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Chapter 40. Human Tasks

Simulation Attributes

Cost per time unit
The cost for every time unit lapsed during simulation.
Distribution Type
For information about the Distribution type property, and the Processing time property if applicable, see Chapter 42, Distribution Types.
Staff availability

The number of actors available to work on the given task.

Example 40.1. Staff Availability Impact

Assume a simulation of 3 instances of a process. A new instance is created every 30 minutes. The process contains a None Start Event, a Human Task, and a Simple End Event.

  • The Human Task takes 3 hours to complete; the Working hours property is set to 3.
  • Only one person is available to work on the Human Tasks; the Staff availability property is set to 1.

That results in the following:

  • The Human Task generated by the first process instance will be executed in 3 hours.
  • The Human Task generated by the second process instance will be executed in approx. 6 hours. The second process instance is created after 30 minutes. However, the actor is busy with the first Task and becomes available only after another 2.5 hours. It takes 3 hours to execute the second Task.
  • The Human Task generated by the third process instance will be executed in approx. 9 hours. The second Human Task instance is finished after 3 hours. The actor needs another 3 hours to complete the third Human Task.
Working hours
A time period after which the task completes in a simulation. If the task should take an hour to complete, set this property to 1.
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