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3. New Features

This release of JBoss Developer Studio includes new features to enhance and extend its functionality as detailed here:
  • iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus skins are available.
Forge Tools
  • The embedded Forge 2 runtime server is version 2.12.3.Final.
Java EE Tooling
  • CDI support is enabled automatically for Eclipse Web Tools faceted projects, including ones generated with the New Dynamic Web Project wizard, if they have any of the following Java EE 7 facets:
    • Web (Servlet) version 3.1 or later
    • EJB facet version 3.2 or later
    • Utility module
OpenShift Tools
  • OpenShift applications can be started, stopped, and restarted from the IDE. In the OpenShift Explorer view, right-click {application name} and click Start Application, Stop Application or Restart Application. These actions are also from the context menu in the Servers view.
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