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Chapter 2. Resolved Issues


Table 2.1, “Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.0” lists the issues resolved between Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 2.1. Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.0
Issue NumberDescription
AMQ-1870JDBC exception when sending and receiving a lot of messages
AMQ-2098Advisory messages are empty when received with a Stomp subscription
AMQ-2740NullPointerException in Web Console when using an existing browser session with a restarted broker instance
Possible replay of old messages post index recovery from journal - data files containing acks reclaimed/cleaned up in error
In Fuse MQ 6.0, to take advantage of this fix, it is also necessary to set the forceRecoverIndex attribute to true in the kahaDB configuration element. For example:
<kahaDB directory="${}/kahadb" forceRecoverIndex="true" />
AMQ-3016Race condition in DemandForwardingBridgeSupport can cause remote connection to be leaked.
AMQ-3038Possible Memory-Leak as ActiveMQTempDestinations don't get deleted when ActiveMQConnection.close() is called
AMQ-3261Setup writes incorrect jmx port
AMQ-3485TransactedSession returns invalid MessageConsumer after the first MessageConsumer for the same destination.
AMQ-3539Prefetch state can be incorrect when transacted redelivery of duplicates occurs, causing stalled queue
AMQ-3746Non Durable Topic subscription with prefetch=0, MessageConsumer.receivenowait() hangs indefinitely
AMQ-3791Flexibility, concurrency, security, and compatibility issues in CachedLDAPAuthorizationMap
AMQ-3906Repeated error message regarding chunk stream logged
AMQ-3930DataFileNotDeletedTest.testForDataFileNotDeletedTransacted() fails intermittently
AMQ-4033Broker uses custom RMIServerSocketFactory class which cannot be unloaded due socket reuse
AMQ-4062durableTopicPrefetch attribute in policyEntry in activemq.xml doesn't take effect
AMQ-4103LeaseDatabaseLocker can not be changed from 5 sec poll
AMQ-4106STOMP+NIO and Heartbeats gives consistent InactivityIOException
AMQ-4108Cannot receive ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker messages when master dies and slave takes control
AMQ-4116Memory usage is not cleared from the source queue when a message is moved to another queue over the VMTransport
AMQ-4117MQTT Inactivity Monitor doesn't respect client keep alive setting.
AMQ-4122Lease Database Locker failover broken
AMQ-4123Improve MQTT Inactivity Monitoring
AMQ-4126stomp+nio+ssl + jaasDualAuthenticationPlugin + certificate authentication fails
AMQ-4132Openwire+nio+ssl require to specify transport.enabledCipherSuites property
AMQ-4133Different behaviour with similar connectors with identical option, URI validation would be nice to have
AMQ-4134Add XA support to the LevelDB store
AMQ-4137Create a store import/export command line tool to covert between store types
AMQ-4140maven-activemq-plugin fails to resolve path to XBean file in multi-module builds, and does not have a skip flag
AMQ-4142SimpleAuthenticationPluginTest hangs intermittently on Hudson
AMQ-4145IntrospectionSupport does not convert from primitive to Wrapper classes appropriately
AMQ-4147Memory usage incorrectly updated across network of brokers when VMTransport is used
AMQ-4148Static subscriptions from network bridges do not respect TTL (off by one in calculation), resulting in duplicate consumers
AMQ-4149Removal of inactive durable subscribers not working after broker restart
AMQ-4153ActiveMQWASInitialContextFactory issue in transform logic
AMQ-4154Karaf activemq feature can't be installed due to the unresolved dependencies
AMQ-4157KahaDBTransactionStore.removeAyncMessage may cancel addMessage when in transaction leading to unpersisted messages
AMQ-4158BTreeIndexTest hangs when run on Windows
AMQ-4159Race condition in SimpleDiscoveryAgent creates multiple concurrent threads attempting to connect to the same bridge
AMQ-4160DiscoveryNetworkConnector can lose track of active bridges, resulting in permanent bridge failure or continued attempts to re-connect existing bridges
AMQ-4166RedeliveryPlugin causes a deadlock with JobSchedulerImpl
AMQ-4167MQTTTest.testInactivityTimeoutDisconnectsClient is failing
AMQ-4168MQTTSSLTest.testTurnOffInactivityMonitor Disabled
AMQ-4171KahaDB / Journal rotateWriteFIle() sometimes too fast?
AMQ-4172RAR needs additional module includes post module refactor
AMQ-4179Can't install activemq-extra feature
AMQ-4182Memory leak for ActiveMQBytesMessage with compression
AMQ-4183AMQ 5.7 lost long queue names with filteredKahaDB
AMQ-4186web-console xml views have duplicate contenttype headers - jsp errors
AMQ-4195activemq-admin bstat command predefined query isn't even run
AMQ-4196Race condition between removal of subscriptions and removal of destinations in a network of brokers
AMQ-4201JMSX* properties not included in the getPropertyNames() enumeration
AMQ-4209NetworkConnector and NetworkBridgeConfiguration have same named private variables for excludedDestination
AMQ-4210DynamicallyIncludedDestinations is not enforced for the other end of duplex bridge
AMQ-4215Simplify PList interface and provide a LevelDB store implementation
AMQ-4218JMS selector statement not displayed correctly in subscribers web view if contains XML-prohibited characters
AMQ-4220PageFile is not loaded when recreating queue and perDestination="true"
AMQ-4222ProducerBrokerExchange holds reference to "region" destination after message has been sent
AMQ-4226Broker destination zero prefetch and RAR endpoint listener are incompatible b/c RAR is starved of messages - log an error to highlight
AMQ-4227ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory does not allow for regular files to be found unless a valid URL is provided or is located on the classpath
AMQ-4234Broker destination policy prefetch value is ignored by stomp consumers
AMQ-4246Change Type of offlineDurableSubscriberTimeout and offlineDurableSubscriberTaskSchedule to long
AMQ-4249Race condition in PropertiesLoginModule
AMQ-4254BrokerXmlConfigStartTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4258Endless loop when received incorrect AMQP message
AMQ-4260MessageGroupLateArrivalsTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4265AMQ4220Test is failing
AMQ-4266Missing proton-api as dependency
AMQ-4268DurableSubscriptionOfflineTest has several failures
AMQ-4270BrokerNetworkWithStuckMessagesTest hangs occasionally
AMQ-4272No connection could be found for ID NC_
AMQ-4273JobSchedulerTest has 2 test cases that fail intermittently
AMQ-4274Potential deadlock between FailoverTransport and AbstractInactivityMonitor
AMQ-4275maven plugin goal "activemq:run" cannot run in latest 5.8 snapshot
AMQ-4278Deprecate XMPP transport
AMQ-4281ActiveMQConnectionFactoryTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4282Deadlock in test BrokerNetworkwithStuckMessageTest
AMQ-4285NetworkFailoverTest failing
AMQ-4286NioQueueSubscriptionTest.testLotsOfConcurrentConnections fails
AMQ-4288OptimizedAckTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4289activemq-perf-maven-plugin is unusable because of bug in ReflectionUtil helper class
AMQ-4291org.apache.activemq.transport.stomp.StompTest#testReplyToAcrossConnections mostly fails
AMQ-4296Unit tests fail intermittently when using LevelDB adapter
AMQ-4297Stomp deadlock on commit
AMQ-4306BTreeIndexTest.testRandomAddRemove() is very slow on Solaris
AMQ-4307org.apache.activemq.transport.http.HttpClientReconnectTest hangs occasionally
AMQ-4308HttpsTransportBrokerTest hangs occasionally
AMQ-4312NIO+SSL Connector fails with SSL exception under high concurrency
AMQ-4315Duplicate files in distribution
AMQ-4317activemq-camel feature doesn't work
AMQ-4319ActiveMQ destination are tracked by securitycontext and never cleaned up, causes ActiveMQ to crash
AMQ-4320Destinations are not auto created when using Composite Destination configured on the broker
AMQ-4321NIO+SSL Connector corrupts stream when data size exceeds SSL buffer size
AMQ-4322org.apache.activemq.leveldb.LevelDBFastEnqueueTest hangs on Windows
AMQ-4323Last modified producer audit checkpoint can prevent gc with cached bursty producers
AMQ-4330Removal of Master/Slave removed isSlave() JMX api
AMQ-4331MessageSelectorTest fails because of dated config file
AMQ-4332LargeQueueSparseDeleteTest gets timeouts on testMoveMessages and testRemoveMessages
AMQ-4333ActiveMQ 5.8: Failed to execute purge task
AMQ-4338MQTTSSLTest has multiple test cases that fail frequently
AMQ-4342MemoryUsageCleanupTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4345NIOSSLConcurrencyTest.testLoad fails on slow boxes
AMQ-4351Deadlock when unsubscribing durable subscriber
AMQ-4355RedeliveryRestartTest hangs intermittently has 2 test failures
AMQ-4364Cannot delete queue via JMX or JConsole
AMQ-4366PooledConnectionFactory closes connections that are in use
AMQ-4369Default IOException handler needs to be set before Persistence adapter and network connectors are started
AMQ-4373JMS Client isn't throwing JMSSecuirtyException with invalid login credentials
AMQ-4375org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.joram.JoramJmsTest UnifiedSessionTest hangs on Windows
AMQ-4377Bring back activemq-blueprint module and feature
AMQ-4379org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.JMSClientTest fails on Windows
AMQ-4384KahaDBStoreRecoveryBrokerTest has multiple failures on windows
AMQ-4385LevelDBXARecoveryBrokerTest has multiple failures on Windows
AMQ-4386AMQ4133Test has 2 additional test case failures on Windows
AMQ-4387AMQ4126Test has additional test failures on Windows
AMQ-4388org.apache.activemq.bugs.AMQ3625Test fails on Windows
AMQ-4389AMQ4351Test fails on slow boxes
AMQ-4392MQTT BlockingConnection disconnect doesn't disconnects the client connection
AMQ-4393Web console does not show connections info
AMQ-4397XSS vulnerability in scheduled.jsp
AMQ-4398XSS vulnerability in demo web application
AMQ-4400org.apache.bugs.LoadBalanceTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4406Remove command agent
AMQ-4407mKahaDB: PageFile is not loaded when recreating queue
AMQ-4408no network bridge loopback suppression with url scheme mismatch
AMQ-4410Typo in
AMQ-4411activemq-osgi <Bundle-NativeCode> directive is too strict - needs to be optional
AMQ-4415AMQ2584Test, AMQ2870Test, and several others hang or fail on some platforms when using LevelDB
AMQ-4427Many of the activemq-http tests are failing on Jenkins
AMQ-4432Validate camel context within activemq.xml in Apache Karaf
APLO-282org.iq80.leveldb.DBException - possible LevelDB store corruption?
ENTESB-668Plug in provder should be Red Hat, Inc.
ENTMQ-177PListImplTest fails on AIX and Solaris
ENTMQ-187MQTTSSLTest has multiple test cases that fail frequently
ENTMQ-236Re-enable excluded tests after platform builds
ENTMQ-244QueueMasterSlaveSingleUrlTest hangs on Windows
ENTMQ-265JoramJmsTest hangs on several platforms
MB-1185JConsole browse() function does not work if useCache=false
MB-1218Durable subscription not getting unregistered on networked broker
MB-1221Setting queue policy queuePrefetch=0 in broker configuration causes messages to stay in pending state in broker
MB-1224ExpiredMessages > Prefetch Queue results in messages no longer being dequeued
MB-1239NIO + SSL: Client certificates are null
MB-1242kahaDB Commit Failed with NPE using XA Transactions
MB-1246Browsing a queue is not returning the actual number messages on the queue
MB-1247InactivityMonitor thread does not catch ThreadPoolExecutor exceptions
MB-1250Missing Data file for plist temp store on file pending message queue cursor overflow
MB-1251Messages lost on Virtual Topic when no active consumer attached
MB-1255next() and hasNext() are never called without first calling reset()
MB-1260Prefetch limit not remembered during failover
MB-1261conditionalNetworkBridgeFilterFactory ignores NetworkTTL when replayWhenNoConsumers is set to true and forward messages to network consumer
MB-1263Network Dead Lock using duplex network connector for NOB
MB-1264Job Scheduler Store Growth is Unrestricted
MB-1266SessionPool of activemq-pool needs to destroy connection object if it failed to start the connection
MB-936Change way Broker MBean name is generated so that port is not used
MB-991When a producer from a network bridge is blocked by producer flow control, all producers from the network bridge get blocked
ENTMQ-184Remove references to Fuse
ENTMQ-205Windows commands in readme.txt should have \
ENTMQ-242Web Demo doesn't work


Table 2.2, “Container Issues Resolved in 6.0” lists the issues resolved between Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 2.2. Container Issues Resolved in 6.0
Issue NumberDescription
ARIES-1004When the framework is being shut down, blueprint bundles are not shut down orderly
ARIES-1020Blueprint disables service too soon at shutdown
ARIES-1025Orderly shutdown is ineffective for containers using the ext/cm namespace
ARIES-1040Exception during jpa-container shutdown
ARIES-1043Error in Export-Service header in blueprint-core
ARIES-962Deadlock while stopping OSGi container
ARIES-983The BundleHookBundleTracker has an invalid logic wrt initially tracked bundles
ARIES-984When shutting down, the JMX agent should wait for threads to be terminated
ARIES-985Improve robustness of JMX Blueprint bundle activator
ARIES-986The blueprint extender does not support high concurrency very well
ARIES-988The proxy manager should unregister its service
ARIES-991Concurrency issue which can cause a service to be kept registered
ENTESB-583SNAPSHOT dependency in Aries' proxy-api
ENTESB-517Deploying war throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bundle context should be set before refreshing the application context
ENTESB-607karaf-2.3.0.fuse-7-2-x-stable build has 23 test failures
ENTESB-619Progress bar stops at 98%
ENTESB-647Exception with tx decorated bean as ref argument of factory method
ENTESB-649Karaf console wraps on Windows 7 when connecting using the client
KARAF-1814Cursor keys do not work when using bin/client on windows
KARAF-1815When ssh'ing from a windows box into a unix box, arrow keys are not correctly interpreted
KARAF-1824tooling-exam contains reference to wrong commons-io artifact
KARAF-1858itests look stuck (use 100% CPU)
KARAF-1882Provide Level attribute in the LogMBean
KARAF-1921Upgrade to Spring 3.1.x for Karaf 2.3.x
KARAF-2117LDAP login module is broken
KARAF-2154Entering an empty command removes previous command in history
KARAF-2167KarafManipulatorFactory creates invalid version qualifier
KARAF-2209Allow overriding system properties
KARAF-2221The admin service is not safe when used to create / start agents quickly
KARAF-2244BundleWatcher should wait for refresh to be finished before updating another bundle
FELIX-3242Concurrent modification problem in StatefulResolver$ResolverStateImpl.getCandidates
FELIX-3273Possible exception when accessing headers
FELIX-3367getClassloader permission
FELIX-3411The implementation of org.osgi.service.startlevel.StartLevel#setStartLevel(int) does not follow the spec
FELIX-3618Should not allow bundles to use generic cap/req headers for osgi.wiring.* namespaces
FELIX-3632Parsing of delimited strings in manifest parser collapses all consecutive escapes
FELIX-3670PackageAdmin.isBundleType throws NPE for uninstalled bundle
FELIX-3713Bundle.start() returns without starting the bundle
FELIX-3743Potential endless loop setting the active framework startlevel
FELIX-3753Felix crashes when embedded within Felix
FELIX-3761When a bundle registers a service, the bundle lock is obtained without any real purpose
FELIX-3803Bundle#getResource always try to resolve the bundle
FELIX-3821FileInstall does not support correctly ConfigAdmin being shut down
FELIX-3822FileInstall should unregister its services
FELIX-3823ConfigAdmin should explicitely unregister services
FELIX-3824Possible InvalidStateException thrown while unregistering bundle services
FELIX-3840problem with URLHandlers when running 2 frameworks in one jvm in separate class loaders
FELIX-3844Native bundles cannot be installed on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
FELIX-3852InstallBundle throws ClassCastException: java.util.jar.Attributes$Name cannot be cast to java.lang.String
FELIX-3907NullPointerException in BundleWiringImpl when m_disposed is true
FELIX-3957Error events can be thrown when refreshing fragment bundles

Fuse Fabric

Table 2.3, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.0” lists the issues resolved between Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 2.3. Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.0
Issue NumberDescription
FABRIC-204Provide support for bundles and features that use the fab url handler inside Fabric
FABRIC-348The fabric profiles ensemble-xxxx should not be allowed to be manually added to a container
FABRIC-349Containers that are added using fabric:join cannot be added to the ensemble
FABRIC-351Child container cannot be started when both -Xmx and "-Xrunjdwp:transport..." JVM options passed in on creation
FABRIC-352The installation path for a remote ssh container is ignored
FABRIC-353Manually Modifying the causes problems when adding containers to an ensemble
FABRIC-357Invalidate both username and password when authentication fails
FABRIC-358Property placeholders should not always substituted by empty string when are not resolved
FABRIC-359Fabric loadbalancer atttempts to access inactive container
FABRIC-363Version create and update does not properly propagate entries in the registry
FABRIC-364fabric:container-list can displays profiles with commas out of place
FABRIC-365Modifying the ensemble will not work if the version of the containers has changed
FABRIC-366features:info inside fabric sometimes returns feature not found, for existing features
FABRIC-367Error moving to an earlier profile version
FABRIC-368fabric-camel component doesn't support password when managing the zookeeper client
FABRIC-369fabric-cxf doesn't support password when managing the zookeeper client
FABRIC-370Incomplete cleanup of registry entries when deleting containers
FABRIC-376Error installing transaction feature on fabric child container
FABRIC-380ensemble:add changes zookeeper password
FABRIC-383User creation and prompts from shell shouldn't add username to history
FABRIC-390Fabric should prevent you from setting a non-existent resolver
FABRIC-395cluster-list throws NPE
FABRIC-397Unable to provision FAB on remote fabric container
FABRIC-398Features Repository not able to be resolved
FABRIC-400StringIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when trying to deploy artifacts
FABRIC-404Possible corruption of jars when downloading SNAPSHOTS from the maven proxy
FABRIC-405Deploying the eip example project to a fabric fails
FABRIC-407Repeated creation of container via ssh makes Fuse Fabric unstartable
FABRIC-408fabric:create failure due to connection loss
FABRIC-411NullPointerException when try to upgrade version of non-existing container
FABRIC-412Please add a warning message when changing ensembles to indicate the port is changing
FABRIC-416Missing dependency in profile activemq-client
FABRIC-418Client connections not being picked up by fabric-activemq-facade
FABRIC-420ChildContainerProvider should not use the build version to identify the feature repo version

Management Console

Table 2.4, “Issues Resolved in 6.0:” lists the issues resolved between Fuse MQ Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 2.4. Issues Resolved in 6.0:
Issue NumberDescription
FMC-442Save profiles to file does not store the abstract attribute
FMC-443Export and import of profiles has some issues - eg version numbers not honored, and truncating data
FMC-447Can't create user with password 5 characters long through FMC
FMC-453Profiles page needs initial loading widget
FMC-454ActiveMQ broker not working when creating child through fabric management console
FMC-455Creating profiles with spaces cause an Error Failed to access container details message in the FMC Containers tab
FMC-457Not seeing anything in Message Broker | Network Connectors tab for a network of brokers
FMC-458Wrong table layout when inputting a very long string to input fields in Web Console
FMC-459Wrong behaviour of input fields, when using right arrow button to edit text while creating container in Web Console
FMC-460'Error uploading patch file' occurs when no patch is specified for upload in Web Console
FMC-461Patching Successful message occurs, no matter which .zip file was uploaded as patch(or no file was uploaded)
FMC-462User always has admin rights, no matter if he has admin role assigned to him in Web Console
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