Chapter 5. Known Issues
5.1. Known Issues
- "Add user federation provider" form doesn’t validate "Custom User LDAP Filter" field
- The "tree lines" menu doesn’t work
- Unstable Admin Console when opening multiple browser tabs
- Confirm before changing OTP Policy
- Unable to add an Authenticator app without scanning QR
- Broken Authenticator Setup with smaller resolutions
- Composite roles does not work with SAML
- Upload-certificate admin endpoint does not nullify private keys
- Roles assigned to groups are not recognized when users access admin console
- Kerberos authenticator changed from REQUIRED to ALTERNATIVE during userFederationProvider update
- Dropdown menu in navigation bar doesn’t work with small screens
- Internal Server Error thrown when Update User API is invoked w/o 'username' parameter
- IBM DB2 fails if JPA criteria query sets just firstResult but not maxResults
- Download adapter config from admin console for "signed JWT" clients
- NPE when accessing Account with invalid clientId set as ?referrer, and additional referrer_uri set
- SAML ECP Profile Flow is empty
- OutdatedTopologyException when creating realm during cluster node failback/startup