

Chapter 2. Installation

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This chapter describes in detail how to get access to the content set, install Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 on the system, and rebuild Red Hat Software Collections.

2.1. Getting Access to Red Hat Software Collections

Depending on the subscription management service with which you registered your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, you can either enable Red Hat Software Collections by using Red Hat Subscription Management, or by using RHN Classic. For detailed instructions on how to enable Red Hat Software Collections using RHN Classic or Red Hat Subscription Management, see the respective section below. For information on how to register your system with one of these subscription management services, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.


If you are running a version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux prior to 6.4, you will be unable to download Red Hat Software Collections through Red Hat Subscription Management. To obtain Red Hat Software Collections, either update to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4, or register your system with RHN Classic. For more information, see https://access.redhat.com/solutions/129003.

2.1.1. Using Red Hat Subscription Management

If your system is registered with Red Hat Subscription Management, complete the following steps to attach the subscription that provides access to the repository for Red Hat Software Collections and enable the repository:
  1. Display a list of all subscriptions that are available for your system and determine the pool ID of a subscription that provides Red Hat Software Collections. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    subscription-manager list --available
    For each available subscription, this command displays its name, unique identifier, expiration date, and other details related to it. The pool ID is listed on a line beginning with Pool Id.
  2. Attach the appropriate subscription to your system by running the following command as root:
    subscription-manager subscribe --pool=pool_id
    Replace pool_id with the pool ID you determined in the previous step. To verify the list of subscriptions your system has currently attached, type as root:
    subscription-manager list --consumed
  3. Display the list of available Yum list repositories to retrieve repository metadata and determine the exact name of the Red Hat Software Collections repositories. As root, type:
    yum repolist all
    The repository names depend on the specific version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using and are in the following format:
    Replace variant with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant, that is, server or workstation. Note that Red Hat Software Collections is supported neither on the Client nor on the ComputeNode variant.
  4. Enable the appropriate repository by running the following command as root:
    yum-config-manager --enable repository
Once the subscription is attached to the system, you can install Red Hat Software Collections as described in Section 2.2, “Installing Red Hat Software Collections”. For more information on how to register your system using Red Hat Subscription Management and associate it with subscriptions, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.

2.1.2. Using RHN Classic

If your system is registered with RHN Classic (applicable to Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions prior to 6.4), complete the following steps to subscribe to Red Hat Software Collections:
  1. Display a list of all channels that are available to you and determine the exact name of the Red Hat Software Collections channel. To do so, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
    rhn-channel --available-channels
    The name of the channel depends on the specific version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using and is in the following format, where variant is the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system variant (server or workstation):
    Note that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 channels are accessible only through Red Hat Satellite instances.
  2. Subscribe the system to the Red Hat Software Collections channel by running the following command as root:
    rhn-channel --add --channel=channel_name
    Replace channel_name with the name you determined in the previous step.
  3. Verify the list of channels you are subscribed to. As root, type:
    rhn-channel --list
Once the system is subscribed, you can install Red Hat Software Collections as described in Section 2.2, “Installing Red Hat Software Collections”. For more information on how to register your system with RHN Classic, see Using and Configuring Red Hat Subscription Manager.

2.2. Installing Red Hat Software Collections

Red Hat Software Collections is distributed as a collection of RPM packages that can be installed, updated, and uninstalled by using the standard package management tools included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Note that a valid subscription is required to install Red Hat Software Collections on your system. For detailed instructions on how to associate your system with an appropriate subscription and get access to Red Hat Software Collections, see Section 2.1, “Getting Access to Red Hat Software Collections”.


Some of the Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 packages require the Optional channel to be enabled in order to complete the full installation of these packages:
  • The php54-php-imap and php55-php-imap packages require the libc-client package from the Optional channel.
  • The php54-php-recode and php55-php-recode packages require the recode package from the Optional channel.
  • The perl516-perl-devel package requires the gdbm-devel package from the Optional channel.
  • The mariadb55-mariadb-bench package requires the perl-GD package from the Optional channel.
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the following packages available only in the Optional channel are required:
  • The Node.js Software Collection depends on the nodejs010-nodejs-devel package, which requires the c-ares-devel package from the Optional channel (applicable to minimal install).
  • The httpd24-mod_ldap package requires the apr-util-ldap package from the Optional channel.
  • The php54-php-pspell and php55-php-pspell packages require the aspell package from the Optional channel.
  • The python27-python-debug package requires the tix package from the Optional channel.
  • The thermostat1-thermostat package requires the apache-commons-beanutils, jansi, hawtjni, jansi-native, and objectweb-asm packages from the Optional channel (applicable to minimal install).
  • The thermostat1-thermostat-webapp package requires the felix-framework package from the Optional channel (applicable to minimal install).
  • The thermostat1-netty package requires the jzlib package from the Optional channel (applicable to minimal install).
  • The apache-commons-logging package requires the xerces-j2 package from the Optional channel (applicable to minimal install).
For detailed instructions on how to subscribe your system to this channel, see the relevant Knowledgebase article on the Customer Portal.


Use of Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 requires the removal of the pre-release versions. It is not possible to update to any Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 component from the Beta version. If you have previously installed any Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 component from the Beta version of Red Hat Software Collections, uninstall it from your system and install the new version as described in the Section 2.3, “Uninstalling Red Hat Software Collections” and Section 2.2.1, “Installing Individual Software Collections” sections.


The in-place upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is not supported by Red Hat Software Collections. As a consequence, the installed Software Collections might not work correctly after the upgrade. If you want to upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, it is strongly recommended to remove all Red Hat Software Collections packages, perform the in-place upgrade, update the Red Hat Software Collections repository, and install the Software Collections packages again. It is advisable to back up all data before upgrading.

2.2.1. Installing Individual Software Collections

To install any of the Software Collections that are listed in Table 1.1, “Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 Components”, install the corresponding meta package by typing the following at a shell prompt as root:
yum install software_collection...
Replace software_collection with a space-separated list of Software Collections you want to install. For example, to install php54 and mariadb55, type as root:
~]# yum install php54 mariadb55
This installs the main meta package for the selected Software Collection and a set of required packages as its dependencies. For information on how to install additional packages such as additional modules, see Section 2.2.2, “Installing Optional Packages”.

2.2.2. Installing Optional Packages

Each component of Red Hat Software Collections is distributed with a number of optional packages that are not installed by default. To list all packages that are part of a certain Software Collection but are not installed on your system, type the following at a shell prompt:
yum list available software_collection-\*
To install any of these optional packages, type as root:
yum install package_name...
Replace package_name with a space-separated list of packages that you want to install. For example, to install the perl516-perl-CPAN and perl516-perl-Archive-Tar, type:
~]# yum install perl516-perl-CPAN perl516-perl-Archive-Tar

2.2.3. Installing Debugging Information

To install debugging information for any of the Red Hat Software Collections packages, make sure that the yum-utils package is installed and type the following command as root:
debuginfo-install package_name
For example, to install debugging information for the ruby193-ruby package, type:
~]# debuginfo-install ruby193-ruby
Note that in order to use this command, you need to have access to the repository with these packages. If your system is registered with Red Hat Subscription Management, enable the rhel-variant-rhscl-6-debug-rpms or rhel-variant-rhscl-7-debug-rpms repository as described in Section 2.1.1, “Using Red Hat Subscription Management”. If your system is registered with RHN Classic, subscribe the system to the rhel-x86_64-variant-6-rhscl-1-debuginfo or rhel-x86_64-variant-7-rhscl-1-debuginfo channel as described in Section 2.1.2, “Using RHN Classic”. For more information on how to get access to debuginfo packages, see https://access.redhat.com/solutions/9907.

2.3. Uninstalling Red Hat Software Collections

To uninstall any of the Software Collections components, type the following at a shell prompt as root:
yum remove software_collection\*
Replace software_collection with the Software Collection component you want to uninstall.
Note that uninstallation of the packages provided by Red Hat Software Collections does not affect the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system versions of these tools.

2.4. Rebuilding Red Hat Software Collections

<collection>-build packages are not provided by default. If you wish to rebuild a collection and do not want or cannot use the rpmbuild --define 'scl foo' command, you first need to rebuild the metapackage, which provides the <collection>-build package.
Note that existing collections should not be rebuilt with different content. To add new packages into an existing collection, you need to create a new collection containing the new packages and make it dependent on packages from the original collection. The original collection has to be used without changes.
For detailed information on building Software Collections, refer to the Red Hat Software Collections Packaging Guide.
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