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Chapter 12. Using metering with OpenShift Serverless

As a cluster administrator, you can use metering to analyze what is happening in your OpenShift Serverless cluster.

For more information about metering on OpenShift Container Platform, see About metering.

12.1. Installing metering

For information about installing metering on OpenShift Container Platform, see Installing Metering.

12.2. Data sources for Knative Serving metering

The following data source examples show how Knative Serving can be configured for use with OpenShift Container Platform metering.

12.2.1. Data source for CPU usage in Knative Serving

This example data source provides the accumulated CPU seconds used per Knative service over the report time period:

Example YAML

apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1
kind: ReportDataSource
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
    query: >
            label_replace(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!="POD",container!="",pod!=""}[1m]), "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)")
            on(pod, namespace)
            group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision)

12.2.2. Data source for memory usage in Knative Serving

This example data source provides the average memory consumption per Knative service over the report time period:

Example YAML

apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1
kind: ReportDataSource
  name: knative-service-memory-usage
    query: >
            label_replace(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!="POD", container!="",pod!=""}, "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)")
            on(pod, namespace)
            group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision)

12.2.3. Applying data sources for Knative Serving metering


  • Apply the ReportDataSources resource as a YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <datasource_name>.yaml

    Example command

    $ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml

12.3. Queries for Knative Serving metering

The following query example resources reference the example data sources.

12.3.1. Query for CPU usage in Knative Serving

Example YAML

apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1
kind: ReportQuery
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
  - name: ReportingStart
    type: time
  - name: ReportingEnd
    type: time
  - default: knative-service-cpu-usage
    name: KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource
    type: ReportDataSource
  - name: period_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: period_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: namespace
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_namespace
  - name: service
    type: varchar
  - name: data_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: data_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: service_cpu_seconds
    type: double
    unit: cpu_core_seconds
  query: |
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start,
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end,
      labels['namespace'] as project,
      labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service,
      min("timestamp") as data_start,
      max("timestamp") as data_end,
      sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_cpu_seconds
    FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource |}
    WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}'
    AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}'
    GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service']

12.3.2. Query for memory usage in Knative Serving

Example YAML

apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1
kind: ReportQuery
  name: knative-service-memory-usage
  - name: ReportingStart
    type: time
  - name: ReportingEnd
    type: time
  - default: knative-service-memory-usage
    name: KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource
    type: ReportDataSource
  - name: period_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: period_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: namespace
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_namespace
  - name: service
    type: varchar
  - name: data_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: data_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: service_usage_memory_byte_seconds
    type: double
    unit: byte_seconds
  query: |
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start,
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end,
      labels['namespace'] as project,
      labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service,
      min("timestamp") as data_start,
      max("timestamp") as data_end,
      sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_usage_memory_byte_seconds
    FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource |}
    WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}'
    AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}'
    GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service']

12.3.3. Applying queries for Knative Serving metering

  • Apply the query as a YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <query_name>.yaml

    Example command

    $ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml

12.4. Metering reports for Knative Serving

You can run metering reports against Knative Serving by creating Report resources. Before you run a report, you must modify the input parameter within the Report resource to specify the start and end dates of the reporting period.

Example report YAML

apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1
kind: Report
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
  reportingStart: '2019-06-01T00:00:00Z' 1
  reportingEnd: '2019-06-30T23:59:59Z' 2
  query: knative-service-cpu-usage 3
runImmediately: true

Start date of the report, in ISO 8601 format.
End date of the report, in ISO 8601 format.
Either knative-service-cpu-usage for CPU usage report or knative-service-memory-usage for a memory usage report.

12.4.1. Running a metering report

  1. Run the report by applying it as a YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <report_name>.yaml
  2. Check the report:

    $ oc get report

    Example output

    NAME                        QUERY                       SCHEDULE   RUNNING    FAILED   LAST REPORT TIME       AGE
    knative-service-cpu-usage   knative-service-cpu-usage              Finished            2019-06-30T23:59:59Z   10h

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