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Chapter 5. Package Updates

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5.1. 389-ds-base

Updated 389-ds-base packages that fix two bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The base packages include the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and command-line utilities for server administration.

Bug Fixes

Prior to this update, simultaneous updates that included deleting an attribute in an entry could cause the domain directory server to abort with a segmentation fault. This update checks whether a modified attribute entry has a NULL value. Now, the server handles simultaneous updates as expected.
Prior to this update, the get_entry function did not accept a NULL pblock. As a consequence, the Account Usability feature did not return the correct information about user account expiration and locked status. This update modifies the underlying code so that the get_entry function now accepts a NULL pblock.
All users of 389-ds-base are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs. Note: after completing this update, the 389 server service is restarted automatically.
Updated 389-ds-base packages that fix two security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links associated with the descriptions below.
The 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The 389-ds-base packages include the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and command line utilities for server administration.

Security Fixes

A flaw was found in the way 389 Directory Server handled password changes. If an LDAP user has changed their password, and the directory server has not been restarted since that change, an attacker able to bind to the directory server could obtain the plain text version of that user's password via the "unhashed#user#password" attribute.
It was found that when the password for an LDAP user was changed, and audit logging was enabled (it is disabled by default), the new password was written to the audit log in plain text form. This update introduces a new configuration parameter, "nsslapd-auditlog-logging-hide-unhashed-pw", which when set to "on" (the default option), prevents 389 Directory Server from writing plain text passwords to the audit log. This option can be configured in /etc/dirsrv/slapd-ID/dse.ldif.
All users of 389-ds-base are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve these issues. After installing this update, the 389 server service will be restarted automatically.
Updated 389-ds-base packages that fix one security issue, several bugs and add various enhancements are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having low security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link associated with the description below.
The 389-ds-base packages provide 389 Directory Server, which is an LDAPv3 (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3) compliant server, and command-line utilities for server administration.


The 389-ds-base package has been upgraded to upstream version 389-ds-base-1.2.10, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version. (BZ#766989)

Security Fix

A flaw was found in the way the 389 Directory Server daemon (ns-slapd) handled access control instructions (ACIs) using certificate groups. If an LDAP user that had a certificate group defined attempted to bind to the directory server, it would cause ns-slapd to enter an infinite loop and consume an excessive amount of CPU time.
Red Hat would like to thank Graham Leggett for reporting this issue.

Bug Fixes

Previously, 389 Directory Server used the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) implementation of the read/write locking mechanism. Consequently, the server sometimes stopped responding to requests under heavy loads. This update replaces the original locking mechanism with the POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) read/write locking mechanism. The server is now always responsive under heavy loads.
Previously, Distinguished Names (DNs) were not included in access log records of LDAP compare operations. Consequently, this information was missing in the access logs. This update modifies the underlying source code so that DNs are logged and can be found in the access logs.
Previously, when 389 Directory Server was under heavy load and operating in a congested network, problems with client connections sometimes occurred. When there was a connection problem while the server was sending Simple Paged Result (SPR) search results to the client, the LDAP server called a cleanup routine incorrectly. Consequently, a memory leak occurred and the server terminated unexpectedly. This update fixes the underlying source code to ensure that cleanup tasks are run correctly and no memory leaks occur. As a result, the server does not terminate or become unresponsive under heavy loads while servicing SPR requests.
Previously, certain operations with the Change Sequence Number (CSN) were not performed efficiently by the server. Consequently, the ns-slapd daemon consumed up to 100% of CPU time when performing a large number of CSN operations during content replication. With this update, the underlying source code has been modified to perform the CSN operations efficiently. As a result, large numbers of CSN operations can be performed during content replications without any performance issues.
Previously, allocated memory was not correctly released in the underlying code for the SASL GSSAPI authentication method when checking the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) identity mappings. This problem could cause memory leaks when processing SASL bind requests, which eventually caused the LDAP server to terminate unexpectedly with a segmentation fault. This update adds function calls that are needed to free allocated memory correctly. Memory leaks no longer occur and the LDAP server no longer crashes in this scenario.
Previously, 389 Directory Server did not handle the Entry USN (Update Sequence Number) index correctly. Consequently, the index sometimes became out of sync with the main database and search operations on USN entries returned incorrect results. This update modifies the underlying source code of the Entry USN plug-in. As a result, the Entry USN index is now handled by the server correctly.
Previously, search filter attributes were normalized and substring regular expressions were compiled repeatedly for every entry in the search result set. Consequently, using search filters with many attributes and substring subfilters resulted in poor search performance. This update ensures that search filters are pre-compiled and pre-normalized before being applied. These changes result in better search performance when applying search filters with many attributes and substring subfilters.
Previously, the number of ACIs (Access Control Information records) to be cached was limited to 200. Consequently, evaluating a Directory Server entry against more than 200 ACIs failed with the following error message:
acl_TestRights - cache overflown
This update increases the default ACI cache limit to 2000 and allows it to be configurable by means of the new parameter nsslapd-aclpb-max-selected-acls in the configuration file entry "cn=ACL Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config". As a result, the aforementioned error message is not displayed unless the new limit is exceeded, and it is now possible to change the limit when needed.
Previously, the restore command contained a code path leading to an infinite loop. Consequently, 389 Directory Server sometimes became unresponsive when performing a restore from a database backup. This update removes the infinite loop code path from the underlying source code. As a result, the server does not stop responding when performing a database restore.
Previously, performing the ldapmodify operation to modify RUV (Replica Update Vector) entries was allowed. Consequently, 389 Directory Server became unresponsive when performing such operations. This update disallows direct modification of RUV entries. As a result, the server does not stop responding when performing such operations, and returns an error message advising usage of the CLEANRUV operation instead.
Previously, to identify restart events of 389 Directory Server, the logconv.pl script searched server logs for the "conn=0 fd=" string. Consequently, the script reported a wrong number of server restarts. This update modifies the script to search for the "conn=1 fd=" string instead. As a result, the correct number of server restarts is now returned.
When reloading a database from an LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) file that contained an RUV element with an obsolete or decommissioned replication master, the changelog was invalidated. As a consequence, 389 Directory Server emitted error messages and required re-initialization. This update ensures that the user is properly informed about obsolete or decommissioned replication masters, and that such masters are deleted from the RUV entries. Database is now reloaded as expected in this scenario.
Previously, when a non-leaf node became a tombstone entry, its child entries lost the parent-child relationships. Consequently, non-leaf tombstone entries could have been reaped prior to their child tombstone entries. This update fixes the underlying source code so that parent-child relationships are maintained even when a non-leaf entry is deleted. As a result, tombstones are now reaped correctly in the bottom-up order.
Previously, no validation of managed entry attributes against the managed entry template was performed before updating 389 Directory Server's managed entries. Consequently, managed entries could have been updated after updating an original entry attribute that was not contained in the managed entry template. This update adds a check that compares modified attributes with managed entry template attributes. As a result, the managed entries are not updated unless the modified attributes of the original entry are contained in the managed entry template.
Previously, 389 Directory Server did not shut down before all running tasks had been completed. Consequently, it sometimes took a long time for the Directory Server to shut down when a long-running task was being carried out. This update enhances the underlying source code with a check for server shutdown requests during performance of long-running tasks. As a result, the server shuts down in a standard amount of time even when a long-running task is being processed.
Previously, 389 Directory Server expected the value of the authzid attribute to be fully BER (Basic Encoding Rules) encoded. Consequently, the following error was returned when performing the ldapsearch command with proxy authorization:
unable to parse proxied authorization control (2 (protocol error))
This update modifies the underlying source code so that full BER encoding of the provided authzid value is not required. As a consequence, no error is returned in the scenario described above.
Previously, the buffer for matching rule OIDs (Object Identifiers) had a fixed size of 1024 characters. Consequently, matching rule OIDs got truncated when their total length exceeded 1024 characters. This update modifies the underlying source code to use a dynamically allocated buffer instead of the one with a fixed size. As a result, any number of matching rule OIDs can be handled without being truncated.
Previously, executing the ldapsearch command on the "cn=config" object returned all attributes of the object, including attributes with empty values. This update ensures that attributes with empty values are not saved into "cn=config", and enhances the ldapsearch command with a check for empty attributes. As a result, only attributes that have a value are returned in the aforementioned scenario.
Previously, log records of operations performed using a proxy user contained the main user as the one who performed the operation. This update ensures that the proxy user is logged in log records of the search, add, mod, del, and modrdn operations.
Previously, the database upgrade scripts checked if the server was offline by checking for the presence of .pid files. In some cases, however, the files remain present even if the associated processes have already been terminated. Consequently, the upgrade scripts sometimes assumed that the Directory Server was online and did not proceed with the database upgrade even if the server was actually offline. This update adds an explicit test to check if the processes referenced in the .pid files are really running. As a result, the upgrade scripts now work as expected.
Previously, the repl-monitor command used only the subdomain part of hostnames for host identification. Consequently, hostnames with the identical subdomain part (for example: "ldap.domain1", "ldap.domain2") were identified as a single host, and inaccurate output was produced. This update ensures that the entire hostname is used for host identification. As a result, all hostnames are identified as separate and output of the repl-monitor command is accurate.
Previously, the server used unnormalized DN strings to perform internal search and modify operations while the code for modify operations expected normalized DN strings. Consequently, error messages like the following one were logged when performing replication with domain names specified in unnormalized format:
NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl_set_mtn_referrals: could not set referrals for 
replica dc=example,dc=com: 32
This update ensures that DN strings are normalized before being used in modify operations. As a result, replication does not produce the error messages in the aforementioned scenario.
Previously, the 389-ds-base/ldap/servers/snmp/ directory contained .mib files without copyright headers. Consequently, the files could not be included in certain Linux distributions due to copyright reasons. This update merges information from all such files into the redhat-directory.mib file, which contains the required copyright information, and ensures that it is the only file in the directory. As a result, no copyright issues block 389 Directory Server from being included in any Linux distribution.
Previously, the underlying source code for extensible search filters used strcmp routines for value comparison. Consequently, using extensible search filters with binary data returned incorrect results. This update modifies the underlying source code to use binary-aware functions. As a result, extensible search filters work with binary data correctly.
Previously, value normalization of the search filter did not respect the used filter type and matching rules. Consequently, when using different values than the default comparison type for the searched attribute syntax, search attempts returned incorrect results. This update modifies the underlying source code to use normalization sensitive to matching rules on filter attributes and values. As a result, search results in accordance with the matching rules are returned.
Previously on the Directory Server, tombstones of child entries in a database were handled incorrectly. Therefore, if the database contained deleted entries that were converted to tombstones, an attempt to reindex the entryrdn index failed with the following error message:
_entryrdn_insert_key: Getting "nsuniqueid=ca681083-69f011e0-8115a0d5-f42e0a24,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" failed
With this update, 389 Directory Server handles tombstones of child entries correctly, and the entryrdn index can now be reindexed successfully with no errors.
Previously, RUV tombstone entries were indexed incorrectly by the entryrdn index. Consequently, attempts to search for such entries were not successful. This update ensures correct indexing of RUV tombstone entries in the entryrdn index and search attempts for such entries are now successful.
Previously, the DNA (Distributed Numeric Assignment) plug-in used too short timeout for requests to replicate a range of UIDs. Consequently, using replication with DNA to add users sometimes failed on networks with high latency, returning the following error message:
Operations error: Allocation of a new value for range cn=posix ids,cn=distributed 
numeric assignment plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config failed
With this update, the default timeout for such replication requests has been set to 10 minutes. As a result, no errors are returned when using replication with DNA to add users, and the operation succeeds.
Previously, change sequence numbers (CSNs) in RUV were not refreshed when a replication role was changed. Consequently, data on the server became inconsistent. This update ensures that CSNs are refreshed when a replication role is changed. As a result, data inconsistency is no longer observed in the previously mentioned cases.
Previously, errors in schema files were not reported clearly in log files. Consequently, the messages could be incorrectly interpreted as reporting an error in the dse.ldif file. This update modifies the error messages so that they include the name of and path to the file where the error was found.
Previously, the server used an outdated version of the nisDomain schema after an upgrade. Consequently, restarting 389 Directory Server after an upgrade produced the following error message:
attr_syntax_create - Error: the EQUALITY matching rule [caseIgnoreMatch] is not 
compatible with the syntax [] for the attribute [nisDomain]
This update ensures that the server uses the latest version of the nisDomain schema. As a result, restarting the server after an upgrade does not show any errors.
389 Directory Server previously did not properly release allocated memory after finishing normalization operations. This caused memory leaks to occur during server's runtime. This update fixes the underlying code to release allocated memory properly so that memory leaks no longer occur under these circumstances
Previously, the "connection" attribute was not included in the cn=monitor schema, which caused the access control information (ACI) handling code to ignore the ACI. Consequently, requesting the connection attribute when performing anonymous search on cn=monitor returned the connection attribute, even though it was denied by the default ACI. This update ensures that the ACI is processed even if the attribute is not in the schema. As a result, the connection attribute is not displayed if the ACI denies it.
Previously, several memory leak errors sometimes occurred during the server's runtime. This update fixes all the memory leak errors so that none of them occur anymore.
Previously, IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses were treated as independent addresses by 389 Directory Server. Consequently, errors were reported during server startup when such addresses conflicted with standard IPv4 addresses. This update ensures that the IPv4 part of every IPv4-mapped IPv6 address is compared with existing IPv4 addresses. As a result, the server starts with no errors even when IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses conflict with standard IPv4 addresses.
Previously, the 389-ds-base man pages contained several typos and factual errors. This update corrects the man pages so that they contain correct information and no typos.
Previously, a NULL pointer dereference sometimes occurred when initializing a Directory Server replica. Consequently, the server terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation fault. This update enhances the underlying source code for replica initialization with a check for the NULL value. As a result, replica initialization always finishes successfully.
Previously, a double free error sometimes occurred during operations with orphaned tombstone entries. Consequently, when an orphaned tombstone entry was passed to the tombstone_to_glue function, the Directory Server terminated unexpectedly. This update fixes the logic for getting ancestor tombstone entries and eliminates the chance to convert a tombstone entry into an orphaned entry. As a result, unexpected server termination no longer occurs in the aforementioned scenario.
Previously, an internal loop was incorrectly handled in code of the ldapcompare command. Consequently, performing concurrent comparison operations on virtual attributes caused the Directory Server to become unresponsive. This update fixes the internal loop issue. As a result, the server performs concurrent comparison operations without any issues.
Previously, when upgrading 389 Directory Server, server startup had been initiated before the actual upgrade procedure finished. Consequently, the startup failed with the following error message:
ldif2dbm - _get_and_add_parent_rdns: Failed to convert DN cn=TESTRELM.COM to RDN
This update ensures that the server does not start before the upgrade procedure finishes. As a result, the server boots up successfully after the upgrade.
Previously, the code of the range read operation did not correctly handle situations when an entry was deleted while a ranged search operation was being performed. Consequently, performing delete and ranged search operations concurrently under heavy loads caused the Directory Server to terminate unexpectedly. This update fixes the underlying source code to handle such situations correctly. As a result, the server does not terminate before performing delete and ranged search operations concurrently under heavy loads.
When performing delete and search operations against 389 Directory Server under high load, the DB_MULTIPLE_NEXT pointer to the stack buffer could have been set to an invalid value. As a consequence, pointer's dereference lead to an attempt to access memory that was not allocated for the stack buffer. This caused the server to terminate unexpectedly with a segmentation fault. With this update, the DB_MULTIPLE_NEXT pointer is now properly tested. If the pointer's value is invalid, the page or value is considered deleted and the stack buffer is reloaded. As a result, the segmentation fault no longer occurs in this scenario.
The ldap_initialize() function is not thread-safe. Consequently, 389 Directory Server terminated unexpectedly during startup when using replication with many replication agreements. This update ensures that calls of the ldap_initialize() function are protected by a mutual exclusion. As a result, when using replication with many replication agreements, the server starts up correctly.
Due to an error in the underlying source code, an attempt to rename an RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) string failed if the new string sequence was the same except of using the different lower/upper case of some letters. This update fixes the code so that it is possible to rename RDNs to the same string sequence with case difference.
Previously, the letter case information was ignored when renaming DN strings. Consequently, if the new string sequence differed only in the case of some letters, a DN string was only converted to lowercase and the case information lost. This update modifies the underlying code so that it is now possible to rename RDNs to the same string sequence with case difference.
Previously, the code for ACI handling did not reject incorrectly specified DNs. Consequently, incorrectly specified DNs in an ACI caused 389 Directory Server to terminate unexpectedly during startup or after an online import. This update ensures that the underlying source code for ACI handling rejects incorrectly specified DNs. As a result, the server does not terminate in this scenario.
Previously, the code handling the entryusn attribute modified cache entries directly. Consequently under heavy loads, the server terminated unexpectedly when performing delete and search operations using the entryusn and memberof attributes with referential integrity enabled. This update ensures that the entries are never modified in the cache directly. As a result, the server performs searches in the previously described conditions without terminating unexpectedly.


Previously, post-operation plug-ins were executed after initial operation results had been returned to the LDAP client. Consequently, some results of the initial operation might not have been immediately available. This update introduces the "betxnpreoperation" and "betxnpostoperation" plug-in types. Plug-ins of these types run inside the regular transaction of initial operations. As a result, when these plug-in types are used, operations triggered by the initial operation complete before completion of the initial operation.
Previously, there was no easy way to determine what default search base an LDAP client should use. Consequently, LDAP clients with no search base configured attempted to search against 389 Directory Server. This update adds a new attribute, defaultNamingContext, to the root DSE (Directory Server Entry). As a result, clients can query the root DSE for the value of the defaultNamingContext attribute and use the returned value as a search base.
This update introduces the nsslapd-minssf-exclude-rootdse configuration attribute, with possible values "on" and "off". If its value is "off", which is the default, the server allows clients to access the root DSE even if the Security Strenght Factor (SSF) value is less than the nsslapd-minssf attribute value. As a result, it is possible to allow access to the root DSE without using SSL/TLS even if the rest of the server requires SSL/TLS.
Previously, the delete operation was not allowed for Managed Entry Config entries. Consequently, attempts to delete such entries were rejected with the following error message:
ldap_delete: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
additional info: Not a valid operation.
This update modifies the underlying source code so that deletion of Managed Entry Config entries is allowed and can be performed successfully.
Previously, extended user account information was not available to LDAP clients from 389 Directory Server. This update adds support for Account Usable Request Control, which enables LDAP clients to get the extended user account information.
Previously, the logconv.pl script was only able to produce a summary of operations for a file or for a requested period. This update introduces the -m option for generation of per-second statistics, and the -M option for generation of per-minute statistics. The statistics are generated in CSV format suitable for further post-processing.
Previously, all newly created entries had to be added to groups manually. This update adds a new plug-in which ensures automatic adding of each new entry to a group if it matches certain criteria.
Users of 389-ds-base should upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve these issues and add these enhancements.
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