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Chapter 1. Overview

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The Java software development kit is a collection of classes that allows you to interact with the Red Hat Virtualization Manager in Java-based projects. By downloading these classes and adding them to your project, you can access a range of functionality for high-level automation of administrative tasks.

Red Hat Virtualization provides two versions of the Java software development kit:

Version 3
The V3 Java software development kit provides backwards compatibility with the class and method structure provided in the Java software development kit as of the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6. Applications written using the Java software development kit from Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 can be used with this version without modification.
Version 4
The V4 Java software development kit provides an updated set of class and method names and signatures. Applications written using the Java software development kit from Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 must be updated before they can be used with this version.

Either version of the Java software development kit can be used in a Red Hat Virtualization environment as required by installing the corresponding package and adding the required libraries to your Java project.

1.1. Prerequisites

To install the Java software development kit, you must have:

  • A system where Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 is installed. Both the Server and Workstation variants are supported.
  • A subscription to Red Hat Virtualization entitlements.

The software development kit is an interface for the Red Hat Virtualization REST API. As such, you must use the version of the software development kit that corresponds to the version of your Red Hat Virtualization environment. For example, if you are using Red Hat Virtualization 4.1, you must use the version of the software development kit designed for 4.1.

1.2. Installing the Java Software Development Kit

Install the Java software development kit and accompanying documentation.

Installing the Java Software Development Kit

  1. Enable the required repositories:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhv-4.1-rpms
    # subscription-manager repos --enable=jb-eap-7.1-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
  2. Install the required packages:

    • For V3:

      # yum install ovirt-engine-sdk-java ovirt-engine-sdk-javadoc

      The V3 Java software development kit and accompanying documentation are downloaded to the /usr/share/java/rhevm-sdk-java directory, and can now be added to Java projects.

    • For V4:

      # yum install java-ovirt-engine-sdk4

      The V4 Java software development kit and accompanying documentation are downloaded to the /usr/share/java/java-ovirt-engine-sdk4 directory, and can now be added to Java projects.

1.3. Dependencies

To use the Java software development kit in Java applications, you must add the following JAR files to the class path of those applications:

  • commons-beanutils.jar
  • commons-codec.jar
  • httpclient.jar
  • httpcore.jar
  • jakarta-commons-logging.jar
  • log4j.jar

The packages that provide these JAR files are installed as dependencies to the ovirt-engine-sdk-java package. By default, they are available in the /usr/share/java directory on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 systems.

1.4. Configuring SSL

The Red Hat Virtualization Manager Java SDK provides full support for HTTP over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and the IETF Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol using the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). JSSE has been integrated into the Java 2 platform as of version 1.4 and works with the Java SDK out of the box. On earlier Java 2 versions, JSSE must be manually installed and configured.

1.4.1. Configuring SSL

The following procedure outlines how to configure SSL using the Java SDK.

Configuring SSL

  1. Download the certificate used by the Red Hat Virtualization Manager.


    By default, the location of the certificate used by the Red Hat Virtualization Manager is in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem.

  2. Create a truststore:

    $ keytool -import -alias "server.crt truststore" -file ca.crt -keystore server.truststore
  3. Specify the trustStoreFile and trustStorePassword arguments when constructing an instance of the Api or Connection object:


    If you do not specify the trustStoreFile option when creating a connection, the Java SDK attempts to use the default truststore specified by the system variable javax.net.ssl.trustStore. If this system variable does not specify a truststore, the Java SDK attempts to use a truststore specified in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/jssecacerts or $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts.

1.4.2. Host Verification

By default, the identity of the host name in the certificate is verified when attempting to open a connection to the Red Hat Virtualization Manager. You can disable verification by passing the following argument when constructing an instance of the Connection class:


This method should not be used for production systems due to security reasons, unless it is a conscious decision and you are aware of the security implications of not verifying host identity.

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