이 콘텐츠는 선택한 언어로 제공되지 않습니다.

Chapter 4. Deploy AWS Aurora in multiple availability zones

This topic describes how to deploy an Aurora regional deployment of a PostgreSQL instance across multiple availability zones to tolerate one or more availability zone failures in a given AWS region.

This deployment is intended to be used with the setup described in the Concepts for multi-site deployments chapter. Use this deployment with the other building blocks outlined in the Building blocks multi-site deployments chapter.


We provide these blueprints to show a minimal functionally complete example with a good baseline performance for regular installations. You would still need to adapt it to your environment and your organization’s standards and security best practices.

4.1. Architecture

Aurora database clusters consist of multiple Aurora database instances, with one instance designated as the primary writer and all others as backup readers. To ensure high availability in the event of availability zone failures, Aurora allows database instances to be deployed across multiple zones in a single AWS region. In the event of a failure on the availability zone that is hosting the Primary database instance, Aurora automatically heals itself and promotes a reader instance from a non-failed availability zone to be the new writer instance.

Figure 4.1. Aurora Multiple Availability Zone Deployment

See the AWS Aurora documentation for more details on the semantics provided by Aurora databases.

This documentation follows AWS best practices and creates a private Aurora database that is not exposed to the Internet. To access the database from a ROSA cluster, establish a peering connection between the database and the ROSA cluster.

4.2. Procedure

The following procedure contains two sections:

  • Creation of an Aurora Multi-AZ database cluster with the name "keycloak-aurora" in eu-west-1.
  • Creation of a peering connection between the ROSA cluster(s) and the Aurora VPC to allow applications deployed on the ROSA clusters to establish connections with the database.

4.2.1. Create Aurora database Cluster

  1. Create a VPC for the Aurora cluster


    aws ec2 create-vpc \
      --cidr-block \
      --tag-specifications "ResourceType=vpc, Tags=[{Key=AuroraCluster,Value=keycloak-aurora}]" \1
      --region eu-west-1

    We add an optional tag with the name of the Aurora cluster so that we can easily retrieve the VPC.


        "Vpc": {
            "CidrBlock": "",
            "DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-0bae7798158bc344f",
            "State": "pending",
            "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
            "OwnerId": "606671647913",
            "InstanceTenancy": "default",
            "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [],
            "CidrBlockAssociationSet": [
                    "AssociationId": "vpc-cidr-assoc-09a02a83059ba5ab6",
                    "CidrBlock": "",
                    "CidrBlockState": {
                        "State": "associated"
            "IsDefault": false

  2. Create a subnet for each availability zone that Aurora will be deployed to, using the VpcId of the newly created VPC.


    The cidr-block range specified for each of the availability zones must not overlap.

    1. Zone A


      aws ec2 create-subnet \
        --availability-zone "eu-west-1a" \
        --vpc-id vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277 \
        --cidr-block \
        --region eu-west-1


          "Subnet": {
              "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a",
              "AvailabilityZoneId": "euw1-az3",
              "AvailableIpAddressCount": 8187,
              "CidrBlock": "",
              "DefaultForAz": false,
              "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false,
              "State": "available",
              "SubnetId": "subnet-0d491a1a798aa878d",
              "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
              "OwnerId": "606671647913",
              "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation": false,
              "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [],
              "SubnetArn": "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:606671647913:subnet/subnet-0d491a1a798aa878d",
              "EnableDns64": false,
              "Ipv6Native": false,
              "PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch": {
                  "HostnameType": "ip-name",
                  "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": false,
                  "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": false

    2. Zone B


      aws ec2 create-subnet \
        --availability-zone "eu-west-1b" \
        --vpc-id vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277 \
        --cidr-block \
        --region eu-west-1


          "Subnet": {
              "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1b",
              "AvailabilityZoneId": "euw1-az1",
              "AvailableIpAddressCount": 8187,
              "CidrBlock": "",
              "DefaultForAz": false,
              "MapPublicIpOnLaunch": false,
              "State": "available",
              "SubnetId": "subnet-057181b1e3728530e",
              "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
              "OwnerId": "606671647913",
              "AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation": false,
              "Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet": [],
              "SubnetArn": "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:606671647913:subnet/subnet-057181b1e3728530e",
              "EnableDns64": false,
              "Ipv6Native": false,
              "PrivateDnsNameOptionsOnLaunch": {
                  "HostnameType": "ip-name",
                  "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": false,
                  "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": false

  3. Obtain the ID of the Aurora VPC route-table


    aws ec2 describe-route-tables \
      --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277 \
      --region eu-west-1


        "RouteTables": [
                "Associations": [
                        "Main": true,
                        "RouteTableAssociationId": "rtbassoc-02dfa06f4c7b4f99a",
                        "RouteTableId": "rtb-04a644ad3cd7de351",
                        "AssociationState": {
                            "State": "associated"
                "PropagatingVgws": [],
                "RouteTableId": "rtb-04a644ad3cd7de351",
                "Routes": [
                        "DestinationCidrBlock": "",
                        "GatewayId": "local",
                        "Origin": "CreateRouteTable",
                        "State": "active"
                "Tags": [],
                "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
                "OwnerId": "606671647913"

  4. Associate the Aurora VPC route-table each availability zone’s subnet

    1. Zone A


      aws ec2 associate-route-table \
        --route-table-id rtb-04a644ad3cd7de351 \
        --subnet-id subnet-0d491a1a798aa878d \
        --region eu-west-1

    2. Zone B


      aws ec2 associate-route-table \
        --route-table-id rtb-04a644ad3cd7de351 \
        --subnet-id subnet-057181b1e3728530e \
        --region eu-west-1

  5. Create Aurora Subnet Group


    aws rds create-db-subnet-group \
      --db-subnet-group-name keycloak-aurora-subnet-group \
      --db-subnet-group-description "Aurora DB Subnet Group" \
      --subnet-ids subnet-0d491a1a798aa878d subnet-057181b1e3728530e \
      --region eu-west-1

  6. Create Aurora Security Group


    aws ec2 create-security-group \
      --group-name keycloak-aurora-security-group \
      --description "Aurora DB Security Group" \
      --vpc-id vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277 \
      --region eu-west-1


        "GroupId": "sg-0d746cc8ad8d2e63b"

  7. Create the Aurora DB Cluster


    aws rds create-db-cluster \
        --db-cluster-identifier keycloak-aurora \
        --database-name keycloak \
        --engine aurora-postgresql \
        --engine-version ${properties["aurora-postgresql.version"]} \
        --master-username keycloak \
        --master-user-password secret99 \
        --vpc-security-group-ids sg-0d746cc8ad8d2e63b \
        --db-subnet-group-name keycloak-aurora-subnet-group \
        --region eu-west-1


    You should replace the --master-username and --master-user-password values. The values specified here must be used when configuring the Red Hat build of Keycloak database credentials.


        "DBCluster": {
            "AllocatedStorage": 1,
            "AvailabilityZones": [
            "BackupRetentionPeriod": 1,
            "DatabaseName": "keycloak",
            "DBClusterIdentifier": "keycloak-aurora",
            "DBClusterParameterGroup": "default.aurora-postgresql15",
            "DBSubnetGroup": "keycloak-aurora-subnet-group",
            "Status": "creating",
            "Endpoint": "keycloak-aurora.cluster-clhthfqe0h8p.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
            "ReaderEndpoint": "keycloak-aurora.cluster-ro-clhthfqe0h8p.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
            "MultiAZ": false,
            "Engine": "aurora-postgresql",
            "EngineVersion": "15.5",
            "Port": 5432,
            "MasterUsername": "keycloak",
            "PreferredBackupWindow": "02:21-02:51",
            "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "fri:03:34-fri:04:04",
            "ReadReplicaIdentifiers": [],
            "DBClusterMembers": [],
            "VpcSecurityGroups": [
                    "VpcSecurityGroupId": "sg-0d746cc8ad8d2e63b",
                    "Status": "active"
            "HostedZoneId": "Z29XKXDKYMONMX",
            "StorageEncrypted": false,
            "DbClusterResourceId": "cluster-IBWXUWQYM3MS5BH557ZJ6ZQU4I",
            "DBClusterArn": "arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:606671647913:cluster:keycloak-aurora",
            "AssociatedRoles": [],
            "IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled": false,
            "ClusterCreateTime": "2023-11-01T10:40:45.964000+00:00",
            "EngineMode": "provisioned",
            "DeletionProtection": false,
            "HttpEndpointEnabled": false,
            "CopyTagsToSnapshot": false,
            "CrossAccountClone": false,
            "DomainMemberships": [],
            "TagList": [],
            "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade": true,
            "NetworkType": "IPV4"

  8. Create Aurora DB instances

    1. Create Zone A Writer instance


        aws rds create-db-instance \
          --db-cluster-identifier keycloak-aurora \
          --db-instance-identifier "keycloak-aurora-instance-1" \
          --db-instance-class db.t4g.large \
          --engine aurora-postgresql \
          --region eu-west-1

    2. Create Zone B Reader instance


        aws rds create-db-instance \
          --db-cluster-identifier keycloak-aurora \
          --db-instance-identifier "keycloak-aurora-instance-2" \
          --db-instance-class db.t4g.large \
          --engine aurora-postgresql \
          --region eu-west-1

  9. Wait for all Writer and Reader instances to be ready


    aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier keycloak-aurora-instance-1 --region eu-west-1
    aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier keycloak-aurora-instance-2 --region eu-west-1

  10. Obtain the Writer endpoint URL for use by Keycloak


    aws rds describe-db-clusters \
      --db-cluster-identifier keycloak-aurora \
      --query 'DBClusters[*].Endpoint' \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --output text



4.2.2. Establish Peering Connections with ROSA clusters

Perform these steps once for each ROSA cluster that contains a Red Hat build of Keycloak deployment.

  1. Retrieve the Aurora VPC


    aws ec2 describe-vpcs \
      --filters "Name=tag:AuroraCluster,Values=keycloak-aurora" \
      --query 'Vpcs[*].VpcId' \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --output text



  2. Retrieve the ROSA cluster VPC

    1. Log in to the ROSA cluster using oc
    2. Retrieve the ROSA VPC


      NODE=$(oc get nodes --selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/worker -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
      aws ec2 describe-instances \
        --filters "Name=private-dns-name,Values=${NODE}" \
        --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].VpcId' \
        --region eu-west-1 \
        --output text



  3. Create Peering Connection


    aws ec2 create-vpc-peering-connection \
      --vpc-id vpc-0b721449398429559 \1
      --peer-vpc-id vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277 \2
      --peer-region eu-west-1 \
      --region eu-west-1

    ROSA cluster VPC
    Aurora VPC


        "VpcPeeringConnection": {
            "AccepterVpcInfo": {
                "OwnerId": "606671647913",
                "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
                "Region": "eu-west-1"
            "ExpirationTime": "2023-11-08T13:26:30+00:00",
            "RequesterVpcInfo": {
                "CidrBlock": "",
                "CidrBlockSet": [
                        "CidrBlock": ""
                "OwnerId": "606671647913",
                "PeeringOptions": {
                    "AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": false
                "VpcId": "vpc-0b721449398429559",
                "Region": "eu-west-1"
            "Status": {
                "Code": "initiating-request",
                "Message": "Initiating Request to 606671647913"
            "Tags": [],
            "VpcPeeringConnectionId": "pcx-0cb23d66dea3dca9f"

  4. Wait for Peering connection to exist


    aws ec2 wait vpc-peering-connection-exists --vpc-peering-connection-ids pcx-0cb23d66dea3dca9f

  5. Accept the peering connection


    aws ec2 accept-vpc-peering-connection \
      --vpc-peering-connection-id pcx-0cb23d66dea3dca9f \
      --region eu-west-1


        "VpcPeeringConnection": {
            "AccepterVpcInfo": {
                "CidrBlock": "",
                "CidrBlockSet": [
                        "CidrBlock": ""
                "OwnerId": "606671647913",
                "PeeringOptions": {
                    "AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": false
                "VpcId": "vpc-0b40bd7c59dbe4277",
                "Region": "eu-west-1"
            "RequesterVpcInfo": {
                "CidrBlock": "",
                "CidrBlockSet": [
                        "CidrBlock": ""
                "OwnerId": "606671647913",
                "PeeringOptions": {
                    "AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc": false,
                    "AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink": false
                "VpcId": "vpc-0b721449398429559",
                "Region": "eu-west-1"
            "Status": {
                "Code": "provisioning",
                "Message": "Provisioning"
            "Tags": [],
            "VpcPeeringConnectionId": "pcx-0cb23d66dea3dca9f"

  6. Update ROSA cluster VPC route-table


    ROSA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-route-tables \
      --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0b721449398429559" "Name=association.main,Values=true" \1
      --query "RouteTables[*].RouteTableId" \
      --output text \
      --region eu-west-1
    aws ec2 create-route \
      --route-table-id ${ROSA_PUBLIC_ROUTE_TABLE_ID} \
      --destination-cidr-block \2
      --vpc-peering-connection-id pcx-0cb23d66dea3dca9f \
      --region eu-west-1

    ROSA cluster VPC
    This must be the same as the cidr-block used when creating the Aurora VPC
  7. Update the Aurora Security Group


    AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
      --filters "Name=group-name,Values=keycloak-aurora-security-group" \
      --query "SecurityGroups[*].GroupId" \
      --region eu-west-1 \
      --output text
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
      --group-id ${AURORA_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} \
      --protocol tcp \
      --port 5432 \
      --cidr \1
      --region eu-west-1

    The "machine_cidr" of the ROSA cluster


        "Return": true,
        "SecurityGroupRules": [
                "SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-0785d2f04b9cec3f5",
                "GroupId": "sg-0d746cc8ad8d2e63b",
                "GroupOwnerId": "606671647913",
                "IsEgress": false,
                "IpProtocol": "tcp",
                "FromPort": 5432,
                "ToPort": 5432,
                "CidrIpv4": ""

4.3. Verifying the connection

The simplest way to verify that a connection is possible between a ROSA cluster and an Aurora DB cluster is to deploy psql on the Openshift cluster and attempt to connect to the writer endpoint.

The following command creates a pod in the default namespace and establishes a psql connection with the Aurora cluster if possible. Upon exiting the pod shell, the pod is deleted.

USER=keycloak 1
PASSWORD=secret99 2
DATABASE=keycloak 3
HOST=$(aws rds describe-db-clusters \
  --db-cluster-identifier keycloak-aurora \4
  --query 'DBClusters[*].Endpoint' \
  --region eu-west-1 \
  --output text
oc run -i --tty --rm debug --image=postgres:15 --restart=Never -- psql postgresql://${USER}:${PASSWORD}@${HOST}/${DATABASE}
Aurora DB user, this can be the same as --master-username used when creating the DB.
Aurora DB user-password, this can be the same as --master—​user-password used when creating the DB.
The name of the Aurora DB, such as --database-name.
The name of your Aurora DB cluster.

4.4. Connecting Aurora database with Red Hat build of Keycloak

Now that an Aurora database has been established and linked with all of your ROSA clusters, here are the relevant Red Hat build of Keycloak CR options to connect the Aurora database with Red Hat build of Keycloak. These changes will be required in the Deploy Red Hat build of Keycloak for HA with the Red Hat build of Keycloak Operator chapter. The JDBC url is configured to use the Aurora database writer endpoint.

  1. Update spec.db.url to be jdbc:aws-wrapper:postgresql://$HOST:5432/keycloak where $HOST is the Aurora writer endpoint URL.
  2. Ensure that the Secrets referenced by spec.db.usernameSecret and spec.db.passwordSecret contain usernames and passwords defined when creating Aurora.

4.5. Next steps

After successful deployment of the Aurora database continue with Deploy Data Grid for HA with the Data Grid Operator

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