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Chapter 3. Adding additional Certificate Authorities for Red Hat Quay

Certificate Authorities (CAs) are used by Red Hat Quay to verify SSL/TLS connections with external services, like ODIC providers, LDAP providers, storage providers, and so on.

The following sections provide information about uploading additional CAs to Red Hat Quay depending on your deployment type.

3.1. Adding additional Certificate Authorities to the Red Hat Quay container

The extra_ca_certs directory is the directory where additional Certificate Authorities (CAs) can be stored to extend the set of trusted certificates. These certificates are used by Red Hat Quay to verify SSL/TLS connections with external services. When deploying Red Hat Quay, you can place the necessary CAs in this directory to ensure that connections to services like LDAP, OIDC, and storage systems are properly secured and validated.

For standalone Red Hat Quay deployments, you must create this directory and copy the additional CA certificates into that directory.


  • You have a CA for the desired service.


  1. View the certificate to be added to the container by entering the following command:

    $ cat storage.crt

    Example output

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  2. Create the extra_ca_certs in the /config folder of your Red Hat Quay directory by entering the following command:

    $ mkdir -p /path/to/quay_config_folder/extra_ca_certs
  3. Copy the CA file to the extra_ca_certs folder. For example:

    $ cp storage.crt /path/to/quay_config_folder/extra_ca_certs/
  4. Ensure that the storage.crt file exists within the extra_ca_certs folder by entering the following command:

    $ tree /path/to/quay_config_folder/extra_ca_certs

    Example output

    ├── storage.crt----

  5. Obtain the CONTAINER ID of your Quay consider by entering the following command:

    $ podman ps

    Example output

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
    5a3e82c4a75f        <registry>/<repo>/quay:{productminv} "/sbin/my_init"          24 hours ago        Up 18 hours>80/tcp,>443/tcp, 443/tcp   grave_keller

  6. Restart the container by entering the following command

    $ podman restart 5a3e82c4a75f
  7. Confirm that the certificate was copied into the container namespace by running the following command:

    $ podman exec -it 5a3e82c4a75f cat /etc/ssl/certs/storage.pem

    Example output

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

3.2. Adding additional Certificate Authorities to Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

On Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform, the extra_ca_certs configuration field is is used to populate additional Certificate Authorities (CAs) into the CA directory, which then adds the CAs into the system trust bundle. These certificates are used by Red Hat Quay to verify SSL/TLS connections with external services like LDAP, OIDC, and storage systems.

When deploying or redeploying Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform, you can add one, or multiple, CAs into the CA directory to ensure that external services are properly secured and validated. On Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployments, you must manually add the extra_ca_certs configuration field to your config.yaml file and re-upload the config.yaml to OpenShift Container Platform.

The following procedures show you how to download your existing configuration file, add additional CAs to your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment, and then re-upload the configuration file.

3.2.1. Downloading the existing configuration

The following procedure shows you how to download the existing configuration by locating the Config Bundle Secret.


  1. Describe the QuayRegistry resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc describe quayregistry -n <quay_namespace>
    # ...
      Config Bundle Secret:  example-registry-config-bundle-v123x
    # ...
  2. Obtain the secret data by entering the following command:

    $ oc get secret -n <quay_namespace> <example-registry-config-bundle-v123x> -o jsonpath='{.data}'

    Example output

        "config.yaml": "RkVBVFVSRV9VU0 ... MDAwMAo="

  3. Decode the data by entering the following command:

    $ echo 'RkVBVFVSRV9VU0 ... MDAwMAo=' | base64 --decode

    Example output

    - quayadmin

  4. Optional. You can export the data into a YAML file into the current directory by passing in the >> config.yaml flag. For example:

    $ echo 'RkVBVFVSRV9VU0 ... MDAwMAo=' | base64 --decode >> config.yaml

3.2.2. Adding additional Certificate Authorities to Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform

The following example shows you how to add additional Certificate Authorities to your Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform deployment.


  • You have base64 decoded the original config bundle into a config.yaml file. For more information, see Downloading the existing configuration.
  • You have a Certificate Authority (CA) file or files.


  1. Create a new YAML file, for example, extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml:

    $ touch extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml
  2. Create the extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret resource.

    1. Create the resource by entering the following command:

      $ oc -n <namespace> create secret generic extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret \
        --from-file=config.yaml=</path/to/config.yaml> \ 1
        --from-file=extra_ca_cert_<name-of-certificate-one>=<path/to/certificate_one> \ 2
        --from-file=extra_ca_cert_<name-of-certificate-two>=<path/to/certificate_two> \ 3
        --from-file=extra_ca_cert_<name-of-certificate-three>=<path/to/certificate_three> \ 4
        --dry-run=client -o yaml > extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml
      Where <config.yaml> is your base64 decoded config.yaml file.
      The extra CA file to be added to into the system trust bundle.
      Optional. A second CA file to be added into the system trust bundle.
      Optional. A third CA file to be added into the system trust bundle.
  3. Optional. You can check the content of the extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml file by entering the following command:

    $ cat extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml

    Example output

    apiVersion: v1
      extra_ca_cert_certificate-three: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUQ0ekNDQXN1Z0F3SUJBZ0lVQmJpTXNUeExjM0s4ODNWby9GTThsWXlOS2lFd0RRWUpLb1pJaHZjTkFRRUwKQlFBd2ZERUxNQWtHQ...
    kind: Secret
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: custom-ssl-config-bundle-secret
      namespace: <namespace>

  4. Create the configBundleSecret resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc create -n <namespace> -f extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret.yaml

    Example output

    secret/extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret created

  5. Update the QuayRegistry YAML file to reference the extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret object by entering the following command:

    $ oc patch quayregistry <registry_name> -n <namespace> --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"configBundleSecret":"extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret"}}'

    Example output patched

  6. Ensure that your QuayRegistry YAML file has been updated to use the extra CA certificate configBundleSecret resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc get quayregistry <registry_name> -n <namespace> -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      configBundleSecret: extra-ca-certificate-config-bundle-secret
    # ...

3.3. Adding custom SSL/TLS certificates when Red Hat Quay is deployed on Kubernetes

When deployed on Kubernetes, Red Hat Quay mounts in a secret as a volume to store config assets. Currently, this breaks the upload certificate function of the superuser panel.

As a temporary workaround, base64 encoded certificates can be added to the secret after Red Hat Quay has been deployed.

Use the following procedure to add custom SSL/TLS certificates when Red Hat Quay is deployed on Kubernetes.


  • Red Hat Quay has been deployed.
  • You have a custom ca.crt file.


  1. Base64 encode the contents of an SSL/TLS certificate by entering the following command:

    $ cat ca.crt | base64 -w 0

    Example output


  2. Enter the following kubectl command to edit the quay-enterprise-config-secret file:

    $ kubectl --namespace quay-enterprise edit secret/quay-enterprise-config-secret
  3. Add an entry for the certificate and paste the full base64 encoded stringer under the entry. For example:

  4. Use the kubectl delete command to remove all Red Hat Quay pods. For example:

    $ kubectl delete pod quay-operator.v3.7.1-6f9d859bd-p5ftc quayregistry-clair-postgres-7487f5bd86-xnxpr quayregistry-quay-app-upgrade-xq2v6  quayregistry-quay-database-859d5445ff-cqthr quayregistry-quay-redis-84f888776f-hhgms

    Afterwards, the Red Hat Quay deployment automatically schedules replace pods with the new certificate data.

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