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Chapter 4. Developer CLI commands

4.1. Basic CLI commands

4.1.1. explain

Display documentation for a certain resource.

Example: Display documentation for Pods

$ oc explain pods

4.1.2. login

Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform server and save login information for subsequent use.

Example: Interactive login

$ oc login

Example: Log in specifying a user name

$ oc login -u user1

4.1.3. new-app

Create a new application by specifying source code, a template, or an image.

Example: Create a new application from a local Git repository

$ oc new-app .

Example: Create a new application from a remote Git repository

$ oc new-app

Example: Create a new application from a private remote repository

$ oc new-app --source-secret=yoursecret

4.1.4. new-project

Create a new project and switch to it as the default project in your configuration.

Example: Create a new project

$ oc new-project myproject

4.1.5. project

Switch to another project and make it the default in your configuration.

Example: Switch to a different project

$ oc project test-project

4.1.6. projects

Display information about the current active project and existing projects on the server.

Example: List all projects

$ oc projects

4.1.7. status

Show a high-level overview of the current project.

Example: Show the status of the current project

$ oc status

4.2. Build and Deploy CLI commands

4.2.1. cancel-build

Cancel a running, pending, or new build.

Example: Cancel a build

$ oc cancel-build python-1

Example: Cancel all pending builds from the python BuildConfig

$ oc cancel-build buildconfig/python --state=pending

4.2.2. import-image

Import the latest tag and image information from an image repository.

Example: Import the latest image information

$ oc import-image my-ruby

4.2.3. new-build

Create a new BuildConfig from source code.

Example: Create a BuildConfig from a local Git repository

$ oc new-build .

Example: Create a BuildConfig from a remote Git repository

$ oc new-build

4.2.4. rollback

Revert an application back to a previous Deployment.

Example: Roll back to the last successful Deployment

$ oc rollback php

Example: Roll back to a specific version

$ oc rollback php --to-version=3

4.2.5. rollout

Start a new rollout, view its status or history, or roll back to a previous revision of your application.

Example: Roll back to the last successful Deployment

$ oc rollout undo deploymentconfig/php

Example: Start a new rollout for a DeploymentConfig with its latest state

$ oc rollout latest deploymentconfig/php

4.2.6. start-build

Start a build from a BuildConfig or copy an existing build.

Example: Start a build from the specified BuildConfig

$ oc start-build python

Example: Start a build from a previous build

$ oc start-build --from-build=python-1

Example: Set an environment variable to use for the current build

$ oc start-build python --env=mykey=myvalue

4.2.7. tag

Tag existing images into imagestreams.

Example: Configure the ruby image’s latest tag to refer to the image for the 2.0 tag

$ oc tag ruby:latest ruby:2.0

4.3. Application management CLI commands

4.3.1. annotate

Update the annotations on one or more resources.

Example: Add an annotation to a Route

$ oc annotate route/test-route""

Example: Remove the annotation from the Route

$ oc annotate route/test-route

4.3.2. apply

Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or standard in (stdin) in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Apply the configuration in pod.json to a Pod

$ oc apply -f pod.json

4.3.3. autoscale

Autoscale a DeploymentConfig or ReplicationController.

Example: Autoscale to a minimum of two and maximum of five Pods

$ oc autoscale deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda --min=2 --max=5

4.3.4. create

Create a resource by file name or standard in (stdin) in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Create a Pod using the content in pod.json

$ oc create -f pod.json

4.3.5. delete

Delete a resource.

Example: Delete a Pod named parksmap-katacoda-1-qfqz4

$ oc delete pod/parksmap-katacoda-1-qfqz4

Example: Delete all Pods with the app=parksmap-katacoda label

$ oc delete pods -l app=parksmap-katacoda

4.3.6. describe

Return detailed information about a specific object.

Example: Describe a Deployment named example

$ oc describe deployment/example

Example: Describe all Pods

$ oc describe pods

4.3.7. edit

Edit a resource.

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig using the default editor

$ oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig using a different editor

$ OC_EDITOR="nano" oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Edit a DeploymentConfig in JSON format

$ oc edit deploymentconfig/parksmap-katacoda -o json

4.3.8. expose

Expose a Service externally as a Route.

Example: Expose a Service

$ oc expose service/parksmap-katacoda

Example: Expose a Service and specify the host name

$ oc expose service/parksmap-katacoda

4.3.9. get

Display one or more resources.

Example: List Pods in the default namespace

$ oc get pods -n default

Example: Get details about the python DeploymentConfig in JSON format

$ oc get deploymentconfig/python -o json

4.3.10. label

Update the labels on one or more resources.

Example: Update the python-1-mz2rf Pod with the label status set to unhealthy

$ oc label pod/python-1-mz2rf status=unhealthy

4.3.11. scale

Set the desired number of replicas for a ReplicationController or a DeploymentConfig.

Example: Scale the ruby-app DeploymentConfig to three Pods

$ oc scale deploymentconfig/ruby-app --replicas=3

4.3.12. secrets

Manage secrets in your project.

Example: Allow my-pull-secret to be used as an image pull secret by the default service account

$ oc secrets link default my-pull-secret --for=pull

4.3.13. serviceaccounts

Get a token assigned to a service account or create a new token or kubeconfig file for a service account.

Example: Get the token assigned to the default service account

$ oc serviceaccounts get-token default

4.3.14. set

Configure existing application resources.

Example: Sets the name of a secret on a BuildConfig

$ oc set build-secret --source buildconfig/mybc mysecret

4.4. Troubleshooting and debugging CLI commands

4.4.1. attach

Attach the shell to a running container.

Example: Get output from the python container from Pod python-1-mz2rf

$ oc attach python-1-mz2rf -c python

4.4.2. cp

Copy files and directories to and from containers.

Example: Copy a file from the python-1-mz2rf Pod to the local file system

$ oc cp default/python-1-mz2rf:/opt/app-root/src/ ~/mydirectory/.

4.4.3. debug

Launch a command shell to debug a running application.

Example: Debug the python Deployment

$ oc debug deploymentconfig/python

4.4.4. exec

Execute a command in a container.

Example: Execute the ls command in the python container from Pod python-1-mz2rf

$ oc exec python-1-mz2rf -c python ls

4.4.5. logs

Retrieve the log output for a specific build, BuildConfig, DeploymentConfig, or Pod.

Example: Stream the latest logs from the python DeploymentConfig

$ oc logs -f deploymentconfig/python

4.4.6. port-forward

Forward one or more local ports to a Pod.

Example: Listen on port 8888 locally and forward to port 5000 in the Pod

$ oc port-forward python-1-mz2rf 8888:5000

4.4.7. proxy

Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server.

Example: Run a proxy to the API server on port 8011 serving static content from ./local/www/

$ oc proxy --port=8011 --www=./local/www/

4.4.8. rsh

Open a remote shell session to a container.

Example: Open a shell session on the first container in the python-1-mz2rf Pod

$ oc rsh python-1-mz2rf

4.4.9. rsync

Copy contents of a directory to or from a running Pod container. Only changed files are copied using the rsync command from your operating system.

Example: Synchronize files from a local directory with a Pod directory

$ oc rsync ~/mydirectory/ python-1-mz2rf:/opt/app-root/src/

4.4.10. run

Create and run a particular image. By default, this creates a DeploymentConfig to manage the created containers.

Example: Start an instance of the perl image with three replicas

$ oc run my-test --image=perl --replicas=3

4.4.11. wait

Wait for a specific condition on one or more resources.

Example: Wait for the python-1-mz2rf Pod to be deleted

$ oc wait --for=delete pod/python-1-mz2rf

4.5. Advanced developer CLI commands

4.5.1. api-resources

Display the full list of API resources that the server supports.

Example: List the supported API resources

$ oc api-resources

4.5.2. api-versions

Display the full list of API versions that the server supports.

Example: List the supported API versions

$ oc api-versions

4.5.3. auth

Inspect permissions and reconcile RBAC roles.

Example: Check whether the current user can read Pod logs

$ oc auth can-i get pods --subresource=log

Example: Reconcile RBAC roles and permissions from a file

$ oc auth reconcile -f policy.json

4.5.4. cluster-info

Display the address of the master and cluster services.

Example: Display cluster information

$ oc cluster-info

4.5.5. convert

Convert a YAML or JSON configuration file to a different API version and print to standard output (stdout).

Example: Convert pod.yaml to the latest version

$ oc convert -f pod.yaml

4.5.6. extract

Extract the contents of a ConfigMap or secret. Each key in the ConfigMap or secret is created as a separate file with the name of the key.

Example: Download the contents of the ruby-1-ca ConfigMap to the current directory

$ oc extract configmap/ruby-1-ca

Example: Print the contents of the ruby-1-ca ConfigMap to stdout

$ oc extract configmap/ruby-1-ca --to=-

4.5.7. idle

Idle scalable resources. An idled Service will automatically become unidled when it receives traffic or it can be manually unidled using the oc scale command.

Example: Idle the ruby-app Service

$ oc idle ruby-app

4.5.8. image

Manage images in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example: Copy an image to another tag

$ oc image mirror

4.5.9. observe

Observe changes to resources and take action on them.

Example: Observe changes to Services

$ oc observe services

4.5.10. patch

Updates one or more fields of an object using strategic merge patch in JSON or YAML format.

Example: Update the spec.unschedulable field for node node1 to true

$ oc patch node/node1 -p '{"spec":{"unschedulable":true}}'


If you must patch a Custom Resource Definition, you must include the --type merge option in the command.

4.5.11. policy

Manage authorization policies.

Example: Add the edit role to user1 for the current project

$ oc policy add-role-to-user edit user1

4.5.12. process

Process a template into a list of resources.

Example: Convert template.json to a resource list and pass to oc create

$ oc process -f template.json | oc create -f -

4.5.13. registry

Manage the integrated registry on OpenShift Container Platform.

Example: Display information about the integrated registry

$ oc registry info

4.5.14. replace

Modify an existing object based on the contents of the specified configuration file.

Example: Update a Pod using the content in pod.json

$ oc replace -f pod.json

4.6. Settings CLI commands

4.6.1. completion

Output shell completion code for the specified shell.

Example: Display completion code for Bash

$ oc completion bash

4.6.2. config

Manage the client configuration files.

Example: Display the current configuration

$ oc config view

Example: Switch to a different context

$ oc config use-context test-context

4.6.3. logout

Log out of the current session.

Example: End the current session

$ oc logout

4.6.4. whoami

Display information about the current session.

Example: Display the currently authenticated user

$ oc whoami

4.7. Other developer CLI commands

4.7.1. help

Display general help information for the CLI and a list of available commands.

Example: Display available commands

$ oc help

Example: Display the help for the new-project command

$ oc help new-project

4.7.2. plugin

List the available plug-ins on the user’s PATH.

Example: List available plug-ins

$ oc plugin list

4.7.3. version

Display the oc client and server versions.

Example: Display version information

$ oc version

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