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Chapter 8. Fixed Issues in Fuse 7.4
The following sections list the issues that have been fixed in Fuse 7.4:
8.1. Enhancements in Fuse 7.4
The following table lists the enhancements in Fuse 7.4.
Issue | Description |
Fix camel-jira client close and add logging | |
Make credential:store usable with bin/client | |
jasypt:* and credential-store:* commands should allow to specify master password using env/sys variables | |
Adding property to exclude any ssl protocol version for JMX | |
Switch to RHOAR Spring Boot BOM | |
Enhance documentation for twitter search of multiple words | |
Review the list of JDBC pools comes with karaf to adjust support cost | |
JdbcAggregationRepository does not work with postgresql’s OID data type for exchange column |
8.2. Feature requests in Fuse 7.4
The following table lists the features requests in Fuse 7.4.
Issue | Description |
Create a Data Virtualization Module | |
SQL Preview of a Virtualization | |
Show Views in a Virtualization | |
Provide GoogleSheets support | |
OpenApi 3.0 Support for OData | |
Provide Salesforce source support | |
Support for AS2 | |
Include Narayana Spring Boot 2 support | |
Develop new jira component based on rest api | |
Expert (ad-hoc) developer based view | |
Hawtio add filters on specific exchanges | |
Add Camel 2.23 / Spring Boot 2 support to Hawtio | |
Support Keycloak based OpenID authentication for OData Through 3scale | |
External monitoring on OCP4 | |
Create a POC Camel adapter for Kafka Connect | |
Add Spring Boot 2 support to CXF |
8.3. Bugs resolved in Fuse 7.4
The following table lists the resolved bugs in Fuse 7.4.
Issue | Description |
[Hawtio Spring Boot] There are hidden nodes when Camel tree is expanded | |
Fuse Online logo is small | |
Merge productization changes to atlasmap | |
Openshift 4 + FMP: DefaultKubernetesClient cannot be cast to OpenShiftClient | |
Import invalid table fails but creates a view | |
Route for OData is not created automatically and it doesn’t appear anywhere in UI | |
SQL Client doesn’t work | |
Trying to validate invalid DDL breaks the editor | |
Saving invalid DDL is possible and makes it disappear | |
Cursor jumps while editing DDL | |
Only lowercase letters and numbers allowed for Data Virtualization connection | |
Integration with RH-SSO and Hawtio (on Karaf) doesn’t work | |
[Hawtio] Unpredictable behaviour of Chart tab in Camel tree | |
camel-cxf - failure processor for custom exception handling cannot get the original message | |
Regression - Namespaces defined on the SOAP envelope get lost in PAYLOAD mode | |
JcrIntegrationTest fails with 2.21.0.fuse-731 | |
Yammer throws Jackson serialisation exception | |
SB2 - spring-boot-camel-rest-sql: servletRegistrationBean has already been defined | |
"SB2 - spring-boot-camel-xa: relation ""audit_log"" does not exist" | |
application-templates are using old tag for Fuse 7.4 | |
camel-amqp is using a very old qpid client | |
latest java image doesn’t work | |
Cannot deploy Fuse on EAP camel-mail quickstart within DevStudio IDE | |
camel-yammer - olderThan and newerThan endpoint options are not working for high message number | |
No way to prevent java mail “expected resource not found” warnings from camel-mail component | |
[Hawtio] Direct url gives an access to Hawtio without authentication | |
No Publish button for Data Virtualization | |
Wrong version of Spring Boot in fuse-sb2 pom | |
[Hawtio Karaf 6.3] Type Converters page not showing | |
"SQL query page - generates SELECT * query | |
Incorrect label - Generate Fuse 7.1 Camel Project for Minishift installations | | does not contain org.ops4j.pax.jdbc/pax-jdbc-pool-dbcp2/1.3.0 artifact by default | |
[Fuse Online] schema field is ignored in Database Connection | |
Performance regression in camel-cbr-xpath integration example on EAP | |
SQL Client page - enable horizontal scrolling on result table display | |
multiple class javax/activation/DataHandler from different bundles | |
"camel-linkedin: If accessToken is set | |
ViewEditor issue - changing view name in the DDL does not affect view | |
Memory leak in JMX/Camel Attributes page | |
[camel-validator] Non valid exchange ends in pending queue | |
CXF BOM/EAP container version mismatch | |
Camel Bindy Tab delimited - Handling Blank Values | |
Cannot enable JDBC and PG transports | |
Route Permission issue while deploying the Virtualization | |
SB2 - spring-boot-camel-rest-sql: Table 'sampledb.orders' doesn’t exist | |
SB2 - spring-boot-camel-config: NoSuchMethodError | |
eap-cxf-jax[w|r]s, eap-jpa quickstart: NoSuchMethodError | |
[Hawtio] CSS doesn’t work on Login page in Mozilla Firefox | |
Upgrade org.apache.logging.log4j to 2.9.0 | |
Concurrent Modification Exception thrown by camel cxf | |
SB2 quickstarts - missing component version | |
fuse-apicurito.yaml doesnt work with Openshift 4.1 | |
Backport CAMEL-12785 | |
[Apicurito] No logos and pictures in UI of Apicurito | |
Fabric8 quickstart spring-boot-camel-infinispan does not work locally | |
[FIS]no_proxy in jvm argument not honoured in FIS Image | |
Response truncated from camel-rest-dsl application with undertow as underlying web-container. | |
quickstarts from application-templates refers to old BOM version | |
"CVE: vim update RHSA: 43265 Important due July 27 | |
Fabric8 quickstart spring-boot-camel-amq does not work correctly (probably missing configuration) | |
Exception tag is missing when Camel Java DSL is converted into XML using Hawtio. | |
Upgrade Xalan transitive dependency to 2.7.2 | |
Security Context not being propagated in OData with Keycloak | |
Save Multiple Tables Selected from View Wizard | |
Remove Extraneous Alert from DV View Creation Wizard | |
Remove Fabric8 quickstart spring-boot-camel-teiid from 7.4 release | |
Old UI for the 7.4 CR1 Fuse Console and EAP quickstart | |
[Apicurito] apicurito operator: failed to start container | |
"CVE: vim update RHSA: 43265 Important due July 27 | |
SB2 - Problems in BOM | |
Wrong versions or missing entries for artifacts from extras[ABC] in licenses.xml | |
Camel-twitter fixes | |
"syndesis aligned to camel-k-runtime 0.3.3 | |
Backport CAMEL-12880 | |
Failing CXF tests on SpringBoot and AIX72 | |
Failing CXF tests on AIX using Karaf runtime | |
"CXFRS header ""CamelDestinationOverrideUrl"" ignored after changing it twice" | |
NoSuchMethodError: CamelCxfClientImpl.reloadResponseContext(Map) | |
fuse-java-openshift and fuse-karaf-openshift can’t be deployed on Openshift v3.11 | |
wildfly-camel: license-maven-plugin ignores proxies set in settings.xml | |
Disable HTTP TRACE method on CXF embedded Undertow transport | |
EAP: Missing fuse-patch entries in licenses.xml | |
[CR1] Old altasmap in Fuse online 7.4 CR1 | |
EAP: licenses-fuse/licenses.xml is out of sync with jar files | |
SB2 BOM contains unproductized version of kafka clients | |
[7.4 CR1] komodo does not start | |
spring-boot-camel-infinispan is missing readiness/liveness probes | |
"OCP 4.1 - prometheus-operator: Deployment in version ""v1beta2"" cannot be handled as a Deployment" | |
[Fuse Console Operator] fuse-console-operator image contains wrong image stream for Hawtio | |
eap image has wrong version in docker labels | |
[camel-k] kamel install --repository option is not working for plugins | |
Step missing when building fuse online operator | |
Version of cxf-rt-transports-http-undertow is missing in spring boot 2 BOM | |
Backspace does not work when accessing the karaf shell of the fuse container running on windows via ssh | |
wrong version of FMP is pulled with BOM |