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Chapter 6. Migrating Applications
6.1. Overview
This topic covers the migration procedure of OpenShift version 2 (v2) applications to OpenShift version 3 (v3).
To migrate OpenShift v2 applications to OpenShift Online v3, all cartridges in the v2 application must be recorded as each v2 cartridge is equivalent with a corresponding image or template in OpenShift Online v3 and they must be migrated individually. For each cartridge, all dependencies or required packages also must be recorded, as they must be included in the v3 images.
The general migration procedure is:
Back up the v2 application.
- Web cartridge: The source code can be backed up to a Git repository such as by pushing to a repository on GitHub.
Database cartridge: The database can be backed up using a dump command (
) to back up the database. Web and database cartridges:
client tool provides snapshot ability to back up multiple cartridges:$ rhc snapshot save <app_name>
The snapshot is a tar file that can be unzipped, and its content is application source code and the database dump.
- If the application has a database cartridge, create a v3 database application, sync the database dump to the pod of the new v3 database application, then restore the v2 database in the v3 database application with database restore commands.
- For a web framework application, edit the application source code to make it v3 compatible. Then, add any dependencies or packages required in appropriate files in the Git repository. Convert v2 environment variables to corresponding v3 environment variables.
- Create a v3 application from source (your Git repository) or from a quickstart with your Git URL. Also, add the database service parameters to the new application to link the database application to the web application.
- In v2, there is an integrated Git environment and your applications automatically rebuild and restart whenever a change is pushed to your v2 Git repository. In v3, in order to have a build automatically triggered by source code changes pushed to your public Git repository, you must set up a webhook after the initial build in v3 is completed.
6.2. Migrating Database Applications
6.2.1. Overview
This topic reviews how to migrate MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB database applications from OpenShift version 2 (v2) to OpenShift version 3 (v3).
6.2.2. Supported Databases
v2 | v3 |
MongoDB: 2.4 | MongoDB: 2.4, 2.6 |
MySQL: 5.5 | MySQL: 5.5, 5.6 |
PostgreSQL: 9.2 | PostgreSQL: 9.2, 9.4 |
6.2.3. MySQL
Export all databases to a dump file and copy it to a local machine (into the current directory):
$ rhc ssh <v2_application_name> $ mysqldump --skip-lock-tables -h $OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST -P ${OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT:-3306} -u ${OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME:-'admin'} \ --password="$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD" --all-databases > ~/app-root/data/all.sql $ exit
Download dbdump to your local machine:
$ mkdir mysqldumpdir $ rhc scp -a <v2_application_name> download mysqldumpdir app-root/data/all.sql
Create a v3 mysql-persistent pod from template:
$ oc new-app mysql-persistent -p \ MYSQL_USER=<your_V2_mysql_username> -p \ MYSQL_PASSWORD=<your_v2_mysql_password> -p MYSQL_DATABASE=<your_v2_database_name>
Check to see if the pod is ready to use:
$ oc get pods
When the pod is up and running, copy database archive files to your v3 MySQL pod:
$ oc rsync /local/mysqldumpdir <mysql_pod_name>:/var/lib/mysql/data
Restore the database in the v3 running pod:
$ oc rsh <mysql_pod> $ cd /var/lib/mysql/data/mysqldumpdir
In v3, to restore databases you need to access MySQL as root user.
In v2, the
had full privileges on all databases. In v3, you must grant privileges to$MYSQL_USER
for each database.$ mysql -u root $ source all.sql
Grant all privileges on <dbname> to
, then flush privileges.Remove the dump directory from the pod:
$ cd ../; rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/data/mysqldumpdir
Supported MySQL Environment Variables
v2 | v3 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
6.2.4. PostgreSQL
Back up the v2 PostgreSQL database from the gear:
$ rhc ssh -a <v2-application_name> $ mkdir ~/app-root/data/tmp $ pg_dump <database_name> | gzip > ~/app-root/data/tmp/<database_name>.gz
Extract the backup file back to your local machine:
$ rhc scp -a <v2_application_name> download <local_dest> app-root/data/tmp/<db-name>.gz $ gzip -d <database-name>.gz
NoteSave the backup file to a separate folder for step 4.
Create the PostgreSQL service using the v2 application database name, user name and password to create the new service:
$ oc new-app postgresql-persistent -p POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=dbname -p POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=password -p POSTGRESQL_USER=username
Check to see if the pod is ready to use:
$ oc get pods
When the pod is up and running, sync the backup directory to pod:
$ oc rsync /local/path/to/dir <postgresql_pod_name>:/var/lib/pgsql/data
Remotely access the pod:
$ oc rsh <pod_name>
Restore the database:
psql dbname < /var/lib/pgsql/data/<database_backup_file>
Remove all backup files that are no longer needed:
$ rm /var/lib/pgsql/data/<database-backup-file>
Supported PostgreSQL Environment Variables
v2 | v3 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
6.2.5. MongoDB
- For OpenShift v3: MongoDB shell version 3.2.6
- For OpenShift v2: MongoDB shell version 2.4.9
Remotely access the v2 application via the
command:$ rhc ssh <v2_application_name>
Run mongodump, specifying a single database with
-d <database_name> -c <collections>
. Without those options, dump all databases. Each database is dumped in its own directory:$ mongodump -h $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST -o app-root/repo/mydbdump -u 'admin' -p $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD $ cd app-root/repo/mydbdump/<database_name>; tar -cvzf dbname.tar.gz $ exit
Download dbdump to a local machine in the mongodump directory:
$ mkdir mongodump $ rhc scp -a <v2 appname> download mongodump \ app-root/repo/mydbdump/<dbname>/dbname.tar.gz
Start a MongoDB pod in v3. Because the latest image (3.2.6) does not include mongo-tools, to use
commands you need to edit the default mongodb-persistent template to specify the image tag that contains themongo-tools, “mongodb:2.4”
. For that reason, the followingoc export
command and edit are necessary:$ oc export template mongodb-persistent -n openshift -o json > mongodb-24persistent.json
Edit L80 of mongodb-24persistent.json; replace
.$ oc new-app --template=mongodb-persistent -n <project-name-that-template-was-created-in> \ MONGODB_USER=user_from_v2_app -p \ MONGODB_PASSWORD=password_from_v2_db -p \ MONGODB_DATABASE=v2_dbname -p \ MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password_from_v2_db $ oc get pods
When the mongodb pod is up and running, copy the database archive files to the v3 MongoDB pod:
$ oc rsync local/path/to/mongodump <mongodb_pod_name>:/var/lib/mongodb/data $ oc rsh <mongodb_pod>
In the MongoDB pod, complete the following for each database you want to restore:
$ cd /var/lib/mongodb/data/mongodump $ tar -xzvf dbname.tar.gz $ mongorestore -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_PASSWORD -d dbname -v /var/lib/mongodb/data/mongodump
Check if the database is restored:
$ mongo admin -u $MONGODB_USER -p $MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD $ use dbname $ show collections $ exit
Remove the mongodump directory from the pod:
$ rm -rf /var/lib/mongodb/data/mongodump
Supported MongoDB Environment Variables
v2 | v3 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
6.3. Migrating Web Framework Applications
6.3.1. Overview
This topic reviews how to migrate Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, Node.js, WordPress, Ghost, JBoss EAP, JBoss WS (Tomcat), and Wildfly 10 (JBoss AS) web framework applications from OpenShift version 2 (v2) to OpenShift version 3 (v3).
6.3.2. Python
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local v2 Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
Ensure that all important files such as setup.py, wsgi.py, requirements.txt, and etc are pushed to new repository.
- Ensure all required packages for your application are included in requirements.txt.
Use the
command to launch a new Python application from the builder image and source code:$ oc new-app --strategy=source python:3.3~https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name> --name=<app-name> -e <ENV_VAR_NAME>=<env_var_value>
Supported Python Versions
6.3.3. Ruby
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local v2 Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
If you do not have a Gemfile and are running a simple rack application, copy this Gemfile into the root of your source:
NoteThe latest version of the rack gem that supports Ruby 2.0 is 1.6.4, so the Gemfile needs to be modified to
gem 'rack', “1.6.4”
.For Ruby 2.2 or later, use the rack gem 2.0 or later.
Use the
command to launch a new Ruby application from the builder image and source code:$ oc new-app --strategy=source ruby:2.0~https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git
Supported Ruby Versions
6.3.4. PHP
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local v2 Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
Use the
command to launch a new PHP application from the builder image and source code:$ oc new-app https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git --name=<app-name> -e <ENV_VAR_NAME>=<env_var_value>
Supported PHP Versions
6.3.5. Perl
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local v2 Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
Edit the local Git repository and push changes upstream to make it v3 compatible:
In v2, CPAN modules reside in .openshift/cpan.txt. In v3, the s2i builder looks for a file named cpanfile in the root directory of the source.
$ cd <local-git-repository> $ mv .openshift/cpan.txt cpanfile
Edit cpanfile, as it has a slightly different format:
format of cpanfile format of cpan.txt requires ‘cpan::mod’;
requires ‘Dancer’;
requires ‘YAML’;
Remove .openshift directory
NoteIn v3, action_hooks and cron tasks are not supported in the same way. See Action Hooks for more information.
Use the
command to launch a new Perl application from the builder image and source code:
$ oc new-app https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git
Supported Perl Versions
6.3.6. Node.js
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
Edit the local Git repository and push changes upstream to make it v3 compatible:
Remove the .openshift directory.
NoteIn v3, action_hooks and cron tasks are not supported in the same way. See Action Hooks for more information.
Edit server.js.
- L116 server.js: 'self.app = express();'
- L25 server.js: self.ipaddress = '';
L26 server.js: self.port = 8080;
NoteLines(L) are from the base V2 cartridge server.js.
Use the
command to launch a new Node.js application from the builder image and source code:$ oc new-app https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git --name=<app-name> -e <ENV_VAR_NAME>=<env_var_value>
Supported Node.js Versions
See Supported Container Images.
In OpenShift Online v3, version 0.10 is deprecated and no longer available to use.
6.3.7. WordPress
Currently, support for migrating WordPress applications is offered by the community only and not by Red Hat support.
For guidance on migrating WordPress applications to OpenShift Online v3, see the OpenShift blog.
6.3.8. Ghost
Currently, support for migrating Ghost applications is offered by the community only and not by Red Hat support.
For guidance on migrating Ghost applications to OpenShift Online v3, see the OpenShift blog.
6.3.9. JBoss EAP
Currently, JBoss EAP is not available for OpenShift Online Starter. It is only available for OpenShift Online Pro.
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
- If the repository includes pre-built .war files, they need to reside in the deployments directory off the root directory of the repository.
Create the new application using the JBoss EAP 7 builder image (jboss-eap70-openshift) and the source code repository from GitHub:
$ oc new-app --strategy=source jboss-eap70-openshift:1.6~https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git
6.3.10. JBoss WS (Tomcat)
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
- If the repository includes pre-built .war files, they need to reside in the deployments directory off the root directory of the repository.
Create the new application using the JBoss Web Server 3 (Tomcat 7) builder image (jboss-webserver30-tomcat7) and the source code repository from GitHub:
$ oc new-app --strategy=source jboss-webserver30-tomcat7-openshift~https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git --name=<app-name> -e <ENV_VAR_NAME>=<env_var_value>
6.3.11. JBoss AS (Wildfly 10)
Set up a new GitHub repository and add it as a remote branch to the current, local Git repository:
$ git remote add <remote-name> https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>
Push the local v2 source code to the new repository:
$ git push -u <remote-name> master
Edit the local Git repository and push the changes upstream to make it v3 compatible:
Remove .openshift directory.
NoteIn v3, action_hooks and cron tasks are not supported in the same way. See Action Hooks for more information.
- Add the deployments directory to the root of the source repository. Move the .war files to ‘deployments’ directory.
Use the
command to launch a new Wildfly application from the builder image and source code:$ oc new-app https://github.com/<github-id>/<repo-name>.git --image-stream=”openshift/wildfly:10.0" --name=<app-name> -e <ENV_VAR_NAME>=<env_var_value>
NoteThe argument
is optional to specify the name of your application. The argument-e
is optional to add environment variables that are needed for build and deployment processes, such asOPENSHIFT_PYTHON_DIR
6.3.12. Supported JBoss Versions
6.4. QuickStart Examples
6.4.1. Overview
Although there is no clear-cut migration path for v2 quickstart to v3 quickstart, the following quickstarts are currently available in v3. If you have an application with a database, rather than using oc new-app
to create your application, then oc new-app
again to start a separate database service and linking the two with common environment variables, you can use one of the following to instantiate the linked application and database at once, from your GitHub repository containing your source code. You can list all available templates with oc get templates -n openshift
CakePHP MySQL https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex
- template: cakephp-mysql-example
Node.js MongoDB https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex
- template: nodejs-mongodb-example
Django PosgreSQL https://github.com/sclorg/django-ex
- template: django-psql-example
Dancer MySQL https://github.com/sclorg/dancer-ex
- template: dancer-mysql-example
Rails PostgreSQL https://github.com/sclorg/rails-ex
- template: rails-postgresql-example
6.4.2. Workflow
Run a git clone
of one of the above template URLs locally. Add and commit your application source code and push a GitHub repository, then start a v3 quickstart application from one of the templates listed above:
- Create a GitHub repository for your application.
Clone a quickstart template and add your GitHub repository as a remote:
$ git clone <one-of-the-template-URLs-listed-above> $ cd <your local git repository> $ git remote add upstream <https://github.com/<git-id>/<quickstart-repo>.git> $ git push -u upstream master
Commit and push your source code to GitHub:
$ cd <your local repository> $ git commit -am “added code for my app” $ git push origin master
Create a new application in v3:
$ oc new-app --template=<template> \ -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=<https://github.com/<git-id>/<quickstart_repo>.git> \ -p DATABASE_USER=<your_db_user> \ -p DATABASE_NAME=<your_db_name> \ -p DATABASE_PASSWORD=<your_db_password> \ -p DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your_db_admin_password> 1
- 1
- Only applicable for MongoDB.
You should now have 2 pods running, a web framework pod, and a database pod. The web framework pod environment should match the database pod environment. You can list the environment variables with
oc set env pod/<pod_name> --list
(only applicable for MongoDB)If no
is specified, the template will use the template URL (https://github.com/openshift/<quickstart>-ex) listed above as the source repository, and a hello-welcome application will be started.
If you are migrating a database, export databases to a dump file and restore the database in the new v3 database pod. Refer to the steps outlined in Database Applications, skipping the
oc new-app
step as the database pod is already up and running.
6.5. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
6.5.1. Overview
This topic reviews the differences in continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) applications between OpenShift version 2 (v2) and OpenShift version 3 (v3) and how to migrate these applications into the v3 environment.
6.5.2. Jenkins
The Jenkins applications in OpenShift version 2 (v2) and OpenShift version 3 (v3) are configured differently due to fundamental differences in architecture. For example, in v2, the application uses an integrated Git repository that is hosted in the gear to store the source code. In v3, the source code is located in a public or private Git repository that is hosted outside of the pod.
Furthermore, in OpenShift v3, Jenkins jobs can not only be triggered by source code changes, but also by changes in ImageStream, which are changes on the images that are used to build the application along with its source code. As a result, it is highly recommended that you migrate the Jenkins application manually by creating a new Jenkins application in v3, and then re-creating jobs with the configurations that are suitable to OpenShift v3 environment.
Consult these resources for more information on how to create a Jenkins application, configure jobs, and use Jenkins plug-ins properly:
6.6. Webhooks and Action Hooks
6.6.1. Overview
This topic reviews the differences in webhooks and action hooks between OpenShift version 2 (v2) and OpenShift version 3 (v3) and how to migrate these applications into the v3 environment.
6.6.2. Webhooks
After creating a
from a GitHub repository, run:$ oc describe bc/<name-of-your-BuildConfig>
This will output a webhook GitHub URL that looks like:
- Cut and paste this URL into GitHub, from the GitHub web console.
In your GitHub repository, select Add Webhook from Settings
Webhooks & Services. - Paste the URL output (similar to above) into the Payload URL field.
Set the Content Type to
. - Click Add webhook.
You should see a message from GitHub stating that your webhook was successfully configured.
Now, whenever you push a change to your GitHub repository, a new build will automatically start, and upon a successful build a new deployment will start.
If you delete or recreate your application, you will have to update the Payload URL field in GitHub with the new BuildConfig
webhook url.
6.6.3. Action Hooks
In OpenShift version 2 (v2), there are build, deploy, post_deploy, and pre_build scripts or action_hooks that are located in the .openshift/action_hooks directory. While there is no one-to-one mapping of function for these in v3, the S2I tool in v3 does have the option of adding customizable scripts, either in a designated URL or in the .s2i/bin directory of your source repository.
OpenShift version 3 (v3) also offers a post-build hook for running basic testing of an image after it is built and before it is pushed to the registry. Deployment hooks are configured in the deployment configuration.
In v2, action_hooks are commonly used to set up environment variables. In v2, any environment variables should be passed with:
$ oc new-app <source-url> -e ENV_VAR=env_var
$ oc new-app <template-name> -p ENV_VAR=env_var
Also, environment variables can be added or changed using:
$ oc set env dc/<name-of-dc> ENV_VAR1=env_var1 ENV_VAR2=env_var2’
6.7. S2I Tool
6.7.1. Overview
The Source-to-Image (S2I) tool injects application source code into a container image and the final product is a new and ready-to-run container image that incorporates the builder image and built source code. The S2I tool can be installed on your local machine without OpenShift Online from the repository.
The S2I tool is a very powerful tool to test and verify your application and images locally before using them on OpenShift Online.
6.7.2. Creating a Container Image
- Identify the builder image that is needed for the application. Red Hat offers multiple builder images for different languages including Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Node.js. Other images are available from the community space.
S2I can build images from source code in a local file system or from a Git repository. To build a new container image from the builder image and the source code:
$ s2i build <source-location> <builder-image-name> <output-image-name>
can either be a Git repository URL or a directory to source code in a local file system.Test the built image with the Docker daemon:
$ docker run -d --name <new-name> -p <port-number>:<port-number> <output-image-name> $ curl localhost:<port-number>
6.8. Support Guide
6.8.1. Overview
This topic reviews supported languages, frameworks, databases, and markers for OpenShift version 2 (v2) and OpenShift version 3 (v3).
See OpenShift Online tested integrations for more information about common combinations that OpenShift Online customers are using.
6.8.2. Supported Databases
See the Supported Databases section of the Database Applications topic.
6.8.3. Supported Languages
6.8.4. Supported Frameworks
v2 | v3 |
Jenkins Server | jenkins-persistent |
Drupal 7 | |
Ghost 0.7.5 | |
WordPress 4 | |
Ceylon | |
Go | |
6.8.5. Supported Markers
v2 | v3 |
pip_install | If your repository contains requirements.txt, then pip is invoked by default. Otherwise, pip is not used. |
v2 | v3 |
disable_asset_compilation |
This can be done by setting |
v2 | v3 |
enable_cpan_tests |
This can be done by setting |
v2 | v3 |
use_composer | composer is always used if the source repository includes a composer.json in the root directory. |
v2 | v3 |
use_npm |
npm is always used to start the application, unless |
v2 | v3 |
enable_debugging |
This option is controlled via the |
skip_maven_build | If pom.xml is present, maven will be run. |
java7 | N/A |
java8 | JavaEE is using JDK8. |
v2 | v3 |
enable_debugging | N/A |
v2 | v3 |
force_clean_build | There is a similar concept in v3, as noCache field in buildconfig forces the container build to rerun each layer. In the S2I build, the incremental flag is false by default, which indicates a clean build. |
hot_deploy | |
enable_public_server_status | N/A |
disable_auto_scaling | Autoscaling is off by default and it can be turn on via pod auto-scaling. |