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Chapter 1. Using Kustomize manifests to deploy applications

You can use the kustomize configuration management tool with application manifests to deploy applications. Read through the following procedures for an example of how Kustomize works in MicroShift.

1.1. How Kustomize works with manifests to deploy applications

The kustomize configuration management tool is integrated with MicroShift. You can use Kustomize and the OpenShift CLI (oc) together to apply customizations to your application manifests and deploy those applications to a MicroShift cluster.

  • A kustomization.yaml file is a specification of resources plus customizations.
  • Kustomize uses a kustomization.yaml file to load a resource, such as an application, then applies any changes you want to that application manifest and produces a copy of the manifest with the changes overlaid.
  • Using a manifest copy with an overlay keeps the original configuration file for your application intact, while enabling you to deploy iterations and customizations of your applications efficiently.
  • You can then deploy the application in your MicroShift cluster with an oc command.

At each system start, MicroShift deletes the manifests found in the delete subdirectories and then applies the manifest files found in the manifest directories to the cluster.

1.1.1. How MicroShift uses manifests

At every start, MicroShift searches the following manifest directories for Kustomize manifest files:

  • /etc/microshift/manifests
  • /etc/microshift/manifests.d/*
  • /usr/lib/microshift/
  • /usr/lib/microshift/manifests.d/*

MicroShift automatically runs the equivalent of the kubectl apply -k command to apply the manifests to the cluster if any of the following file types exists in the searched directories:

  • kustomization.yaml
  • kustomization.yml
  • Kustomization

This automatic loading from multiple directories means you can manage MicroShift workloads with the flexibility of having different workloads run independently of each other.

Table 1.1. MicroShift manifest directories


Read-write location for configuration management systems or development.


Read-write location for configuration management systems or development.


Read-only location for embedding configuration manifests on OSTree-based systems.


Read-only location for embedding configuration manifests on OSTree-based systems.

1.2. Override the list of manifest paths

You can override the list of default manifest paths by using a new single path, or by using a new glob pattern for multiple files. Use the following procedure to customize your manifest paths.


  1. Override the list of default paths by inserting your own values and running one of the following commands:

    1. Set manifests.kustomizePaths to <"/opt/alternate/path"> in the configuration file for a single path.
    2. Set kustomizePaths to ,"/opt/alternative/path.d/*". in the configuration file for a glob pattern.

              - <location> 1
      Set each location entry to an exact path by using "/opt/alternate/path" or a glob pattern by using "/opt/alternative/path.d/*".
  2. To disable loading manifests, set the configuration option to an empty list.

        kustomizePaths: []

    The configuration file overrides the defaults entirely. If the kustomizePaths value is set, only the values in the configuration file are used. Setting the value to an empty list disables manifest loading.

1.3. Using manifests example

This example demonstrates automatic deployment of a BusyBox container using kustomize manifests in the /etc/microshift/manifests directory.


  1. Create the BusyBox manifest files by running the following commands:

    1. Define the directory location:

      $ MANIFEST_DIR=/etc/microshift/manifests
    2. Make the directory:

      $ sudo mkdir -p ${MANIFEST_DIR}
    3. Place the YAML file in the directory:

      sudo tee ${MANIFEST_DIR}/busybox.yaml &>/dev/null <<EOF
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: busybox
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: busybox
        namespace: busybox-deployment
            app: busybox
              app: busybox
            - name: busybox
              image: BUSYBOX_IMAGE
              command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "while true ; do date; sleep 3600; done;" ]
  2. Next, create the kustomize manifest files by running the following commands:

    1. Place the YAML file in the directory:

      sudo tee ${MANIFEST_DIR}/kustomization.yaml &>/dev/null <<EOF
      apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
      kind: Kustomization
      namespace: busybox
        - busybox.yaml
        - name: BUSYBOX_IMAGE
          newName: busybox:1.35
  3. Restart MicroShift to apply the manifests by running the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl restart microshift
  4. Apply the manifests and start the busybox pod by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n busybox
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