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Chapter 1. Overview of DNSaaS

Red Hat OpenStack Platform includes a Technology Preview of DNS-as-a-Service (DNSaaS), also known as Designate. DNSaaS includes a REST API for domain and record management, is multi-tenanted, and integrates with OpenStack Identity Service (keystone) for authentication. DNSaaS includes a framework for integration with Compute (nova) and OpenStack Networking (neutron) notifications, allowing auto-generated DNS records. In addition, DNSaaS includes integration support for Bind9.


DNS-as-a-Service (DNSaaS), also known as Designate, is available in this release as a Technology Preview, and therefore is not fully supported by Red Hat. If you are interested in running DNSaaS in your production environment, please file a support ticket and mention the bug tracker BZ#1374002, so we can gauge the interest for this tool. For more information about Technology Preview features, see https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/techpreview.

1.1. Topics covered in this chapter

  • Manual DNSaaS installation steps, as DNSaaS is not currently included in Director deployment.
  • Managing and configuring DNSaaS from the command line interface.
  • Integration with Bind9, including API usage and auto-creation of instance records.

1.1.1. DNSaaS prerequisites

  • A fully functioning non-HA OpenStack environment.

1.1.2. DNSaaS services

A deployment of DNSaaS includes the following components:


Provides an OpenStack-native REST API.


Handles requests and coordinates storage in the mysql database.


A small MiniDNS server used only to communicate with other DNS servers over standard DNS protocol.


Manages the states of the DNS servers that DNSaaS manages. Ensures the backend DNS servers are in sync with DNSaaS.


An optional service that is used to listen to nova and neutron notification events to trigger automatic record creation/deletion.


Used for DNS servers that cannot accept zone transfers (AXFR). Not needed for BIND backends.

1.1.3. DNSaaS integration with Compute and OpenStack Networking

DNSaaS record management begins when the designate-sink service sends a message to designate-central, which then triggers the workflow described below:

  1. designate-sink receives an instance boot/delete event from Compute, or a floating IP add/remove event from OpenStack Networking. These events are sent using the OpenStack message bus.
  2. designate-sink constructs the FQDN of the host from the VM name and the configured domain ID (see below).
  3. designate-sink tells designate-central to add/delete the record with the given name and IP address.
  4. designate-central adds/deletes the record in the DNSaaS database (shared between designate-central and designate-mdns).
  5. designate-central tells designate-pool-manager to send a DNS NOTIFY to the backend DNS server (BIND9) for this domain.
  6. The backend DNS servers receive the DNS NOTIFY and send an AXFR (zone transfer) request to designate-mdns.
  7. designate-mdns reads the changes from the database and sends them to the backend DNS servers in the AXFR response.

1.2. Manual DNSaaS installation

  1. Install the DNSaaS and BIND packages on the controller node. NOTE: You can also an external BIND service; you will need change the variables below accordingly.

    yum install openstack-designate-api openstack-designate-central openstack-designate-sink openstack-designate-pool-manager openstack-designate-mdns openstack-designate-common python-designate python-designateclient openstack-designate-agent openstack-utils bind bind-utils
  2. Configure DNS. It is important to define a specific boolean, otherwise you will get AVCs / Access denied in Designate when creating new zones:

    setsebool named_write_master_zones 1
  3. Configure ISC BIND to listen in all IP addresses:

    sed -i -e "s/listen-on port.*/listen-on port 53 { any; };/" /etc/named.conf
  4. Configure rndc to bind in all IP addresses, accepts only rndc-key key:

    sed -i '/^options.*/i include "/etc/rndc.key"; controls {     	inet * allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; }; };' /etc/named.conf
  5. Allow queries for local DNS server from all IP addresses:

    sed -i '/allow-query.*/d' /etc/named.conf
  6. Configure DNS server to permit new zone creation via rndc:

    sed -i '/^options.*/a     	allow-new-zones yes;     	allow-query { any; };' /etc/named.conf
  7. Create rndc initial configuration:

    rndc-confgen -a
  8. Permit group named to write in /var/named:

    chmod g+w /var/named
  9. Fix rndc key permissions:

    chgrp named /etc/rndc.key
    chmod g+r /etc/rndc.key
  10. And finally, start the DNS service:

    systemctl enable named
    systemctl start named
  11. Source your openstackrc file, as the following steps interact with OpenStack services.
  12. To ease the deployment process, this guide relies on a number of variables; you will need to populate the values accordingly:

  13. The following variables will also populate the required IDs that will be used during the install process.

    SERVICES_TENANT_ID=`openstack project show $SERVICES_PROJECT_NAME -f value -c id`
    INSTANCES_TENANT_ID=`openstack project show $INSTANCES_PROJECT_NAME -f value -c id`
    INTERNAL_NET_ID=`openstack network show $INTERNAL_NET_NAME -f value -c id`
  14. Create the backend database:

    mysql -u root << EOF
    CREATE DATABASE designate;
    GRANT ALL ON designate.* TO 'designate'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD';
    GRANT ALL ON designate.* TO 'designate'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD';
    CREATE DATABASE designate_pool_manager;
    GRANT ALL ON designate_pool_manager.* TO 'designate'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD';
    GRANT ALL ON designate_pool_manager.* TO 'designate'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD';
  15. Create the DNSaaS service account in keystone:

    openstack user create designate --password $DESIGNATE_PASSWORD --email designate@localhost
  16. Add the DNSaaS account to the service project:

    openstack role add --project $SERVICES_PROJECT_NAME --user designate admin
  17. Create the DNSaaS service:

    openstack service create dns --name designate --description "Designate DNS Service"
  18. Create the DNSaaS endpoint:

    openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne --publicurl http://$DESIGNATE_VIP_IP:9001 --internalurl http://$DESIGNATE_VIP_IP:9001 --adminurl http://$DESIGNATE_VIP_IP:9001 designate
  19. Add the keystone token settings to the DNSaaS configuration:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://$KEYSTONE_SERVER_IP:5000/v2.0
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken identity_uri http://$KEYSTONE_SERVER_IP:35357/
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken admin_tenant_name $SERVICES_PROJECT_NAME
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken project_name $SERVICES_PROJECT_NAME
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken admin_user designate
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf keystone_authtoken admin_password $DESIGNATE_PASSWORD
  20. Configure the API extensions for DNSaaS:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf service:api enabled_extensions_v1 "diagnostics, quotas, reports, sync, touch"
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf service:api enabled_extensions_v2 "quotas, reports"
  21. Configure DNSaaS to integrate with the Instances project:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf service:central managed_resource_tenant_id $INSTANCES_TENANT_ID
  22. Add the connection to the backend database:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf storage:sqlalchemy connection mysql+pymysql://designate:$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_SERVER_IP/designate
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf pool_manager_cache:sqlalchemy connection mysql+pymysql://designate:$DESIGNATE_PASSWORD@$MYSQL_SERVER_IP/designate_pool_manager
  23. And the Messaging endpoint:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_hosts $RABBIT_SERVER_IP:5672
  24. Populate and prepare the Designate MySQL database:

    su -s /bin/sh -c "designate-manage database sync" designate
    su -s /bin/sh -c "designate-manage pool-manager-cache sync" designate
  25. Enable and start only the central and api designate services:

    systemctl enable designate-central designate-api
    systemctl start designate-central designate-api
  26. Create the following file in /etc/designate/pools.yaml. Remember that you need to change the variables EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_FQDN, EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP and DESIGNATE_SERVER_1. There are provisions for additional DNS servers, if needed:

    - name: default
      description: Default BIND9 Pool
    	external: true
    	- hostname: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_FQDN.
      	priority: 1
    #   - hostname: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_FQDN_2.
    # 	priority: 1
      	port: 53
    #   - host: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP_2
    # 	port: 53
    	- type: bind9
      	description: BIND9 Server 1
        	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_1
          	port: 5354
    #   	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_2
    #     	port: 5354
    #   	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_3
    #     	port: 5354
        	host: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP
        	port: 53
        	rndc_host: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP
        	rndc_port: 953
        	rndc_key_file: /etc/designate/rndc.key
    #   - type: bind9
    # 	description: BIND9 Server 2
    # 	masters:
    #   	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_1
    #     	port: 5354
    ##  	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_2
    ##    	port: 5354
    ##  	- host: $DESIGNATE_SERVER_3
    ##    	port: 5354
    # 	options:
    #   	host: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP_2
    #   	port: 53
    #   	rndc_host: $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP_2
    #   	rndc_port: 953
    #   	rndc_key_file: /etc/designate/rndc.key
  27. Copy the rndc keyfile to /etc/designate:

    cp -f /etc/rndc.key /etc/designate/rndc.key
  28. Ensure designate owns it:

    chown designate:designate /etc/designate/rndc.key
  29. Load the above YAML file into the DNSaaS runtime configuration:

    su -s /bin/sh -c "designate-manage pool update" designate
  30. Start the remaining DNSaaS services:

    systemctl enable designate-pool-manager designate-mdns designate-sink
    systemctl start designate-pool-manager designate-mdns designate-sink
  31. Create a DNS zone and export the ZONE_ID variable after its creation:

    ZONE_ID=`openstack zone create --email admin@$ZONE_NAME $ZONE_NAME. -f value -c id`
  32. Add the UUID of the new zone to the nova and neutron handlers:

    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf handler:nova_fixed domain_id $ZONE_ID
    crudini --set /etc/designate/designate.conf handler:neutron_floatingip domain_id $ZONE_ID
  33. Restart the DNSaaS services:

    systemctl restart designate-api designate-central designate-mdns designate-pool-manager designate-sink
  34. The DNSaaS portion is now fully configured. Next, you will configure neutron integration. Add dns to the list of ML2 drivers. For example:

    crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 extension_drivers port_security,dns
  35. If you want your DNS agent (dnsmasq) to query DNSaaS (it does not by default):

    crudini --set /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT dnsmasq_dns_servers $EXTERNAL_DNS_SERVER_IP
  36. Enable DNSaaS integration for neutron:

    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate url http://$DESIGNATE_VIP_IP:9001/v2
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate admin_auth_url http://$DESIGNATE_VIP_IP:35357/v2.0
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate admin_username designate
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate admin_password $DESIGNATE_PASSWORD
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate admin_tenant_name $SERVICES_PROJECT_NAME
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate allow_reverse_dns_lookup True
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size 24
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size 116
    crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf designate insecure true
  37. Restart the neutron and nova services:

    openstack-service restart neutron
    openstack-service restart nova
  38. Configure your neutron network to use DNSaaS:

    neutron net-update $INTERNAL_NET_ID --dns_domain $ZONE_NAME.

1.3. Test OpenStack Networking floating IP record creation

  1. Check that the zone is correctly configured and in an ACTIVE state:

    $ openstack zone list
    | id                                   | name                  | type    |     serial | status | action |
    | 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73 | testzone.example.com. | PRIMARY | 1523471795 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
  2. Enumerate the existing networks to retrieve the UUIDs. These will be used in the later steps. This example uses the internal and external networks:

    $ openstack network list
    | ID                                   | Name     | Subnets                              |
    | 0efce5d7-b2ec-4877-b6bb-de339a76c80b | external | d03cdc41-6962-4d3d-bed1-68b0a5f6b93c |
    | c020e6a9-f483-48a9-893d-983ae23d248a | internal | b59684af-d4ea-403e-8b14-d3821a46d52f |
  3. Create a instance named testinstance, using base image named web, flavor m1.small, attached to network internal, with SSH keypair keypair-demo:

    $ openstack server create --image web --flavor m1.small --nic net-id=c020e6a9-f483-48a9-893d-983ae23d248a --key-name keypair-demo -f value -c id  testinstance
  4. Confirm that your instance enters the ACTIVE state before proceeding:

    $ openstack server list
    | ID                                   | Name         | Status | Networks              | Image Name |
    | 14e1d0da-30bd-4adf-927b-8f54932cbe95 | testinstance | ACTIVE | interna= | web        |
  5. Review the DNSaaS records and confirm that the new instance does not yet have a record:

    $ openstack recordset list 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73
    | id                                   | name                  | type | records                                                              | status | action |
    | 4092f9f2-4fcb-4097-91bc-c4fa3b0965f9 | testzone.example.com. | NS   | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.                                | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    | c08400a1-2bb1-4f6b-ae90-9f1b3a3dec82 | testzone.example.com. | SOA  | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com. admin.testzone.example.com.    |        |        |
    |                                      |                       |      | 1523471795 3531 600 86400 3600                                       | ACTIVE | NONE   |
  6. Create a floating IP address in the external network.

    $ openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address 0efce5d7-b2ec-4877-b6bb-de339a76c80b
  7. Attach the floating IP to testinstance:

    $ openstack server add floating ip 14e1d0da-30bd-4adf-927b-8f54932cbe95
  8. Check DNSaaS records. This example shows an RR entry for testinstance.testzone.example.com, in a PENDING state.

    $ openstack recordset list 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73
    | id                                   | name                               | type | records                                         | status  | action |
    | 4092f9f2-4fcb-4097-91bc-c4fa3b0965f9 | testzone.example.com.              | NS   | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | ACTIVE  | NONE   |
    | c08400a1-2bb1-4f6b-ae90-9f1b3a3dec82 | testzone.example.com.              | SOA  | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | PENDING | UPDATE |
    |                                      |                                    |      | admin.testzone.example.com. 1523473397 3531 600 |         |        |
    |                                      |                                    |      | 86400 3600                                      |         |        |
    | 058f6862-cf1b-4da3-9d78-b3a890aff32f | testinstance.testzone.example.com. | A    |                                  | PENDING | CREATE |
  9. After a few seconds wait, you can expect the newly-created entry to change to ACTIVE:

    $ openstack recordset list 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73
    | id                                   | name                               | type | records                                         | status | action |
    | 4092f9f2-4fcb-4097-91bc-c4fa3b0965f9 | testzone.example.com.              | NS   | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    | c08400a1-2bb1-4f6b-ae90-9f1b3a3dec82 | testzone.example.com.              | SOA  | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | ACTIVE | NONE   |
    |                                      |                                    |      | admin.testzone.example.com. 1523473397 3531 600 |        |        |
    |                                      |                                    |      | 86400 3600                                      |        |        |
    | 058f6862-cf1b-4da3-9d78-b3a890aff32f | testinstance.testzone.example.com. | A    |                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |
  10. Use the DNSaaS Designate API to create a manual record. This example creates web.testzone.example.com as an alias to testinstance.testzone.example.com:

    $ openstack recordset create --records testinstance.testzone.example.com. --type CNAME  1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73 web
    | Field       | Value                                |
    | action      | CREATE                               |
    | created_at  | 2018-04-11T19:05:23.000000           |
    | description | None                                 |
    | id          | 3f99a737-c1a4-4137-a4a5-26f934e60dfa |
    | name        | web.testzone.example.com.            |
    | project_id  | 6b34751621f449499569dfb077f5a7ed     |
    | records     | testinstance.testzone.example.com.   |
    | status      | PENDING                              |
    | ttl         | None                                 |
    | type        | CNAME                                |
    | updated_at  | None                                 |
    | version     | 1                                    |
    | zone_id     | 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73 |
    | zone_name   | testzone.example.com.                |
  11. Check the DNSaaS configuration. It should now contain a record for web.testzone.example.com:

    [root@example10-cont1 ~(keystone_admin)]# openstack recordset list 1bae1c6e-06e6-4a5d-8b03-483875478b73
    | id                                   | name                               | type  | records                                         | status  | action |
    | 4092f9f2-4fcb-4097-91bc-c4fa3b0965f9 | testzone.example.com.              | NS    | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | ACTIVE  | NONE   |
    | c08400a1-2bb1-4f6b-ae90-9f1b3a3dec82 | testzone.example.com.              | SOA   | example10-cont1.testzone.example.com.           | PENDING | UPDATE |
    |                                      |                                    |       | admin.testzone.example.com. 1523473523 3531 600 |         |        |
    |                                      |                                    |       | 86400 3600                                      |         |        |
    | 058f6862-cf1b-4da3-9d78-b3a890aff32f | testinstance.testzone.example.com. | A     |                                  | ACTIVE  | NONE   |
    | 3f99a737-c1a4-4137-a4a5-26f934e60dfa | web.testzone.example.com.          | CNAME | testinstance.testzone.example.com.              | PENDING | CREATE |
  12. Run a DNS test, pointing to localhost as the DNS server, as this is where the DNSaaS service actually runs. This example attempts to resolve web.testzone.example.com:

    $ host web.testzone.example.com. localhost
    Using domain server:
    Name: localhost
    Address: ::1#53
    web.testzone.example.com is an alias for testinstance.testzone.example.com.
    testinstance.testzone.example.com has address
  13. Check the reverse DNS configuration:

    $ host localhost
    Using domain server:
    Name: localhost
    Address: ::1#53
    Aliases: domain name pointer testinstance.testzone.example.com.

For more information, refer to the OpenStack Designate API V2 client documentation.

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