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Chapter 269. Quartz2 Component
Available as of Camel version 2.12
The quartz2: component provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the Quartz Scheduler 2.x.
Each endpoint represents a different timer (in Quartz terms, a Trigger and JobDetail).
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml
for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-quartz2</artifactId> <version>x.x.x</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --> </dependency>
NOTE: Quartz 2.x API is not compatible with Quartz 1.x. If you need to remain on old Quartz 1.x, please
use the old Quartz component instead.
269.1. URI format
quartz2://timerName?options quartz2://groupName/timerName?options quartz2://groupName/timerName?cron=expression quartz2://timerName?cron=expression
The component uses either a CronTrigger
or a SimpleTrigger
. If no cron expression is provided, the component uses a simple trigger. If no groupName
is provided, the quartz component uses the Camel
group name.
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&…
269.2. Options
The Quartz2 component supports 11 options which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
autoStartScheduler (scheduler) | Whether or not the scheduler should be auto started. This options is default true | true | boolean |
startDelayedSeconds (scheduler) | Seconds to wait before starting the quartz scheduler. | int | |
prefixJobNameWith EndpointId (consumer) | Whether to prefix the quartz job with the endpoint id. This option is default false. | false | boolean |
enableJmx (consumer) | Whether to enable Quartz JMX which allows to manage the Quartz scheduler from JMX. This options is default true | true | boolean |
properties (consumer) | Properties to configure the Quartz scheduler. | Properties | |
propertiesFile (consumer) | File name of the properties to load from the classpath | String | |
prefixInstanceName (consumer) | Whether to prefix the Quartz Scheduler instance name with the CamelContext name. This is enabled by default, to let each CamelContext use its own Quartz scheduler instance by default. You can set this option to false to reuse Quartz scheduler instances between multiple CamelContext’s. | true | boolean |
interruptJobsOn Shutdown (scheduler) | Whether to interrupt jobs on shutdown which forces the scheduler to shutdown quicker and attempt to interrupt any running jobs. If this is enabled then any running jobs can fail due to being interrupted. | false | boolean |
schedulerFactory (advanced) | To use the custom SchedulerFactory which is used to create the Scheduler. | SchedulerFactory | |
scheduler (advanced) | To use the custom configured Quartz scheduler, instead of creating a new Scheduler. | Scheduler | |
resolveProperty Placeholders (advanced) | Whether the component should resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which are of String type can use property placeholders. | true | boolean |
The Quartz2 endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
269.2.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters):
Name | Description | Default | Type |
groupName | The quartz group name to use. The combination of group name and timer name should be unique. | Camel | String |
triggerName | Required The quartz timer name to use. The combination of group name and timer name should be unique. | String |
269.2.2. Query Parameters (19 parameters):
Name | Description | Default | Type |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
cron (consumer) | Specifies a cron expression to define when to trigger. | String | |
deleteJob (consumer) | If set to true, then the trigger automatically delete when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true. | true | boolean |
durableJob (consumer) | Whether or not the job should remain stored after it is orphaned (no triggers point to it). | false | boolean |
pauseJob (consumer) | If set to true, then the trigger automatically pauses when route stop. Else if set to false, it will remain in scheduler. When set to false, it will also mean user may reuse pre-configured trigger with camel Uri. Just ensure the names match. Notice you cannot have both deleteJob and pauseJob set to true. | false | boolean |
recoverableJob (consumer) | Instructs the scheduler whether or not the job should be re-executed if a 'recovery' or 'fail-over' situation is encountered. | false | boolean |
stateful (consumer) | Uses a Quartz PersistJobDataAfterExecution and DisallowConcurrentExecution instead of the default job. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. | ExchangePattern | |
customCalendar (advanced) | Specifies a custom calendar to avoid specific range of date | Calendar | |
jobParameters (advanced) | To configure additional options on the job. | Map | |
prefixJobNameWithEndpoint Id (advanced) | Whether the job name should be prefixed with endpoint id | false | boolean |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | boolean |
triggerParameters (advanced) | To configure additional options on the trigger. | Map | |
usingFixedCamelContextName (advanced) | If it is true, JobDataMap uses the CamelContext name directly to reference the CamelContext, if it is false, JobDataMap uses use the CamelContext management name which could be changed during the deploy time. | false | boolean |
autoStartScheduler (scheduler) | Whether or not the scheduler should be auto started. | true | boolean |
fireNow (scheduler) | If it is true will fire the trigger when the route is start when using SimpleTrigger. | false | boolean |
startDelayedSeconds (scheduler) | Seconds to wait before starting the quartz scheduler. | int | |
triggerStartDelay (scheduler) | In case of scheduler has already started, we want the trigger start slightly after current time to ensure endpoint is fully started before the job kicks in. | 500 | long |
For example, the following routing rule will fire two timer events to the mock:results
from("quartz2://myGroup/myTimerName?trigger.repeatInterval=2&trigger.repeatCount=1").routeId("myRoute") .to("mock:result");
When using stateful=true
, the JobDataMap is re-persisted after every execution of the job, thus preserving state for the next execution.
INFO: Running in OSGi and having multiple bundles with quartz routes If you run in OSGi such as Apache ServiceMix, or Apache Karaf, and have multiple bundles with Camel routes that start from Quartz2 endpoints, then make sure if you assign an id
to the <camelContext> that this id is unique, as this is required by the QuartzScheduler
in the OSGi container. If you do not set any id
on <camelContext> then a unique id is auto assigned, and there is no problem.
269.3. Configuring file
By default Quartz will look for a
file in the org/quartz
directory of the classpath. If you are using WAR deployments this means just drop the in WEB-INF/classes/org/quartz
However the Camel Quartz2 component also allows you to configure properties:
Parameter | Default | Type | Description |
You can configure a |
| File name of the properties to load from the classpath |
To do this you can configure this in Spring XML as follows
<bean id="quartz2" class="org.apache.camel.component.quartz2.QuartzComponent"> <property name="propertiesFile" value="com/mycompany/"/> </bean>
269.4. Enabling Quartz scheduler in JMX
You need to configure the quartz scheduler properties to enable JMX.
That is typically setting the option "org.quartz.scheduler.jmx.export"
to a true
value in the configuration file.
From Camel 2.13 onwards Camel will automatic set this option to true, unless explicit disabled.
269.5. Starting the Quartz scheduler
The Quartz2 component offers an option to let the Quartz scheduler be started delayed, or not auto started at all.
This is an example:
<bean id="quartz2" class="org.apache.camel.component.quartz2.QuartzComponent"> <property name="startDelayedSeconds" value="5"/> </bean>
269.6. Clustering
If you use Quartz in clustered mode, e.g. the JobStore
is clustered. Then the Quartz2 component will not pause/remove triggers when a node is being stopped/shutdown. This allows the trigger to keep running on the other nodes in the cluster.
Note: When running in clustered node no checking is done to ensure unique job name/group for endpoints.
269.7. Message Headers
Camel adds the getters from the Quartz Execution Context as header values. The following headers are added:
, fireTime
, jobDetail
, jobInstance
, jobRuntTime
, mergedJobDataMap
, nextFireTime
, previousFireTime
, refireCount
, result
, scheduledFireTime
, scheduler
, trigger
, triggerName
, triggerGroup
The fireTime
header contains the java.util.Date
of when the exchange was fired.
269.8. Using Cron Triggers
Quartz supports Cron-like expressions for specifying timers in a handy format. You can use these expressions in the cron
URI parameter; though to preserve valid URI encoding we allow + to be used instead of spaces.
For example, the following will fire a message every five minutes starting at 12pm (noon) to 6pm on weekdays:
from("quartz2://myGroup/myTimerName?cron=0+0/5+12-18+?+*+MON-FRI") .to("activemq:Totally.Rocks");
which is equivalent to using the cron expression
0 0/5 12-18 ? * MON-FRI
The following table shows the URI character encodings we use to preserve valid URI syntax:
URI Character | Cron character |
| Space |
269.9. Specifying time zone
The Quartz Scheduler allows you to configure time zone per trigger. For example to use a timezone of your country, then you can do as follows:
The timeZone value is the values accepted by java.util.TimeZone
269.10. Using QuartzScheduledPollConsumerScheduler
The Quartz2 component provides a Polling Consumer scheduler which allows to use cron based scheduling for Polling Consumer such as the File and FTP consumers.
For example to use a cron based expression to poll for files every 2nd second, then a Camel route can be define simply as:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=quartz2&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?") .to("bean:process");
Notice we define the scheduler=quartz2
to instruct Camel to use the Quartz2 based scheduler. Then we use
options to configure the scheduler. The Quartz2 scheduler requires the cron option to be set.
The following options is supported:
Parameter | Default | Type | Description |
| To use a custom Quartz scheduler. If none configure then the shared scheduler from the Quartz2 component is used. |
| Mandatory: To define the cron expression for triggering the polls. |
| To specify the trigger id. If none provided then an UUID is generated and used. |
| To specify the trigger group. |
| The time zone to use for the CRON trigger. |
Important: Remember configuring these options from the endpoint URIs must be prefixed with scheduler.
. For example to configure the trigger id and group:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=quartz2&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?&scheduler.triggerId=myId&scheduler.triggerGroup=myGroup") .to("bean:process");
There is also a CRON scheduler in Spring, so you can use the following as well:
from("file:inbox?scheduler=spring&scheduler.cron=0/2+*+*+*+*+?") .to("bean:process");