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Appendix A. Virt-who Configuration Files

The virt-who service requires a minimum of two configuration files:

  • a global configuration file, /etc/sysconfig/virt-who, contains settings which apply to all virt-who connections from that host.
  • an individual configuration file for each hypervisor or virtualization manager to which Satellite is to be connected. These must be stored in the /etc/virt-who.d/ directory.
  • The individual configuration files, stored in the /etc/virt-who.d/ directory, must have the .conf suffix when the version of virt-who is virt-who-0.19 or higher.
  • If you add or remove virtualization managers or hypervisors you must update the virt-who daemon’s configuration.
  • When a username is added in the virt-who configuration file before the option rhsm_username, the user must have access to log in to Satellite 6. Users of third-party applications such as Active Directory and IDM might not have access that permits them to log in to Satellite 6.

The following is an extract from the example individual configuration file provided with virt-who. The configuration options for each connection are contained in a stanza. The title of each configuration stanza must be unique. It is recommended, but not required, that the individual configuration files are given the same name as the hypervisor.

#[config name]
#type=               ; insert one of libvirt/esx/hyperv/rhevm/vdsm/fake
#server=             ; insert hostname or ip address of the server to connect to
#username=           ; username for server authentication
#password=           ; password for server authentication
#encrypted_password= ; password encrypted using virt-who-password utility
#owner=              ; owner for use with SAM, Customer Portal, or Satellite 6
#env=                ; environment for use with SAM, Customer Portal, or Satellite 6
#hypervisor_id=      ; how will be the hypervisor identified, one of: uuid, hostname, hwuuid

It is possible, and supported, to combine the global configuration and the hypervisor connections' configuration files into a single file: /etc/sysconfig/virt-who. However, this method will be deprecated in the future. Separating the global and individual configuration files allows for easier troubleshooting.

A.1. Configuration Sources

In this guide, all examples use configuration files, but virt-who can accept configuration from several sources. They are listed below in order of precedence. For detailed information about virt-who configuration options, see the virt-who-config and virt-who man pages.

Specifying configuration options at the command line can be useful if you are testing a configuration before implementing it in configuration files. Note that any such options will not persist after the virt-who service is restarted, or the Red Hat Enterprise Linux host is rebooted.

  1. command line
  2. environment variables
  3. /etc/sysconfig/virt-who file
  4. /etc/virt-who.d/*.conf files
  5. /etc/virt-who.conf file
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