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Chapter 5. Multi-site configuration and administration

As a storage administrator, you can configure and administer multiple Ceph Object Gateways for a variety of use cases. You can learn what to do during a disaster recovery and failover events. Also, you can learn more about realms, zones, and syncing policies in multi-site Ceph Object Gateway environments.

A single zone configuration typically consists of one zone group containing one zone and one or more ceph-radosgw instances where you may load-balance gateway client requests between the instances. In a single zone configuration, typically multiple gateway instances point to a single Ceph storage cluster. However, Red Hat supports several multi-site configuration options for the Ceph Object Gateway:

  • Multi-zone: A more advanced configuration consists of one zone group and multiple zones, each zone with one or more ceph-radosgw instances. Each zone is backed by its own Ceph Storage Cluster. Multiple zones in a zone group provides disaster recovery for the zone group should one of the zones experience a significant failure. Each zone is active and may receive write operations. In addition to disaster recovery, multiple active zones may also serve as a foundation for content delivery networks.
  • Multi-zone-group: Formerly called 'regions', the Ceph Object Gateway can also support multiple zone groups, each zone group with one or more zones. Objects stored to zone groups within the same realm share a global namespace, ensuring unique object IDs across zone groups and zones.
  • Multiple Realms: The Ceph Object Gateway supports the notion of realms, which can be a single zone group or multiple zone groups and a globally unique namespace for the realm. Multiple realms provides the ability to support numerous configurations and namespaces.
gateway realm

If you have a Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 cluster with multi-site configured, do not upgrade to the latest version of 6.1.z1 as there are issues with data corruption on encrypted objects when objects replicate to the disaster recovery (DR) site.


  • A healthy running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Deployment of the Ceph Object Gateway software.

5.1. Requirements and Assumptions

A multi-site configuration requires at least two Ceph storage clusters, and At least two Ceph object gateway instances, one for each Ceph storage cluster.

This guide assumes at least two Ceph storage clusters in geographically separate locations; however, the configuration can work on the same physical site. This guide also assumes four Ceph object gateway servers named rgw1, rgw2, rgw3 and rgw4 respectively.

A multi-site configuration requires a master zone group and a master zone. Additionally, each zone group requires a master zone. Zone groups might have one or more secondary or non-master zones.


When planning network considerations for multi-site, it is important to understand the relation bandwidth and latency observed on the multi-site synchronization network and the clients ingest rate in direct correlation with the current sync state of the objects owed to the secondary site. The network link between Red Hat Ceph Storage multi-site clusters must be able to handle the ingest into the primary cluster to maintain an effective recovery time on the secondary site. Multi-site synchronization is asynchronous and one of the limitations is the rate at which the sync gateways can process data across the link. An example to look at in terms of network inter-connectivity speed could be 1 GbE or inter-datacenter connectivity, for every 8 TB or cumulative receive data, per client gateway. Thus, if you replicate to two other sites, and ingest 16 TB a day, you need 6 GbE of dedicated bandwidth for multi-site replication.

Red Hat also recommends private Ethernet or Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) as a VPN over the internet is not ideal due to the additional overhead incurred.


The master zone within the master zone group of a realm is responsible for storing the master copy of the realm’s metadata, including users, quotas and buckets (created by the radosgw-admin CLI). This metadata gets synchronized to secondary zones and secondary zone groups automatically. Metadata operations executed with the radosgw-admin CLI MUST be executed on a host within the master zone of the master zone group in order to ensure that they get synchronized to the secondary zone groups and zones. Currently, it is possible to execute metadata operations on secondary zones and zone groups, but it is NOT recommended because they WILL NOT be synchronized, leading to fragmented metadata.

In the following examples, the rgw1 host will serve as the master zone of the master zone group; the rgw2 host will serve as the secondary zone of the master zone group; the rgw3 host will serve as the master zone of the secondary zone group; and the rgw4 host will serve as the secondary zone of the secondary zone group.


When you have a large cluster with more Ceph Object Gateways configured in a multi-site storage cluster, Red Hat recommends to dedicate not more than three sync-enabled Ceph Object Gateways per site for multi-site synchronization. If there are more than three syncing Ceph Object Gateways, it has diminishing returns sync rate in terms of performance and the increased contention creates an incremental risk for hitting timing-related error conditions. This is due to a sync-fairness known issue BZ#1740782.

For the rest of the Ceph Object Gateways in such a configuration, which are dedicated for client I/O operations through load balancers, run the ceph config set client.rgw.CLIENT_NODE rgw_run_sync_thread false command to prevent them from performing sync operations, and then restart the Ceph Object Gateway.

Following is a typical configuration file for HAProxy for syncing gateways:


[root@host01 ~]# cat ./haproxy.cfg


	log local2

	chroot  	/var/lib/haproxy
	pidfile 	/var/run/haproxy.pid
	maxconn 	7000
	user    	haproxy
	group   	haproxy

	stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats


	mode                	http
	log                 	global
	option              	httplog
	option              	dontlognull
	option http-server-close
	option forwardfor   	except
	option              	redispatch
	retries             	3
	timeout http-request	10s
	timeout queue       	1m
	timeout connect     	10s
	timeout client      	30s
	timeout server      	30s
	timeout http-keep-alive 10s
	timeout check       	10s
        timeout client-fin 1s
        timeout server-fin 1s
	maxconn             	6000

listen  stats
    	mode        	http
    	log         	global

    	maxconn 256

    	clitimeout  	10m
    	srvtimeout  	10m
    	contimeout  	10m
    	timeout queue   10m

# JTH start
    	stats enable
    	stats hide-version
    	stats refresh 30s
    	stats show-node
##    	stats auth admin:password
    	stats uri  /haproxy?stats
       stats admin if TRUE

frontend  main
	bind	 *:5000
	acl url_static   	path_beg   	-i /static /images /javascript /stylesheets
	acl url_static   	path_end   	-i .jpg .gif .png .css .js

	use_backend static      	if url_static
	default_backend         	app
        maxconn 6000

backend static
	balance 	roundrobin
    fullconn 6000
    server  app8 host01:8080 check maxconn 2000
    server  app9 host02:8080 check maxconn 2000
    server  app10 host03:8080 check maxconn 2000

backend app
	balance 	roundrobin
    fullconn 6000
    server  app8 host01:8080 check maxconn 2000
    server  app9 host02:8080 check maxconn 2000
    server  app10 host03:8080 check maxconn 2000

5.2. Pools

Red Hat recommends using the Ceph Placement Group’s per Pool Calculator to calculate a suitable number of placement groups for the pools the radosgw daemon will create. Set the calculated values as defaults in the Ceph configuration database.


[ceph: root@host01 /]#  ceph config set osd osd_pool_default_pg_num 50
[ceph: root@host01 /]#  ceph config set osd osd_pool_default_pgp_num 50


Making this change to the Ceph configuration will use those defaults when the Ceph Object Gateway instance creates the pools. Alternatively, you can create the pools manually.

Pool names particular to a zone follow the naming convention ZONE_NAME.POOL_NAME. For example, a zone named us-east will have the following pools:

  • .rgw.root
  • us-east.rgw.control
  • us-east.rgw.meta
  • us-east.rgw.log
  • us-east.rgw.buckets.index
  • us-east.rgw.buckets.data
  • us-east.rgw.buckets.non-ec
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.keys
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.email
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.swift
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.uid

Additional Resources

  • See the Pools chapter in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for details on creating pools.

5.3. Migrating a single site system to multi-site

To migrate from a single site system with a default zone group and zone to a multi-site system, use the following steps:

  1. Create a realm. Replace REALM_NAME with the realm name.


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm REALM_NAME --default

  2. Rename the default zone and zonegroup. Replace NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME and NEW_ZONE_NAME with the zonegroup and zone name respectively.


    radosgw-admin zonegroup rename --rgw-zonegroup default --zonegroup-new-name NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    radosgw-admin zone rename --rgw-zone default --zone-new-name NEW_ZONE_NAME --rgw-zonegroup NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME

  3. Rename the default zonegroup’s api_name. Replace NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME with the zonegroup name.

    The api_name field in the zonegroup map refers to the name of the RADOS API used for data replication across different zones. This field helps clients interact with the correct APIs for accessing and managing data within the Ceph storage cluster.


    radosgw-admin zonegroup modify --api-name NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zonegroup NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME

  4. Configure the primary zonegroup. Replace NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME with the zonegroup name and REALM_NAME with realm name. Replace ENDPOINT with the fully qualified domain names in the zonegroup.


    radosgw-admin zonegroup modify --rgw-realm REALM_NAME --rgw-zonegroup NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME --endpoints http://ENDPOINT --master --default

  5. Configure the primary zone. Replace REALM_NAME with realm name, NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME with the zonegroup name, NEW_ZONE_NAME with the zone name, and ENDPOINT with the fully qualified domain names in the zonegroup.


    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-realm REALM_NAME --rgw-zonegroup NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone NEW_ZONE_NAME --endpoints http://ENDPOINT --master --default

  6. Create a system user. Replace USER_ID with the username. Replace DISPLAY_NAME with a display name. It can contain spaces.


    radosgw-admin user create --uid USER_ID --display-name DISPLAY_NAME --access-key ACCESS_KEY --secret SECRET_KEY --system

  7. Commit the updated configuration:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  8. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`

5.4. Establishing a secondary zone

Zones within a zone group replicate all data to ensure that each zone has the same data. When creating the secondary zone, issue ALL of the radosgw-admin zone operations on a host identified to serve the secondary zone.


To add a additional zones, follow the same procedures as for adding the secondary zone. Use a different zone name.

  • Run the metadata operations, such as user creation and quotas, on a host within the master zone of the master zonegroup. The master zone and the secondary zone can receive bucket operations from the RESTful APIs, but the secondary zone redirects bucket operations to the master zone. If the master zone is down, bucket operations will fail. If you create a bucket using the radosgw-admin CLI, you must run it on a host within the master zone of the master zone group so that the buckets will synchronize with other zone groups and zones.
  • Bucket creation for a particular user is not supported, even if you create a user in the secondary zone with --yes-i-really-mean-it.


  • At least two running Red Hat Ceph Storage clusters.
  • At least two Ceph Object Gateway instances, one for each Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to all the nodes.
  • Nodes or containers are added to the storage cluster.
  • All Ceph Manager, Monitor, and OSD daemons are deployed.


  1. Log into the cephadm shell:


    [root@host04 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Pull the primary realm configuration from the host:


    radosgw-admin realm pull --url=URL_TO_PRIMARY_ZONE_GATEWAY --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin realm pull --url= --access-key=LIPEYZJLTWXRKXS9LPJC --secret-key=IsAje0AVDNXNw48LjMAimpCpI7VaxJYSnfD0FFKQ

  3. Pull the primary period configuration from the host:


    radosgw-admin period pull --url=URL_TO_PRIMARY_ZONE_GATEWAY --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin period pull --url= --access-key=LIPEYZJLTWXRKXS9LPJC --secret-key=IsAje0AVDNXNw48LjMAimpCpI7VaxJYSnfD0FFKQ

  4. Configure a secondary zone:


    All zones run in an active-active configuration by default; that is, a gateway client might write data to any zone and the zone will replicate the data to all other zones within the zone group. If the secondary zone should not accept write operations, specify the `--read-only flag to create an active-passive configuration between the master zone and the secondary zone. Additionally, provide the access_key and secret_key of the generated system user stored in the master zone of the master zone group.


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=_ZONE_GROUP_NAME_ \
                 --rgw-zone=_SECONDARY_ZONE_NAME_ --endpoints=http://_RGW_SECONDARY_HOSTNAME_:_RGW_PRIMARY_PORT_NUMBER_1_ \
                 --access-key=_SYSTEM_ACCESS_KEY_ --secret=_SYSTEM_SECRET_KEY_ \


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east-2 --endpoints=http://rgw2:80 --access-key=LIPEYZJLTWXRKXS9LPJC --secret-key=IsAje0AVDNXNw48LjMAimpCpI7VaxJYSnfD0FFKQ

  5. Optional: Delete the default zone:


    Do not delete the default zone and its pools if you are using the default zone and zone group to store data.


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin zone rm --rgw-zone=default
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.log default.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.meta default.rgw.meta --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.control default.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.data.root default.rgw.data.root --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph osd pool rm default.rgw.gc default.rgw.gc --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

  6. Update the Ceph configuration database:


    ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_realm REALM_NAME
    ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zonegroup ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zone SECONDARY_ZONE_NAME


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_realm test_realm
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zonegroup us
    [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zone us-east-2

  7. Commit the changes:


    radosgw-admin period update --commit


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  8. Outside the cephadm shell, fetch the FSID of the storage cluster and the processes:


    [root@host04 ~]#  systemctl list-units | grep ceph

  9. Start the Ceph Object Gateway daemon:


    systemctl start ceph-FSID@DAEMON_NAME
    systemctl enable ceph-FSID@DAEMON_NAME


    [root@host04 ~]# systemctl start ceph-62a081a6-88aa-11eb-a367-001a4a000672@rgw.test_realm.us-east-2.host04.ahdtsw.service
    [root@host04 ~]# systemctl enable ceph-62a081a6-88aa-11eb-a367-001a4a000672@rgw.test_realm.us-east-2.host04.ahdtsw.service

5.5. Configuring the archive zone (Technology Preview)


Archive zone is a Technology Preview feature only for Red Hat Ceph Storage 7.0. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend using them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. See the support scope for Red Hat Technology Preview features for more details.


Ensure you have a realm before configuring a zone as an archive. Without a realm, you cannot archive data through an archive zone for default zone/zonegroups.

Archive Object data residing on Red Hat Ceph Storage using the Object Storage Archive Zone Feature.

The archive zone uses multi-site replication and S3 object versioning feature in the Ceph Object Gateway. The archive zone retains all version of all the objects available, even when deleted in the production file.

The archive zone has a history of versions of S3 objects that can only be eliminated through the gateways that are associated with the archive zone. It captures all the data updates and metadata to consolidate them as versions of S3 objects.

Bucket granular replication to the archive zone can be used after creating an archive zone.

You can control the storage space usage of an archive zone through the bucket Lifecycle policies, where you can define the number of versions you would like to keep for an object.

An archive zone helps protect your data against logical or physical errors. It can save users from logical failures, such as accidentally deleting a bucket in the production zone. It can also save your data from massive hardware failures, like a complete production site failure. Additionally, it provides an immutable copy, which can help build a ransomware protection strategy.

To implement the bucket granular replication, use the sync policies commands for enabling and disabling policies. See Creating a sync policy group and Modifying a sync policy group for more information.


Using the sync policy group procedures is optional and only necessary to use enabling and disabling with bucket granular replication. For using the archive zone without bucket granular replication, it is not necessary to use the sync policy procedures.

If you want to migrate the storage cluster from single site, see Migrating a single site system to multi-site.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to a Ceph Monitor node.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software.


  • During new zone creation, use the archive tier to configure the archive zone.


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup={ZONE_GROUP_NAME} --rgw-zone={ZONE_NAME} --endpoints={http://FQDN:PORT},{http://FQDN:PORT} --tier-type=archive


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east --endpoints={http://example.com:8080} --tier-type=archive

Additional resources

5.5.1. Deleting objects in archive zone

You can use an S3 lifecycle policy extension to delete objects within an <ArchiveZone> element.


Archive zone objects can only be deleted using the expiration lifecycle policy rule.

  • If any <Rule> section contains an <ArchiveZone> element, that rule executes in archive zone and are the ONLY rules which run in an archive zone.
  • Rules marked <ArchiveZone> do NOT execute in non-archive zones.

The rules within the lifecycle policy determine when and what objects to delete. For more information about lifecycle creation and management, see Bucket lifecycle.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to a Ceph Monitor node.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software.


  1. Set the <ArchiveZone> lifecycle policy rule. For more information about creating a lifecycle policy, see See the Creating a lifecycle management policy section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Object Gateway Guide for more details.


    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <LifecycleConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
    		  <ArchiveZone />   1

  2. Optional: See if a specific lifecycle policy contains an archive zone rule.


    radosgw-admin lc get --bucket BUCKET_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin lc get --bucket test-bkt
        "prefix_map": {
            "": {
                "status": true,
                "dm_expiration": true,
                "expiration": 0,
                "noncur_expiration": 2,
                "mp_expiration": 0,
                "transitions": {},
                "noncur_transitions": {}
        "rule_map": [
                "id": "Rule 1",
                "rule": {
                    "id": "Rule 1",
                    "prefix": "",
                    "status": "Enabled",
                    "expiration": {
                        "days": "",
                        "date": ""
                    "noncur_expiration": {
                        "days": "2",
                        "date": ""
                    "mp_expiration": {
                        "days": "",
                        "date": ""
                    "filter": {
                        "prefix": "",
                        "obj_tags": {
                            "tagset": {}
                        "archivezone": ""   1
                    "transitions": {},
                    "noncur_transitions": {},
                    "dm_expiration": true

    1 1
    The archive zone rule. This is an example of a lifecycle policy with an archive zone rule.
  3. If the Ceph Object Gateway user is deleted, the buckets at the archive site owned by that user is inaccessible. Link those buckets to another Ceph Object Gateway user to access the data.


     radosgw-admin bucket link --uid NEW_USER_ID --bucket BUCKET_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin bucket link --uid arcuser1 --bucket arc1-deleted-da473fbbaded232dc5d1e434675c1068 --yes-i-really-mean-it

Additional resources

  • See the Bucket lifecycle section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Object Gateway Guide for more details.
  • See the S3 bucket lifecycle section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Developer Guide for more details.

5.6. Failover and disaster recovery

If the primary zone fails, failover to the secondary zone for disaster recovery.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to a Ceph Monitor node.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software.


  1. Make the secondary zone the primary and default zone. For example:


    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default

    By default, Ceph Object Gateway runs in an active-active configuration. If the cluster was configured to run in an active-passive configuration, the secondary zone is a read-only zone. Remove the --read-only status to allow the zone to receive write operations. For example:


    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default --read-only=false

  2. Update the period to make the changes take effect:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  3. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.


    Use the output from the ceph orch ps command, under the NAME column, to get the SERVICE_TYPE.ID information.

    1. To restart the Ceph Object Gateway on an individual node in the storage cluster:


      systemctl restart ceph-CLUSTER_ID@SERVICE_TYPE.ID.service


      [root@host01 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-c4b34c6f-8365-11ba-dc31-529020a7702d@rgw.realm.zone.host01.gwasto.service

    2. To restart the Ceph Object Gateways on all nodes in the storage cluster:


      ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

If the former primary zone recovers, revert the operation.

  1. From the recovered zone, pull the realm from the current primary zone:


    radosgw-admin realm pull --url=URL_TO_PRIMARY_ZONE_GATEWAY \
                                --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret=SECRET_KEY

  2. Make the recovered zone the primary and default zone:


    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default

  3. Update the period to make the changes take effect:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  4. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway in the recovered zone:


    ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

  5. If the secondary zone needs to be a read-only configuration, update the secondary zone:


    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --read-only
    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --read-only

  6. Update the period to make the changes take effect:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  7. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway in the secondary zone:


    ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

5.7. Configuring multiple realms in the same storage cluster

You can configure multiple realms in the same storage cluster. This is a more advanced use case for multi-site. Configuring multiple realms in the same storage cluster enables you to use a local realm to handle local Ceph Object Gateway client traffic, as well as a replicated realm for data that will be replicated to a secondary site.


Red Hat recommends that each realm has its own Ceph Object Gateway.


  • Two running Red Hat Ceph Storage data centers in a storage cluster.
  • The access key and secret key for each data center in the storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to all the Ceph Object Gateway nodes.
  • Each data center has its own local realm. They share a realm that replicates on both sites.


  1. Create one local realm on the first data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --default


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=ldc1 --default

  2. Create one local master zonegroup on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --endpoints=http://RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --master --default


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=ldc1 --master --default

  3. Create one local zone on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[,HTTP_FQDN]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --rgw-zone=ldc1z --master --default --endpoints=http://rgw.example.com

  4. Commit the period:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  5. You can either deploy the Ceph Object Gateway daemons with the appropriate realm and zone or update the configuration database:

    • Deploy the Ceph Object Gateway using placement specification:


      ceph orch apply rgw SERVICE_NAME --realm=REALM_NAME --zone=ZONE_NAME --placement="NUMBER_OF_DAEMONS HOST_NAME_1 HOST_NAME_2"


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply rgw rgw --realm=ldc1 --zone=ldc1z --placement="1 host01"

    • Update the Ceph configuration database:


      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_realm REALM_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zonegroup ZONE_GROUP_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zone ZONE_NAME


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_realm ldc1
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zonegroup ldc1zg
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zone ldc1z

  6. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.


    Use the output from the ceph orch ps command, under the NAME column, to get the SERVICE_TYPE.ID information.

    1. To restart the Ceph Object Gateway on an individual node in the storage cluster:


      systemctl restart ceph-CLUSTER_ID@SERVICE_TYPE.ID.service


      [root@host01 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-c4b34c6f-8365-11ba-dc31-529020a7702d@rgw.realm.zone.host01.gwasto.service

    2. To restart the Ceph Object Gateways on all nodes in the storage cluster:


      ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

  7. Create one local realm on the second data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --default


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=ldc2 --default

  8. Create one local master zonegroup on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --endpoints=http://RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --master --default


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc2zg --endpoints=http://rgw2:80 --rgw-realm=ldc2 --master --default

  9. Create one local zone on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[, HTTP_FQDN]


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc2zg --rgw-zone=ldc2z --master --default --endpoints=http://rgw.example.com

  10. Commit the period:


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  11. You can either deploy the Ceph Object Gateway daemons with the appropriate realm and zone or update the configuration database:

    • Deploy the Ceph Object Gateway using placement specification:


      ceph orch apply rgw SERVICE_NAME --realm=REALM_NAME --zone=ZONE_NAME --placement="NUMBER_OF_DAEMONS HOST_NAME_1 HOST_NAME_2"


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply rgw rgw --realm=ldc2 --zone=ldc2z --placement="1 host01"

    • Update the Ceph configuration database:


      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_realm REALM_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zonegroup ZONE_GROUP_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zone ZONE_NAME


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_realm ldc2
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zonegroup ldc2zg
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zone ldc2z

  12. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.


    Use the output from the ceph orch ps command, under the NAME column, to get the SERVICE_TYPE.ID information.

    1. To restart the Ceph Object Gateway on individual node in the storage cluster:


      systemctl restart ceph-CLUSTER_ID@SERVICE_TYPE.ID.service


      [root@host04 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-c4b34c6f-8365-11ba-dc31-529020a7702d@rgw.realm.zone.host01.gwasto.service

    2. To restart the Ceph Object Gateways on all nodes in the storage cluster:


      ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

  13. Create a replicated realm on the first data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REPLICATED_REALM_1 --default


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=rdc1 --default

    Use the --default flag to make the replicated realm default on the primary site.

  14. Create a master zonegroup for the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --endpoints=http://_RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=_RGW_REALM_NAME --master --default


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=rdc1 --master --default

  15. Create a master zone on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --rgw-zone=_MASTER_RGW_NODE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[,HTTP_FQDN]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --rgw-zone=rdc1z --master --default --endpoints=http://rgw.example.com

  16. Create a synchronization user and add the system user to the master zone for multi-site:


    radosgw-admin user create --uid="SYNCHRONIZATION_USER" --display-name="Synchronization User" --system
    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=RGW_ZONE --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret=SECRET_KEY


    radosgw-admin user create --uid="synchronization-user" --display-name="Synchronization User" --system
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=rdc1zg --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  17. Commit the period:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  18. You can either deploy the Ceph Object Gateway daemons with the appropriate realm and zone or update the configuration database:

    • Deploy the Ceph Object Gateway using placement specification:


      ceph orch apply rgw SERVICE_NAME --realm=REALM_NAME --zone=ZONE_NAME --placement="NUMBER_OF_DAEMONS HOST_NAME_1 HOST_NAME_2"


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply rgw rgw --realm=rdc1 --zone=rdc1z --placement="1 host01"

    • Update the Ceph configuration database:


      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME  rgw_realm REALM_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME  rgw_zonegroup ZONE_GROUP_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME  rgw_zone ZONE_NAME


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_realm rdc1
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zonegroup rdc1zg
      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zone rdc1z

  19. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.


    Use the output from the ceph orch ps command, under the NAME column, to get the SERVICE_TYPE.ID information.

    1. To restart the Ceph Object Gateway on individual node in the storage cluster:


      systemctl restart ceph-CLUSTER_ID@SERVICE_TYPE.ID.service


      [root@host01 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-c4b34c6f-8365-11ba-dc31-529020a7702d@rgw.realm.zone.host01.gwasto.service

    2. To restart the Ceph Object Gateways on all nodes in the storage cluster:


      ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

  20. Pull the replicated realm on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin realm pull --url=https://tower-osd1.cephtips.com --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm pull --url=https://tower-osd1.cephtips.com --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  21. Pull the period from the first data center:


    radosgw-admin period pull --url=https://tower-osd1.cephtips.com --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period pull --url=https://tower-osd1.cephtips.com --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  22. Create the secondary zone on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=RGW_ZONE --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --endpoints=https://tower-osd4.cephtips.com --access-key=_ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=rdc2z --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --endpoints=https://tower-osd4.cephtips.com --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  23. Commit the period:


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  24. You can either deploy the Ceph Object Gateway daemons with the appropriate realm and zone or update the configuration database:

    • Deploy the Ceph Object Gateway using placement specification:


      ceph orch apply rgw SERVICE_NAME --realm=REALM_NAME --zone=ZONE_NAME --placement="NUMBER_OF_DAEMONS HOST_NAME_1 HOST_NAME_2"


      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph orch apply rgw rgw --realm=rdc1 --zone=rdc2z --placement="1 host04"

    • Update the Ceph configuration database:


      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_realm REALM_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zonegroup ZONE_GROUP_NAME
      ceph config set client.rgw.SERVICE_NAME rgw_zone ZONE_NAME


      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_realm rdc1
      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zonegroup rdc1zg
      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph config set client.rgw.rgwsvcid.mons-1.jwgwwp rgw_zone rdc2z

  25. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.


    Use the output from the ceph orch ps command, under the NAME column, to get the SERVICE_TYPE.ID information.

    1. To restart the Ceph Object Gateway on individual node in the storage cluster:


      systemctl restart ceph-CLUSTER_ID@SERVICE_TYPE.ID.service


      [root@host02 ~]# systemctl restart ceph-c4b34c6f-8365-11ba-dc31-529020a7702d@rgw.realm.zone.host01.gwasto.service

    2. To restart the Ceph Object Gateways on all nodes in the storage cluster:


      ceph orch restart SERVICE_TYPE


      [ceph: root@host04 /]# ceph orch restart rgw

  26. Log in as root on the endpoint for the second data center.
  27. Verify the synchronization status on the master realm:


    radosgw-admin sync status


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin sync status
              realm 59762f08-470c-46de-b2b1-d92c50986e67 (ldc2)
          zonegroup 7cf8daf8-d279-4d5c-b73e-c7fd2af65197 (ldc2zg)
               zone 034ae8d3-ae0c-4e35-8760-134782cb4196 (ldc2z)
      metadata sync no sync (zone is master)

  28. Log in as root on the endpoint for the first data center.
  29. Verify the synchronization status for the replication-synchronization realm:


    radosgw-admin sync status --rgw-realm RGW_REALM_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync status --rgw-realm rdc1
              realm 73c7b801-3736-4a89-aaf8-e23c96e6e29d (rdc1)
          zonegroup d67cc9c9-690a-4076-89b8-e8127d868398 (rdc1zg)
               zone 67584789-375b-4d61-8f12-d1cf71998b38 (rdc2z)
      metadata sync syncing
                    full sync: 0/64 shards
                    incremental sync: 64/64 shards
                    metadata is caught up with master
          data sync source: 705ff9b0-68d5-4475-9017-452107cec9a0 (rdc1z)
                            full sync: 0/128 shards
                            incremental sync: 128/128 shards
                            data is caught up with source
              realm 73c7b801-3736-4a89-aaf8-e23c96e6e29d (rdc1)
          zonegroup d67cc9c9-690a-4076-89b8-e8127d868398 (rdc1zg)
               zone 67584789-375b-4d61-8f12-d1cf71998b38 (rdc2z)
      metadata sync syncing
                    full sync: 0/64 shards
                    incremental sync: 64/64 shards
                    metadata is caught up with master
          data sync source: 705ff9b0-68d5-4475-9017-452107cec9a0 (rdc1z)
                            full sync: 0/128 shards
                            incremental sync: 128/128 shards
                            data is caught up with source

  30. To store and access data in the local site, create the user for local realm:


    radosgw-admin user create --uid="LOCAL_USER" --display-name="Local user" --rgw-realm=_REALM_NAME --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME


    [ceph: root@host04 /]# radosgw-admin user create --uid="local-user" --display-name="Local user" --rgw-realm=ldc1 --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --rgw-zone=ldc1z


    By default, users are created under the default realm. For the users to access data in the local realm, the radosgw-admin command requires the --rgw-realm argument.

5.8. Using multi-site sync policies

As a storage administrator, you can use multi-site sync policies at the bucket level to control data movement between buckets in different zones. These policies are called bucket-granularity sync policies. Previously, all buckets within zones were treated symmetrically. This means that each zone contained a mirror copy of a given bucket, and the copies of buckets were identical in all of the zones. The sync process assumed that the bucket sync source and the bucket sync destination referred to the same bucket.


Bucket sync policies apply to data only, and metadata is synced across all the zones in the multi-site irrespective of the presence of the the bucket sync policies. Objects that were created, modified, or deleted when the bucket sync policy was in allowed or forbidden place, it does not automatically sync when policy takes effect. Run the bucket sync run command to sync these objects.


If there are multiple sync policies defined at zonegroup level, only one policy can be in enabled state at any time. We can toggle between policies if needed

The sync policy supersedes the old zone group coarse configuration (sync_from*). The sync policy can be configured at the zone group level. If it is configured, it replaces the old-style configuration at the zone group level, but it can also be configured at the bucket level.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to a Ceph Monitor node.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway software.

5.8.1. Multi-site sync policy group state

In the sync policy, multiple groups that can contain lists of data-flow configurations can be defined, as well as lists of pipe configurations. The data-flow defines the flow of data between the different zones. It can define symmetrical data flow, in which multiple zones sync data from each other, and it can define directional data flow, in which the data moves in one way from one zone to another.

A pipe defines the actual buckets that can use these data flows, and the properties that are associated with it, such as the source object prefix.

A sync policy group can be in 3 states:

  • enabled — sync is allowed and enabled.
  • allowed — sync is allowed.
  • forbidden — sync, as defined by this group, is not allowed.

When the zones replicate, you can disable replication for specific buckets using the sync policy. The following are the semantics that need to be followed to resolve the policy conflicts:





























For multiple group polices that are set to reflect for any sync pair (SOURCE_ZONE, SOURCE_BUCKET), (DESTINATION_ZONE, DESTINATION_BUCKET), the following rules are applied in the following order:

  • Even if one sync policy is forbidden, the sync is disabled.
  • At least one policy should be enabled for the sync to be allowed.

Sync states in this group can override other groups.

A policy can be defined at the bucket level. A bucket level sync policy inherits the data flow of the zonegroup policy, and can only define a subset of what the zonegroup allows.

A wildcard zone, and a wildcard bucket parameter in the policy defines all relevant zones, or all relevant buckets. In the context of a bucket policy, it means the current bucket instance. A disaster recovery configuration where entire zones are mirrored does not require configuring anything on the buckets. However, for a fine grained bucket sync it would be better to configure the pipes to be synced by allowing (status=allowed) them at the zonegroup level (for example, by using wildcard). However, enable the specific sync at the bucket level (status=enabled) only. If needed, the policy at the bucket level can limit the data movement to specific relevant zones.


Any changes to the zonegroup policy need to be applied on the zonegroup master zone, and require period update and commit. Changes to the bucket policy need to be applied on the zonegroup master zone. Ceph Object Gateway handles these changes dynamically.

5.8.2. Retrieving the current policy

You can use the get command to retrieve the current zonegroup sync policy, or a specific bucket policy.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Retrieve the current zonegroup sync policy or bucket policy. To retrieve a specific bucket policy, use the --bucket option:


    radosgw-admin sync policy get --bucket=BUCKET_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync policy get --bucket=mybucket

5.8.3. Creating a sync policy group

You can create a sync policy group for the current zone group, or for a specific bucket.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Create a sync policy group or a bucket policy. To create a bucket policy, use the --bucket option:


    radosgw-admin sync group create --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --status=enabled | allowed | forbidden


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group create --group-id=mygroup1 --status=enabled

5.8.4. Modifying a sync policy group

You can modify an existing sync policy group for the current zone group, or for a specific bucket.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Modify the sync policy group or a bucket policy. To modify a bucket policy, use the --bucket option:


    radosgw-admin sync group modify --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --status=enabled | allowed | forbidden


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group modify --group-id=mygroup1 --status=forbidden

5.8.5. Showing a sync policy group

You can use the group get command to show the current sync policy group by group ID, or to show a specific bucket policy.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Show the current sync policy group or bucket policy. To show a specific bucket policy, use the --bucket option:


    radosgw-admin sync group get --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group get --group-id=mygroup

5.8.6. Removing a sync policy group

You can use the group remove command to remove the current sync policy group by group ID, or to remove a specific bucket policy.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Remove the current sync policy group or bucket policy. To remove a specific bucket policy, use the --bucket option:


    radosgw-admin sync group remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group remove --group-id=mygroup

5.8.7. Creating a sync flow

You can create two different types of flows for a sync policy group or for a specific bucket:

  • Directional sync flow
  • Symmetrical sync flow

The group flow create command creates a sync flow. If you issue the group flow create command for a sync policy group or bucket that already has a sync flow, the command overwrites the existing settings for the sync flow and applies the settings you specify.



Name of the bucket to which the sync policy needs to be configured. Used only in bucket-level sync policy.



ID of the sync group.



ID of the flow.



Types of flows for a sync policy group or for a specific bucket - directional or symmetrical.



To specify the source zone from which sync should happen. Zone that send data to the sync group. Required if flow type of sync group is directional.



To specify the destination zone to which sync should happen. Zone that receive data from the sync group. Required if flow type of sync group is directional.



Zones that part of the sync group. Zones mention will be both sender and receiver zone. Specify zones separated by ",". Required if flow type of sync group is symmetrical.



  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  1. Create or update a directional sync flow. To create or update directional sync flow for a specific bucket, use the --bucket option.


    radosgw-admin sync group flow create --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --flow-id=FLOW_ID --flow-type=directional --source-zone=SOURCE_ZONE --dest-zone=DESTINATION_ZONE

  2. Create or update a symmetrical sync flow. To specify multiple zones for a symmetrical flow type, use a comma-separated list for the --zones option.


    radosgw-admin sync group flow create --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --flow-id=FLOW_ID --flow-type=symmetrical --zones=ZONE_NAME

5.8.8. Removing sync flows and zones

The group flow remove command removes sync flows or zones from a sync policy group or bucket.

For sync policy groups or buckets using directional flows, group flow remove command removes the flow. For sync policy groups or buckets using symmetrical flows, you can use the group flow remove command to remove specified zones from the flow, or to remove the flow.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  1. Remove a directional sync flow. To remove the directional sync flow for a specific bucket, use the --bucket option.


    radosgw-admin sync group flow remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --flow-id=FLOW_ID --flow-type=directional --source-zone=SOURCE_ZONE --dest-zone=DESTINATION_ZONE

  2. Remove specific zones from a symmetrical sync flow. To remove multiple zones from a symmetrical flow, use a comma-separated list for the --zones option.


    radosgw-admin sync group flow remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --flow-id=FLOW_ID --flow-type=symmetrical --zones=ZONE_NAME

  3. Remove a symmetrical sync flow. To remove the sync flow from a bucket, use the --bucket option.


    radosgw-admin sync group flow remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --flow-id=FLOW_ID --flow-type=symmetrical --zones=ZONE_NAME

5.8.9. Creating or modifying a sync group pipe

As a storage administrator, you can define pipes to specify which buckets can use your configured data flows and the properties associated with those data flows.

The sync group pipe create command enables you to create pipes, which are custom sync group data flows between specific buckets or groups of buckets, or between specific zones or groups of zones.

This command uses the following options:



Name of the bucket to which sync policy need to be configured. Used only in bucket-level sync policy.



ID of the sync group



ID of the pipe



Zones that send data to the sync group. Use single quotes (') for value. Use commas to separate multiple zones. Use the wildcard * for all zones that match the data flow rules.



Bucket or buckets that send data to the sync group. If bucket name is not mentioned, then * (wildcard) is taken as the default value. At bucket-level, source bucket will be the bucket for which the sync group created and at zonegroup-level, source bucket will be all buckets.



ID of the source bucket.



Zone or zones that receive the sync data. Use single quotes (') for value. Use commas to separate multiple zones. Use the wildcard * for all zones that match the data flow rules.



Bucket or buckets that receive the sync data. If bucket name is not mentioned, then * (wildcard) is taken as the default value. At bucket-level, destination bucket will be the bucket for which the sync group is created and at zonegroup-level, destination bucket will be all buckets



ID of the destination bucket.



Bucket prefix. Use the wildcard * to filter for source objects.



Do not use bucket prefix for filtering.



Comma-separated list of key=value pairs.



Removes one or more key=value pairs of tags.



Destination owner of the objects from source.



Destination storage class for the objects from source.



Use system for system mode or user for user mode.



Used for permissions validation in user mode. Specifies the user ID under which the sync operation will be issued.



To enable or disable sync at zonegroup level for certain buckets, set zonegroup level sync policy to enable or disable state respectively, and create a pipe for each bucket with --source-bucket and --dest-bucket with its bucket name or with bucket-id, i.e, --source-bucket-id and --dest-bucket-id.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Create the sync group pipe:


    radosgw-admin sync group pipe create --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --pipe-id=PIPE_ID --source-zones='ZONE_NAME','ZONE_NAME2'... --source-bucket=SOURCE_BUCKET1 --source-bucket-id=SOURCE_BUCKET_ID --dest-zones='ZONE_NAME','ZONE_NAME2'... --dest-bucket=DESTINATION_BUCKET1--dest-bucket-id=DESTINATION_BUCKET_ID --prefix=SOURCE_PREFIX --prefix-rm --tags-add=KEY1=VALUE1, KEY2=VALUE2, ... --tags-rm=KEY1=VALUE1, KEY2=VALUE2, ... --dest-owner=OWNER_ID --storage-class=STORAGE_CLASS --mode=USER --uid=USER_ID

5.8.10. Modifying or deleting a sync group pipe

As a storage administrator, you can use the sync group pipe remove command to modify the sync group pipe by removing certain options. You can also use this command to remove the sync group pipe completely.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  • Modify the sync group pipe options.


    radosgw-admin sync group pipe remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --pipe-id=PIPE_ID --source-zones='ZONE_NAME','ZONE_NAME2'... --source-bucket=SOURCE_BUCKET1 --source-bucket-id=SOURCE_BUCKET_ID --dest-zones='ZONE_NAME','ZONE_NAME2'... --dest-bucket=DESTINATION_BUCKET1 --dest-bucket-id=_DESTINATION_BUCKET-ID

  • Delete a sync group pipe.


    radosgw-admin sync group pipe remove --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --group-id=GROUP_ID --pipe-id=PIPE_ID

5.8.11. Obtaining information about sync operations

The sync info command enables you to get information about the expected sync sources and targets, as defined by the sync policy.

When you create a sync policy for a bucket, that policy defines how data moves from that bucket toward a different bucket in a different zone. Creating the policy also creates a list of bucket dependencies that are used as hints whenever that bucket syncs with another bucket. Note that a bucket can refer to another bucket without actually syncing to it, since syncing depends on whether the data flow allows the sync to take place.

Both the --bucket and effective-zone-name parameters are optional. If you invoke the sync info command without specifying any options, the Object Gateway returns all of the sync operations defined by the sync policy in all zones.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • A group sync policy is defined.


  • Get information about sync operations:


    radosgw-admin sync info --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --effective-zone-name=ZONE_NAME

5.8.12. Using bucket granular sync policies

When the sync policy of bucket or zonegroup, moves from disabled to enabled state, the below behavioural changes are observed:


With the agreed limited scope for the GA release of the bucket granular sync policy in 6.1, the following features are now supported:

  • Greenfield deployment: This release only supports new multi-site deployments. To set up bucket granular sync replication, a new zonegroup/zone must be configured at a minimum. Please note that this release does not allow migrating deployed/running RGW multi-site replication configurations to the newly featured RGW bucket sync policy replication.
  • Data flow - symmetrical: Although both unidirectional and bi-directional/symmetrical replication can be configured, only symmetrical replication flows are supported in this release.
  • 1-to-1 bucket replication: Currently, only replication between buckets with identical names is supported. This means that, if the bucket on site A is named bucket1, it can only be replicated to bucket1 on site B. Replicating from bucket1 to bucket2 in a different zone is not currently supported.

The following features are not supported:

  • Source filters
  • Storage class
  • Destination owner translation
  • User mode

Normal scenario:

  • Zonegroup level: Data written when the sync policy is disabled catches up as soon as it’s enabled, with no additional steps.
  • Bucket level: Data written when the sync policy is disabled does not catch up when the policy is enabled. In this case, either one of the below two workarounds can be applied:

    • Writing new data to the bucket re-synchronizes the old data.
    • Executing bucket sync run command syncs all the old data.

When you want to toggle from the sync policy to the legacy policy, you need to first run the sync init command followed by the radosgw-admin bucket sync run command to sync all the objects.

Reshard scenario:

  • Zonegroup level: Any reshard that happens when the policy is disabled does not affect the sync when it’s enabled later.
  • Bucket level: If any bucket is resharded when the policy is disabled, sync gets stuck after the policy is enabled again. New objects also do not sync at this point. In this case, follow the below workaround:

    • Run bucket sync run command.

When the policy is set to enabled for the zonegroup and the policy is set to enabled or allowed for the bucket, the pipe configuration takes effect from zonegroup level and not at the bucket level. This is a known issue BZ#2240719.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root or sudo access.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.

Zonegroup Sync Bi-directional policy

Zonegroup sync policies are created with the new sync policy engine. Any change to the zonegroup sync policy requires a period update and a commit.

In the below example, a group policy is created and a data flow is defined for the movement of data from one zonegroup to another. In addition to that, a pipe for the zonegroups is configured to define the buckets that can use this data flow. The system in the below examples include 3 zones: us-east (the master zone), us-west, and us-west-2.


  1. Create a new sync group with the status set to allowed.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group create --group-id=group1 --status=allowed


    Until a fully configured zonegroup replication policy is created, it is recommended to set the --status to allowed, to prevent the replication from starting.

  2. Create a flow policy for the newly created group with the --flow-type set as symmetrical to enable bi-directional replication.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group flow create --group-id=group1 \
                            --flow-id=flow-mirror --flow-type=symmetrical \

  3. Create a new pipe called pipe.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group pipe create --group-id=group1 \
                              --pipe-id=pipe1 --source-zones='*' \
                              --source-bucket='*' --dest-zones='*' \


    Use the * wildcard for zones to include all zones set in the previous flow policy, and * for buckets to replicate all existing buckets in the zones.

  4. After configuring the bucket sync policy, set the --status to enabled.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group modify --group-id=group1 --status=enabled

  5. Update and commit the new period.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit


    Updating and committing the period is mandatory for a zonegroup policy.

  6. Optional: Execute sync info --bucket=bucket_name command to check the sync source, and destination for a specific bucket. All buckets in zones us-east and us-west replicates bi-directionally.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync info --bucket=buck
        "sources": [
                "id": "pipe1",
                "source": {
                    "zone": "us-west",
                    "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
                "dest": {
                    "zone": "us-east",
                    "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
                "params": {
        "dests": [
                "id": "pipe1",
                "source": {
                    "zone": "us-east",
                    "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
                "dest": {
                    "zone": "us-west",
                    "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"

    The id field in the above output reflects the pipe rule that generated that entry. A single rule can generate multiple sync entries as seen in the below example.

  7. Optional: Run the sync info command to retrieve information about the expected bucket sync sources and targets, as defined in the policy.
[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync info --bucket=buck
    "sources": [
            "id": "pipe1",
            "source": {
                "zone": "us-east",
                "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
            "dest": {
                "zone": "us-west",
                "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
    "dests": [
            "id": "pipe1",
            "source": {
                "zone": "us-west",
                "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"
            "dest": {
                "zone": "us-east",
                "bucket": "buck:115b12b3-....4409.1"

Bucket Sync Bi-directional policy

The data flow for the bucket-level policy is inherited from the zonegroup policy. The data flow and pipes need not be changed for the bucket-level policy, as the bucket-level policy flow and pipes are only be a subset of the flow defined in the zonegroup policy.

  • A bucket-level policy can enable pipes that are not enabled, except forbidden, at the zonegroup policy.
  • Bucket-level policies do not require period updates.


  1. Set the zonegroup policy --status to allowed to permit per-bucket replication.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group modify --group-id=group1 --status=allowed

  2. Update the period after modifying the zonegroup policy.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  3. Create a sync group for the bucket we want to synchronize to and set --status to enabled.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group create --bucket=buck \
                              --group-id=buck-default --status=enabled

  4. Create a pipe for the group that was created in the previous step.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group pipe create --bucket=buck \
                              --group-id=buck-default --pipe-id=pipe1 \
                              --source-zones='*' --dest-zones='*'


    Use wildcards * to specify the source and destination zones for the bucket replication.

  5. Optional: To retrieve information about the expected bucket sync sources and targets, as defined by the sync policy, run the radosgw-admin bucket sync info command with the --bucket flag.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin bucket sync info --bucket buck
    realm 33157555-f387-44fc-b4b4-3f9c0b32cd66 (india)
    zonegroup 594f1f63-de6f-4e1e-90b6-105114d7ad55 (shared)
    zone ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5 (primary)
    bucket :buck[ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1]
    source zone e0e75beb-4e28-45ff-8d48-9710de06dcd0
    bucket :buck[ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1]

  6. Optional: To retrieve information about the expected sync sources and targets, as defined by the sync policy, run the radosgw-admin sync info command with the --bucket flag.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync info --bucket buck
        "id": "pipe1",
        "source": {
            "zone": "secondary",
            "bucket": "buck:ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1"
        "dest": {
            "zone": "primary",
            "bucket": "buck:ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1"
        "params": {
            "source": {
                "filter": {
                    "tags": []
            "dest": {},
            "priority": 0,
            "mode": "system",
            "user": ""
        "id": "pipe1",
        "source": {
            "zone": "primary",
            "bucket": "buck:ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1"
        "dest": {
            "zone": "secondary",
            "bucket": "buck:ffaa5ba4-c1bd-4c17-b176-2fe34004b4c5.16191.1"
        "params": {
            "source": {
                "filter": {
                    "tags": []
            "dest": {},
            "priority": 0,
            "mode": "system",
            "user": ""

Disable a policy along with sync info

In certain cases, to interrupt the replication between two buckets, set the group policy for the bucket to be forbidden.


  1. Run the sync group modify command to change the status from allowed to forbidden to interrupt replication of the bucket between zones us-east and us-west.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync group modify --group-id  buck-default --status forbidden --bucket buck
        "groups": [
                "id": "buck-default",
                "data_flow": {},
                "pipes": [
                        "id": "pipe1",
                        "source": {
                            "bucket": "*",
                            "zones": [
                        "dest": {
                            "bucket": "*",
                            "zones": [
                        "params": {
                            "source": {
                                "filter": {
                                    "tags": []
                            "dest": {},
                            "priority": 0,
                            "mode": "system",
                "status": "forbidden"


    No update and commit for the period is required as this is a bucket sync policy.

  2. Optional: Run sync info command command to check the status of the sync for bucket buck.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin sync info --bucket buck
        "sources": [],
        "dests": [],
        "hints": {
            "sources": [],
            "dests": []
        "resolved-hints-1": {
            "sources": [],
            "dests": []
        "resolved-hints": {
            "sources": [],
            "dests": []
    Sync is disabled for bucket buck


    There are no source and destination targets as the replication has been interrupted.

5.9. Multi-site Ceph Object Gateway command line usage

As a storage administrator, you can have a good understanding of how to use the Ceph Object Gateway in a multi-site environment. You can learn how to better manage the realms, zone groups, and zones in a multi-site environment.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage.
  • Deployment of the Ceph Object Gateway software.
  • Access to a Ceph Object Gateway node or container.

5.9.1. Realms

A realm represents a globally unique namespace consisting of one or more zonegroups containing one or more zones, and zones containing buckets, which in turn contain objects. A realm enables the Ceph Object Gateway to support multiple namespaces and their configuration on the same hardware.

A realm contains the notion of periods. Each period represents the state of the zone group and zone configuration in time. Each time you make a change to a zonegroup or zone, update the period and commit it.

Red Hat recommends creating realms for new clusters. Creating a realm

To create a realm, issue the realm create command and specify the realm name. If the realm is the default, specify --default.


radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME [--default]


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=test_realm --default

By specifying --default, the realm will be called implicitly with each radosgw-admin call unless --rgw-realm and the realm name are explicitly provided. Making a Realm the Default

One realm in the list of realms should be the default realm. There may be only one default realm. If there is only one realm and it wasn’t specified as the default realm when it was created, make it the default realm. Alternatively, to change which realm is the default, run the following command:

[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm default --rgw-realm=test_realm

When the realm is default, the command line assumes --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME as an argument. Deleting a Realm

To delete a realm, run the realm delete command and specify the realm name.


radosgw-admin realm delete --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm delete --rgw-realm=test_realm Getting a realm

To get a realm, run the realm get command and specify the realm name.


radosgw-admin realm get --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm get --rgw-realm=test_realm >filename.json

The CLI will echo a JSON object with the realm properties.

    "id": "0a68d52e-a19c-4e8e-b012-a8f831cb3ebc",
    "name": "test_realm",
    "current_period": "b0c5bbef-4337-4edd-8184-5aeab2ec413b",
    "epoch": 1

Use > and an output file name to output the JSON object to a file. Setting a realm

To set a realm, run the realm set command, specify the realm name, and --infile= with an input file name.


radosgw-admin realm set --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --infile=IN_FILENAME


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm set --rgw-realm=test_realm --infile=filename.json Listing realms

To list realms, run the realm list command:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm list Listing Realm Periods

To list realm periods, run the realm list-periods command.


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin realm list-periods Pulling a Realm

To pull a realm from the node containing the master zone group and master zone to a node containing a secondary zone group or zone, run the realm pull command on the node that will receive the realm configuration.


radosgw-admin realm pull --url=URL_TO_MASTER_ZONE_GATEWAY--access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret=SECRET_KEY Renaming a Realm

A realm is not part of the period. Consequently, renaming the realm is only applied locally, and will not get pulled with realm pull. When renaming a realm with multiple zones, run the command on each zone. To rename a realm, run the following command:


radosgw-admin realm rename --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --realm-new-name=NEW_REALM_NAME


Do NOT use realm set to change the name parameter. That changes the internal name only. Specifying --rgw-realm would still use the old realm name.

5.9.2. Zone Groups

The Ceph Object Gateway supports multi-site deployments and a global namespace by using the notion of zone groups. Formerly called a region, a zone group defines the geographic location of one or more Ceph Object Gateway instances within one or more zones.

Configuring zone groups differs from typical configuration procedures, because not all of the settings end up in a Ceph configuration file. You can list zone groups, get a zone group configuration, and set a zone group configuration.


The radosgw-admin zonegroup operations can be performed on any node within the realm, because the step of updating the period propagates the changes throughout the cluster. However, radosgw-admin zone operations MUST be performed on a host within the zone. Creating a Zone Group

Creating a zone group consists of specifying the zone group name. Creating a zone assumes it will live in the default realm unless --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME is specified. If the zonegroup is the default zonegroup, specify the --default flag. If the zonegroup is the master zonegroup, specify the --master flag.


radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME [--rgw-realm=REALM_NAME] [--master] [--default]


Use zonegroup modify --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME to modify an existing zone group’s settings. Making a Zone Group the Default

One zonegroup in the list of zonegroups should be the default zonegroup. There may be only one default zonegroup. If there is only one zonegroup and it wasn’t specified as the default zonegroup when it was created, make it the default zonegroup. Alternatively, to change which zonegroup is the default, run the following command:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup default --rgw-zonegroup=us


When the zonegroup is the default, the command line assumes --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME as an argument.

Then, update the period:

[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Adding a Zone to a Zone Group

To add a zone to a zonegroup, you MUST run this command on a host that will be in the zone. To add a zone to a zonegroup, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zonegroup add --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Removing a Zone from a Zone Group

To remove a zone from a zonegroup, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zonegroup remove --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Renaming a Zone Group

To rename a zonegroup, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zonegroup rename --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --zonegroup-new-name=NEW_ZONE_GROUP_NAME

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Deleting a Zone group

To delete a zonegroup, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zonegroup delete --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Listing Zone Groups

A Ceph cluster contains a list of zone groups. To list the zone groups, run the following command:

[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup list

The radosgw-admin returns a JSON formatted list of zone groups.

    "default_info": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "zonegroups": [
} Getting a Zone Group

To view the configuration of a zone group, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zonegroup get [--rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME]

The zone group configuration looks like this:

    "id": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "name": "us",
    "api_name": "us",
    "is_master": "true",
    "endpoints": [
    "hostnames": [],
    "hostnames_s3website": [],
    "master_zone": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
    "zones": [
            "id": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
            "name": "us-east",
            "endpoints": [
            "log_meta": "true",
            "log_data": "true",
            "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
            "read_only": "false"
            "id": "d1024e59-7d28-49d1-8222-af101965a939",
            "name": "us-west",
            "endpoints": [
            "log_meta": "false",
            "log_data": "true",
            "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
            "read_only": "false"
    "placement_targets": [
            "name": "default-placement",
            "tags": []
    "default_placement": "default-placement",
    "realm_id": "ae031368-8715-4e27-9a99-0c9468852cfe"
} Setting a Zone Group

Defining a zone group consists of creating a JSON object, specifying at least the required settings:

  1. name: The name of the zone group. Required.
  2. api_name: The API name for the zone group. Optional.
  3. is_master: Determines if the zone group is the master zone group. Required.

    Note: You can only have one master zone group.

  4. endpoints: A list of all the endpoints in the zone group. For example, you may use multiple domain names to refer to the same zone group. Remember to escape the forward slashes (\/). You may also specify a port (fqdn:port) for each endpoint. Optional.
  5. hostnames: A list of all the hostnames in the zone group. For example, you may use multiple domain names to refer to the same zone group. Optional. The rgw dns name setting will automatically be included in this list. You should restart the gateway daemon(s) after changing this setting.
  6. master_zone: The master zone for the zone group. Optional. Uses the default zone if not specified.


    You can only have one master zone per zone group.

  7. zones: A list of all zones within the zone group. Each zone has a name (required), a list of endpoints (optional), and whether or not the gateway will log metadata and data operations (false by default).
  8. placement_targets: A list of placement targets (optional). Each placement target contains a name (required) for the placement target and a list of tags (optional) so that only users with the tag can use the placement target (i.e., the user’s placement_tags field in the user info).
  9. default_placement: The default placement target for the object index and object data. Set to default-placement by default. You may also set a per-user default placement in the user info for each user.

To set a zone group, create a JSON object consisting of the required fields, save the object to a file, for example, zonegroup.json; then, run the following command:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup set --infile zonegroup.json

Where zonegroup.json is the JSON file you created.


The default zone group is_master setting is true by default. If you create a new zone group and want to make it the master zone group, you must either set the default zone group is_master setting to false, or delete the default zone group.

Finally, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Setting a Zone Group Map

Setting a zone group map consists of creating a JSON object consisting of one or more zone groups, and setting the master_zonegroup for the cluster. Each zone group in the zone group map consists of a key/value pair, where the key setting is equivalent to the name setting for an individual zone group configuration, and the val is a JSON object consisting of an individual zone group configuration.

You may only have one zone group with is_master equal to true, and it must be specified as the master_zonegroup at the end of the zone group map. The following JSON object is an example of a default zone group map.

    "zonegroups": [
            "key": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
            "val": {
                "id": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
                "name": "us",
                "api_name": "us",
                "is_master": "true",
                "endpoints": [
                "hostnames": [],
                "hostnames_s3website": [],
                "master_zone": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
                "zones": [
                        "id": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
                        "name": "us-east",
                        "endpoints": [
                        "log_meta": "true",
                        "log_data": "true",
                        "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                        "read_only": "false"
                        "id": "d1024e59-7d28-49d1-8222-af101965a939",
                        "name": "us-west",
                        "endpoints": [
                        "log_meta": "false",
                        "log_data": "true",
                        "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                        "read_only": "false"
                "placement_targets": [
                        "name": "default-placement",
                        "tags": []
                "default_placement": "default-placement",
                "realm_id": "ae031368-8715-4e27-9a99-0c9468852cfe"
    "master_zonegroup": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "max_size_kb": -1,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "max_size_kb": -1,
        "max_objects": -1

To set a zone group map, run the following command:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zonegroup-map set --infile zonegroupmap.json

Where zonegroupmap.json is the JSON file you created. Ensure that you have zones created for the ones specified in the zone group map. Finally, update the period.


[ceph: root@host01 /]#  radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.9.3. Zones

Ceph Object Gateway supports the notion of zones. A zone defines a logical group consisting of one or more Ceph Object Gateway instances.

Configuring zones differs from typical configuration procedures, because not all of the settings end up in a Ceph configuration file. You can list zones, get a zone configuration, and set a zone configuration.


All radosgw-admin zone operations MUST be issued on a host that operates or will operate within the zone. Creating a Zone

To create a zone, specify a zone name. If it is a master zone, specify the --master option. Only one zone in a zone group may be a master zone. To add the zone to a zonegroup, specify the --rgw-zonegroup option with the zonegroup name.


Zones must be created on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.


radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME \
                [--endpoints=ENDPOINT_PORT [,<endpoint:port>] \
                [--master] [--default] \
                --access-key ACCESS_KEY --secret SECRET_KEY

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Deleting a zone

To delete a zone, first remove it from the zonegroup.


  1. Remove the zone from the zonegroup:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup remove --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME\

  2. Update the period:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  3. Delete the zone:


    This procedure MUST be used on a host within the zone.


    radosgw-admin zone delete --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME

  4. Update the period:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit


    Do not delete a zone without removing it from a zone group first. Otherwise, updating the period will fail.

If the pools for the deleted zone will not be used anywhere else, consider deleting the pools. Replace DELETED_ZONE_NAME in the example below with the deleted zone’s name.


Once Ceph deletes the zone pools, it deletes all of the data within them in an unrecoverable manner. Only delete the zone pools if Ceph clients no longer need the pool contents.


In a multi-realm cluster, deleting the .rgw.root pool along with the zone pools will remove ALL the realm information for the cluster. Ensure that .rgw.root does not contain other active realms before deleting the .rgw.root pool.


ceph osd pool delete DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.control DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.data.root DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.data.root --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.log DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.users.uid DELETED_ZONE_NAME.rgw.users.uid --yes-i-really-really-mean-it


After deleting the pools, restart the RGW process. Modifying a Zone

To modify a zone, specify the zone name and the parameters you wish to modify.


Zones should be modified on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.


radosgw-admin zone modify [options]


Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Listing Zones

As root, to list the zones in a cluster, run the following command:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone list Getting a Zone

As root, to get the configuration of a zone, run the following command:


radosgw-admin zone get [--rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME]

The default zone looks like this:

{ "domain_root": ".rgw",
  "control_pool": ".rgw.control",
  "gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",
  "log_pool": ".log",
  "intent_log_pool": ".intent-log",
  "usage_log_pool": ".usage",
  "user_keys_pool": ".users",
  "user_email_pool": ".users.email",
  "user_swift_pool": ".users.swift",
  "user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",
  "system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": ""},
  "placement_pools": [
      {  "key": "default-placement",
         "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
                  "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets"}
  } Setting a Zone

Configuring a zone involves specifying a series of Ceph Object Gateway pools. For consistency, we recommend using a pool prefix that is the same as the zone name. See the Pools chapter in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for details on configuring pools.


Zones should be set on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

To set a zone, create a JSON object consisting of the pools, save the object to a file, for example, zone.json; then, run the following command, replacing ZONE_NAME with the name of the zone:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin zone set --rgw-zone=test-zone --infile zone.json

Where zone.json is the JSON file you created.

Then, as root, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit Renaming a Zone

To rename a zone, specify the zone name and the new zone name. Issue the following command on a host within the zone:


radosgw-admin zone rename --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --zone-new-name=NEW_ZONE_NAME

Then, update the period:


[ceph: root@host01 /]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

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