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Chapter 3. Red Hat Virtualization 4.2.4
This chapter outlines the packages shipped in each repository released with the 4.2.4 update to Red Hat Virtualization.
3.1. Red Hat Virtualization Host for RHEL 7 Server
The following table outlines the packages included in the
Name | Version | Advisory |
NetworkManager | 1.10.2-16.el7_5 | RHBA-2018:2000 |
ansible | 2.5.5-1.el7ae | RHSA-2018:1949 |
binutils | 2.27-28.base.el7_5.1 | RHBA-2018:1994 |
cockpit | 169-1.el7 | RHEA-2018:2080 |
cockpit-ovirt | 0.11.28-1.el7ev | RHEA-2018:2064 |
gdeploy | 2.0.2-27.el7rhgs | RHEA-2018:1958 |
glusterfs | 3.8.4-54.10.el7rhgs | RHSA-2018:1954 |
gsettings-desktop-schemas | 3.24.1-2.el7_5 | RHBA-2018:1980 |
imgbased | 1.0.20-0.1.el7ev | RHSA-2018:2079 |
ipa | 4.5.4-10.el7_5.3 | RHBA-2018:1985 |
katello-host-tools | 3.1.0-2.el7sat | RHEA-2018:2061 |
kernel | 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7 | RHSA-2018:1965 |
kmod-kvdo | | RHBA-2018:1983 |
libvirt | 3.9.0-14.el7_5.6 | RHSA-2018:1997 |
linux-firmware | 20180220-62.2.git6d51311.el7_5 | RHBA-2018:1838 |
openvswitch | 2.9.0-47.el7fdp.1 | RHBA-2018:1962 |
openvswitch-selinux-extra-policy | 1.0-3.el7fdp | RHEA-2018:2086 |
otopi | 1.7.8-1.el7ev | RHEA-2018:2073 |
ovirt-host | 4.2.3-1.el7ev | RHEA-2018:2076 |
ovirt-host-deploy | 1.7.4-1.el7ev | RHEA-2018:2078 |
ovirt-hosted-engine-ha | 2.2.14-1.el7ev | RHBA-2018:2066 |
ovirt-hosted-engine-setup | 2.2.22-1.el7ev | RHBA-2018:2065 |
ovirt-provider-ovn | 1.2.11-1.el7ev | RHBA-2018:2077 |
procps-ng | 3.3.10-17.el7_5.2 | RHSA-2018:1700 |
python-ovirt-engine-sdk4 | 4.2.7-1.el7ev | RHBA-2018:2062 |
qemu-kvm-rhev | 2.10.0-21.el7_5.4 | RHSA-2018:2060 |
redhat-release-virtualization-host | 4.2-4.3.el7 | RHSA-2018:2079 |
selinux-policy | 3.13.1-192.el7_5.4 | RHBA-2018:2004 |
sos | 3.5-9.el7_5 | RHBA-2018:1987 |
spice | 0.14.0-2.el7_5.4 | RHBA-2018:2005 |
sssd | 1.16.0-19.el7_5.5 | RHBA-2018:1986 |
sudo | 1.8.19p2-14.el7_5 | RHBA-2018:1992 |
tuned | 2.9.0-1.el7fdp | RHBA-2018:1795 |
tzdata | 2018e-3.el7 | RHBA-2018:1339 |
vdsm | 4.20.31-1.el7ev | RHEA-2018:2072 |