

Chapter 1. Installing and Configuring Data Warehouse

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1.1. Overview of Configuring Data Warehouse

The Red Hat Virtualization Manager includes a comprehensive management history database, which can be utilized by any application to extract a range of information at the data center, cluster, and host levels. Installing Data Warehouse creates the ovirt_engine_history database, to which the Manager is configured to log information for reporting purposes.
Data Warehouse is required in Red Hat Virtualization. It can be installed and configured on the same machine as the Manager, or on a separate machine with access to the Manager:
  1. Install and configure Data Warehouse on the Manager machine.

    This configuration requires only a single registered machine, and is the simplest to configure; however, it increases the demand on the host machine. Users who require access to the Data Warehouse service will require access to the Manager machine itself. See Configuring the Red Hat Virtualization Manager in the Installation Guide for more information on this configuration.

  2. Install and configure Data Warehouse a separate machine.

    This configuration requires two registered machines. It reduces the load on the Manager machine and avoids potential CPU and memory-sharing conflicts on that machine. Administrators can also allow user access to the Data Warehouse machine, without the need to grant access to the Manager machine. See Section 1.2, “Installing and Configuring Data Warehouse on a Separate Machine” for more information on this configuration.

It is recommended that you set the system time zone for all machines in your Data Warehouse deployment to UTC. This ensures that data collection is not interrupted by variations in your local time zone: for example, a change from summer time to winter time.
To calculate an estimate of the space and resources the ovirt_engine_history database will use, use the RHV Manager History Database Size Calculator tool. The estimate is based on the number of entities and the length of time you have chosen to retain the history records.


The following behavior is expected in engine-setup:
  • Install the Data Warehouse package, run engine-setup, and answer No to configuring Data Warehouse:
    Configure Data Warehouse on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]: No
  • Run engine-setup again; setup no longer presents the option to configure Data Warehouse.
To force engine-setup to present the option again, run engine-setup --reconfigure-optional-components.
To configure only the currently installed Data Warehouse packages, and prevent setup from applying package updates found in enabled repositories, add the --offline option .
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