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2.5. Fibre Channel Zone Manager

The Fibre Channel Zone Manager allows FC SAN Zone/Access control management in conjunction with Fibre Channel block storage. The configuration of Fibre Channel Zone Manager and various zone drivers are described in this section.

2.5.1. Configure Block Storage to use Fibre Channel Zone Manager

If Block Storage is configured to use a Fibre Channel volume driver that supports Zone Manager, update cinder.conf to add the following configuration options to enable Fibre Channel Zone Manager.
Make the following changes in the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file.
Table 2.27. Description of zoning configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
zoning_mode = none (StrOpt) FC Zoning mode configured
fc_fabric_names = None (StrOpt) Comma separated list of Fibre Channel fabric names. This list of names is used to retrieve other SAN credentials for connecting to each SAN fabric
fc_san_lookup_service = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade.brcd_fc_san_lookup_service.BrcdFCSanLookupService (StrOpt) FC SAN Lookup Service
zone_driver = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade.brcd_fc_zone_driver.BrcdFCZoneDriver (StrOpt) FC Zone Driver responsible for zone management
zoning_policy = initiator-target (StrOpt) Zoning policy configured by user; valid values include "initiator-target" or "initiator"
To use different Fibre Channel Zone Drivers, use the parameters described in this section.
When multi backend configuration is used, provide the zoning_mode configuration option as part of the volume driver configuration where volume_driver option is specified.
Default value of zoning_mode is None and this needs to be changed to fabric to allow fabric zoning.
zoning_policy can be configured as initiator-target or initiator

2.5.2. Brocade Fibre Channel Zone Driver

Brocade Fibre Channel Zone Driver performs zoning operations through SSH. Configure Brocade Zone Driver and lookup service by specifying the following parameters:
Table 2.28. Description of zoning manager configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
brcd_sb_connector = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade.brcd_fc_zone_client_cli.BrcdFCZoneClientCLI (StrOpt) Southbound connector for zoning operation
Configure SAN fabric parameters in the form of fabric groups as described in the example below:
Table 2.29. Description of zoning fabrics configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
fc_fabric_address = (StrOpt) Management IP of fabric
fc_fabric_password = (StrOpt) Password for user
fc_fabric_port = 22 (IntOpt) Connecting port
fc_fabric_user = (StrOpt) Fabric user ID
principal_switch_wwn = None (StrOpt) Principal switch WWN of the fabric
zone_activate = True (BoolOpt) overridden zoning activation state
zone_name_prefix = None (StrOpt) overridden zone name prefix
zoning_policy = initiator-target (StrOpt) overridden zoning policy
Define a fabric group for each fabric using the fabric names used in fc_fabric_names configuration option as group name. System requirements

Brocade Fibre Channel Zone Driver requires firmware version FOS v6.4 or higher.
As a best practice for zone management, use a user account with zoneadmin role. Users with admin role (including the default admin user account) are limited to a maximum of two concurrent SSH sessions.
For information about how to manage Brocade Fibre Channel switches, see the Brocade Fabric OS user documentation.

2.5.3. Cisco Fibre Channel Zone Driver

Cisco Fibre Channel Zone Driver automates the zoning operations through SSH. Configure Cisco Zone Driver, Cisco Southbound connector, FC SAN lookup service and Fabric name.
Set the following options in the cinder.conf configuration file.
zone_driver = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.cisco.cisco_fc_zone_driver.CiscoFCZoneDriver
fc_san_lookup_service = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.cisco.cisco_fc_san_lookup_service.CiscoFCSanLookupService
fc_fabric_names = CISCO_FABRIC_EXAMPLE
cisco_sb_connector = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.cisco.cisco_fc_zone_client_cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI
Table 2.30. Description of cisco zoning manager configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
cisco_sb_connector = cinder.zonemanager.drivers.cisco.cisco_fc_zone_client_cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI (StrOpt) Southbound connector for zoning operation
Configure SAN fabric parameters in the form of fabric groups as described in the example below:
Table 2.31. Description of cisco zoning fabrics configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
cisco_fc_fabric_address = (StrOpt) Management IP of fabric
cisco_fc_fabric_password = (StrOpt) Password for user
cisco_fc_fabric_port = 22 (IntOpt) Connecting port
cisco_fc_fabric_user = (StrOpt) Fabric user ID
cisco_zone_activate = True (BoolOpt) overridden zoning activation state
cisco_zone_name_prefix = None (StrOpt) overridden zone name prefix
cisco_zoning_policy = initiator-target (StrOpt) overridden zoning policy
cisco_zoning_vsan = None (StrOpt) VSAN of the Fabric
Define a fabric group for each fabric using the fabric names used in fc_fabric_names configuration option as group name.
The Cisco Fibre Channel Zone Driver supports basic and enhanced zoning modes.The zoning VSAN must exist with an active zone set name which is same as the fc_fabric_names option. System requirements

Cisco MDS 9000 Family Switches.
Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 6.2(9) or later.
For information about how to manage Cisco Fibre Channel switches, see the Cisco MDS 9000 user documentation.
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