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10.3. Native ActiveMQ JMS-to-JMS Bridge

10.3.1. Embedded Native Configuration


The normal way to configure a native ActiveMQ JMS-to-JMS bridge is to embed it in an ActiveMQ broker instance. This makes sense, because the JMS-to-JMS bridge requires an ActiveMQ broker to be running in any case. This deployment approach means that you start and stop the ActiveMQ broker and the JMS-to-JMS bridge simultaneously, which is convenient from a systems management perspective.

Spring configuration

Example 10.2, “Embedded native JMS-to-JMS Bridge” shows the outline configuration of a native JMS-to-JMS bridge embedded in a broker configuration. The native JMS-to-JMS bridge configuration is introduced by the jmsBridgeConnectors element, which can contain any number of jmsQueueConnector elements and jmsTopicConnector elements. The detailed configuration of the bridge is described in the following sections.

Example 10.2. Embedded native JMS-to-JMS Bridge

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" ... >
  <broker xmlns=""

      <jmsQueueConnector> ... </jmsQueueConnector>
      <jmsTopicConnector> ... </jmsTopicConnector>

      <transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:61234" />


Router rules

The heart of the JMS-to-JMS bridge is a simple set of routing rules, where each rule describe how to pull messages off a particular queue or topic, and how to push the messages to the corresponding queue or topic in the other JMS provider. Figure 10.2, “Routing Rules in the JMS-to-JMS Bridge” shows an overview of the kinds of routing rule you can define in the JMS-to-JMS bridge.

Figure 10.2. Routing Rules in the JMS-to-JMS Bridge

Rule types

The JMS-to-JMS bridge enables you to define the following types of routing rule:
  • Inbound queue-to-queue mapping—defines a rule for pulling messages off a queue in the third-party JMS provider and forwarding the messages to a queue (possibly with a different name) in the ActiveMQ broker.
  • Outbound queue-to-queue mapping—defines a rule for pulling messages off a queue in the ActiveMQ broker and forwarding the messages to a queue (possibly with a different name) in the third-party JMS provider.
  • Inbound topic-to-topic mapping—defines a rule for receiving messages from a topic in the third-party JMS provider and forwarding the messages to a topic (possibly with a different name) in the ActiveMQ broker.
  • Outbound topic-to-topic mapping—defines a rule for receiving messages from a topic in the ActiveMQ broker and forwarding the messages to a topic (possibly with a different name) in the third-party JMS provider.

10.3.2. Connecting to the ActiveMQ Broker

Bootstrapping an embedded bridge

In the case of an embedded JMS-to-JMS bridge (as shown in Example 10.2, “Embedded native JMS-to-JMS Bridge”), connecting to the ActiveMQ broker is trivial. The bridge automatically connects to the broker in which it is embedded, using the ActiveMQ VM (virtual machine) protocol.
In other words, no configuration is required to connect to the ActiveMQ broker in the embedded case.

Non-embedded deployments

It is also possible to deploy a native JMS-to-JMS bridge separately from an ActiveMQ broker (non-embedded case). For this type of deployment, the jmsQueueConnector supports various attributes (localQueueConnection, localQueueConnectionFactory, and so on), which you can use to configure the ActiveMQ broker connection explicitly. Likewise, the jmsTopicConnector element supports attributes for configuring an ActiveMQ broker connection explicitly. This type of deployment lies beyond the scope of the current guide. We recommend that you use an embedded deployment of the native JMS-to-JMS bridge.

10.3.3. Connecting to the Third-Party JMS Provider


Reference a connection factory bean

You can configure connections to a third-party JMS provider by instantiating a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory instance directly as a Spring bean. You can then reference this bean from the native JMS-to-JMS bridge by setting the outboundQueueConnectionFactory attribute of the jmsQueueConnector element.
For example, you can instantiate and reference a WebSphere MQ queue connection factory as follows:
<beans ... >
  <broker xmlns="" ... >

      <jmsQueueConnector outboundQueueConnectionFactory="#remoteFactory">
  <!-- Configure IBM WebSphere MQ queue connection factory -->
  <bean id="remoteFactory" class="">
    <property name="transportType" value="1"/>
    <property name="hostName" value="localhost"/>
    <property name="port" value="1414"/>
    <property name="queueManager" value="QM_TEST"/>
Similarly, you can configure the jmsTopicConnector element by setting the outboundTopicConnectionFactory attribute to reference a javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory instance.

Look up a connection factory in JNDI

You can configure connections to a third-party JMS provider by looking up a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory instance in a JNDI directory (assuming that some administrative tool has already instantiated and registered the connection factory in JNDI).
For example, to look up a WebSphere MQ connection factory in an LDAP based JNDI server, you could use a configuration like the following:
<beans ... >
  <broker xmlns="" ... >

  <!-- Configure a Spring JNDI template instance -->
  <bean id="remoteJndi" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate">
    <property name="environment">
        <prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">
        <prop key="java.naming.provider.url">
Where the jndiOutboundTemplate attribute references an org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate bean instance, which is a Spring wrapper class that configures a JNDI directory. In this example, the JNDI directory is LDAP based, so the JndiTemplate bean is configured with the URL for connecting to the LDAP server. The outboundQueueConnectionFactoryName attribute specifies a query on the LDAP server, which should return a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory instance.

10.3.4. Configuring Queue Bridges


The routing of queue messages within the native JMS-to-JMS bridge is configured using the inboundQueueBridges element and the outboundQueueBridges element. Using these elements, you can specify which queues to bridge between the third-party JMS provider and the ActiveMQ broker.

Inbound queue bridges

The inboundQueueBridges element and the inboundQueueBridge child elements are used to route queue messages from the third-party JMS provider to the ActiveMQ broker. In this case, inbound means heading into the ActiveMQ broker.
For example, consider the following inbound queue bridge configuration in Spring XML:
  <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueA" />
The preceding configuration creates a JMS consumer client, which is connected to the third-party JMS provider, and a JMS producer client, which is connected to the ActiveMQ broker. The bridge pulls messages off the QueueA queue on the third-party JMS provider and pushes the messages on to the QueueA queue on the ActiveMQ broker.
If the names of the corresponding queues in each provider are different, you can map between the queues using the following configuration:
      localQueueName="org.activemq.example.QueueA" />
Where inboundQueueName specifies the name of the queue on the third-party JMS provider and localQueueName specifies the name of the queue on the ActiveMQ broker.

Outbound queue bridges

The outboundQueueBridges element and the outboundQueueBridge child elements are used to route queue messages from the ActiveMQ broker to the third-party JMS provider. In this case, outbound means heading away from the ActiveMQ broker.
For example, consider the following outbound queue bridge configuration in Spring XML:
  <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueX" />
The preceding configuration creates a JMS consumer client, which is connected to the ActiveMQ broker, and a JMS producer client, which is connected to the third-party JMS provider. The bridge pulls messages off the QueueX queue on the ActiveMQ broker and pushes the messages on to the QueueX queue on the third-party JMS provider.
If the names of the corresponding queues in each provider are different, you can map between the queues using the following configuration:
      localQueueName="org.activemq.example.QueueX" />
Where outboundQueueName specifies the name of the queue on the third-party JMS provider and localQueueName specifies the name of the queue on the ActiveMQ broker.

Sample queue bridges

Example 10.3, “Sample Queue Bridges” shows a sample configuration of a native JMS-to-JMS bridge, which routes three inbound queues, QueueA, QueueB, and QueueC, and three outbound queues, QueueX, QueueY, and QueueZ.

Example 10.3. Sample Queue Bridges

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" ... >
  <broker xmlns="" ... >


          <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueA" />
          <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueB" />
          <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueC" />

          <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueX" />
          <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueY" />
          <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueZ" />

      <transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:61234" />


10.3.5. Configuring Topic Bridges


The routing of topic messages within the native JMS-to-JMS bridge is configured using the inboundTopicBridges element and the outboundTopicBridges element. Using these elements, you can specify which topics to bridge between the third-party JMS provider and the ActiveMQ broker.

Inbound topic bridges

The inboundTopicBridges element and the inboundTopicBridge child elements are used to route topic messages from the third-party JMS provider to the ActiveMQ broker. In this case, inbound means heading into the ActiveMQ broker.
For example, consider the following inbound topic bridge configuration in Spring XML:
  <inboundTopicBridge inboundTopicName="TopicA" />
The preceding configuration creates a JMS consumer client, which is connected to the third-party JMS provider, and a JMS producer client, which is connected to the ActiveMQ broker. The bridge pulls messages off the TopicA topic on the third-party JMS provider and pushes the messages on to the TopicA topic on the ActiveMQ broker.
If the names of the corresponding topics in each provider are different, you can map between the topics using the following configuration:
      localTopicName="org.activemq.example.TopicA" />
Where inboundTopicName specifies the name of the topic on the third-party JMS provider and localTopicName specifies the name of the topic on the ActiveMQ broker.

Outbound topic bridges

The outboundTopicBridges element and the outboundTopicBridge child elements are used to route topic messages from the ActiveMQ broker to the third-party JMS provider. In this case, outbound means heading away from the ActiveMQ broker.
For example, consider the following outbound topic bridge configuration in Spring XML:
  <outboundTopicBridge outboundTopicName="TopicX" />
The preceding configuration creates a JMS consumer client, which is connected to the ActiveMQ broker, and a JMS producer client, which is connected to the third-party JMS provider. The bridge pulls messages off the TopicX topic on the ActiveMQ broker and pushes the messages on to the TopicX topic on the third-party JMS provider.
If the names of the corresponding topics in each provider are different, you can map between the topics using the following configuration:
      localTopicName="org.activemq.example.TopicX" />
Where outboundTopicName specifies the name of the topic on the third-party JMS provider and localTopicName specifies the name of the topic on the ActiveMQ broker.

Sample topic bridges

Example 10.4, “Sample Topic Bridges” shows a sample configuration of a native JMS-to-JMS bridge, which routes three inbound topics, TopicA, TopicB, and TopicC, and three outbound topics, TopicX, TopicY, and TopicZ.

Example 10.4. Sample Topic Bridges

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" ... >
  <broker xmlns="" ... >


          <inboundTopicBridge inboundTopicName="TopicA" />
          <inboundTopicBridge inboundTopicName="TopicB" />
          <inboundTopicBridge inboundTopicName="TopicC" />

          <outboundTopicBridge outboundTopicName="TopicX" />
          <outboundTopicBridge outboundTopicName="TopicY" />
          <outboundTopicBridge outboundTopicName="TopicZ" />

      <transportConnector uri="tcp://localhost:61234" />


10.3.6. Deploying a Bridge


To deploy a native JMS-to-JMS bridge in the JBoss A-MQ broker, perform the following steps:

Deploy the Third-Party Client Libraries

A basic prerequisite for using the third-party JMS provider is that the third-party JMS client libraries are installed in the JBoss A-MQ OSGi container. Before they are deployed into the OSGi container, however, the third-party client JARs must also be packaged as OSGi bundles. A quick and easy way to convert a JAR into an OSGi bundle is to prefix it with the wrap: URL prefix.
For example, given the client JAR file foo-jms-client.jar located in the /tmp directory, you could deploy it into the OSGi container as follows:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s wrap:file:///tmp/foo-jms-client.jar
If the third-party client libraries are already packaged as OSGi bundles, you can leave out the wrap: prefix.

Deploy the Bridge

To deploy the native JMS-to-JMS bridge in embedded mode, edit the InstallDir/etc/activemq.xml file, and insert the jmsBridgeConnectors element as a child of the broker element, as follows:
<beans ... >

    <!-- Allows us to use system properties and fabric as variables in this configuration file -->
    <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="properties">
            <bean class=""/>

    <broker xmlns=""
            <jmsQueueConnector> ... </jmsQueueConnector>
            <jmsTopicConnector> ... </jmsTopicConnector>

The native JMS-to-JMS bridge will be enabled when you restart the A-MQ broker.

10.3.7. Sample Bridge Configuration


This section describes a sample configuration for native JMS-to-JMS bridge between a JBoss A-MQ broker and a WebSphere MQ server. This example assumes you are using the Java client libraries from WebSphere MQ version

ActiveMQ-to-WebSphere MQ bridge

Example 10.5, “ActiveMQ-to-WebSphere MQ Configuration” shows a sample configuration for an ActiveMQ-to-WebSphere MQ bridge, which you could add to the broker configuration in the InstallDir/etc/activemq.xml file.

Example 10.5. ActiveMQ-to-WebSphere MQ Configuration

<beans ... >

    <!-- Allows us to use system properties and fabric as variables in this configuration file -->
    <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="properties">
            <bean class=""/>

    <broker xmlns=""
            <jmsQueueConnector outboundQueueConnectionFactory="#remoteFactory">
                    <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueA" />

                    <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueX" />
    <!-- Configure IBM WebSphere MQ queue connection factory -->
    <bean id="remoteFactory" class="">
        <property name="transportType" value="1"/>
        <property name="hostName" value="localhost"/>
        <property name="port" value="1414"/>
        <property name="queueManager" value="QM_TEST"/>
This example assumes that you have already created a QueueA queue and a QueueX queue on the WebSphere MQ server. ActiveMQ will create the corresponding queues dynamically—there is no need to create them in advance.

Deploying the WebSphere MQ client libraries

Conveniently, WebSphere MQ 7.0 provides OSGi bundle versions of the client libraries in the following directory:
For the WebSphere MQ Java client, you need to install the following JARs (OSGi bundles):
You can deploy these client libraries into JBoss A-MQ OSGi container using the following series of install commands:
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/
JBossA-MQ:karaf@root> osgi:install -s file:/tmp/mqclient/

10.3.8. Handling ReplyTo Destinations


One of the features of the native ActiveMQ JMS-to-JMS bridge is its ability to handle ReplyTo destinations automatically. No special configuration is necessary—this feature is enabled by default.

ReplyTo destinations

ReplyTo destinations are a feature of the JMS specification. An individual JMS message can be created with a JMSReplyTo header, which specifies the Destination (Queue or Topic) on which the sender expects to receive a reply.

Automatic proxification

To support ReplyTo destinations effectively, the native JMS-to-JMS bridge implements support for automatic proxification. The problem is that whenever a message defines a JMSReplyTo header, a corresponding rule must be put in place to ensure that the reply message is propagated back through the bridge. In general, the most effective approach is for the bridge to create the required rule dynamically, whenever a JMSReployTo header is encountered.
For example, Figure 10.3, “Automatic Proxification in the native JMS-to-JMS Bridge” shows how the native JMS-to-JMS bridge automatically creates a return route for the reply to message M1, where the ReplyTo destination is a queue named ReplyA.

Figure 10.3. Automatic Proxification in the native JMS-to-JMS Bridge

10.3.9. Implementing Message Convertors


Sometimes, in addition to forwarding messages, it is also necessary to reformat the messages that pass through the bridge. The native JMS-to-JMS bridge provides interception points for converting queue messages and topic messages.
You can implement two different kinds of message convertor, as follows:
  • Inbound message convertor—converts third-party JMS messages to ActiveMQ messages.
  • Outbound message convertor—converts ActiveMQ messages to third-party JMS messages.

JmsMessageConvertor interface

Example 10.6, “JmsMessageConvertor interface” shows the definition of the JmsMessageConvertor interface, which can be used as the basis for implementing either an inbound message convertor or an outbound message convertor.

Example 10.6. JmsMessageConvertor interface


import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;

 * Converts Message from one JMS to another
public interface JmsMesageConvertor {

    Message convert(Message message) throws JMSException;

    Message convert(Message message, Destination replyTo) throws JMSException;

    void setConnection(Connection connection);


Message converter methods

The JmsMesageConvertor interface exposes the following methods:
Message convert(Message message)
This variant of the convert method is called, if the doHandleReplyTo option is set to false or if the ReplyTo destination on the message is null. In this case, the convert method should simply reformat the message content as required.
Message convert(Message message, Destination replyTo)
This variant of the convert method is called, if the ReplyTo destination on the message is non-null. In this case, in addition to reformatting the message, you have the ability to change the replyTo destination, so that the reply to this message is redirected to a different destination.
The replyTo argument contains the original destination of the message. If you want to change the ReplyTo destination, you can do so by calling the message.setJMSReplyTo() method, passing in the changed destination.
The reason you might want to change the ReplyTo destination is in order to take control of proxification (see Section 10.3.8, “Handling ReplyTo Destinations”). Proxification is necessary, because the ActiveMQ broker is not able to make a direct connection back to the third-party JMS provider.
void setConnection(Connection connection)
Provides a reference to the javax.jms.Connection object to which messages will be forwarded. In other words, if this message convertor is used as an inbound message convertor, this connection is the connection to the ActiveMQ broker. If this message convertor is used as an outbound message convertor, this connection is the connection to the third-party JMS provider.

Sample implementation

Example 10.7, “Sample Message Convertor” shows a trivial implementation of a message convertor, which passes messages through without performing any conversion.

Example 10.7. Sample Message Convertor


import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;

 * Converts Message from one JMS to another
 * @org.apache.xbean.XBean
public class SimpleJmsMessageConvertor implements JmsMesageConvertor {

    public Message convert(Message message) throws JMSException {
        return message;

    public Message convert(Message message, Destination replyTo) throws JMSException {
        Message msg = convert(message);
        if (replyTo != null) {
        } else {
        return msg;

    public void setConnection(Connection connection) {
        // do nothing

Configuring the message convertor

Message convertors can be attached to the native JMS-to-JMS bridge using the inboundMessageConvertor and outboundMessageConvertor attributes.
For example, to use the SimpleJmsMessageConvertor implementation both as an inbound message convertor and as an outbound message convertor, you could configure a JMS queue connector as follows:

      <inboundQueueBridge inboundQueueName="QueueA" />

      <outboundQueueBridge outboundQueueName="QueueX" />

10.3.10. Configuration Reference


jmsQueueConnector attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the jmsQueueConnector element:
Optional beran ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
References a bean instance of type, which transforms inbound messages from the third-party JMS provider into a format that is suitable for the ActiveMQ broker.
References a bean instance of org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate type, which provides access to a JNDI directory instance. Used in combination with the localConnectionFactoryName attribute to locate a JMS QueueConnectionFactory instance in a JNDI directory, where this connection factory instance is then used to connect to the local JMS provider (that is, the ActiveMQ broker).
References a bean instance of org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate type, which provides access to a JNDI directory instance. Used in combination with the outboundQueueConnectionFactoryName attribute to locate a JMS QueueConnectionFactory instance in a JNDI directory, where this connection factory instance is then used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Sets the ID of the local connection (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
Specifies the JNDI name of a QueueConnectionFactory instance. Used in combination with the jndiLocalTemplate attribute to connect to the local JMS provider (that is, the ActiveMQ broker).
Specifies the password part of the credentials used to log on to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker). Used in combination with the localUsername attribute.
References a bean of javax.jms.QueueConnection type, which is used to connect to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker).
References a bean of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory type, which is used to connect to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker).
Specifies the username part of the credentials used to log on to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker). Used in combination with the localPassword attribute.
Assigns a name to this jmsQueueConnector element (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
Sets the ID of the third-party connection (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
References a bean instance of type, which transforms outbound messages from the ActiveMQ broker into a format that is suitable for the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the password part of the credentials used to log on to the third-party JMS provider. Used in combination with the outboundUsername attribute.
References a bean of javax.jms.QueueConnection type, which is used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
References a bean of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory type, which is used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the JNDI name of a QueueConnectionFactory instance. Used in combination with the jndiOutboundTemplate attribute to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the username part of the credentials used to log on to the third-party JMS provider. Used in combination with the outboundPassword attribute.
Specifies whether the connector should first try to find a destination in JNDI before using JMS semantics to create a Destination. By default, the connector will first use JMS semantics and then fall back to JNDI look-up. Setting this attribute to true reverses that order.

jmsTopicConnector attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the jmsTopicConnector element:
Optional bean ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
References a bean instance of type, which transforms inbound messages from the third-party JMS provider into a format that is suitable for the ActiveMQ broker.
References a bean instance of org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate type, which provides access to a JNDI directory instance. Used in combination with the localConnectionFactoryName attribute to locate a JMS TopicConnectionFactory instance in a JNDI directory, where this connection factory instance is then used to connect to the local JMS provider (that is, the ActiveMQ broker).
References a bean instance of org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate type, which provides access to a JNDI directory instance. Used in combination with the outboundTopicConnectionFactoryName attribute to locate a JMS TopicConnectionFactory instance in a JNDI directory, where this connection factory instance is then used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Sets the ID of the local connection (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
Specifies the JNDI name of a TopicConnectionFactory instance. Used in combination with the jndiLocalTemplate attribute to connect to the local JMS provider (that is, the ActiveMQ broker).
Specifies the password part of the credentials used to log on to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker). Used in combination with the localUsername attribute.
References a bean of javax.jms.TopicConnection type, which is used to connect to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker).
References a bean of javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory type, which is used to connect to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker).
Specifies the username part of the credentials used to log on to the local JMS provider (ActiveMQ broker). Used in combination with the localPassword attribute.
Assigns a name to this jmsTopicConnector element (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
Sets the ID of the third-party connection (useful for logging and JMX monitoring).
References a bean instance of type, which transforms outbound messages from the ActiveMQ broker into a format that is suitable for the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the password part of the credentials used to log on to the third-party JMS provider. Used in combination with the outboundUsername attribute.
References a bean of javax.jms.TopicConnection type, which is used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
References a bean of javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory type, which is used to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the JNDI name of a TopicConnectionFactory instance. Used in combination with the jndiOutboundTemplate attribute to connect to the third-party JMS provider.
Specifies the username part of the credentials used to log on to the third-party JMS provider. Used in combination with the outboundPassword attribute.
Specifies whether the connector should first try to find a destination in JNDI before using JMS semantics to create a Destination. By default, the connector will first use JMS semantics and then fall back to JNDI look-up. Setting this attribute to true reverses that order.

inboundQueueBridge attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the inboundQueueBridge element:
A boolean attribute that specifies whether ReplyTo messages should be handled or not. Default is true.
Optional bean ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
Specifies the name of the queue in the third-party JMS provider, from which messages are consumed.
Specifies the local queue name (in the ActiveMQ broker), into which messages are pushed. If not specified, defaults to the same value as inboundQueueName.
Optionally, specifies a JMS selector string.

outboundQueueBridge attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the outboundQueueBridge element:
A boolean attribute that specifies whether ReplyTo messages should be handled or not. Default is true.
Optional bean ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
Specifies the name of the queue in the third-party JMS provider, into which messages are pushed.
Specifies the local queue name (in the ActiveMQ broker), from which messages are consumed. If not specified, defaults to the same value as outboundQueueName.
Optionally, specifies a JMS selector string.

inboundTopicBridge attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the inboundTopicBridge element:
If this attribute is set, the bridge creates a durable consumer for this topic.
A boolean attribute that specifies whether ReplyTo messages should be handled or not. Default is true.
Optional bean ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
Specifies the name of the topic in the third-party JMS provider, from which messages are consumed.
Specifies the local topic name (in the ActiveMQ broker), into which messages are pushed. If not specified, defaults to the same value as inboundTopicName.
Optionally, specifies a JMS selector string.

outboundTopicBridge attributes

The following attributes can be used to configure the outboundTopicBridge element:
If this attribute is set, the bridge creates a durable consumer for this topic.
A boolean attribute that specifies whether ReplyTo messages should be handled or not. Default is true.
Optional bean ID of xs:ID type, which could be used to reference this bean.
Specifies the name of the topic in the third-party JMS provider, into which messages are pushed.
Specifies the local topic name (in the ActiveMQ broker), from which messages are consumed. If not specified, defaults to the same value as outboundTopicName.
Optionally, specifies a JMS selector string.
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