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Chapter 4. IdM API example scenarios
The following examples provide you with the common scenarios of using IdM API commands.
4.1. Managing users with IdM API commands
The examples below show common scenarios of how you can manage IdM users with the IdM API commands.
Examples of managing IdM users with IdM API commands
- Creating an IdM user
In this example, you create an IdM user with the username
and the supported userone-time password (OTP)
authentication.api.Command.user_add("exampleuser", givenname="Example", sn="User", ipauserauthtype="otp")
- Showing an IdM user information
In this example, you display all available information about the IdM user
.api.Command.user_show("exampleuser", all=True)
- Modifying an IdM user
In this example, you change the e-mail address for the IdM user
.api.Command.user_mod("exampleuser", mail="")
- Searching for an IdM user
In this example, you search for all IdM users that match
in the IdM groupadmins
.api.Command.user_find(criteria="exampleuser", in_group="admins")
- Deleting an IdM user
In this example, you delete the IdM user
To restore the user in future, use the
option. If you use this option, you can restore the user with theuser_undel
command.- Adding and removing a certificate for an IdM user
You can add or remove
Base64 encoded
certificate for a user with theuser_add_cert
commands. In this example, you add a certificate for a userexampleuser
.args = ["exampleuser"] kw = { "usercertificate": """ MIICYzCCAcygAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAuMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEMMAoGA1UEC hMDSUJNMREwDwYDVQQLEwhMb2NhbCBDQTAeFw05OTEyMjIwNTAwMDBaFw0wMDEyMjMwNDU5NT laMC4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNJQk0xETAPBgNVBAsTCExvY2FsIENBMIGfMA0 GCSqGSIb3DQEBATOPA4GNADCBiQKBgQD2bZEo7xGaX2/0GHkrNFZvlxBou9v1Jmt/PDiTMPve 8r9FeJAQ0QdvFST/0JPQYD20rH0bimdDLgNdNynmyRoS2S/IInfpmf69iyc2G0TPyRvmHIiOZ bdCd+YBHQi1adkj17NDcWj6S14tVurFX73zx0sNoMS79q3tuXKrDsxeuwIDAQABo4GQMIGNME sGCVUdDwGG+EIBDQQ+EzxHZW5lcmF0ZWQgYnkgdGhlIFNlY3VyZVdheSBTZWN1cml0eSBTZXJ 2ZXIgZm9yIE9TLzM5MCAoUkFDRikwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgAGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8w HQYDVR0OBBYEFJ3+ocRyCTJw067dLSwr/nalx6YMMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAMaQzt+za j1GU77yzlr8iiMBXgdQrwsZZWJo5exnAucJAEYQZmOfyLiMD6oYq+ZnfvM0n8G/Y79q8nhwvu xpYOnRSAXFp6xSkrIOeZtJMY1h00LKp/JX3Ng1svZ2agE126JHsQ0bhzN5TKsYfbwfTwfjdWA Gy6Vf1nYi/rO+ryMO """ } api.Command.user_add_cert(*args, **kw)
- Enabling and disabling an IdM user
You can enable or disable an IdM user with the
commands. In this example, you disable the IdM userexampleuser
4.2. Managing groups with IdM API commands
The examples below show common scenarios of how you can manage IdM groups with the IdM API commands.
Examples of managing IdM users with IdM API commands
- Creating an IdM group
In this example, you create an IdM group
, with a specified Group ID number.api.Command.group_add("developers", gidnumber=500, description="Developers")
- Adding a user as a member to an IdM group
In this example, you add the
user to thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_add_member("developers", user="admin")
- Adding a service as a member to an IdM group
In this example, you add the
service to thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_add_member("developers", service="HTTP/server.ipa.test")
- Adding a group as a subgroup to an IdM group
In this example, you add another group,
, to thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_add_member("developers", group="admins")
- Adding IdM group managers
In this example, you add the
user as a group manager for thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_add_member_manager("developers", user="bob")
- Finding an IdM group
You can search for an IdM group using various parameters. In this example, you find all groups that the user
is managing.api.Command.group_find(membermanager_user="bob")
- Displaying IdM group information
In this example, you display group information about the
group, without the members list.api.Command.group_show("developers", no_members=True)
- Modifying an IdM group
In this example, you convert a non-POSIX group
to a POSIX group.api.Command.group_mod("testgroup", posix=True)
- Removing members from an IdM group
In this example, you remove the
user from thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_remove_member("developers", user="admin")
- Removing IdM group managers
In this example, you remove the user
as a manager from thedevelopers
group.api.Command.group_remove_member_manager("developers", user="bob")
- Removing an IdM group
In this example, you remove the
4.3. Managing access control with IdM API commands
The examples below show common scenarios of how you can manage access control with the IdM API commands.
Examples of managing access control with IdM API commands
- Adding a permission for creating users
In this example, you add a permission for creating users.
api.Command.permission_add("Create users", ipapermright='add', type='user')
- Adding a permission for managing group membership
In this example, you add a permission for adding users to groups.
api.Command.permission_add("Manage group membership", ipapermright='write', type='group', attrs="member")
- Adding a privilege for the user creation process
In this example, you add a privilege for creating users, adding them to groups, and managing user certificates.
api.Command.permission_add("Create users", ipapermright='add', type='user') api.Command.permission_add("Manage group membership", ipapermright='write', type='group', attrs="member") api.Command.permission_add("Manage User certificates", ipapermright='write', type='user', attrs='usercertificate') api.Command.privilege_add("User creation") api.Command.privilege_add_permission("User creation", permission="Create users") api.Command.privilege_add_permission("User creation", permission="Manage group membership") api.Command.privilege_add_permission("User creation", permission="Manage User certificates")
- Adding a role using a privilege
In this example, you add a role using the privilege created in the previous example.
api.Command.role_add("usermanager", description="Users manager") api.Command.role_add_privilege("usermanager", privilege="User creation")
- Assigning a role to a user
In this example, you assign the
role to the userbob
.api.Command.role_add_member("usermanager", user="bob")
- Assigning a role to a group
In this example, you assign the
role to themanagers
group.api.Command.role_add_member("usermanager", group="managers")
4.4. Managing sudo rules with IdM API commands
The examples below show common scenarios of how you can manage sudo rules with the IdM API commands.
Examples of managing sudo rules with IdM API commands
- Creating a sudo rule
In this example, you create a sudo rule that holds time change commands.
- Creating a sudo command
In this example, you create the
sudo command.api.Command.sudocmd_add("/usr/bin/date")
- Attaching a sudo command to a sudo rule
In this example, you attach the
sudo command to thetimechange
sudo rule.api.Command.sudorule_add_allow_command("timechange", sudocmd="/usr/bin/date")
- Creating and attaching groups of sudo commands
In this example, you create multiple sudo commands, add them to a newly created
sudo command group, and attach the group to thetimechange
sudo rule.api.Command.sudocmd_add("/usr/bin/date") api.Command.sudocmd_add("/usr/bin/timedatectl") api.Command.sudocmd_add("/usr/sbin/hwclock") api.Command.sudocmdgroup_add("timecmds") api.Command.sudocmdgroup_add_member("timecmds", sudocmd="/usr/bin/date") api.Command.sudocmdgroup_add_member("timecmds", sudocmd="/usr/bin/timedatectl") api.Command.sudocmdgroup_add_member("timecmds", sudocmd="/usr/sbin/hwclock") api.Command.sudorule_add_allow_command("timechange", sudocmdgroup="timecmds")
- Denying sudo commands
In this example, you deny the
command to be run as sudo.api.Command.sudocmd_add("/usr/bin/rm") api.Command.sudorule_add_deny_command("timechange", sudocmd="/usr/bin/rm")
- Adding a user to a sudo rule
In this example, you add the user
to thetimechange
sudo rule.api.Command.sudorule_add_user("timechange", user="bob")
- Making a sudo rule available only for a specified host
In this example, you restrict the
rule to be available only for theclient.ipa.test
host.api.Command.sudorule_add_host("timechange", host="client.ipa.test")
- Setting sudo rules to be run as a different user
By default, sudo rules are run as
. In this example, you set thetimechange
sudo rule to be run as thealice
user instead.api.Command.sudorule_add_runasuser("timechange", user="alice")
- Setting sudo rules to be run as a group
In this example, you set the
sudo rule to be run as thesysadmins
group.api.Command.sudorule_add_runasgroup("timechange", group="sysadmins")
- Setting a sudo option for a sudo rule
In this example, you set a sudo option for the
sudo rule.api.Command.sudorule_add_option("timechange", ipasudoopt="logfile='/var/log/timechange_log'")
- Enabling a sudo rule
In this example, you enable the
sudo rule.api.Command.sudorule_enable("timechange")
- Disabling a sudo rule
In this example, you disable the
sudo rule.api.Command.sudorule_disable("timechange")
4.5. Managing Host-based Access Control with IdM API commands
The examples below show common scenarios of how you can manage Host-based Access Control (HBAC) with the IdM API commands.
Examples of managing HBAC with IdM API commands
- Creating an HBAC rule
In this example, you create a base rule that will handle SSH service access.
- Adding a user to an HBAC rule
In this example, you add the user
to thesshd_rule
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_add_user("sshd_rule", user="john")
- Adding a group to an HBAC rule
In this example, you add the group
to thesshd_rule
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_add_user("sshd_rule", group="developers")
- Removing a user from an HBAC rule
In this example, you remove the user
from thesshd_rule
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_remove_user("sshd_rule", user="john")
- Registering a new target HBAC service
You must register a target service before you can attach it to an HBAC rule. In this example, you register the
- Attaching a registered service to an HBAC rule
In this example, you attach the
service to thesshd_rule
HBAC rule. This service is registered in IPA by default, so there is no need to register it usinghbacsvc_add
beforehand.api.Command.hbacrule_add_service("sshd_rule", hbacsvc="sshd")
- Adding a host to an HBAC rule
In this example, you add
host group to thesshd_rule
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_add_host("sshd_rule", hostgroup="workstations")
- Testing an HBAC rule
In this example, you use the
HBAC rule against theworkstation.ipa.test
host. It targets the servicesshd
that comes from the userjohn
.api.Command.hbactest(user="john", targethost="workstation.ipa.test", service="sshd", rules="sshd_rule")
- Enabling an HBAC rule
In this example, you enable the
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_enable("sshd_rule")
- Disabling an HBAC rule
In this example, you disable the
HBAC rule.api.Command.hbacrule_disable("sshd_rule")