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Chapter 7. Telemetry

7.1. Telemetry Configuration Options

The Telemetry service collects measurements within OpenStack. Its various agents and services are configured in the /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf file.

7.1.1. Description of Configuration Options

The following tables provide a comprehensive list of the Telemetry configuration options.
Table 7.1. Description of API configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
api_paste_config = api_paste.ini
(String) Configuration file for WSGI definition of API.
event_pipeline_cfg_file = event_pipeline.yaml
(String) Configuration file for event pipeline definition.
pipeline_cfg_file = pipeline.yaml
(String) Configuration file for pipeline definition.
pipeline_polling_interval = 20
(Integer) Polling interval for pipeline file configuration in seconds.
refresh_event_pipeline_cfg = False
(Boolean) Refresh Event Pipeline configuration on-the-fly.
refresh_pipeline_cfg = False
(Boolean) Refresh Pipeline configuration on-the-fly.
reserved_metadata_keys =
(List) List of metadata keys reserved for metering use. And these keys are additional to the ones included in the namespace.
reserved_metadata_length = 256
(Integer) Limit on length of reserved metadata values.
reserved_metadata_namespace = metering.
(List) List of metadata prefixes reserved for metering use.
aodh_is_enabled = None
(Boolean) Set True to redirect alarms URLs to aodh. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
aodh_url = None
(String) The endpoint of Aodh to redirect alarms URLs to Aodh API. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
default_api_return_limit = 100
(Integer) Default maximum number of items returned by API request.
gnocchi_is_enabled = None
(Boolean) Set True to disable resource/meter/sample URLs. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
panko_is_enabled = None
(Boolean) Set True to redirect events URLs to Panko. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
panko_url = None
(String) The endpoint of Panko to redirect events URLs to Panko API. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
pecan_debug = False
(Boolean) Toggle Pecan Debug Middleware.
enable_proxy_headers_parsing = False
(Boolean) Whether the application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the middleware should parse the headers or not.
max_request_body_size = 114688
(Integer) The maximum body size for each request, in bytes.
secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto
(String) DEPRECATED: The HTTP Header that will be used to determine what the original request protocol scheme was, even if it was hidden by a SSL termination proxy.
Table 7.2. Description of authorization configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
auth_section = None
(Unknown) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
auth_type = None
(Unknown) Authentication type to load
cafile = None
(String) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
certfile = None
(String) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
insecure = False
(Boolean) Verify HTTPS connections.
interface = public
(String) Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with OpenStack services.
keyfile = None
(String) PEM encoded client certificate key file
region_name = None
(String) Region name to use for OpenStack service endpoints.
timeout = None
(Integer) Timeout value for http requests
Table 7.3. Description of collector configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
batch_size = 1
(Integer) Number of notification messages to wait before dispatching them
batch_timeout = None
(Integer) Number of seconds to wait before dispatching sampleswhen batch_size is not reached (None means indefinitely)
udp_address =
(String) Address to which the UDP socket is bound. Set to an empty string to disable.
udp_port = 4952
(Port number) Port to which the UDP socket is bound.
workers = 1
(Integer) Number of workers for collector service. default value is 1.
backup_count = 0
(Integer) The max number of the files to keep.
file_path = None
(String) Name and the location of the file to record meters.
max_bytes = 0
(Integer) The max size of the file.
Table 7.4. Description of common configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
batch_polled_samples = True
(Boolean) To reduce polling agent load, samples are sent to the notification agent in a batch. To gain higher throughput at the cost of load set this to False.
executor_thread_pool_size = 64
(Integer) Size of executor thread pool.
host = <your_hostname>
(String) Name of this node, which must be valid in an AMQP key. Can be an opaque identifier.
http_timeout = 600
(Integer) Timeout seconds for HTTP requests. Set it to None to disable timeout.
polling_namespaces = ['compute', 'central']
(Unknown) Polling namespace(s) to be used while resource polling
pollster_list = []
(Unknown) List of pollsters (or wildcard templates) to be used while polling
rootwrap_config = /etc/ceilometer/rootwrap.conf
(String) Path to the rootwrap configuration file touse for running commands as root
shuffle_time_before_polling_task = 0
(Integer) To reduce large requests at same time to Nova or other components from different compute agents, shuffle start time of polling task.
resource_update_interval = 0
(Integer) New instances will be discovered periodically based on this option (in seconds). By default, the agent discovers instances according to pipeline polling interval. If option is greater than 0, the instance list to poll will be updated based on this option's interval. Measurements relating to the instances will match intervals defined in pipeline.
workload_partitioning = False
(Boolean) Enable work-load partitioning, allowing multiple compute agents to be run simultaneously.
backend_url = None
(String) The backend URL to use for distributed coordination. If left empty, per-deployment central agent and per-host compute agent won't do workload partitioning and will only function correctly if a single instance of that service is running.
check_watchers = 10.0
(Floating point) Number of seconds between checks to see if group membership has changed
heartbeat = 1.0
(Floating point) Number of seconds between heartbeats for distributed coordination.
max_retry_interval = 30
(Integer) Maximum number of seconds between retry to join partitioning group
retry_backoff = 1
(Integer) Retry backoff factor when retrying to connect withcoordination backend
event_connection = None
(String) The connection string used to connect to the event database. (if unset, connection is used)
event_time_to_live = -1
(Integer) Number of seconds that events are kept in the database for (<= 0 means forever).
metering_connection = None
(String) The connection string used to connect to the metering database. (if unset, connection is used)
metering_time_to_live = -1
(Integer) Number of seconds that samples are kept in the database for (<= 0 means forever).
sql_expire_samples_only = False
(Boolean) Indicates if expirer expires only samples. If set true, expired samples will be deleted, but residual resource and meter definition data will remain.
meter_definitions_cfg_file = meters.yaml
(String) Configuration file for defining meter notifications.
partitioning_group_prefix = None
(String) Work-load partitioning group prefix. Use only if you want to run multiple polling agents with different config files. For each sub-group of the agent pool with the same partitioning_group_prefix a disjoint subset of pollsters should be loaded.
telemetry_secret = change this for valid signing
(String) Secret value for signing messages. Set value empty if signing is not required to avoid computational overhead.
event_topic = event
(String) The topic that ceilometer uses for event notifications.
metering_topic = metering
(String) The topic that ceilometer uses for metering notifications.
telemetry_driver = messagingv2
(String) The driver that ceilometer uses for metering notifications.
Table 7.5. Description of logging configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
nova_http_log_debug = False
(Boolean) DEPRECATED: Allow novaclient's debug log output. (Use default_log_levels instead)
Table 7.6. Description of HTTP dispatcher configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
event_target = None
(String) The target for event data where the http request will be sent to. If this is not set, it will default to same as Sample target.
target =
(String) The target where the http request will be sent. If this is not set, no data will be posted. For example: target = http://hostname:1234/path
timeout = 5
(Integer) The max time in seconds to wait for a request to timeout.
verify_ssl = None
(String) The path to a server certificate or directory if the system CAs are not used or if a self-signed certificate is used. Set to False to ignore SSL cert verification.
Table 7.7. Description of Dispatchers configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
event_dispatchers = []
(Multi-valued) Dispatchers to process event data.
meter_dispatchers = ['database']
(Multi-valued) Dispatchers to process metering data.
Table 7.8. Description of events configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
definitions_cfg_file = event_definitions.yaml
(String) Configuration file for event definitions.
drop_unmatched_notifications = False
(Boolean) Drop notifications if no event definition matches. (Otherwise, we convert them with just the default traits)
store_raw = []
(Multi-valued) Store the raw notification for select priority levels (info and/or error). By default, raw details are not captured.
ack_on_event_error = True
(Boolean) Acknowledge message when event persistence fails.
workers = 1
(Integer) Number of workers for notification service, default value is 1.
workload_partitioning = False
(Boolean) Enable workload partitioning, allowing multiple notification agents to be run simultaneously.
Table 7.9. Description of exchange configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
ceilometer_control_exchange = ceilometer
(String) Exchange name for ceilometer notifications.
cinder_control_exchange = cinder
(String) Exchange name for Cinder notifications.
dns_control_exchange = central
(String) Exchange name for DNS service notifications.
glance_control_exchange = glance
(String) Exchange name for Glance notifications.
heat_control_exchange = heat
(String) Exchange name for Heat notifications
http_control_exchanges = ['nova', 'glance', 'neutron', 'cinder']
(Multi-valued) Exchanges name to listen for notifications.
ironic_exchange = ironic
(String) Exchange name for Ironic notifications.
keystone_control_exchange = keystone
(String) Exchange name for Keystone notifications.
magnum_control_exchange = magnum
(String) Exchange name for Magnum notifications.
neutron_control_exchange = neutron
(String) Exchange name for Neutron notifications.
nova_control_exchange = nova
(String) Exchange name for Nova notifications.
sahara_control_exchange = sahara
(String) Exchange name for Data Processing notifications.
sample_source = openstack
(String) Source for samples emitted on this instance.
swift_control_exchange = swift
(String) Exchange name for Swift notifications.
Table 7.10. Description of Hyper-V configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
force_volumeutils_v1 = False
(Boolean) DEPRECATED: Force V1 volume utility class
Table 7.11. Description of inspector configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
hypervisor_inspector = libvirt
(String) Inspector to use for inspecting the hypervisor layer. Known inspectors are libvirt, hyperv, vmware, xenapi and powervm.
libvirt_type = kvm
(String) Libvirt domain type.
libvirt_uri =
(String) Override the default libvirt URI (which is dependent on libvirt_type).
Table 7.12. Description of IPMI configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
node_manager_init_retry = 3
(Integer) Number of retries upon Intel Node Manager initialization failure
polling_retry = 3
(Integer) Tolerance of IPMI/NM polling failures before disable this pollster. Negative indicates retrying forever.
Table 7.13. Description of notification configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
batch_size = 100
(Integer) Number of notification messages to wait before publishing them. Batching is advised when transformations areapplied in pipeline.
batch_timeout = 5
(Integer) Number of seconds to wait before publishing sampleswhen batch_size is not reached (None means indefinitely)
disable_non_metric_meters = True
(Boolean) WARNING: Ceilometer historically offered the ability to store events as meters. This usage is NOT advised as it can flood the metering database and cause performance degradation.
messaging_urls = []
(Multi-valued) Messaging URLs to listen for notifications. Example: rabbit://user:pass@host1:port1[,user:pass@hostN:portN]/virtual_host (DEFAULT/transport_url is used if empty). This is useful when you have dedicate messaging nodes for each service, for example, all nova notifications go to rabbit-nova:5672, while all cinder notifications go to rabbit-cinder:5672.
pipeline_processing_queues = 10
(Integer) Number of queues to parallelize workload across. This value should be larger than the number of active notification agents for optimal results. WARNING: Once set, lowering this value may result in lost data.
Table 7.14. Description of Redis configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
check_timeout = 20000
(Integer) Time in ms to wait before the transaction is killed.
host =
(String) DEPRECATED: Host to locate redis. Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
password =
(String) DEPRECATED: Password for Redis server (optional). Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
port = 6379
(Port number) DEPRECATED: Use this port to connect to redis host. Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
sentinel_hosts =
(List) DEPRECATED: List of Redis Sentinel hosts (fault tolerance mode) e.g. [host:port, host1:port ... ] Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url
socket_timeout = 10000
(Integer) Timeout in ms on blocking socket operations
wait_timeout = 2000
(Integer) Time in ms to wait between connection attempts.
Table 7.15. Description of RADOS gateway configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
access_key = None
(String) Access key for Radosgw Admin.
secret_key = None
(String) Secret key for Radosgw Admin.
Table 7.16. Description of service types configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
glance = image
(String) Glance service type.
kwapi = energy
(String) Kwapi service type.
neutron = network
(String) Neutron service type.
neutron_lbaas_version = v2
(String) Neutron load balancer version.
nova = compute
(String) Nova service type.
radosgw = object-store
(String) Radosgw service type.
swift = object-store
(String) Swift service type.
Table 7.17. Description of storage configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
max_retries = 10
(Integer) Maximum number of connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
retry_interval = 10
(Integer) Interval (in seconds) between retries of connection.
Table 7.18. Description of swift configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
reseller_prefix = AUTH_
(String) Swift reseller prefix. Must be on par with reseller_prefix in proxy-server.conf.
Table 7.19. Description of TripleO configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
meter_definitions_file = snmp.yaml
(String) Configuration file for defining hardware snmp meters.
readonly_user_auth_proto = None
(String) SNMPd v3 authentication algorithm of all the nodes running in the cloud
readonly_user_name = ro_snmp_user
(String) SNMPd user name of all nodes running in the cloud.
readonly_user_password = password
(String) SNMPd v3 authentication password of all the nodes running in the cloud.
readonly_user_priv_password = None
(String) SNMPd v3 encryption password of all the nodes running in the cloud.
readonly_user_priv_proto = None
(String) SNMPd v3 encryption algorithm of all the nodes running in the cloud
url_scheme = snmp://
(String) URL scheme to use for hardware nodes.
Table 7.20. Description of VMware configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
api_retry_count = 10
(Integer) Number of times a VMware vSphere API may be retried.
ca_file = None
(String) CA bundle file to use in verifying the vCenter server certificate.
host_ip =
(String) IP address of the VMware vSphere host.
host_password =
(String) Password of VMware vSphere.
host_port = 443
(Port number) Port of the VMware vSphere host.
host_username =
(String) Username of VMware vSphere.
insecure = False
(Boolean) If true, the vCenter server certificate is not verified. If false, then the default CA truststore is used for verification. This option is ignored if "ca_file" is set.
task_poll_interval = 0.5
(Floating point) Sleep time in seconds for polling an ongoing async task.
wsdl_location = None
(String) Optional vim service WSDL location e.g http://<server>/vimService.wsdl. Optional over-ride to default location for bug work-arounds.
Table 7.21. Description of XenAPI configuration options
Configuration option = Default value
connection_password = None
(String) Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.
connection_url = None
(String) URL for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.
connection_username = root
(String) Username for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.

7.1.2. New, Updated, and Deprecated Options in Newton for Telemetry

Table 7.22. New options
Option = default value
(Type) Help string
[api] panko_is_enabled = None
(BoolOpt) Set True to redirect events URLs to Panko. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
[api] panko_url = None
(StrOpt) The endpoint of Panko to redirect events URLs to Panko API. Default autodetection by querying keystone.
[coordination] max_retry_interval = 30
(IntOpt) Maximum number of seconds between retry to join partitioning group
[coordination] retry_backoff = 1
(IntOpt) Retry backoff factor when retrying to connect withcoordination backend
[database] sql_expire_samples_only = False
(BoolOpt) Indicates if expirer expires only samples. If set true, expired samples will be deleted, but residual resource and meter definition data will remain.
[dispatcher_http] verify_ssl = None
(StrOpt) The path to a server certificate or directory if the system CAs are not used or if a self-signed certificate is used. Set to False to ignore SSL cert verification.
[hardware] readonly_user_auth_proto = None
(StrOpt) SNMPd v3 authentication algorithm of all the nodes running in the cloud
[hardware] readonly_user_priv_password = None
(StrOpt) SNMPd v3 encryption password of all the nodes running in the cloud.
[hardware] readonly_user_priv_proto = None
(StrOpt) SNMPd v3 encryption algorithm of all the nodes running in the cloud
Table 7.23. New default values
Previous default value
New default value
[DEFAULT] event_dispatchers
[DEFAULT] host
[notification] batch_size
[notification] batch_timeout
Table 7.24. Deprecated options
Deprecated option
New Option
[DEFAULT] use_syslog
[hyperv] force_volumeutils_v1
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