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Chapter 1. Object Gateway Administration Application Programming Interface (API)
The Ceph Object Gateway exposes features of the radosgw-admin
command-line interface in a RESTful API too. Red Hat recommends using the command-line interface when setting up the Ceph Object Gateway. When you want to manage users, data, quotas and usage, the Ceph Object Gateway’s administrative API provides a RESTful interface that you can integrate with other management platforms. The administrative API provides the following functionality:
- Authentication Requests
User/Subuser Account Management
User Capabilities Management
Key Management
Bucket Management
Object Management
- Getting Usage Information
- Trimming Usage Information
1.1. Authenticating Requests
Amazon’s S3 service uses the access key and a hash of the request header and the secret key to authenticate the request, which has the benefit of providing an authenticated request (especially large uploads) without SSL overhead.
Most use cases for the S3 API involve using open source S3 clients such as the AmazonS3Client
in the Amazon SDK for Java or Python Boto. These libraries do not support the Ceph Object Gateway Admin API. You can subclass and extend these libraries to support the Ceph Admin API. Alternatively, you can create a unique Gateway client.
The CephAdminAPI example class in this section illustrates how to create an execute()
method that can take request parameters, authenticate the request, call the Ceph Admin API and receive a response. The CephAdminAPI
class example is not supported or intended for commercial use. It is for illustrative purposes only. The client code contains five calls to the Ceph Object Gateway to demonstrate CRUD operations:
- Create a User
- Get a User
- Modify a User
- Create a Subuser
- Delete a User
To use this example, you will have to get the Apache HTTP Components, unzip the tar file, navigate to its lib
directory and copy the contents to the /jre/lib/ext
directory of the JAVA_HOME
directory, or a custom classpath.
As you examine the CephAdminAPI class example, notice that the execute()
method takes an HTTP method, a request path, an optional subresource, null
if not specified, and a map of parameters. To execute with subresources, for example, subuser
, and key
, you will need to specify the subresource as an argument in the execute()
The example method:
- Builds a URI.
- Builds an HTTP header string.
Instantiates an HTTP request, for example,
. -
Adds the
header to the HTTP header string and the request header. -
Adds the
header to the HTTP request header. - Instantiates an HTTP client and passes it the instantiated HTTP request.
- Makes a request.
- Returns a response.
Building the header string is the portion of the process that involves Amazon’s S3 authentication procedure. Specifically, the example method does the following:
Adds a request type, for example,
. - Adds the date.
- Adds the requestPath.
The request type should be upper case with no leading or trailing white space. If you do not trim white space, authentication will fail. The date MUST be expressed in GMT, or authentication will fail.
The exemplary method does not have any other headers. The Amazon S3 authentication procedure sorts x-amz
headers lexicographically. So if you are adding x-amz
headers, be sure to add them lexicographically. See S3 Authentication in this guide for additional details. For a more extensive explanation of the Amazon S3 authentication procedure, consult the Signing and Authenticating REST Requests section of Amazon Simple Storage Service documentation.
Once you have built the header string, the next step is to instantiate an HTTP request and pass it the URI. The examplary method uses PUT
for creating a user and subuser, GET
for getting a user, POST
for modifying a user and DELETE
for deleting a user.
Once you instantiate a request, add the Date
header followed by the Authorization
header. Amazon’s S3 authentication uses the standard Authorization
header, and has the following structure:
Authorization: AWS <access_key>:<hash_of_header_and_secret>
The CephAdminAPI example class has a base64Sha1Hmac()
method, which takes the header string and the secret key for the admin user, and returns a SHA1 HMAC as a base-64 encoded string. Each execute()
call will invoke the same line of code to build the Authorization
httpRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "AWS " + this.getAccessKey() + ":" + base64Sha1Hmac(headerString.toString(), this.getSecretKey()));
The following CephAdminAPI
example class requires you to pass the access key, secret key and an endpoint to the constructor. The class provides accessor methods to change them at runtime.
import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.ZoneId; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Base64.Encoder; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import javax.crypto.Mac; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class CephAdminAPI { /* * Each call must specify an access key, secret key, endpoint and format. */ String accessKey; String secretKey; String endpoint; String scheme = "http"; //http only. int port = 80; /* * A constructor that takes an access key, secret key, endpoint and format. */ public CephAdminAPI(String accessKey, String secretKey, String endpoint){ this.accessKey = accessKey; this.secretKey = secretKey; this.endpoint = endpoint; } /* * Accessor methods for access key, secret key, endpoint and format. */ public String getEndpoint(){ return this.endpoint; } public void setEndpoint(String endpoint){ this.endpoint = endpoint; } public String getAccessKey(){ return this.accessKey; } public void setAccessKey(String accessKey){ this.accessKey = accessKey; } public String getSecretKey(){ return this.secretKey; } public void setSecretKey(String secretKey){ this.secretKey = secretKey; } /* * Takes an HTTP Method, a resource and a map of arguments and * returns a CloseableHTTPResponse. */ public CloseableHttpResponse execute(String HTTPMethod, String resource, String subresource, Map arguments) { String httpMethod = HTTPMethod; String requestPath = resource; StringBuffer request = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer headerString = new StringBuffer(); HttpRequestBase httpRequest; CloseableHttpClient httpclient; URI uri; CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { uri = new URIBuilder() .setScheme(this.scheme) .setHost(this.getEndpoint()) .setPath(requestPath) .setPort(this.port) .build(); if (subresource != null){ uri = new URIBuilder(uri) .setCustomQuery(subresource) .build(); } for (Iterator iter = arguments.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Entry entry = (Entry)iter.next(); uri = new URIBuilder(uri) .setParameter(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString()) .build(); } request.append(uri); headerString.append(HTTPMethod.toUpperCase().trim() + "\n\n\n"); OffsetDateTime dateTime = OffsetDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("GMT")); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME; String date = dateTime.format(formatter); headerString.append(date + "\n"); headerString.append(requestPath); if (HTTPMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT")){ httpRequest = new HttpPut(uri); } else if (HTTPMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")){ httpRequest = new HttpPost(uri); } else if (HTTPMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")){ httpRequest = new HttpGet(uri); } else if (HTTPMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")){ httpRequest = new HttpDelete(uri); } else { System.err.println("The HTTP Method must be PUT, POST, GET or DELETE."); throw new IOException(); } httpRequest.addHeader("Date", date); httpRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "AWS " + this.getAccessKey() + ":" + base64Sha1Hmac(headerString.toString(), this.getSecretKey())); httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpRequest); } catch (URISyntaxException e){ System.err.println("The URI is not formatted properly."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println("There was an error making the request."); e.printStackTrace(); } return httpResponse; } /* * Takes a uri and a secret key and returns a base64-encoded * SHA-1 HMAC. */ public String base64Sha1Hmac(String uri, String secretKey) { try { byte[] keyBytes = secretKey.getBytes("UTF-8"); SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "HmacSHA1"); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(signingKey); byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(uri.getBytes("UTF-8")); Encoder base64 = Base64.getEncoder(); return base64.encodeToString(rawHmac); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
The subsequent CephAdminAPIClient
example illustrates how to instantiate the CephAdminAPI
class, build a map of request parameters, and use the execute()
method to create, get, update and delete a user.
import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.*; public class CephAdminAPIClient { public static void main (String[] args){ CephAdminAPI adminApi = new CephAdminAPI ("FFC6ZQ6EMIF64194158N", "Xac39eCAhlTGcCAUreuwe1ZuH5oVQFa51lbEMVoT", "ceph-client"); /* * Create a user */ Map requestArgs = new HashMap(); requestArgs.put("access", "usage=read, write; users=read, write"); requestArgs.put("display-name", "New User"); requestArgs.put("email", "new-user@email.com"); requestArgs.put("format", "json"); requestArgs.put("uid", "new-user"); CloseableHttpResponse response = adminApi.execute("PUT", "/admin/user", null, requestArgs); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); try { System.out.println("\nResponse Content is: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") + "\n"); response.close(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println ("Encountered an I/O exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Get a user */ requestArgs = new HashMap(); requestArgs.put("format", "json"); requestArgs.put("uid", "new-user"); response = adminApi.execute("GET", "/admin/user", null, requestArgs); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); entity = response.getEntity(); try { System.out.println("\nResponse Content is: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") + "\n"); response.close(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println ("Encountered an I/O exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Modify a user */ requestArgs = new HashMap(); requestArgs.put("display-name", "John Doe"); requestArgs.put("email", "johndoe@email.com"); requestArgs.put("format", "json"); requestArgs.put("uid", "new-user"); requestArgs.put("max-buckets", "100"); response = adminApi.execute("POST", "/admin/user", null, requestArgs); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); entity = response.getEntity(); try { System.out.println("\nResponse Content is: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") + "\n"); response.close(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println ("Encountered an I/O exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Create a subuser */ requestArgs = new HashMap(); requestArgs.put("format", "json"); requestArgs.put("uid", "new-user"); requestArgs.put("subuser", "foobar"); response = adminApi.execute("PUT", "/admin/user", "subuser", requestArgs); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); entity = response.getEntity(); try { System.out.println("\nResponse Content is: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") + "\n"); response.close(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println ("Encountered an I/O exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } /* * Delete a user */ requestArgs = new HashMap(); requestArgs.put("format", "json"); requestArgs.put("uid", "new-user"); response = adminApi.execute("DELETE", "/admin/user", null, requestArgs); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine()); entity = response.getEntity(); try { System.out.println("\nResponse Content is: " + EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") + "\n"); response.close(); } catch (IOException e){ System.err.println ("Encountered an I/O exception."); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
1.2. Creating an Administrative User
Follow these steps to use the Ceph Object Gateway Administrative API:
Create an object gateway user:
radosgw-admin user create --uid="<user_name>" --display-name="<display_name>"
radosgw-admin user create --uid="admin-api-user" --display-name="Admin API User"
command-line interface will return the user. For example:{ "user_id": "admin-api-user", "display_name": "Admin API User", "email": "", "suspended": 0, "max_buckets": 1000, "auid": 0, "subusers": [], "keys": [ { "user": "admin-api-user", "access_key": "NRWGT19TWMYOB1YDBV1Y", "secret_key": "gr1VEGIV7rxcP3xvXDFCo4UDwwl2YoNrmtRlIAty" } ], "swift_keys": [], "caps": [], "op_mask": "read, write, delete", "default_placement": "", "placement_tags": [], "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "user_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "temp_url_keys": [] }
Assign administrative capabilities to the user you create:
radosgw-admin caps add --uid="<user_name>" --caps="users=*"
radosgw-admin caps add --uid=admin-api-user --caps="users=*"
command-line interface will return the user. The"caps":
will have the capabilities you assigned to the user:{ "user_id": "admin-api-user", "display_name": "Admin API User", "email": "", "suspended": 0, "max_buckets": 1000, "auid": 0, "subusers": [], "keys": [ { "user": "admin-api-user", "access_key": "NRWGT19TWMYOB1YDBV1Y", "secret_key": "gr1VEGIV7rxcP3xvXDFCo4UDwwl2YoNrmtRlIAty" } ], "swift_keys": [], "caps": [ { "type": "users", "perm": "*" } ], "op_mask": "read, write, delete", "default_placement": "", "placement_tags": [], "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "user_quota": { "enabled": false, "max_size_kb": -1, "max_objects": -1 }, "temp_url_keys": [] }
Now you have a user with administrative privileges.
1.3. Administrative Operations
An administrative Application Programming Interface (API) request will be done on a URI that starts with the configurable 'admin' resource entry point. Authorization for the administrative API duplicates the S3 authorization mechanism. Some operations require that the user holds special administrative capabilities. The response entity type, either XML or JSON, might be specified as the 'format' option in the request and defaults to JSON if not specified.
1.3.1. Get Usage
Requesting bandwidth usage information.
- caps
GET /admin/usage?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Required |
| The user for which the information is requested. | String. | Yes |
Date and (optional) time that specifies the start time of the requested data. E.g., | String | No |
Date and (optional) time that specifies the end time of the requested data (non-inclusive). E.g., | String | No |
| Specifies whether data entries should be returned. | Boolean | No |
| Specifies whether data summary should be returned. | Boolean | No |
Name | Description | Type |
| A container for the usage information. | Container |
| A container for the usage entries information. | Container |
| A container for the user data information. | Container |
| The name of the user that owns the buckets. | String |
| The bucket name. | String |
| Time lower bound for which data is being specified (rounded to the beginning of the first relevant hour). | String |
The time specified in seconds since | String |
| A container for stats categories. | Container |
| A container for stats entry. | Container |
| Name of request category for which the stats are provided. | String |
| Number of bytes sent by the Ceph Object Gateway. | Integer |
| Number of bytes received by the Ceph Object Gateway. | Integer |
| Number of operations. | Integer |
| Number of successful operations. | Integer |
| A container for stats summary. | Container |
| A container for stats summary aggregated total. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the requested information.
1.3.2. Trim Usage
Remove usage information. With no dates specified, removes all usage information.
- caps
DELETE /admin/usage?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user for which the information is requested. | String |
| No |
| Date and (optional) time that specifies the start time of the requested data. | String |
| No |
| Date and (optional) time that specifies the end time of the requested data (none inclusive). | String |
| No |
Required when | Boolean | True [False] | No |
1.3.3. Get User Information
Get the user’s information.
- caps
- users=read
GET /admin/user?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user for which the information is requested. | String |
| Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| A container for the user data information. | Container | N/A |
| The user ID. | String |
| Display name for the user. | String |
| True if the user is suspended. | Boolean |
| The maximum number of buckets to be owned by the user. | Integer |
| Subusers associated with this user account. | Container |
| S3 keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| Swift keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| User capabilities. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the user information.
Special Error Responses
1.3.4. Creating a User
Create a new user. By Default, a S3 key pair will be created automatically and returned in the response. If only one of access-key
or secret-key
is provided, the omitted key will be automatically generated. By default, a generated key is added to the keyring without replacing an existing key pair. If access-key
is specified and refers to an existing key owned by the user then it will be modified.
- caps
PUT /admin/user?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to be created. | String |
| Yes |
| The display name of the user to be created. | String |
| Yes |
| The email address associated with the user. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be generated, options are: swift, s3 (default). | String |
| No |
| Specify access key. | String |
| No |
| Specify secret key. | String |
| No |
| User capabilities. | String |
| No |
| Generate a new key pair and add to the existing keyring. | Boolean | True [True] | No |
| Specify the maximum number of buckets the user can own. | Integer | 500 [1000] | No |
| Specify whether the user should be suspended. | Boolean | False [False] | No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| A container for the user data information. | Container | N/A |
| The user ID. | String |
| Display name for the user. | String |
| True if the user is suspended. | Boolean |
| The maximum number of buckets to be owned by the user. | Integer |
| Subusers associated with this user account. | Container |
| S3 keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| Swift keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| User capabilities. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the user information.
Name | Description | Code |
| Attempt to create existing user. | 409 Conflict |
| Invalid access key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid secret key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Provided access key exists and belongs to another user. | 409 Conflict |
| Provided email address exists. | 409 Conflict |
| Attempt to grant invalid admin capability. | 400 Bad Request |
See Section 1.3.7, “Creating a Subuser” for creating subusers.
1.3.5. Modifying a User
Modify an existing user.
- caps
POST /admin/user?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to be modified. | String |
| Yes |
| The display name of the user to be modified. | String |
| No |
| The email address to be associated with the user. | String |
| No |
| Generate a new key pair and add to the existing keyring. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
| Specify access key. | String |
| No |
| Specify secret key. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be generated, options are: swift, s3 (default). | String |
| No |
| User capabilities. | String |
| No |
| Specify the maximum number of buckets the user can own. | Integer | 500 [1000] | No |
| Specify whether the user should be suspended. | Boolean | False [False] | No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| A container for the user data information. | Container | N/A |
| The user ID. | String |
| Display name for the user. | String |
| True if the user is suspended. | Boolean |
| The maximum number of buckets to be owned by the user. | Integer |
| Subusers associated with this user account. | Container |
| S3 keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| Swift keys associated with this user account. | Container |
| User capabilities. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the user information.
Name | Description | Code |
| Invalid access key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid secret key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Provided access key exists and belongs to another user. | 409 Conflict |
| Provided email address exists. | 409 Conflict |
| Attempt to grant invalid admin capability. | 400 Bad Request |
See Section 1.3.8, “Modifying a Subuser” for modifying subusers.
1.3.6. Removing a User
Remove an existing user.
- caps
DELETE /admin/user?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to be removed. | String |
| Yes. |
| When specified the buckets and objects belonging to the user will also be removed. | Boolean | True | No |
Response Entities
Special Error Responses
See Section 1.3.9, “Removing a Subuser” for removing subusers.
1.3.7. Creating a Subuser
Create a new subuser, primarily useful for clients using the Swift API. Note that either gen-subuser
or subuser
is required for a valid request. Also, note that in general for a subuser to be useful, it must be granted permissions by specifying access
. As with user creation if subuser
is specified without secret
, then a secret key will be automatically generated.
- caps
PUT /admin/user?subuser&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID under which a subuser is to be created. | String |
| Yes |
| Specify the subuser ID to be created. | String |
Yes (or |
| Specify the subuser ID to be created. | String |
Yes (or |
| Specify secret key. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be generated, options are: swift (default), s3. | String |
| No |
Set access permissions for sub-user, should be one of | String |
| No |
| Generate the secret key. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Subusers associated with the user account. | Container | N/A |
| Subuser ID. | String |
| Subuser access to user account. | String |
If successful, the response contains the subuser information.
Name | Description | Code |
| Specified subuser exists. | 409 Conflict |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid secret key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid subuser access specified. | 400 Bad Request |
1.3.8. Modifying a Subuser
Modify an existing subuser.
- caps
POST /admin/user?subuser&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID under which the subuser is to be modified. | String |
| Yes |
| The subuser ID to be modified. | String |
| Yes |
| Generate a new secret key for the subuser, replacing the existing key. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
| Specify secret key. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be generated, options are: swift (default), s3. | String |
| No |
Set access permissions for sub-user, should be one of | String |
| No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Subusers associated with the user account. | Container | N/A |
| Subuser ID. | String |
| Subuser access to user account. | String |
If successful, the response contains the subuser information.
Name | Description | Code |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid secret key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid subuser access specified. | 400 Bad Request |
1.3.9. Removing a Subuser
Remove an existing subuser.
- caps
DELETE /admin/user?subuser&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID under which the subuser is to be removed. | String |
| Yes |
| The subuser ID to be removed. | String |
| Yes |
| Remove keys belonging to the subuser. | Boolean | True [True] | No |
Response Entities
Special Error Responses
1.3.10. Creating a Key
Create a new key. If a subuser
is specified then by default created keys will be swift type. If only one of access-key
or secret-key
is provided the committed key will be automatically generated, that is if only secret-key
is specified then access-key
will be automatically generated. By default, a generated key is added to the keyring without replacing an existing key pair. If access-key
is specified and refers to an existing key owned by the user then it will be modified. The response is a container listing all keys of the same type as the key created. Note that when creating a swift key, specifying the option access-key
will have no effect. Additionally, only one swift key might be held by each user or subuser.
- caps
PUT /admin/user?key&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to receive the new key. | String |
| Yes |
| The subuser ID to receive the new key. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be generated, options are: swift, s3 (default). | String |
| No |
| Specify the access key. | String |
| No |
| Specify the secret key. | String |
| No |
| Generate a new key pair and add to the existing keyring. | Boolean |
True [ | No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Keys of type created associated with this user account. | Container | N/A |
| The user account associated with the key. | String |
| The access key. | String |
| The secret key | String |
Name | Description | Code |
| Invalid access key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid secret key specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Invalid key type specified. | 400 Bad Request |
| Provided access key exists and belongs to another user. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.11. Removing a Key
Remove an existing key.
- caps
DELETE /admin/user?key&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The S3 access key belonging to the S3 key pair to remove. | String |
| Yes |
| The user to remove the key from. | String |
| No |
| The subuser to remove the key from. | String |
| No |
| Key type to be removed, options are: swift, s3. NOTE: Required to remove swift key. | String |
| No |
Special Error Responses
Response Entities
1.3.12. Getting Bucket Information
Get information about a subset of the existing buckets. If uid
is specified without bucket
then all buckets belonging to the user will be returned. If bucket
alone is specified, information for that particular bucket will be retrieved.
- caps
GET /admin/bucket?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to return info on. | String |
| No |
| The user to retrieve bucket information for. | String |
| No |
| Return bucket statistics. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Per bucket information. | Container | N/A |
| Contains a list of one or more bucket containers. | Container |
Container for single bucket information. | Container |
The name of the bucket. | String |
The pool the bucket is stored in. | String |
The unique bucket ID. | String |
Internal bucket tag. | String |
The user ID of the bucket owner. | String |
Storage usage information. | Container |
If successful the request returns a buckets container containing the desired bucket information.
Name | Description | Code |
| Bucket index repair failed. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.13. Checking a Bucket Index
Check the index of an existing bucket.
To check multipart object accounting with check-objects
, fix
must be set to True.
- caps
GET /admin/bucket?index&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to return info on. | String |
| Yes |
| Check multipart object accounting. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
| Also fix the bucket index when checking. | Boolean | False [False] | No |
Name | Description | Type |
| Status of bucket index. | String |
Name | Description | Code |
| Bucket index repair failed. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.14. Removing a Bucket
Removes an existing bucket.
- caps
DELETE /admin/bucket?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to remove. | String |
| Yes |
| Remove a buckets objects before deletion. | Boolean | True [False] | No |
Response Entities
Name | Description | Code |
| Attempted to delete non-empty bucket. | 409 Conflict |
| Unable to remove objects. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.15. Linking a Bucket
Link a bucket to a specified user, unlinking the bucket from any previous user.
- caps
PUT /admin/bucket?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to unlink. | String |
| Yes |
| The user ID to link the bucket to. | String |
| Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Container for single bucket information. | Container | N/A |
| The name of the bucket. | String |
| The pool the bucket is stored in. | String |
| The unique bucket ID. | String |
| Internal bucket tag. | String |
| The user ID of the bucket owner. | String |
| Storage usage information. | Container |
| Status of bucket index. | String |
Name | Description | Code |
| Unable to unlink bucket from specified user. | 409 Conflict |
| Unable to link bucket to specified user. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.16. Unlinking a Bucket
Unlink a bucket from a specified user. Primarily useful for changing bucket ownership.
- caps
POST /admin/bucket?format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to unlink. | String |
| Yes |
| The user ID to unlink the bucket from. | String |
| Yes |
Response Entities
Name | Description | Code |
| Unable to unlink bucket from specified user. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.17. Removing an Object
Remove an existing object.
Does not require owner to be non-suspended.
- caps
DELETE /admin/bucket?object&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket containing the object to be removed. | String |
| Yes |
| The object to remove. | String |
| Yes |
Response Entities
Name | Description | Code |
| Specified object does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
| Unable to remove objects. | 409 Conflict |
1.3.18. Getting Bucket or Object Policy
Read the policy of an object or bucket.
- caps
GET /admin/bucket?policy&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The bucket to read the policy from. | String |
| Yes |
| The object to read the policy from. | String |
| No |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| Access control policy. | Container | N/A |
If successful, returns the object or bucket policy
Name | Description | Code |
| Either bucket was not specified for a bucket policy request or bucket and object were not specified for an object policy request. | 400 Bad Request |
1.3.19. Adding a Capability to an Existing User
Add an administrative capability to a specified user.
- caps
PUT /admin/user?caps&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to add an administrative capability to. | String |
| Yes |
| The administrative capability to add to the user. | String |
| Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| A container for the user data information. | Container | N/A |
| The user ID. | String |
| User capabilities. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the user’s capabilities.
Name | Description | Code |
| Attempt to grant invalid admin capability. | 400 Bad Request |
Return to the API function list. Example Request
PUT /admin/user?caps&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host: <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name> Content-Type: text/plain Authorization: <Authorization_Token> usage=read
1.3.20. Removing a Capability from an Existing User
Remove an administrative capability from a specified user.
- caps
DELETE /admin/user?caps&format=json HTTP/1.1 Host <Fully_Qualified_Domain_Name>
Name | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| The user ID to remove an administrative capability from. | String |
| Yes |
| The administrative capabilities to remove from the user. | String |
| Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Parent |
| A container for the user data information. | Container | N/A |
| The user ID. | String |
| User capabilities. | Container |
If successful, the response contains the user’s capabilities.
Name | Description | Code |
| Attempt to remove an invalid admin capability. | 400 Bad Request |
| User does not possess specified capability. | 404 Not Found |
1.3.21. Quotas
The administrative Operations API enables you to set quotas on users and on bucket owned by users. See Quota Management for additional details. Quotas include the maximum number of objects in a bucket and the maximum storage size in megabytes.
To view quotas, the user must have a users=read
capability. To set, modify or disable a quota, the user must have users=write
capability. See the Administration (CLI) for details.
Valid parameters for quotas include:
Bucket: The
option allows you to specify a quota for buckets owned by a user. -
Maximum Objects: The
setting allows you to specify the maximum number of objects. A negative value disables this setting. -
Maximum Size: The
option allows you to specify a quota for the maximum number of bytes. A negative value disables this setting. -
Quota Scope: The
option sets the scope for the quota. The options arebucket
Return to the API function list. Getting User Quota
To get a quota, the user must have users
capability set with read
GET /admin/user?quota&uid=<uid>"a-type=user Setting User Quota
To set a quota, the user must have users
capability set with write
PUT /admin/user?quota&uid=<uid>"a-type=user
The content must include a JSON representation of the quota settings as encoded in the corresponding read operation. Getting Bucket Quota
To get a quota, the user must have users
capability set with read
GET /admin/user?quota&uid=<uid>"a-type=bucket Setting Bucket Quota
To set a quota, the user must have users
capability set with write
PUT /admin/user?quota&uid=<uid>"a-type=bucket
The content must include a JSON representation of the quota settings as encoded in the corresponding read operation.
1.3.22. Standard Error Responses
Name | Description | Code |
| Access denied. | 403 Forbidden |
| Internal server error. | 500 Internal Server Error |
| User does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
| Bucket does not exist. | 404 Not Found |
| No such access key. | 404 Not Found |