srpm')
                               Possible value(s): 'deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'python_package', 'rpm',
 --id NUMBER                   Repository ID
 --ids LIST                    Array of content ids to remove
 --name VALUE                  Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE          Organization name to search by
 --organization-id VALUE       Organization ID to search by
 --organization-label VALUE    Organization label to search by
 --product VALUE               Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER           Product numeric identifier
 --sync-capsule BOOLEAN        Whether or not to sync an external capsule after upload. Default: true
 -h, --help                    Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.7. hammer repository synchronize


    hammer repository synchronize [OPTIONS]

 --async                       Do not wait for the task
 --id NUMBER                   Repository ID
 --incremental BOOLEAN         Perform an incremental import
 --name VALUE                  Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE          Organization name to search by
 --organization-id NUMBER      Organization ID
 --organization-label VALUE    Organization label to search by
 --organization-title VALUE    Organization title
 --product VALUE               Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER           Product numeric identifier
 --skip-metadata-check BOOLEAN Force sync even if no upstream changes are detected. Only used with yum
 --source-url VALUE            Temporarily override feed URL for sync
 --validate-contents BOOLEAN   Force a sync and validate the checksums of all content. Only used with yum
 -h, --help                    Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.8. hammer repository update


    hammer repository update [OPTIONS]

 --ansible-collection-auth-token VALUE        The token key to use for authentication.
 --ansible-collection-auth-url VALUE          The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.
 --ansible-collection-requirements VALUE      Contents of requirement yaml file to sync from URL
 --ansible-collection-requirements-file VALUE Location of the ansible collections requirements.yml file.
 --arch VALUE                                 Architecture of content in the repository
 --checksum-type VALUE                        Checksum of the repository, currently 'sha1' & 'sha256' are supported
 --deb-architectures VALUE                    Whitespace-separated list of architectures to be synced from deb-archive
 --deb-components VALUE                       Whitespace-separated list of repo components to be synced from deb-archive
 --deb-releases VALUE                         Whitespace-separated list of releases to be synced from deb-archive
 --description VALUE                          Description of the repository
 --docker-digest VALUE                        Container Image manifest digest
 --docker-tag VALUE                           Container Image tag
 --docker-tags-whitelist LIST                 Comma-separated list of tags to sync for Container Image repository (Deprecated)
 --docker-upstream-name VALUE                 Name of the upstream docker repository
 --download-concurrency NUMBER                Used to determine download concurrency of the repository in pulp3. Use value
                                              less than 20. Defaults to 10
 --download-policy ENUM                       Download policy for yum repos (either 'immediate' or 'on_demand')
                                              Possible value(s): 'immediate', 'on_demand'
 --exclude-tags LIST                          Comma-separated list of tags to exclude when syncing a container image
                                              repository. Default: any tag ending in “-source”
 --excludes LIST                              Python packages to exclude from the upstream URL, names separated by newline.
                                              You may also specify versions, for example: django~=2.0.
 --gpg-key-id NUMBER                          Id of the gpg key that will be assigned to the new repository
 --http-proxy VALUE                           Name to search by
 --http-proxy-id NUMBER                       ID of a HTTP Proxy
 --http-proxy-policy ENUM                     Policies for HTTP Proxy for content sync
                                              Possible value(s): 'global_default_http_proxy', 'none',
 --id NUMBER                                  Repository ID
 --ignorable-content LIST                     List of content units to ignore while syncing a yum repository. Must be subset
                                              of srpm
 --include-tags LIST                          Comma-separated list of tags to sync for a container image repository
 --includes LIST                              Python packages to include from the upstream URL, names separated by newline.
                                              You may also specify versions, for example: django~=2.0. Leave empty to include
                                              every package.
 --mirror-on-sync BOOLEAN                     True if this repository when synced has to be mirrored from the source and stale
                                              rpms removed (Deprecated)
 --mirroring-policy ENUM                      Policy to set for mirroring content.  Must be one of additive.
                                              Possible value(s): 'additive', 'mirror_complete', 'mirror_content_only'
 --name VALUE
 --new-name VALUE
 --organization VALUE                         Organization name to search by
 --organization-id VALUE                      Organization ID to search by
 --organization-label VALUE                   Organization label to search by
 --os-versions LIST                           Identifies whether the repository should be disabled on a client with a
                                              non-matching OS version. Pass [] to enable regardless of OS version. Maximum
                                              length 1; allowed tags are: rhel-6, rhel-7, rhel-8, rhel-9
 --package-types LIST                         Package types to sync for Python content, separated by comma. Leave empty to get
                                              every package type. Package types are: bdist_dmg, bdist_dumb, bdist_egg,
                                              bdist_msi, bdist_rpm, bdist_wheel, bdist_wininst, sdist.
 --product VALUE                              Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER                          Product numeric identifier
 --publish-via-http BOOLEAN                   Publish Via HTTP
 --retain-package-versions-count NUMBER       The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.
 --ssl-ca-cert-id NUMBER                      Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL CA Cert
 --ssl-client-cert-id NUMBER                  Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Cert
 --ssl-client-key-id NUMBER                   Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Key
 --upstream-authentication-token VALUE        Password of the upstream authentication token.
 --upstream-password VALUE                    Password of the upstream repository user used for authentication
 --upstream-username VALUE                    Username of the upstream repository user used for authentication
 --url VALUE                                  Repository source url
 --verify-ssl-on-sync BOOLEAN                 If true, Katello will verify the upstream url's SSL certifcates are signed by a
                                              trusted CA
 -h, --help                                   Print help

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string

2.64.9. hammer repository upload-content


    hammer repository upload-content [OPTIONS]

 --content-type ENUM            Content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree', 'rpm', 'srpm')
                                Possible value(s): 'deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree_ref',
                                'python_package', 'rpm', 'srpm'
 --fields LIST                  Show specified fields or predefined field sets only. (See below)
 --id NUMBER                    Repository ID
 --name VALUE                   Repository name to search by
 --organization VALUE           Organization name to search by
 --organization-id NUMBER       Organization ID
 --organization-label VALUE     Organization label to search by
 --organization-title VALUE     Organization title
 --ostree-repository-name VALUE Name of OSTree repository in archive.
 --path FILE                    Upload file, directory of files, or glob of files as content for a repository.
                                Globs must be escaped by single or double quotes
 --product VALUE                Product name to search by
 --product-id NUMBER            Product numeric identifier
 -h, --help                     Print help

Predefined field sets:

Option details:
  Here you can find option types and the value an option can accept:

  BOOLEAN             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0
  DATETIME            Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
  ENUM                Possible values are described in the option's description
  FILE                Path to a file
  KEY_VALUE_LIST      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  LIST                Comma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslash.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  MULTIENUM           Any combination of possible values described in the option's description
  NUMBER              Numeric value. Integer
  SCHEMA              Comma separated list of values defined by a schema.
                      JSON is acceptable and preferred way for such parameters
  VALUE               Value described in the option's description. Mostly simple string
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