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Chapter 2. Configuring your system

2.1. Required migration tasks

If you are upgrading Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization from version 6.3 to 6.4, you must make some configuration changes. This is because the installer does not manually update these files:
  1. Edit the [EAP_HOME]/domain/configuration/domain.xml file to change the Salesforce resource adapter in the ha profile. (You do not need to change the standalone configuration):
    <resource-adapter id="salesforce-34">
      <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.salesforce"/>
    Change the 'salesforce' part of the resource adapter id to 'salesforce-34'. The resulting resource adapter will look like this:
    <resource-adapter id="salesforce-34">
      <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.salesforce-34"/>
  2. Edit the [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml, [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml files and the ha and full-ha profiles of the [EAP_HOME]/domain/configuration/domain.xml file and add these settings and save:
    <translator name="couchbase" module="org.jboss.teiid.translator.couchbase"/> 
    <translator name="amazon-s3" module="org.jboss.teiid.translator.amazon.s3"/>
  3. Edit the [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml, [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml files and the ha and full-ha profiles of the [EAP_HOME]/domain/configuration/domain.xml file, add this resource adapter, and save:
     <resource-adapter id="couchbase">
        <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.couchbase"/>
  4. Edit the [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml, [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml and [EAP_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone-full-ha.xml files and delete this section:
     <local-cache name="resultset-repl" batching="true">
     	<locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED"/>
     	<transaction mode="NON_XA"/>
     	<eviction strategy="LIRS" max-entries="1024"/>
     	<expiration lifespan="7200000"/>
    Replace it with this and save:
     <replicated-cache name="resultset-repl" mode="SYNC" batching="true">
     	<locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED"/>
     	<transaction mode="NON_XA"/>
     	<eviction strategy="LIRS" max-entries="1024"/>
     	<expiration lifespan="7200000"/>

2.1.1. Migration steps for the Data Services Builder

If you are upgrading from Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization 6.3 to 6.4, the Data Services Builder will not work initially. You must deploy it manually (this step is only required if you are going to use the Data Services Builder and should only be performed on a non-production system):
  1. Create a keystore:
    keytool -genkeypair -keystore /path/ks.jks -storepass pass11 -keypass pass11 -alias mykey -dname CN=demo,OU=demo,O=demo,L=demo,ST=demo,C=demo -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
  2. Start the server in admin mode.
  3. Create the HTTPS web connector for the profile you are using on the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform:
  4. Apply the secure socket layer to the certificate:
  5. Execute the CLI scripts for the profile you intend to use in order to deploy the Data Services Builder:

    Standalone Profile

    • [EAP_HOME]/cli-scripts/teiid-standalone-install-ds-builder-war.cli
    • [EAP_HOME]/cli-scripts/teiid-standalone-install-vdb-builder-war.cli

    Domain Profile:

    • [EAP_HOME]/cli-scripts/teiid-domain-install-ds-builder-war.cli
    • [EAP_HOME]/cli-scripts/teiid-domain-install-vdb-builder-war.cli


    Do not start the Data Service Builder if the data repository is enabled on your server. They are incompatible.
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