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7.22. RHEA-2014:1514 — new packages: xmlsec1, lasso, mod_auth_mellon
New xmlsec1, lasso, mod_auth_mellon packages are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
The mod_auth_mellon packages provide the mod_auth_mellon module that is an authentication service implementing the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) federation protocol version 2.0. It grants access based on the attributes received in assertions generated by an IDP server.
The lasso packages provide the Lasso library that implements the Liberty Alliance Single Sign On standards, including the SAML and SAML2 specifications. It allows handling of the whole life-cycle of SAML-based federations, and provides bindings for multiple languages.
The xmlsec1 packages provide XML Security Library, a C library based on LibXML2 and OpenSSL. The library was created with a goal to support major XML security standards "XML Digital Signature" and "XML Encryption".
This enhancement update adds the xmlsec1, lasso, and mod_auth_mellon packages to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 in order to provide SAML Service Provider support in the Apache HTTP server. (BZ#1083605, BZ#1087555, BZ#1090812)
All users who require support for SAML-based federations in the Apache HTTP server are advised to install these new packages.