5.2. Known Issues
These known issues exist in Red Hat Satellite 6 at this time:
- BZ#1713401
When you apply the OSPP security policy to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 system during provisioning, the katello-ca-consumer package cannot be installed from Satellite Server. Therefore, the system cannot be registered as a content host. As a workaround, after the system is provisioned, install the katello-ca-consumer with the following command and then register the system manually:
# rpm -Uvh --nodigest --nofiledigest http://satellite.example.com/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
- BZ#1856967
- on_demand repos may fail to download packages during capsule sync or client request with el8 repos
- BZ#1863597
- Inventory plug-in configuration(--enable-foreman-plugin-inventory-upload) makes DB inconsistent