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Chapter 6. Service Provider Interfaces (SPI)

Red Hat build of Keycloak is designed to cover most use-cases without requiring custom code, but we also want it to be customizable. To achieve this Red Hat build of Keycloak has a number of Service Provider Interfaces (SPI) for which you can implement your own providers.

6.1. Implementing an SPI

To implement an SPI you need to implement its ProviderFactory and Provider interfaces. You also need to create a service configuration file.

For example, to implement the Theme Selector SPI you need to implement ThemeSelectorProviderFactory and ThemeSelectorProvider and also provide the file META-INF/services/org.keycloak.theme.ThemeSelectorProviderFactory.

Example ThemeSelectorProviderFactory:

package org.acme.provider;

import ...

public class MyThemeSelectorProviderFactory implements ThemeSelectorProviderFactory {

    public ThemeSelectorProvider create(KeycloakSession session) {
        return new MyThemeSelectorProvider(session);

    public void init(Config.Scope config) {

    public void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory factory) {

    public void close() {

    public String getId() {
        return "myThemeSelector";

It is recommended that your provider factory implementation returns unique id by method getId(). However there can be some exceptions to this rule as mentioned below in the Overriding providers section.


Red Hat build of Keycloak creates a single instance of provider factories which makes it possible to store state for multiple requests. Provider instances are created by calling create on the factory for each request so these should be light-weight object.

Example ThemeSelectorProvider:

package org.acme.provider;

import ...

public class MyThemeSelectorProvider implements ThemeSelectorProvider {

    public MyThemeSelectorProvider(KeycloakSession session) {

    public String getThemeName(Theme.Type type) {
        return "my-theme";

    public void close() {

Example service configuration file (META-INF/services/org.keycloak.theme.ThemeSelectorProviderFactory):


To configure your provider, see the Configuring Providers chapter.

For example, to configure a provider you can set options as follows:

bin/kc.[sh|bat] --spi-theme-selector-my-theme-selector-enabled=true --spi-theme-selector-my-theme-selector-theme=my-theme

Then you can retrieve the config in the ProviderFactory init method:

public void init(Config.Scope config) {
    String themeName = config.get("theme");

Your provider can also look up other providers if needed. For example:

public class MyThemeSelectorProvider implements ThemeSelectorProvider {

    private KeycloakSession session;

    public MyThemeSelectorProvider(KeycloakSession session) {
        this.session = session;

    public String getThemeName(Theme.Type type) {
        return session.getContext().getRealm().getLoginTheme();

6.1.1. Override built-in providers

As mentioned above, it is recommended that your ProviderFactory implementations use unique ID. However at the same time, it can be useful to override one of the Red Hat build of Keycloak built-in providers. The recommended way for this is still ProviderFactory implementation with unique ID and then for instance set the default provider as specified in the Configuring Providers chapter. On the other hand, this may not be always possible.

For instance when you need some customizations to default OpenID Connect protocol behaviour and you want to override default Red Hat build of Keycloak implementation of OIDCLoginProtocolFactory you need to preserve same providerId. As for example admin console, OIDC protocol well-known endpoint and various other things rely on the ID of the protocol factory being openid-connect.

For this case, it is highly recommended to implement method order() of your custom implementation and make sure that it has higher order than the built-in implementation.

public class CustomOIDCLoginProtocolFactory extends OIDCLoginProtocolFactory {

    // Some customizations here

    public int order() {
        return 1;

In case of multiple implementations with same provider ID, only the one with highest order will be used by Red Hat build of Keycloak runtime.

6.1.2. Show info from your SPI implementation in the Admin Console

Sometimes it is useful to show additional info about your Provider to a Red Hat build of Keycloak administrator. You can show provider build time information (for example, version of custom provider currently installed), current configuration of the provider (e.g. url of remote system your provider talks to) or some operational info (average time of response from remote system your provider talks to). Red Hat build of Keycloak Admin Console provides Server Info page to show this kind of information.

To show info from your provider it is enough to implement org.keycloak.provider.ServerInfoAwareProviderFactory interface in your ProviderFactory.

Example implementation for MyThemeSelectorProviderFactory from previous example:

package org.acme.provider;

import ...

public class MyThemeSelectorProviderFactory implements ThemeSelectorProviderFactory, ServerInfoAwareProviderFactory {

    public Map<String, String> getOperationalInfo() {
        Map<String, String> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        ret.put("theme-name", "my-theme");
        return ret;

6.2. Use available providers

In your provider implementation, you can use other providers available in Red Hat build of Keycloak. The existing providers can be typically retrieved with the usage of the KeycloakSession, which is available to your provider as described in the section Implementing an SPI.

Red Hat build of Keycloak has two provider types:

  • Single-implementation provider types - There can be only a single active implementation of the particular provider type in Red Hat build of Keycloak runtime.

    For example HostnameProvider specifies the hostname to be used by Red Hat build of Keycloak and that is shared for the whole Red Hat build of Keycloak server. Hence there can be only single implementation of this provider active for the Red Hat build of Keycloak server. If there are multiple provider implementations available to the server runtime, one of them needs to be specified as the default one.

For example such as:

bin/kc.[sh|bat] build --spi-hostname-provider=default

The value default used as the value of default-provider must match the ID returned by the ProviderFactory.getId() of the particular provider factory implementation. In the code, you can obtain the provider such as keycloakSession.getProvider(HostnameProvider.class)

  • Multiple implementation provider types - Those are provider types, that allow multiple implementations available and working together in the Red Hat build of Keycloak runtime.

    For example EventListener provider allows to have multiple implementations available and registered, which means that particular event can be sent to all the listeners (jboss-logging, sysout etc). In the code, you can obtain a specified instance of the provider for example such as session.getProvider(EventListener.class, "jboss-logging") . You need to specify provider_id of the provider as the second argument as there can be multiple instances of this provider type as described above.

    The provider ID must match the ID returned by the ProviderFactory.getId() of the particular provider factory implementation. Some provider types can be retrieved with the usage of ComponentModel as the second argument and some (for example Authenticator) even need to be retrieved with the usage of KeycloakSessionFactory. It is not recommended to implement your own providers this way as it may be deprecated in the future.

6.3. Registering provider implementations

Providers are registered with the server by simply copying the JAR file to the providers directory.

If your provider needs additional dependencies not already provided by Keycloak copy these to the providers directory.

After registering new providers or dependencies Keycloak needs to be re-built with a non-optimized start or the kc.[sh|bat] build command.


Provider JARs are not loaded in isolated classloaders, so do not include resources or classes in your provider JARs that conflict with built-in resources or classes. In particular the inclusion of an file or overriding the commons-lang3 dependency will cause auto-build to fail if the provider JAR is removed. If you have included conflicting classes, you may see a split package warning in the start log for the server. Unfortunately not all built-in lib jars are checked by the split package warning logic, so you’ll need to check the lib directory JARs before bundling or including a transitive dependency. Should there be a conflict, that can be resolved by removing or repackaging the offending classes.

There is no warning if you have conflicting resource files. You should either ensure that your JAR’s resource files have path names that contain something unique to that provider, or you can check for the existence of some.file in the JAR contents under the "install root"/lib/lib/main directory with something like:

find . -type f -name "*.jar" -exec unzip -l {} \; | grep some.file

If you find that your server will not start due to a NoSuchFileException error related to a removed provider JAR, then run:

./ -Dquarkus.launch.rebuild=true --help

This will force Quarkus to rebuild the classloading related index files. From there you should be able to perform a non-optimized start or build without an exception.

6.3.1. Disabling a provider

You can disable a provider by setting the enabled attribute for the provider to false. For example to disable the Infinispan user cache provider use:

bin/kc.[sh|bat] build --spi-user-cache-infinispan-enabled=false

6.4. JavaScript providers


Scripts is Technology Preview and is not fully supported. This feature is disabled by default.

To enable start the server with --features=preview or --features=scripts

Red Hat build of Keycloak has the ability to execute scripts during runtime in order to allow administrators to customize specific functionalities:

  • Authenticator
  • JavaScript Policy
  • OpenID Connect Protocol Mapper
  • SAML Protocol Mapper

6.4.1. Authenticator

Authentication scripts must provide at least one of the following functions: authenticate(..), which is called from Authenticator#authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext)action(..), which is called from Authenticator#action(AuthenticationFlowContext)

Custom Authenticator should at least provide the authenticate(..) function. You can use the javax.script.Bindings script within the code.

the ScriptModel to access script metadata
the RealmModel
the current UserModel. Note that user is available when your script authenticator is configured in the authentication flow in a way that is triggered after another authenticator succeeded in establishing user identity and set the user into the authentication session.
the active KeycloakSession
the current AuthenticationSessionModel
the current org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpRequest
a org.jboss.logging.Logger scoped to ScriptBasedAuthenticator

You can extract additional context information from the context argument passed to the authenticate(context) action(context) function.

AuthenticationFlowError = Java.type("org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationFlowError");

function authenticate(context) { + " --> trace auth for: " + user.username);

  if (   user.username === "tester"
      && user.getAttribute("someAttribute")
      && user.getAttribute("someAttribute").contains("someValue")) {


} Where to add script authenticator

A possible use of script authenticator is to do some checks at the end of the authentication. Note that if you want your script authenticator to be always triggered (even for instance during SSO re-authentication with the identity cookie), you may need to add it as REQUIRED at the end of the authentication flow and encapsulate the existing authenticators into a separate REQUIRED authentication subflow. This need is because the REQUIRED and ALTERNATIVE executions should not be at the same level. For example, the authentication flow configuration should appear as follows:

- User-authentication-subflow REQUIRED
-- Identity-provider-redirect ALTERNATIVE
- Your-Script-Authenticator REQUIRED

6.4.2. OpenID Connect Protocol Mapper

OpenID Connect Protocol Mapper scripts are javascript script that allow you to change the content of the ID Token and/or the Access Token.

You can use the javax.script.Bindings script within the code.

the current UserModel
the RealmModel
the current IDToken. It is available only if the mapper is configured for the ID token.
the current AccessTokenResponse. It is available only if the mapper is configured for the Access token.
the active UserSessionModel
the active KeycloakSession

The exports of the script will be used as the value of the token claim.

// prints can be used to log information for debug purpose.

var inputRequest = keycloakSession.getContext().getHttpRequest();
var params = inputRequest.getDecodedFormParameters();
var output = params.getFirst("user_input");
exports = output;

The above script allows to retrieve a user_input from the authorization request. This will be available to map in the Token Claim Name configured in the mapper.

6.4.3. Create a JAR with the scripts to deploy


JAR files are regular ZIP files with a .jar extension.

In order to make your scripts available to Red Hat build of Keycloak you need to deploy them to the server. For that, you should create a JAR file with the following structure:



The META-INF/keycloak-scripts.json is a file descriptor that provides metadata information about the scripts you want to deploy. It is a JSON file with the following structure:

    "authenticators": [
            "name": "My Authenticator",
            "fileName": "my-script-authenticator.js",
            "description": "My Authenticator from a JS file"
    "policies": [
            "name": "My Policy",
            "fileName": "my-script-policy.js",
            "description": "My Policy from a JS file"
    "mappers": [
            "name": "My Mapper",
            "fileName": "my-script-mapper.js",
            "description": "My Mapper from a JS file"
    "saml-mappers": [
            "name": "My Mapper",
            "fileName": "my-script-mapper.js",
            "description": "My Mapper from a JS file"

This file should reference the different types of script providers that you want to deploy:

  • authenticators

    For OpenID Connect Script Authenticators. You can have one or multiple authenticators in the same JAR file

  • policies

    For JavaScript Policies when using Red Hat build of Keycloak Authorization Services. You can have one or multiple policies in the same JAR file

  • mappers

    For OpenID Connect Script Protocol Mappers. You can have one or multiple mappers in the same JAR file

  • saml-mappers

    For SAML Script Protocol Mappers. You can have one or multiple mappers in the same JAR file

For each script file in your JAR file, you need a corresponding entry in META-INF/keycloak-scripts.json that maps your scripts files to a specific provider type. For that you should provide the following properties for each entry:

  • name

    A friendly name that will be used to show the scripts through the Red Hat build of Keycloak Administration Console. If not provided, the name of the script file will be used instead

  • description

    An optional text that better describes the intend of the script file

  • fileName

    The name of the script file. This property is mandatory and should map to a file within the JAR.

6.4.4. Deploy the script JAR

Once you have a JAR file with a descriptor and the scripts you want to deploy, you just need to copy the JAR to the Red Hat build of Keycloak providers/ directory, then run bin/kc.[sh|bat] build.

6.5. Available SPIs

If you want to see list of all available SPIs at runtime, you can check Server Info page in Admin Console as described in Admin Console section.

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