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Chapter 2. Installing Dev Spaces

This section contains instructions to install Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.

You can deploy only one instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces per cluster.

2.1. Installing Dev Spaces on OpenShift using CLI

You can install OpenShift Dev Spaces on OpenShift.



  1. Optional: If you previously deployed OpenShift Dev Spaces on this OpenShift cluster, ensure that the previous OpenShift Dev Spaces instance is removed:

    $ dsc server:delete
  2. Create the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance:

    $ dsc server:deploy --platform openshift

Verification steps

  1. Verify the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance status:

    $ dsc server:status
  2. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces cluster instance:

    $ dsc dashboard:open

2.2. Installing Dev Spaces on OpenShift using the web console

If you have trouble installing OpenShift Dev Spaces on the command line, you can install it through the OpenShift web console.



  1. In the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console, go to Operators OperatorHub and search for Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces.
  2. Install the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator.


    The Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator depends on the Dev Workspace Operator. If you install the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator manually to a non-default namespace, ensure that the Dev Workspace Operator is also installed in the same namespace. This is required as the Operator Lifecycle Manager will attempt to install the Dev Workspace Operator as a dependency within the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Operator namespace, potentially resulting in two conflicting installations of the Dev Workspace Operator if the latter is installed in a different namespace.

  3. Create the openshift-devspaces project in OpenShift as follows:

    oc create namespace openshift-devspaces
  4. Go to Operators Installed Operators Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance Specification Create CheCluster YAML view.
  5. In the YAML view, replace namespace: openshift-operators with namespace: openshift-devspaces.
  6. Select Create.



  1. In Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance Specification, go to devspaces, landing on the Details tab.

  1. Under Message, check that there is None, which means no errors.
  2. Under Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL, wait until the URL of the OpenShift Dev Spaces instance appears, and then open the URL to check the OpenShift Dev Spaces dashboard.
  3. In the Resources tab, view the resources for the OpenShift Dev Spaces deployment and their status.

2.3. Installing Dev Spaces in a restricted environment

On an OpenShift cluster operating in a restricted network, public resources are not available.

However, deploying OpenShift Dev Spaces and running workspaces requires the following public resources:

  • Operator catalog
  • Container images
  • Sample projects

To make these resources available, you can replace them with their copy in a registry accessible by the OpenShift cluster.



  1. Download and execute the mirroring script to install a custom Operator catalog and mirror the related images: prepare-restricted-environment.sh.

    $ bash prepare-restricted-environment.sh \
      --devworkspace_operator_index registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.14\
      --devworkspace_operator_version "v0.25.0" \
      --prod_operator_index "registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.14" \
      --prod_operator_package_name "devspaces" \
      --prod_operator_bundle_name "devspacesoperator" \
      --prod_operator_version "v3.11.0" \
      --my_registry "<my_registry>" 1
    The private Docker registry where the images will be mirrored
  2. Install OpenShift Dev Spaces with the configuration set in the che-operator-cr-patch.yaml during the previous step:

    $ dsc server:deploy \
      --platform=openshift \
      --olm-channel stable \
      --catalog-source-name=devspaces-disconnected-install \
      --catalog-source-namespace=openshift-marketplace \
      --skip-devworkspace-operator \
  3. Allow incoming traffic from the OpenShift Dev Spaces namespace to all Pods in the user projects. See: Section 3.7.1, “Configuring network policies”.

2.3.1. Setting up an Ansible sample

Follow these steps to use an Ansible sample in restricted environments.


  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE
  • A 64-bit x86 system.


  1. Mirror the following images:

  2. Configure the cluster proxy to allow access to the following domains:


Support for the following IDE and CPU architectures is planned for a future release:

  • IDE

  • CPU architectures

    • IBM Power (ppc64le)
    • IBM Z (s390x)

2.4. Installing Dev Spaces in the cloud

Deploy and run Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces in the cloud.


2.4.1. Deploying OpenShift Dev Spaces in the cloud

Follow the instructions below to start the OpenShift Dev Spaces Server in the cloud using the dsc tool.

2.4.2. Installing and setting up Dev Spaces on Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

Follow the instructions below to install and enable OpenShift Dev Spaces on Microsoft Azure.

Prerequisites Preparing Microsoft Azure for OpenShift Dev Spaces installation

Prepare Microsoft Azure for OpenShift Dev Spaces installation.


  1. Log in to Microsoft Azure:

    az login
  2. Create a resource group (to list the locations, use the az account list-locations command):

    # Resource group name
    # Azure region
    az group create --name $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP --location $AZURE_REGION
  3. Create a cluster admins group:

    # Azure Active Directory group name
    az ad group create --display-name $AAD_GROUP_NAME --mail-nickname $AAD_GROUP_NAME
  4. Add the current user to the cluster admins group:

    az ad group member add --group $AAD_GROUP_NAME \
      --member-id $(az ad signed-in-user show --query id --output tsv)
  5. Create the Microsoft Entra integrated cluster:

    # Azure Kubernetes Service cluster name
    az aks create \
      --resource-group $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --enable-aad \
      --aad-admin-group-object-ids $(az ad group list --query "[?displayName=='$AAD_GROUP_NAME'].id" --output tsv) \
  6. Get the user credentials to access your cluster:

    az aks get-credentials \
      --resource-group $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
  7. Set kubelogin to use the Microsoft Azure CLI:

    kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli
  8. View the pods in the cluster :

    oc get pods --all-namespaces
  9. Verification

All pods in the running state are displayed. Installing NGINX Ingress Controller on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service

Use the following instructions to install the NGINX Ingress Controller on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service.


  1. Install NGINX Ingress Controller:

    helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
    helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
      --wait \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace ingress-nginx \
      --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz
  2. Wait for the external IP. Note that a <pending> status for the external IP is shown before the exact external IP address is displayed.

    oc get services ingress-nginx-controller --namespace ingress-nginx
    NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
    ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer     XX.XXX.XX.XXX   80:31104/TCP,443:32552/TCP   13m Installing cert-manager on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service

Learn how to install cert-manager on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service.


  1. Install the cert-manager:

    helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
    helm repo update
    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
      --wait \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace cert-manager \
      --set installCRDs=true Configuring DNS on Microsoft Azure

Configure DNS on Microsoft Azure. Before you start, make sure you have a registered domain.


  • A registered domain.


  1. Define the domain name.

    export DOMAIN_NAME=azr.my-ide.cloud
  2. Create a DNS zone:

    az network dns zone create \
      --resource-group $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $DOMAIN_NAME
  3. Create a DNS record set:

    az network dns record-set a add-record \
      --resource-group $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --zone-name $DOMAIN_NAME \
      --record-set-name "*" \
      --ipv4-address $(oc get service -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

If you use a registrar such as GoDaddy, you will need to add the following two DNS records in your registrar and point them to the IP address of the ingress controller: * type: A * names: @ and *

+ .Additional resources Creating Let’s Encrypt certificate for devspaces on Microsoft Azure

Follow these instructions to create a Let’s Encrypt certificate for OpenShift Dev Spaces on Microsoft Azure.


  1. Create a service principal:

    CERT_MANAGER_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_APP_ID=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $CERT_MANAGER_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query "appId" --output tsv)
  2. Give access to the DNS zone:

    az role assignment create \
      --scope $(az network dns zone show --name $DOMAIN_NAME --resource-group $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP --query "id" --output tsv) \
      --role "DNS Zone Contributor"
  3. Create the openshift-devspaces namespace:

    oc create namespace openshift-devspaces
  4. Create a Service Account Secret:

    oc create secret generic azuredns-config \
      --from-literal=clientSecret=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $CERT_MANAGER_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query "password" --output tsv) \
      --namespace openshift-devspaces
  5. Create the Issuer and replace MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS with a valid address:

    oc apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
    kind: Issuer
      name: devspaces-letsencrypt
      namespace: openshift-devspaces
        - dns01:
                name: azuredns-config
                key: clientSecret
              subscriptionID: $(az account show --query "id" --output tsv)
              tenantID: $(az account show --query "tenantId" --output tsv)
              resourceGroupName: $ECLIPSE_CHE_RESOURCE_GROUP
              hostedZoneName: $DOMAIN_NAME
        email: MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
          name: letsencrypt
        server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
  6. Create the Certificate:

    oc apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
    kind: Certificate
      name: che-tls
      namespace: openshift-devspaces
      secretName: che-tls
        name: devspaces-letsencrypt
        kind: Issuer
      commonName: '$DOMAIN_NAME'
      - '$DOMAIN_NAME'
      - '*.$DOMAIN_NAME'
        - server auth
        - digital signature
        - key encipherment
        - key agreement
        - data encipherment

If you use a registrar such as GoDaddy, you need to duplicate the following DNS records in your registrar: * type: TXT * name: _acme-challenge.

+ .Additional resources Registering a client application in Microsoft Entra ID

Learn how to register a client application in Microsoft Entra ID


  1. Create the application:

    # Eclipse Che Application display name
    az ad app create \
      --enable-access-token-issuance \
      --required-resource-accesses '[{"resourceAccess":[{"id":"34a47c2f-cd0d-47b4-a93c-2c41130c671c","type":"Scope"}],"resourceAppId":"6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630"},{"resourceAccess":[{"id":"e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d","type":"Scope"}],"resourceAppId":"00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"}]' \
      --optional-claims '{"accessToken":[{"additionalProperties":[],"essential":false,"name":"groups","source":null}]}'  \
      --sign-in-audience AzureADMyOrg \
      --web-redirect-uris https://$DOMAIN_NAME/oauth/callback
  2. Update the application group membership claims:

    az ad app update \
      --id $(az ad app list --query "[?displayName=='$ECLIPSE_CHE_APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME'].id" --output tsv) \
      --set groupMembershipClaims=SecurityGroup Installing OpenShift Dev Spaces on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service

Install OpenShift Dev Spaces on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service.


  1. Prepare a CheCluster patch YAML file:

    cat > che-cluster-patch.yaml << EOF
          identityProviderURL: "https://sts.windows.net/$(az account show --query "tenantId" --output tsv)/v2.0/"
          identityToken: access_token
          oAuthClientName: $(az ad app list --query "[?displayName=='$ECLIPSE_CHE_APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME'].appId" --output tsv)
          oAuthSecret: $(az ad app credential reset --id $ECLIPSE_CHE_APPLICATION_ID --query "password" --output tsv)
          oAuthScope: openid email profile 6dae42f8-4368-4678-94ff-3960e28e3630/user.read
              - env:
                  value: "true"
                name: oauth-proxy
            CHE_OIDC_AUTH__SERVER__URL: "https://sts.windows.net/$(az account show --query "tenantId" --output tsv)/v2.0/"
            CHE_OIDC_EMAIL__CLAIM: unique_name
  2. Deploy OpenShift Dev Spaces:

    chectl server:deploy \
           --platform=k8s \
           --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=che-cluster-patch.yaml \
           --skip-oidc-provider-check \
           --skip-cert-manager \
  3. Navigate to the OpenShift Dev Spaces cluster instance:

    $ dsc dashboard:open

2.5. Finding the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

You can get the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your organization’s instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces on the command line or in the OpenShift web console.


You can find the FQDN for your organization’s OpenShift Dev Spaces instance in the Administrator view of the OpenShift web console as follows. Go to Operators OperatorHub Installed Operators Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance Specification devspaces Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL.



  1. Run the following command:

    $ dsc server:status
  2. Copy the Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces URL without the trailing /dashboard/.
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