이 콘텐츠는 선택한 언어로 제공되지 않습니다.

4.3. API Examples Using Python

The following examples describe how to perform various tasks using Python to communicate with the Satellite API.


These are example scripts and commands. Ensure you review these scripts carefully before use, and replace any variables, user names, passwords, and other information to suit your own deployment.
The following scripts do not use SSL verification for interacting with the REST API and are provided here only as a demonstration.

4.3.1. Creating Objects Using Python

The following script connects to the Red Hat Satellite 6 API and creates a new organization, and then creates three environments in the new organization. If the organization already exists, the script uses that organization. If any of the environments already exist in the organization, the script raises an error and quits.

import json
import sys

    import requests
except ImportError:
    print "Please install the python-requests module."

# URL to your Satellite 6 server
URL = "https://satellite6.example.com"
# URL for the API to your deployed Satellite 6 server
SAT_API = "%s/katello/api/v2/" % URL
# Katello-specific API
KATELLO_API = "%s/katello/api/" % URL
POST_HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
# Default credentials to login to Satellite 6
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "changeme"
# Ignore SSL for now

# Name of the organization to be either created or used
ORG_NAME = "MyOrg"
# Name for life cycle environments to be either created or used
ENVIRONMENTS = ["Development", "Testing", "Production"]

def get_json(location):
    Performs a GET using the passed URL location

    r = requests.get(location, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), verify=SSL_VERIFY)

    return r.json()

def post_json(location, json_data):
    Performs a POST and passes the data to the URL location

    result = requests.post(
        auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD),

    return result.json()

def main():
    Main routine that creates or re-uses an organization and
    life cycle environments. If life cycle environments already
    exist, exit out.

    # Check if our organization already exists
    org = get_json(SAT_API + "organizations/" + ORG_NAME)

    # If our organization is not found, create it
    if org.get('error', None):
        org_id = post_json(
            SAT_API + "organizations/",
            json.dumps({"name": ORG_NAME}))["id"]
        print "Creating organization: \t" + ORG_NAME
        # Our organization exists, so let's grab it
        org_id = org['id']
        print "Organization '%s' exists." % ORG_NAME

    # Now, let's fetch all available life cycle environments for this org...
    envs = get_json(
        SAT_API + "organizations/" + str(org_id) + "/environments/")

    # ... and add them to a dictionary, with respective 'Prior' environment
    prior_env_id = 0
    env_list = {}
    for env in envs['results']:
        env_list[env['id']] = env['name']
        prior_env_id = env['id'] if env['name'] == "Library" else prior_env_id

    # Exit the script if at least one life cycle environment already exists
    if all(environment in env_list.values() for environment in ENVIRONMENTS):
        print "ERROR: One of the Environments is not unique to organization"

    # Create life cycle environments
    for environment in ENVIRONMENTS:
        new_env_id = post_json(
            SAT_API + "organizations/" + str(org_id) + "/environments/",
                    "name": environment,
                    "organization_id": org_id,
                    "prior": prior_env_id}

        print "Creating environment: \t" + environment
        prior_env_id = new_env_id

if __name__ == "__main__":
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